The Model Health Show

You already know the power that food has to affect your body composition and metabolism. But have you ever thought about how what you put on your plate impacts the way your brain functions? The latest data shows us that the way we eat can improve our mental capacity, ward off cognitive diseases, and improve memory and focus. 

On today’s show, I’m going to walk you through the powerful science on neuronutrition from my new book, Eat Smarter. You’re going to learn specific foods and nutrients you can add to your diet that are scientifically proven to boost your brain power.  

This episode is jam-packed with the latest science to help you feel empowered and informed in your food choices. I hope this information will inspire you to make realistic, impactful additions to your plate so you can build a better, smarter, healthier brain. So listen in, take good notes, and transform your brain function! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What the most valuable object in the universe is.
  • The percentage of your caloric intake that your brain consumes.
  • What neuronutrition is. 
  • How the blood brain barrier actually works, and why it matters.
  • What percentage of the brain is made up of water.
  • Which micronutrient is the most powerful and the most overlooked.
  • How dehydration can impact your mental function. 
  • What brain plasticity is. 
  • The number one mineral deficiency, and how it affects cognitive performance.
  • What percentage of the brain is comprised of fat. 
  • The difference between storage fats and structural fats. 
  • How saturated fat contributes to human brain development. 
  • The role that DHA and EPA play in brain health.
  • Why it’s important to eat food that our DNA has connections to. 
  • How ALA differs from DHA, and what you need to know about its conversion. 
  • What phospholipids are. 
  • Which real food source is the champion of phospholipids. 
  • How medium chain triglycerides contribute to brain health and longevity. 
  • The relationship between sugar and insulin resistance in the brain.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

Adversity is an inherent part of being human. For many folks, this year has been a time of incredible hardship and struggles. No matter what problems you’re currently facing, I hope this episode can remind you of your greatness, your resilience, and your strength to overcome. 

There’s no one better qualified to speak about tapping into your inner strength than Shaun T. Shaun is a world-renowned health and fitness motivator and bestselling author who is passionate about helping people tap into their superpowers and transform their lives. But if you’ve ever thought of Shaun as someone who is solely focused on outer appearances, I hope this conversation about inner strength will resonate with you.

We’re going to talk about the mental shift that precursors a sustainable physical transformation, the truth about confidence and authenticity, and how you can tap into your potential. Shaun’s story of building strength inside and out is something we can all learn from. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why health and fitness are like a diving board.
  • The role that adversity serves in your life. 
  • Why mental fitness is important for physical fitness.
  • How relying solely on a scale can hinder your mental strength. 
  • The importance of understanding and celebrating your strengths.
  • What it takes to build real, lasting confidence. 
  • Why negativity makes the news. 
  • What your biggest currency is, and how you can use it to push yourself forward.
  • How to be truly authentic. 
  • Why community can enhance your mentality.
  • The importance of active recovery days.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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“Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don’t.” – Steve Maraboli

At a time when so much of what’s happening in the world is out of our control, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and anxious. One effective way to combat those negative feelings is to take some ownership over the things we can influence in a positive way. When it comes to your health and fitness, taking control is one of the most empowering and impactful choices you can make.

And while the term “control freak” often has a negative connotation, Autumn Calabrese wants to change the narrative and help you become a control freak in the most positive, effective way possible. Autumn is a Beachbody Super Trainer and author of Lose Weight Like Crazy Even If You Have a Crazy Life. On today’s show, she’s sharing how structure and flexibility can coexist in your workout routine and a simple, straightforward strategy for making better food choices. 

You’re going to learn about getting in tune with your intuition, how to grow through the uncomfortable seasons of change, and the power of taking back control in your life. Autumn’s mission is to help you feel empowered in your food and exercise choices, and I hope you find this interview helpful no matter where you are on your journey. 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The story of how Autumn gained weight as a child.
  • Autumn’s experiences with weight loss products. 
  • How pregnancy changed Autumn’s relationship with food. 
  • The problem with messaging on food packages. 
  • How being a control freak can be a strength. 
  • Why you should have flexibility in your workouts.
  • How industrialized food changed the way humans eat.
  • The power of getting back to the basics of nutrition. 
  • How your palate can change over time, and how to introduce yourself to new foods.
  • What the acronym CRAZY stands for. 
  • How to create flexibility within structure. 
  • Why fitness can set an example for the other areas of your life. 

