The Model Health Show

If you want to live a healthier lifestyle, chances are that you’ll have to get your household on board. And the latest science is affirming that those familial and social connections are actually key indicators of our health outcomes. On this episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to discover how to protect your health through the power of shared family meals.

Today you’re going to hear my interview on The Dr. Gundry Podcast. This interview includes important conversations on the role our environment plays in influencing our health, how to get your family on board with healthy eating habits, and the science-backed benefits of eating with the people you love. You’ll also hear some insider information on The Eat Smarter Family Cookbook, including my inspiration for writing the book and what you can expect inside the cookbook. 

When you make shifts in your environment, it can automatically influence your behaviors and habits. I hope this episode arms you with the tools and science you need to upgrade your environment and improve the health of your entire family. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why focusing on microculture is a powerful way to create change. 
  • How having healthy social connections can improve your health outcomes.
  • What percentage of families eat together on a regular basis. 
  • The connection between nutrient intake and shared family meals. 
  • How many times per week you should eat with your family. 
  • My best tips for carving out time for family meals with a busy schedule. 
  • What instinctive elaboration is. 
  • How a family dinner can help you bond and connect with your children.
  • Why using gratitude at mealtimes is so impactful. 
  • How eating with others can activate your parasympathetic nervous system. 
  • Why you have to focus on your own energy before you can inspire change in others.
  • My #1 tip for helping your kids disconnect from their screens at mealtimes.
  • How your culture influences your cravings.
  • The rates of ultra-processed food consumption in children. 
  • How your diet influences your mood and mental well-being.
  • Why dialing in your priorities is the key to changing your family culture.
  • What the tube torus is. 
  • How to utilize fasting in a way that aligns with your lifestyle.

Items mentioned in this episode include: 

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This episode of The Model Health Show is brought to you by Onnit and Four Sigmatic.

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Visit to get an exclusive 10% discount on mushroom and adaptogen-packed blends to improve your life.

Direct download: 777_-__How_to_Eat_Smarter__Live_Healthier.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:49pm PST

There are thousands of products on the shelves of your drugstore and grocery store shelves that are marketed to consumers as safe. From deodorant and shampoo to makeup and perfume, most Americans are utilizing multiple personal care products every day. Sadly, most conventional personal care products are loaded with chemicals, including fragrances, phthalates, and parabens.  

Exposure to chemicals in personal care products can pose a serious risk to human health in multiple ways –including increased allergies, harm to the reproductive system, and even risk for cancer. Today’s guest, Dr. Yvonne Burkart is a toxicologist who is dedicated to empowering folks with the information they need to make more informed decisions about their products and their health.

On this episode of The Model Health Show, Dr. Burkhart is back to dive into the chemicals that are in your personal care products. We’re going to discuss the major problems with conventional deodorants, and how to choose a better option. You’ll learn about the issues with fragrances in feminine care products, and what to look for in a better toilet paper. No matter where you are in your health journey, even making one healthier swap can have lasting effects on your body. I hope you enjoy this conversation with Dr. Yvonne Burkart! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The risk factors associated with using conventional deodorants.
  • Why using antiperspirant can block your detox pathways.
  • How antiperspirants can actually make you smell worse.
  • What to look for in a safer deodorant & the #1 kind to avoid. 
  • The problem with fragrances in feminine care products. 
  • Why scented products can be traced back to racism and socioeconomic inequity.
  • The importance of using organic cotton in feminine products.
  • What to look for in silicone menstrual devices. 
  • How breast implants can increase the body’s toxic load. 
  • What PFAs are. 
  • The most toxic type of toilet paper & what to look for instead. 
  • Why tweens using makeup is concerning. 
  • The best options for makeup remover. 
  • Why Dr. Burkhart is passionate about helping other make healthier swaps. 

Items mentioned in this episode include: 

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This episode of The Model Health Show is brought to you by Ettitude & Pique!

Use my code MODEL15 at to save 15% on organic bedding and bath towels that uplift your home, your outlook, and the planet. 

