The Model Health Show

Be honest: what was on your mind the last time you stepped into the gym? Was it your goal to exhaust all of your effort in order to set a PR? Did you make it your secret mission to compete with the guy on the treadmill next to you?

I’m all about taking your workout to the next level, but today’s guest has an important lesson to share about setting a realistic and sustainable intention for your workout. I recently trained with Dr. Kelly Starrett, and I was wholly fascinated by the simple (yet effective!) goal he set for our session: to leave our training session feeling better than we did before.

Kelly is a doctor of physical therapy, a New York Times Best Selling Author, and an all-around stand-up human being. On today’s episode, he’s sharing why fundamental movements are indispensable to your routine, what basic human physiology can teach us about exercise, and how simple swaps with your phone and sleep habits can have an incredible pay off long-term.

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How to set an intention for your workout (and why a simple goal is so effective).
  • The importance of removing your ego from your training.
  • Why it’s crucial to rebuild and reclaim your body’s fundamental movements.
  • Which exercise is a vital piece of human physiology.
  • What the history of Homosapienscan teach us about our basic needs.
  • What it means to load the long bones (and the essential exercises you need to perform!)
  • Pros and cons of workouts like Zumba.
  • The importance of finding your tribe and having meaningful interactions.
  • What it means to eat like a human.
  • The true meaning of posture.
  • How to keep up a healthy routine when motivation fails you.
  • The importance of community for overall health and wellness.
  • Why self-medicationis so prevalent in our society.
  • How lack of sleep is interconnected to mental health problems.
  • What thermoregulationis, and how it can help you get a great night of sleep!

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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The greatest obstacle you’ll ever meet is not some arbitrary external factor. More often than not, we are held back by thoughts and beliefs that are within us. We all live with self-sabotaging tendencies, limiting beliefs, and the affinity to play small rather than embracing the discomfort that accompanies growth.

This is why mediocrity is the norm. Far too many people place limits on what they can achieve, discount their gifts and talents, and live their life dictated by self-imposed, imaginary boundaries. But in order to live up to your greatest potential and step into your power, you have to develop an awareness of the habits and beliefs that are holding you back.

If you’re ready to take an honest look at what limits you from performing at your highest capacity, today’s episode is for you. Bedros Keuilian is back to share life-changing tools and mindset shifts you can implement, the stories behind his experience overcoming his own limiting beliefs, and powerful principles from his new book. You’ll learn about the power of setting non-negotiables, how to disrupt destructive mental patterns, and how to truly reach your highest potential.

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The backstory behind the controversial book title, Man Up.
  • How Bedros’ identity as an immigrant shaped his mindset.
  • Where anxiety stems from (and how to proactively overcome it).
  • Why healing from trauma is your responsibility.
  • The importance of having the audacity to ask for help.
  • What it means to have your emergency brake on, and how it can limit your potential.
  • The difference between being busy and being productive.
  • How limiting beliefs engrained during childhood can write the narrative for our lives.
  • The significance of setting non-negotiables in your life.
  • What it means to build your goodwill bank account.
  • The danger of constantly creating excuses.
  • Why it’s essential to find a work ethic model.
  • The common mental patterns that can block your success.
  • How an evening “brain dump” can boost your productivity.
  • The myth behind finding your purpose (and what to do instead).

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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After transforming my own health, I became feverishly passionate about helping as many people as I could to do the same thing. Over the past 17 years, I’m beyond grateful to say, I’ve been able to positively impact the lives of millions of people. But the road to get there has been a curvaceous one.

Throughout my career, I’ve come across many other people who’ve become inspired to build a career in health and fitness as well. I receive messages literally every day from folks who are inspired to serve, but don’t know what method of training, certification, and education to take. As you might know, I followed the traditional university course. While there are small benefits to that path, in my experience, there are far too many important aspects of health and wellness that simply are not taught in a conventional education.

Alternatively, there are a plethora of coaching programs and certifications on the market today. As I dove into many of them, I often felt disappointed because they simply didn’t meet basic standards that could help more people thrive in this field (where many more inspired people are needed!).

