Sun, 3 January 2021
We’ve all heard the mantra “calories in, calories out.” While it sounds like a failproof formula for weight loss, it’s actually a radical oversimplification of nutrition. Not to mention, the saying undermines the innate intelligence and adaptivity of the incredible human body. Behind the scenes, there are many more variables than just calories consumed and calories expended. Today you’re going to learn about seven factors that impact how the body processes and absorbs calories. I’m going to walk you through a useful acronym you can use to remember the things that control how calories behave in our bodies. More importantly, you’re going to walk away with real world, tangible steps you can take to optimize your diet and metabolism. I hope this information empowers you to make more informed food choices, so that together we can shift the paradigm around calories and weight loss. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
Items mentioned in this episode include:
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Direct download: 451-7_Major_Factors_That_Control_What_Calories_Do_In_Your_Body.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:12pm PDT |