The Model Health Show

Bob Proctor is a phenomenon. He has inspired tens of millions of people by teaching them why they need to start living up to their potential and how to do it.

Whether it's in your career, relationships, health (Bob is 81 and accomplishing more each day than people half his age!), finances, or any other area, Bob's specialty is helping you to uncover what's been holding you back and providing a clear map on getting where you want to be.

Bob will tell you, there isn't anything that makes him particularly special. There are just a few key principles that he applies everyday that has led to his overwhelming success. Today you're going to learn exactly how Bob thinks, and some extra valuable tips to help you make this your best year yet.

In this episode you'll discover:

  • Why we are encouraged to use our imaginations very early on, but then quickly taught to suppress it.
  • How you actually get to choose everything you do (even if you don't realize it!).
  • What mindset shift you must make if you're going to start living life on your terms.
  • Why Bob feels that you should have more energy as you get older, not less (and he should know... he's 81 years young!).
  • Why "work" isn't really made for us (and how work is tied to your longevity).
  • The 3 things all of us really want.
  • What simple exercise you can do to get out of your excuses and start living the life you want.
  • Why it's important to analyze who you are and where you are right now.
  • Why learning from someone who already has what you want is absolutely critical.
  • What mindset shift someone can make to help them improve their financial health.
  • Why we will always rise to the level that is required of us (and why the bar is usually set too low!)
  • Why there's only one quality that we really need to make our dreams a reality.
  • How writing and achieving goals can be so difficult and mentally misleading.
  • What exciting goal setting exercise you can utilize for this year.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week!

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One of the biggest arguments against adopting a healthier lifestyle is the additional expenses you have to undertake. When someone makes the leap to buying organic and natural foods and personal care items, when they get to the register and look down at their receipt, their jaw just might drop right onto the conveyor belt.

I've been there... a time or 72...

When I first made the decision to change the way I was eating, my grocery bill effectively doubled. I justified it for years saying that it will pay me back in dividends with my health. And in many ways it did. But that doesn't mean that there isn't a better way (with an easier onramp) to make switching to a healthier lifestyle much for fun and less stressful for those who are motivated to do so.

I know that many of us are the exception and we'll invest the extra money to get things we feel are much healthier. For most people, however, it just isn't worth the extra expense when you're just trying to get by, let alone thrive in our world today.

Well, Gunnar Lovelace set out to do something about this. After battling with the reality that healthy foods and personal care products are at a premium, while more cost intensive toxic "commercial" products are cheaper, he decided that enough was enough.

Gunnar co-founded Thrive Market and helped to grow an amazing team who are revolutionizing the way that we purchase healthy products for ourselves and our families. I'm flat-out blown away by the difference Thrive Market is making. Today's episode will tell you exactly how they are able to do everything that they do, and get YOU the healthy foods and products that you and your family deserve.

In this episode you'll discover:

  • What drove Gunnar Lovelace to find a way to make healthy food affordable for everyone.
  • How Thrive Market is able to sell organic, natural, non-GMO food and personal care products for upwards of 50% less than natural food markets like Whole Foods.
  • Why Thrive Market gives away a free membership along with every paid membership (this is powerful!).
  • Why healthier foods cost so much and how companies like fast food restaurants are able to sell unhealthy food so cheap.
  • What huge brands like Coca Cola and McDonald's are doing to get in on the healthy food action (should we trust them?).
  • Why keeping secrets in today's market is a losing game.
  • What healthy food and personal care items I buy for my family at Thrive Market.
  • Why Thrive Market chooses to provide the top in each category rather than 20 brands of the same thing.
  • Why Gunnar put such a huge emphasis on making Thrive Market a company that overdelivers on giving.
  • How Thrive Market has been structured to be able to give so much to those in need.
  • Why in today's world you can't afford NOT to eat healthy.
  • How Thrive Market's business model could be a catalyst for change in countries all over the world.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week!

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Direct download: 136-Making_Healthy_Food_Affordable_For_Everyone_-_With_Gunnar_Lovelace.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:38pm PST

The most influential factor on your health and success in life is the health of your relationships.

Nothing can influence your mindset, motivation, decisions, and destination more than the people you travel through life with.

When you are with the right person, in the right situation, being healthy, fit, and happy can seem almost effortless. Sure, everyone has their challenges, but when two people come together with a common goal and real understanding, nothing can stand in the way of their power.

No matter where you are in your relationship right now (or if you're currently looking for the right relationship), I guarantee that you'll glean some powerful lessons from this episode that will last you a lifetime.

Darren and Danielle Natoni are two incredible people individually, but when they come together, they are truly a force to be reckoned with.

They are on a mission to teach and inspire other people to tap into their true fitness and health potential, and they are leading by example.

Remember, no one is more influential than the person you choose to spend the rest of your life with. If you want to have an exceptional relationship, then you have to make it a study. It's not about perfection, it's about the process and wanting to grow and be better. It starts with learning from great examples. So, let the show begin!

