The Model Health Show

The concept of minimalism has gained popularity in recent years for its simplicity and the idea of less as more. Most folks who practice minimalism tend to apply it to their belongings and home, but what if we decided to apply the concepts of minimalism to all areas of our lives? That’s exactly what my friend Light Watkins did when he adopted a nomadic lifestyle in 2018.

Light Watkins is a bestselling author, world-renowned meditation teacher, and speaker. In his new book, Travel Light, he details how to simplify complex topics like meditation, following your inner guidance, and finding your purpose. Today, you’re going to hear seven of these principles that can help you create more streamlined routines, find inner peace, and cultivate happiness.

You’ll learn how to take a minimalist approach to diet and exercise, how to prioritize your happiness, and what it actually takes to find your life’s purpose. This episode is full of insights on how to connect with your inner guidance, how to live a more fulfilled life, and how to make better, more aligned decisions. I hope you enjoy this episode with the one and only, Light Watkins! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why Light takes a minimalist approach to exercise.
  • A simple nutrition metric you can track to reach your goals, other than calories.
  • The power of building consistency in any habit.
  • Why you should plan your health goals based on your busiest day.
  • What it actually means to practice minimalism.
  • How to prioritize and cultivate inner happiness.
  • A huge misconception about meditation.
  • What it means to have a free-range mind.
  • How to tap into your inner guidance system.
  • Why following your curiosity will lead to finding your purpose.
  • How meditation is like solving a Rubik’s Cube.
  • The power of becoming a student of your own curiosity.
  • How to calculate the hidden cost of any decision.
  • The truth about finding Zen.
  • How to reverse engineer your gratitude.
  • The importance in finding comfort in discomfort.
  • What we can learn from Rosa Parks.
  • Why home is a state of mind.
  • How to allow your purpose to be your best editor.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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