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One of the foundations of nutrition is balanced blood sugar. Understanding how to eat in a way that has minimal impacts on your blood glucose levels can have substantial effects on your hunger hormones, body composition, risk for chronic illnesses, and so much more. 

Today’s guest is holistic nutritionist and bestselling author, Kelly Leveque. Kelly’s approach to nutrition is centered around blood sugar balance and creating a sustainable lifestyle without food drama. On this episode of The Model Health Show, she’s sharing her checklist for building a balanced plate, why nutrition is a critical yet often overlooked component of fertility, and how to help your children build healthy habits. 

In this interview, you’re going to learn about the multitude of benefits that breastfeeding offers, key nutrients for fertility, and why blood sugar balance is vital in so many aspects of our health. This episode covers a ton of ground, and I know you’re going to find Kelly’s balanced, practical approach to nutrition empowering and enlightening. Enjoy!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why we need more education around nutrition. 
  • What body love means.
  • How to use the Fab 4 to balance your blood sugar.
  • The connection between blood sugar spikes and chronic illnesses.
  • How your hunger hormones work.
  • The shocking reality about fertility rates in the US.
  • Which two reproductive disorders are linked to insulin resistance. 
  • The biggest lever you can pull to influence your fertility.
  • Important lifestyle shifts men can make during preconception.
  • How to reduce oxidative stress, one small step at a time.
  • The bidirectional health benefits of breastfeeding. 
  • Key nutrients to avoid postpartum depletion.
  • How blood sugar dysregulation impacts children.
  • The connection between sugar and immunity.
  • Why focusing on metabolic health can improve outcomes in the classroom. 

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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This episode of The Model Health Show is brought to you by Organifi and LMNT!

Head to to claim a FREE sample pack of electrolytes with any purchase. 

Organifi makes nutrition easy and delicious for everyone. Take 20% off your order with the code MODEL at

Over the last several decades, our food supply has become pumped full of additives, artificial sweeteners, emulsifiers, and other chemicals. And when consumed as a large portion of your diet, these ultra-processed foods can have serious, lasting ramifications on your overall health. 

On this episode of The Model Health Show, we’re diving into five shocking ways that ultra-processed foods can negatively impact your health. You’re going to hear the latest science on how ultra-processed foods can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease, hormonal dysfunction, mental health conditions, and more. You’ll also learn the sad truth about how food marketing preys on children and other vulnerable populations to increase their sales. 

Because the average American’s diet consists of about 60% ultra-processed foods, there’s never been a more important time to be aware of these negative consequences. Fine tuning your nutrition inputs is one of the most powerful things you can do to positively influence your health, and I hope you find this information empowering. So listen in and enjoy the show!  

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What percentage of the average American’s diet is ultra-processed foods. 
  • The connection between processed foods, minerals, and bone density. 
  • How the consumption of ultra-processed foods has increased in children.
  • The effects of consuming phthalates and bisphenols. 
  • How processed food companies intentionally target children. 
  • The link between ultra-processed foods and heart disease. 
  • What the leading factor in cardiovascular disease is. 
  • The many ways that ultra-processed foods are killing our citizens.
  • How ultra-processed foods increase gut permeability. 
  • What you need to consider about the cocktail effect of chemicals in our food supply.
  • The rates of chronic illness in the United States. 
  • How artificial sweeteners impact gut health and inflammation levels. 
  • The link between mental health and metabolic health. 
  • How your diet creates your hormones and neurotransmitters. 

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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This episode of The Model Health Show is brought to you by Paleovalley and Beekeeper’s Naturals. 

Use my code MODEL at to save 15% sitewide on nutrient dense snacks, superfood supplements, and more.  

Reinvent your medicine cabinet for with clean, effective products powered by the beehive & backed by science. Claim your 20% discount at

Direct download: 774_-_5_Shocking_Ways_That_Ultra-Processed_Foods_Impact_Your_Health.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST

Your mindset, attitude, and beliefs are critical factors in determining your success in life. If you want to create change, identifying and addressing your thought patterns is of upmost importance. And if you’re in need of some motivation and inspiration, there’s no better influence than Lisa Nichols. 

