Our busy schedules and never-ending to-do lists keep us on a pursuit to do more and be better. But this constant pressure wears us down mentally and can lead to a whole host of physical symptoms. Today, you’re going to learn how to redefine productivity so you can improve your well-being.
On this episode of The Model Health Show, psychotherapist and writer Israa Nasir is here to share principles from her new book, Toxic Productivity. You’re going to learn about how to reimagine what it means to be productive and how to live a more meaningful life. This interview contains conversations on what leads to perfectionism and how to transform the way you think about success and your worth.
You’re going to learn strategies you can use to change your thinking, stop shaming yourself, and find new meaning from healthier habits. Israa Nasir has a wealth of knowledge in this area; I know you’re going to love her insights on redefining productivity!
In this episode you’ll discover:
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