The Model Health Show

When you hear the term “medicinal mushroom,” you might think it’s just another health buzzword. But the truth is, mushrooms were used by our ancestors for medicinal uses for many generations. The fungi kingdom has far-reaching benefits—including gut and skin health, immune function, cognitive ability, and longevity.

There’s no one better to learn about the power of adaptogenic mushrooms from than Tero Isokauppila. Tero is the founder of Four Sigmatic, a wellness company dedicated to elevating your existing routines with superfood medicinal mushrooms. If you’re a longtime listener of The Model Health Show, you know I’m a huge proponent of incorporating these products into your routine. 

Today you’re going to learn about how edible superfood skincare can upgrade the health of your skin. You’ll hear about the power that ingestible products have to support a topical skincare routine, why mushrooms are the hottest trend in skincare, and how to make small, sustainable changes to your health. Tero is bringing tons of knowledge to this episode, so be sure to listen in and take good notes on the powerful benefits of fungi!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why it can be so difficult to convince children to try new foods.
  • What the four biological kingdoms are.
  • Why nutrition can’t be simplified into a binary of good vs. bad.
  • The three major groups of fungi. 
  • How medicinal mushrooms can affect the microbiome and weight management.
  • Which fungi is known as the queen of mushrooms.
  • The connection between mushroom consumption and gut health. 
  • How reishi can affect sleep patterns.
  • What adaptogens are and how they can increase calmness in the body.
  • Why you shouldn’t aim for perfection with your health goals.
  • How medicinal mushrooms can improve skin health.
  • The truth about absorption of personal care products.
  • How Asian skincare has infiltrated the Western world.  
  • Why black foods are incredible for longevity. 
  • The importance of salt for human health.
  • A conversation on topical beauty vs. ingestible beauty. 
  • How to identify quality mushroom products. 
  • What dual extraction is, and why it matters.
  • The two processes that mushrooms need to be bioavailable. 
  • How coffee contributes to longevity (and some of its drawbacks)! 
  • Why Lion’s Mane can balance out the overstimulation of caffeine.
  • Where the name Four Sigmatic originated from. 

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Making meaningful and intentional choices with your nutrition is one of the most powerful ways you can influence your health on a daily basis. The way you eat can impact the health of your microbiome, the way your genes behave, and more. But with so much information (and misinformation) out there, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and confused about the best way to nourish your body.

Today you’re going to hear a compilation of some of the best nutrition tips from the past 100 episodes of The Model Health Show. These insights cover topics from the biochemical aspect of nutrition to developing a healthy mindset about eating. You’re going to learn about appropriately fueling your metabolism, how to make optimal nutrition choices, and how to become more competent when it comes to food.

Most importantly, this episode contains actionable advice you can implement to cover all of your bases, nutritionally. I hope this episode serves as an in-depth resource to support your nutrition, your health, and your life. Enjoy!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why it’s necessary to be flexible with your metabolism.
  • The two main rules of metabolic function.
  • What ECGC is, and how to incorporate it into your diet.
  • How food restriction can disrupt your body’s natural intelligence.
  • The problem with assigning morality to food. 
  • How to support your intestinal flora.
  • The importance of eating a wide variety of colors.
  • What it means to eat stressed out foods.
  • The benefits of eating foraged and wild-caught foods.
  • What xenohormetic molecules are, and how they contribute to longevity.
  • Three important questions you should ask yourself before purchasing food.
  • How your liver health can contribute to leaky gut (and how to fix it!) 
  • The role of resistant starches, and sources you can add to your diet.
  • What it means to increase your kitchen IQ.
  • How embracing variety in your diet nourishes your body. 
  • Why you should avoid food that’s purposely engineered to be delicious.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Direct download: 394_-_10_Powerful_Nutrition_Tips_From_The_Worlds_Top_Experts.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:06pm PST

Can you think of a type of movement that brings joy to your life? For some people, this might be a more structured type of exercise like weightlifting or Pilates. For others, it might be something simpler like having a dance party with their kids or walking their dog. Either way, there are profound health-giving benefits that are available to you when you engage in movement that brings you joy. 

Although our culture tends to put an emphasis on exercise as a weight-loss tool, its benefits go so much deeper than that. Engaging in a form of exercise that you love can also be a way to manage stress, form a sense of community, connect with nature, and help you identify a sense of purpose. Today we’ve got the very best person in the world to talk about this topic—Dr. Kelly McGonigal. 

In her new book, The Joy of Movement, Kelly shares how to fall in love with movement and how to reap its benefits in all areas of your life. If you’ve ever thought of exercise as a chore, you’re going to want to hear why movement can add value, meaning, and connection to your life. This episode is jam-packed with value, so listen in, take good notes, and most importantly—enjoy!  