If you’re passionate about health and wellness, if you’ve thought about a career in the health industry, or if you’re in the health industry but you want to succeed at a higher level, today’s episode will be life-changing for you. My guest today is Cynthia Pasquella-Garcia, the founder of the Institute of Transformational Nutrition. Cynthia is a clinical nutritionist with a mega-hit bestselling book, and she’s been sought after by celebrity clientele and huge television shows like The Doctors, Access Hollywood, The Dr. Phil Show, and countless others. She has an incredible story of struggle and triumph that you’ll learn about today. But, most importantly, she’s taken what she’s learned and created the #1 health coaching program in the world with thousands of students who are revolutionizing the health and wellness field.

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What attracted some of the biggest health experts and celebrities to Cynthia’s approach.
  • The incredible emotional experience that sparked Cynthia’s transformation.
  • What transformational nutrition really means, and why food alone will never fix our health.
  • Why personalization is such an important element in a coaching program.
  • What it means for a coaching program to be nationally accredited (and why it matters!)
  • The power of the placebo effect.
  • What it means to transform your deepest pain into your greatest power.
  • The correlation between personal relationships and health.
  • Why you should never allow money to hold you back from your passion.
  • The link between control and safety.
  • Why developing an awareness of your weaknesses can ultimately lead to change.
  • Why a one-size-fits-all dietapproach doesn’t work.
  • The importance of collaborating and not competing.
  • Some of the exclusive benefitsITN has to offer and the mind-blowing list of instructors who work with ITN.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcast by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week!

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A huge factor in your ability to achieve your goals lies in your capacity to focus and concentrate. Especially in our culture of persistent push notifications and constantly-updated newsfeeds, it’s important that we learn how to set limits with our technology.

But our devices and apps are only part of the equation. Whether it’s the people around you or the different tasks on your to-do list, you have to choose where (and when) to apply your focus. Once you master how to most efficiently manage your time, nothing can stop you from reaching success.

On today’s show, you’re going to learn 12 practical tips you can implement in order to reduce distractions and skyrocket your productivity. This episode is loaded with very specific tactics I’ve found to be effective in optimizing focus, plus the science to back them up!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The two types of distractions that contribute to the interference of focus.
  • How you can change your phone settings in order to reduce distractions.
  • The shocking number of timesper day the average person checks his or her phone.
  • How our brains are designed to become addicted to the internet and social media.
  • Two ideas for physically removing your phone from your environment.
  • The shocking link between house cleanliness and health.
  • Why rearranging the apps on your phone can cut down your distraction time.
  • How meditation can literally alter the structure of your brain.
  • Tools and tips you can use to help block distracting sights (and people!)
  • Why the idea of multitasking is a myth.
  • What science says about multitasking (including a shocking comparison).
  • The link between exercise and increased concentration.
  • The effects of sleep deprivation on your focus.
  • How to prioritize your tasks while still honoring your own natural productivity rhythm.
  • The importance of practicingself-care before you reach for your phone in the morning.
  • How music can help you concentrate (and which genres are most helpful!)

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Direct download: 307_-_12_Tips_For_Conquering_Distraction_And_Getting_More_Done.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:57pm PST

Changing the conversation around diet is no easy feat. Our society is appearance-obsessed, always looking for the next quick fix, and constantly immersed in a toxic diet culture. Too many people fall prey to this system, but there’s a better, more-sustainable approach.

For many of us, the solution to finding peace with food isn’t found in the newest diet book or achieving a certain number on the scale—it lies in our mindset. Health is a life-long journey, and a process that is meant to be enjoyed.

On today’s show, Noelle Tarr of Coconuts and Kettlebells is here to share her experience with overcoming diet culture and finding balance in a health-centered approach. Her story is full of insight about how to shift the paradigm around food and exercise, finding your worth, and what it truly means to be healthy.

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The importance of shifting your focus away from the number on the scale.
  • Why the concept of “falling off the wagon” is toxic for our well-being.
  • How to stop thinking of health as a destination.
  • Why it’s so important to stop giving food morality.
  • How health and fitness marketing often perpetuates a cycle of shame.
  • The role of mental and emotional health in weight loss.
  • What it means to set minimums for your macros.
  • How to stop restricting and start creating a diet plan that works for you.
  • The four foods that could potentially be problematic for your body.
  • Why focusing on a goal weight is often arbitrary (and unsustainable!)
  • How undereating can stop you from reaching your goals.
  • The importance of managing stress.
  • How cortisol can contribute to weight gain and fat storage.
  • Why evaluating calories in/calories doesn’t always work.
  • Noelle’s three favorite recipes from her book.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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