In this episode you'll discover:

  • What inspired Darren and Danielle to go from a sole focus on fitness to focusing on smart nutrition as well.
  • How having parents who exercise and lead a healthy lifestyle can impact their kids.
  • How Darren went from a soccer player, to a DJ, to a federal agent, to a top health & fitness spokesperson (pretty incredible to say the least!)
  • The amazing story of how fitness (and Insanity) brought these two together.
  • How to hold your significant other accountable with their health and fitness (without getting on their nerves).
  • Why Danielle says that everything is a discussion when it comes to building a health relationship.
  • Why accepting the other person in a relationship as they are is so important to long-term happiness.
  • How to instantly lessen the irritation from things your partner does that annoys you.
  • What tips you can use to help you and your loved one stay motivated in your workouts.
  • Why proactively getting outside your comfort zone is so critical to success.
  • How to stay consistent in your fitness & nutrition even when you're extremely busy.
  • How Darren was able to maintain a great level of fitness even when he couldn't workout normally due to injury (great lesson here!)
  • The secret thing Danielle does to show up as a better wife and a better mom.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week!

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Is it possible to eat amazing food, enjoy time with friends and family, and not pack on the pounds this holiday season?

That's what today's episode is all about! Not only is it possible, but it's highly probable once you put these tools and insights into place. You'll be able to avoid holiday weight gain this year and every year after with a few simple shifts in how you do things.

During the show we're covering the top 5 causes of holiday weight gain and how to see them coming from a mile away. A lot of healthy holiday tips forget the fact that it is the holiday and a time to relax and have some fun. So, instead of taking the fun out of the holiday, you can use these tips to enjoy yourself without seeing any depressing news on the scale afterward.

And be sure to follow this up with the value-packed holiday episode we did below in the resources (marked in red). Happy Holidays!

In this episode you'll discover:

  • What surprising function your kidneys are responsible for.
  • The 5 biggest causes of holiday weight gain
  • How peer pressure relates to our food choices.
  • A great way to let your family know you've changed the way you're eating (without offending them).
  • Why it's important to understand your own psychology during the holiday season.
  • How stress impacts holiday weight gain.
  • Why producing cortisol is an evolutionary advantage.
  • What type of foods can give you an instant shot of serotonin.
  • Why sticking to your normal daily routine is important during the holiday.
  • How exercise can be especially helpful during the holidays.
  • Smart holiday exercise tips you can implement right away.
  • What reason rapper Ice Cube would give for holiday weight gain.
  • The #1 nutrition tip for the holiday season! (Make sure you do THIS!)
  • How poor sleep during the holiday leads to falling off the wagon.
  • Why there's a weird evolutionary pull to go gift "hunting" during the holiday season.
  • What cool, energizing family traditions you can create with your loved ones.
  • An easy, doable tip to help you avoid grabbing every holiday treat you see.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week!

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Direct download: 134-How_To_Avoid_Holiday_Weight_Gain_FOREVER.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:13pm PST

Ben Greenfield walks his talk. He's one of the top health and fitness experts in the world because he's experimented with thousands of things firsthand and monitored the results that he got with his body. What works is shared ravenously; what doesn't is discarded. Pretty simple formula, but you've got to have some serious kahunas to do it.

I'm truly excited to have Ben on because he has a wealth of knowledge in so many different areas of health. Today you're going to learn some effective (yet little known) strategies for fat loss, surprising facts about building muscle, and even the real reason why Ben partakes in heart-pumping endurance events like triathlons and Spartan races (and it's not about fitness).

If you have any questions or comments from the interview, please feel free to share them in the comments section below. Enjoy the show!

In this episode you'll discover:

  • How Ben Greenfield became one of the top health and fitness experts in the world.
  • Why lots of personal experimentation is a huge leverage point in uncovering the best health practices (minus the explosive diarrhea).
  • Ben's #1 tip for becoming successful in a career in health and wellness.
  • The real reason that Ben competes in endurance events like triathlons and Spartan Races (this may surprise you!).
  • How Ben and I differ on our motivations to exercise.
  • What form of training Ben recommends for the greatest muscle growth.
  • The benefits of doing low repetition multi-joint exercises.
  • The surprising way that you can build or maintain muscle (no equipment necessary!).
  • What heat shock proteins are and how they relate to muscle maintenance.
  • What different types of saunas you can use.
  • Why a heavy carb intake is not necessary to build lots of muscle (this is really groundbreaking!).
  • How a ridiculously high carbohydrate diet can still keep some of your biomarkers healthy.
  • What a day of eating would look like to build muscle on a lower-carb diet.
  • How you can actually eliminate more fat cells.
  • How you can use cryotherapy to increase fat loss.
  • What little known supplements (if used in the right way) can effectively aid in fat loss.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week!

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