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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One of the first questions people ask when they’re getting to know you is, “what do you do?” Work has become so engrained into identity in our culture. But your job is not your entire identity, it’s just one piece of the multifaceted human being that you are.

Job security is never promised, but even less so in 2020. That’s why it’s critical to create multiple streams of income and ensure that your entire identity isn’t contingent on the way that you make money. Today’s guest, Jemal King is back to reframe the way you think about careers and streams of income. 

Jemal is one of the fastest-growing personal development teachers in the financial industry. He is the author of 9 to 5 Millionaire, and the owner of four multi-million dollar companies. Jemal’s personal story of creating generational wealth is a true testament to what can happen if you are dedicated, consistent, and driven. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What can happen when you declare a goal or mission.
  • How to change the way you think about your career path.
  • The difference between a vehicle and a destination when it comes to money.
  • Why making your profession part of your identity can be damaging. 
  • How to think of your income streams as vehicles. 
  • The importance of making good use of your downtime. 
  • Why your level of exposure directly correlates to your success. 
  • The power of putting intention and crazy faith into the things you want.
  • How you can recreate the vision of your life. 
  • The reason why diversity is so important when it comes to financial wellness.
  • Why job security is an oxymoron.
  • The power of having multiple streams of income. 

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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“You cannot always control what goes on outside, but you can always control what goes on inside.” – Wayne Dyer 

At a time when there is so much uncertainty in the world, it’s more important than ever to have some awareness and ownership over our inner world. Our thoughts and routines are critical building blocks not only for our success, but who we are and how we behave on a daily basis. 

There’s no better way to take control over your routine than to apply a proven system that has helped tens of thousands of people transform their lives and reach their full potential. Hal Elrod’s The Miracle Morning is a movement that aims to elevate human consciousness, create profound and lasting changes, and transform lives. 

On this episode of The Model Health Show, Hal is sharing his incredible story of overcoming, how to take control of your life by changing your morning routine, plus practical strategies you can apply to actually move the needle in a positive direction. So listen in, take good notes, and enjoy this interview with the one and only, Hal Elrod. 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why the human brain craves routine and consistency.
  • The philosophy that changed Hal’s life.
  • How The Miracle Morning came into existence. 
  • What happened when Hal taught The Miracle Morning to his coaching clients.
  • The origins of The Miracle Morning Movie. 
  • How to find gratitude amidst pain and suffering. 
  • How Hal fought and beat cancer. 
  • The importance of creating a paradigm shift around adversity. 
  • How changing your perspective can improve humanity. 
  • The real secret to creating long-term, lasting results. 
  • What the two main premises of The Miracle Morning are. 
  • What SAVERS is, and how it can improve your life.
  • The two main problems with most affirmations. 
  • A three-step process for creating practical affirmations. 
  • The benefits of exercising in the morning (even for 5-10 minutes)!
  • Tips for choosing your reading material. 
  • An effective way to journal. 

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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At this time in human history, we’re more stressed than ever. We know that chronic stress leads to a myriad of health problems, including a lowered immune system and increased susceptibility to infections. So how do we break out of this negative cycle and create real change that will lead to longer, healthier lives? 

It starts with taking control over our minds. When we’re driven by fear and anxiety, the capacity and strength of our immune system becomes undermined. But when we recognize our innate ability to create our reality, we become stronger, healthier, and more empowered. There’s no one better suited to speak on the topic of the mind-body connection than Dr. Bruce Lipton. 

Dr. Lipton is a stem cell biologist, bestselling author, and an internationally recognized thought leader. On today’s show, he’s sharing the powerful science behind how your beliefs inform the expression of your genetics, how to optimize your immune function, and the pertinent steps you need to take in order to change your health outcomes. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The shocking amount of money that is wasted in our healthcare system.
  • What epigenetics is. 
  • The definition of genetic determinism, and how it works. 
  • How changing your beliefs can actually alter your genetics. 
  • The role that your nervous system plays in genetic expression. 
  • What percentage of disease is controlled by genes. 
  • How stress interferes with the immune system. 
  • Three fundamental things that shift when the body is under stress. 
  • What percentage of Americans have chronic diseases. 
  • How the human body creates immunity. 
  • Four behaviors you need to practice to protect your immune system.  
  • Which two vitamins you should take daily. 
  • The role of the tonsils (and why babies put everything in their mouths).
  • A link between quantum physics and epigenetics. 

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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