Tue, 23 February 2016
There is an absolute epidemic of people struggling with thyroid problems, yet it's a quite story that most people never talk about. Today we are targeting one of the biggest health issues facing our world today. Thyroid problems can be the underlying cause for everything from tremendous weight loss hardships to extremely low energy levels (aka chronic fatigue.) Today brings the hope of many breakthrough moments for so many people who've been living a quite life of desperation. There are solutions available. And it starts with finally understanding the underlying cause. Not only are you going to uncover what's at the root of most thyroid problems, but you're going to have a comprehensive approach to testing, an entirely new understanding of how your diet relates to your thyroid function, and how things like exercise and stress also play a strange, key role that you may have never realized before. We are fortunate to have on renown physician Dr. Jillian Teta to help us understand the remarkable thyroid and gut health connection, and I promise you this will be a total game changer. In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 146-The_Thyroid_And_Gut_Health_Connection_-_With_Dr._Jillian_Teta.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:12pm PST |
Sun, 21 February 2016
I have a confession to make… I don’t like our society’s obsession with losing weight. As crazy as it might sound coming from someone who’s helped thousands of people lose weight, it hurts my heart a little bit every time I hear someone say they want to lose weight. Here’s why... Measuring our health by measuring our pounds on the scale has led our culture in the wrong direction. You can eat processed, calorie restrictive “health foods”, over-exercise to the point that you are catabolizing your muscle tissue, and feel bad and hungry all the time, but if you’re losing weight, that’s okay. As a matter of fact, if you’re losing weight, you’re healthy. This may come as a little bit of a surprise, but just because you lose weight on the scale it does NOT mean that you are healthy. There are many poor states of human health that come coupled with a loss of weight on the scale. And on the other side, just because your weight is higher than you may want it to be, it does not mean that you are UN-healthy. This whole weight loss thing is really relative and (more or less) confusing to the average person who just wants to look good in a bathing suit. And with the way that the media has programmed our opinions of our bodies, there are only like 5 people in the entire world who actually look good in a bathing suit. I love hearing people say that they want to be healthy. I love hearing people say that they want to take care of their body and treat their body with respect. I love hearing people say that they’ve decided to put a priority on their health, eat real foods, and move their body on a regular basis because they love it. I know those people will be more successful because not one time did they mention weight. They are devoted to doing the things that, chances are, will result in an elimination of excess weight. If health is the goal, then necessary weight loss can happen as a side-effect. If weight loss is the goal, then health can happen, but struggle and sickness can happen as well. You can lose track of what matters most, cut corners, and end up far worse than when you started off. Today’s show is focused on health. It’s also focused on more important metrics to track than the weight on the scale that can affirm to you that your journey to better health is working from the inside out. We have on the author of the New York Times bestselling book The Wild Diet, Abel James, to discuss weight loss vs. fat loss, how to support sustainable weight loss if that’s still your goal, and how to go about changing your body in a smart way that really lasts. This is information that everyone in our society today needs to know, so just click play, enjoy, and make sure to share with the people you care about! In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: Weight_Loss_Vs._Fat_Loss_-_With_Abel_James.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:40pm PST |
Tue, 16 February 2016
Many of us take our health for granted until it's suddenly taken away. When our health begins to slip out of our fingers, it can be a tremendous wake up call in our lives. Some people receive the call and their life is transformed for the better. Something inside of them changes. They begin living differently. They make changes. They heal. Many other people we've known and loved have faded away quickly. They believe that nothing else can be done. They give up. There is an intermingling of these two groups of people for sure, but it's pretty clear in the research that those who recover have something very powerful in their favor. And that is the power of their mind. When you talk to physician and New York Times bestselling author Lissa Rankin about the power of the mind to heal the body, she isn't just talking about something metaphysical, she is talking about a physical transformation that takes place, and it's based on what you believe. In today's remarkable episode you're going to learn what role your mind and beliefs play in keeping you well or keeping you sick. You're going to learn the nearly unbelievable clinical benefits of fake medical treatments and how this data can be applied to your life. You're also going to discover how significant being connected to a bigger purpose in your life is, and how it's tied to your lifeline. This episode is filled to the brim with valuable insights and takeaways that will last you a lifetime. Enjoy, and make sure to share! In this episode you'll discover:
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Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week! Click Here to Subscribe via Apple Podcasts
Direct download: 144-Mind_Over_Medicine_-_With_Dr._Lissa_Rankin.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:04pm PST |
Tue, 9 February 2016
When you're sleep deprived, you're not yourself. No... I mean really not yourself. There's a big impact on your brain, hormones, and we'll just say "emotional stability" that a lack of sleep can play. So much so that top researchers have dove in to discover just how socially messed up poor sleep can make us. Today you're about to discover how your sleep impacts the health of your relationships in ways that you could never have imagined. Even though some of the research is a little unsettling (and a whole lot surprising), it really shouldn't come as that big of a surprise to us. We all know that other people (but not you, of course) who get grumpy, irritable, and even out-right mean when they are tired. Other people (but not you, of course) can end up being unreasonable, argue for no reason, and even act more negative and pessimistic when they're sleep deprived. We've all seen it, but we may not of caught it because weren't paying attention to the details surrounding the situation (namely that the person is tired). And even though it isn't you who would normally become the big bad wolf when you're tired, this is a wake up call to see just how you may have done some things and said some things in the heat of a sleepy stupor that really were not in your normal character. Why does this matter so much? Well, or relationships are everything. From our relationships at work, to our relationships with family, to our most intimate romantic relationships, our health and our sleep quality play a big part of them every day. Today you're going to find out what's going on behind the scene, plus some insights to make sure you're showing up as your best self in the relationships that matter most. In this episode you'll discover:
Items mentioned in this episode include:Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week! Click Here to Subscribe via Apple Podcasts
Direct download: 143-How_The_Quality_Of_Your_Sleep_Impacts_The_Health_Of_Your_Relationships.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:52pm PST |
Tue, 2 February 2016
When it comes to stress, you've got three basic options today. One, you can crumble under the weight of the stress, succumbing to things like heart disease, obesity, and depression that are all linked to chronic stress. Two, you can run from the modern world and hideout in the mountains (grow a beard), in a monastery (shave your head and/or grow a beard), or even in a naturalist colony (renounce all of your clothing and/or grow a beard). Three you can step up and do something to ensure that you are breaking the cycle of stress by learning how to enjoy our modern advances without being overrun by them. That's what The Urban Monk is all about. Dr. Pedram Shojai is here to share some of the most powerful insights you'll ever hear for taking back control of your mind and overcoming stress in a hyper-stressful world. As you'll discover today, modern day stress is like death from 1,000 cuts. It's a slow cooking of your health and vitality that can leave you tired, sick, or something far worse. Today it's time to take back your power. It's time to take back your body, mind, and energy so that you can use them to create the life you really want. Just click play and find out how. In this episode you'll discover:
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Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week! Click Here to Subscribe via Apple Podcasts
Direct download: 142-How_To_Stop_The_Stress_Cycle_And_Become_An_Urban_Monk_-_With_Dr._Pedram_Shojai.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:47pm PST |