Sun, 4 March 2018
“We have met the enemy, and he is us.” These are the wise words stated in the long-running comic strip Pogo by Walt Kelly. Who knew a comic strip could drop such profound truth?! The greatest obstacle in our success is not something or someone external… our greatest obstacle is our own minds! We all have the capacity for so much, but what usually throws a metaphorical banana in our path (causing us to slip up) is our old way of being, our disempowering beliefs, and just good old-fashioned self-sabotage. The assessment may arise, “Why on earth would we sabotage ourselves?!” I want to win! I want to succeed! I’m not going to stop myself by choice!” And therein lies the crux of the situation. Our self-sabotage is hardly ever a conscious choice. Moving past our self-sabotaging tendencies requires us to do some intelligent inner work. And that’s why I brought on renowned keynote speaker, bestselling author, and master coach, Christine Hassler. In this episode you'll discover:
Items mentioned in this episode include:
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