The Model Health Show

The rates of autism spectrum disorder, or ASD, have absolutely skyrocketed in recent decades. This statement in and of itself is controversial, as many experts claim that prevalence has only grown with better evaluation and diagnostics. But no matter how you look at it, gaining a better understanding of autism and its root causes is important for children and families who are navigating symptoms.

Our guest today is author and children’s health advocate, Beth Lambert. Beth has studied and documented the rising rates of childhood chronic conditions for 15 years. Her work includes running the nonprofit Documenting Hope, conducting a peer reviewed case report on reversing the symptoms of autism, and more.

In this conversation, Beth is sharing the main environmental factors that can contribute to autism spectrum disorder. You’re going to learn about the generational impact of stress, the cumulative effect of environmental stressors, and how systems like the microbiome are connected to most chronic conditions that kids are dealing with today. Most importantly, Beth is sharing how to a proactive approach to health. I hope you enjoy this interview!

In this episode you’ll discover: 

  • How rates of autism have increased in recent decades.  

  • Why creating subtypes of autism would help patients.  

  • The impact of modern stressors on the developing brain.  

  • Why the childhood disease epidemic is multigenerational.  

  • How connecting with nature can help us reclaim our health. 

  • The results of the twin lifestyle modification case report.  

  • Why our modern medical system misses the root cause of diseases. 

  • Two theories on why boys are more susceptible to autism.  

  • The #1 foundational piece of a lifestyle intervention program.  

  • How autism, microbiome, and GI symptoms are connected.  

  • The link between mitochondria, nutrition, and detoxification. 

  • Why rebuilding the microbiome is critical for healing.  

  • What the total load theory is. 

  • How antibiotics and sugar can harm children’s health.  

  • What the CHIRP Study is.  

  • Why brain inflammation is an overlooked factor in children’s health issues.  

Items mentioned in this episode include: 

  • Connect with Beth Lambert Website / X / Instagram 

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