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The effects that walking 30 minutes per day can have on the immune system.
  • How Kelly became interested in studying the psychology of stress. 
  • Kelly’s experience with chronic pain, and how it led her to psychology. 
  • What it’s like to deal with an invisible illness. 
  • Why how we perceive our stress is so important. 
  • What the stress mindset effect is. 
  • Common misconceptions about the effects stress has on the human body. 
  • How to make stress healthier by fine-tuning your mindset.
  • Why exercise is about so much more than weight loss.
  • How engaging in exercise can change the structure of your brain’s reward system.
  • What the joy gap is. 
  • The scientific finding that Kelly considers to be the most interesting of the past decade.
  • How the human brain has evolved to find hard work rewarding. 
  • The truth about a runner’s high. 
  • How movement brings out the best in humanity. 
  • Why exercise can help you experience more meaning in life.
  • The link between endocannabinoids and our ability to experience pleasure. 
  • How movement can be biologically helpful for recovering from addiction.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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My personal mission is to deliver you content that will inspire, support, and encourage you to live the best year of your life. While having the proper knowledge is an important part of cultivating a healthy and fulfilled life, that knowledge is useless without practical application.  

Today you’re going to learn about the disconnect that exists between holding information and actual execution. Father and son duo, Drs. David and Austin Perlmutter, are here to share the groundbreaking information from their new book, Brain Wash. This interview is an insightful look into the physical disconnect that exists in the brain that can hold you back from reaching your goals and living your best life. 

In this interview, you’ll hear the latest science on how our brains have evolved over time, and how our modern world has hijacked our ability to make informed and responsible decisions. You’ll learn about the rampant disconnection in our culture, and most importantly, your ability to take control over your mind and consequentially make better decisions, strengthen your relationships, and create healthier habits. I hope this episode will arm you with tips to establish a healthy brain and a happier, more meaningful life. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How our brains have evolved and adapted over time.
  • The two parts of the brain that affect the decision-making process.
  • How the prefrontal cortex is tied to empathy and compassion.
  • What disconnection syndrome is.
  • How inflammation disturbs your brain. 
  • Why the brain can get stuck in a vicious cycle of bad decisions. 
  • The average amount of time per day Americans spend online.
  • Why the prefrontal cortex is like an adult in the room. 
  • What the Test of Time tool is, and how it can help you manage your online interactions.
  • How spending time in nature can improve your decision-making skills. 
  • The difference between passive and active social media usage.
  • Realistic and easy ways to practice your empathy. 
  • The major disconnection in our culture between information and execution.
  • How consuming turmeric and DHA can improve your brain’s connections.
  • The role that physician empathy plays in patient outcomes.
  • Why taking back your decision-making skills can help you create results. 
  • How stress and trauma create a disconnect in the brain and affect decision-making.
  • The value that mindfulness and meditation have on the brain’s wiring system. 

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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We tend to dedicate our time and energy to cultivating healthy relationships with the people around us and even ourselves—but have you ever considered what it means to have a healthy relationship with food? Food is such a critical part of our daily lives. Not only do we need it as sustenance, but food can also play a huge role in our culture, nostalgia, and our social lives. 

Unfortunately, dieting is prevalent in our society, particularly this time of year. Studies have repeatedly shown that diets simply don’t work. Not to mention, restriction and an amplified preoccupation with food can lead to anxiety and fear surrounding one of our basic human functions: eating!   


That’s why this episode with Kelsey Heenan is so powerful and enlightening. Kelsey’s personal relationship with food has evolved over the years from fearful and disordered to healthy, empowering, and mindful. Today you’re going to hear Kelsey’s story of overcoming an eating disorder, and how she is now helping others cultivate a healthy lifestyle with food and exercise. You’ll learn about intuitive eating, ditching food rules, and creating a more mindful experience with food. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why your relationship with food is so unique and powerful.
  • Kelsey’s journey with anorexia nervosa and exercise compulsions. 
  • The moments of clarity that inspired Kelsey to seek treatment. 
  • How Kelsey recovered from her disordered eating patterns. 
  • The powerful and symbolic dream that was a monumental part of her recovery.
  • How Kelsey developed a healthier relationship with exercise. 
  • The basic tenets of intuitive eating. 
  • Why a dieting mentality triggers fear and anxiety. 
  • How calorie counting and macro counting can be a huge trigger for some people. 
  • Why assigning morality to food is unproductive.
  • How restriction and food rules can lead to binging. 
  • The different roles that food can play in our lives. 
  • Why leaving behind the diet mentality is so empowering. 
  • Why facing your food fears can take the power away from disordered thoughts.
  • What it truly means to be mindful about your hunger. 
  • The power of appreciating your own unique body. 

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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