The Model Health Show

Addictive behaviors have become increasingly common in our society, with folks engaging in everything from harmful drug and alcohol addictions to problematic relationships with habits like social media and shopping. But what exactly is addiction, and how do we get down to the root cause to actually help people live healthier, more fulfilled lives? That’s what you’re going to learn on today’s show.

On this episode of The Model Health Show, I’m sitting down with Dr. Adi Jaffe, who is a nationally recognized expert on mental health and addiction. He’s here to share his own experience with overcoming addiction, as well as incredible insights from his new book, Unhooked. You’re going to learn about reframing and redefining recovery in a more personalized, empowering way.

This interview is a deep dive into topics like the prevalence of addiction, the connection between addiction and trauma, the truth about coping mechanisms, and so much more. If you or anyone you love has ever struggled with addiction, I hope this conversation can serve as an enlightening gateway to stronger relationships, empowerment, and true health!  

In this episode you’ll discover: 

  • How many people are truly affected by addiction and its consequences.
  • The story of how Dr. Jaffe overcame addiction and got into his profession.
  • Why our perspective plays an important role in our approach.
  • The truth about the link between genetics and addiction.
  • Why addiction begins as a coping strategy.
  • What we need to understand about the role of codependency in addiction.
  • The critical role of environment for recovery.
  • What the EAT cycle is.
  • The importance of reframing failure.
  • Why you cannot blame others for your hardships.
  • How a gratitude practice can transform your life.
  • What hooks are and why pulling them out is your responsibility.
  • Why changing your perspective is one of the biggest changes you can make.
  • How to rank and prioritize your relationships.
  • Why tough decisions often accompany recovery.
  • What it means to establish a personal advisory board.   

Items mentioned in this episode include: 

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Direct download: TMHS_859_-_Free_Yourself_From_Addictions_FOREVER__with_Dr._Adi_Jaffe.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST