The Model Health Show

Did you know that finances are the number one stressor in our world today? Financial instability can have a massive impact on your stress level, sleep quality, and overall well-being. On this episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to learn about what it takes to create financial freedom.

Today’s guest, Codie Sanchez is the founder and CEO of Contrarian Thinking. In her new book, Main Street Millionaire, Codie outlines how establishing ownership in businesses can provide streams of income and generational wealth. In this interview, Codie is sharing her expertise on acquiring businesses.

You’re going to learn how to change the way you think about money and what it means to take on an owner mindset. You’ll also hear specific action steps you can use to change your financial situation and begin creating income streams. I hope you enjoy this interview with Codie Sanchez!  

In this episode you’ll discover: 

  • What percentage of physician visits are related to stress. 

  • The problem with the way our society views money.  

  • Why money is not the root of all evil.  

  • The truth about saving money.  

  • What percentage of millionaires own businesses 

  • The financial power of having ownership stakes in businesses.  

  • Two things you need to do if you want to make a lot of money. 

  • What it means to have an owner mindset.  

  • Why this particular moment in history has the potential for massive wealth creation 

  • What types of businesses are the most profitable to buy.  

  • The truth about corporate entities buying businesses.  

  • Why asking questions is a powerful way to change your life.  

  • Codie’s morning routine and the daily non-negotiable she set for her family.  

  • Four steps to buying a business.  

  • The power of creating income streams.  

  • An important distinction between survival risk and ego risk 

  • How bank accounts and bodies are similar.  

Items mentioned in this episode include: 

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