Lisa Nichols is a bestselling author, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker. On this compilation episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to hear the most powerful insights from my past conversations with Lisa. Her personal story of improving her life and her health serves as a powerful testament to her message of taking personal responsibility and how your mindset can help you reach your potential. 

You’re going to learn invaluable tools for making yourself a priority and transforming your life. Lisa is sharing the transformative moments that changed her life, and the critical mindset shifts that accompanied her personal growth. Her message is an empowering reminder of the potential we all hold to create the life, career, and health outcomes we aspire to; I hope you enjoy these messages from the one and only, Lisa Nichols! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The painful moment that inspired Lisa to change her life. 
  • Why we need to recognize that true transformation takes time.
  • The difference between running from your past and taking your past with you.
  • What it means to have gifts wrapped in sandpaper. 
  • How to stop postponing your happiness. 
  • Three buckets you can use to sort your priorities. 
  • How to stop trying to prove yourself to others.
  • The importance of increasing your internal sense of value.
  • What forgiveness really is. 
  • Why you should operate like a laser, not a flood light.
  • An exercise you can use to expose the lies you tell yourself.
  • Why growth requires letting go of familiar discomfort. 
  • How taking a risk on yourself can lead to success.
  • The power of opting out of comparison.
  • Why an energy of certainty is contagious. 
  • The importance of action in The Law of Attraction. 
  • Why you have to allocate time for yourself before you serve others. 
  • The one question you need to ask yourself to improve your health. 

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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This episode of The Model Health Show is brought to you by Onnit and Organifi. 

Visit for an exclusive 10% discount on human performance supplements and fitness equipment. 

Visit to claim your FREE copy of the Eat Smarter Family Cookbook when you buy the Eat Smarter Kit of superfoods

Direct download: 773_-_The_Secret_to_More_Happiness_Success__Wellness.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:05pm PST

The standard approach to losing weight, calorie restriction, tends to overlook critical biological elements like hunger hormones and the body’s innate intelligence. Meanwhile newer weight loss methods, like GLP-1 agonist drugs, can produce substantial weight loss, but have lasting effects on long-term health. On today’s show, you’re going to learn about how to implement a proven, sustainable approach to obtaining a better body composition. 

Cardiologist and bestselling author, Dr. William Davis, is back on The Model Health Show to discuss the truth about weight loss drugs, critical nutrients for improving body composition, and the vital influence that microbes have on our overall health. This episode covers topics like the importance of preserving muscle mass as you age, which microbes are critical for a healthy body composition, and why the consequences of weight loss injections outweigh the short-term benefits. 

You’re also going to learn about specific nutrients and foods that can upgrade your gut health, improve your longevity, and lead to a healthier body weight. Dr. William Davis has a wealth of experience and research in this field, and I know you’re going to find his insights both fascinating and applicable. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why cutting calories affects your muscle mass. 
  • The findings of The Biggest Loser Study. 
  • What happens when you stop taking GLP-1 agonist medications for weight loss.
  • Why muscle is critical for aging healthily. 
  • The awful choice that accompanies a weight loss medication prescription. 
  • How to minimize the effects of muscle loss while losing weight.
  • Which key microbe has age-reversing properties. 
  • The importance of restoring natural microbes. 
  • How the low-fat movement reduced our exposure to collagen and hyaluronic acid. 
  • Which nutrient is powerful in its anti-inflammaging effects. 
  • The risks of estrogen supplementation. 
  • Four critical nutrients for body composition. 
  • The benefits of consuming hyaluronic acid orally. 
  • Why microbes impact every aspect of health and disease.
  • What residual risk is. 
  • How conventional wheat destroys gut health. 
  • Which factor changed dental health for humans. 
  • Three foods to avoid for better gut health. 

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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This episode of The Model Health Show is brought to you by Pique and Beekeeper’s Naturals. 

Go to for exclusive savings on bundles & subscriptions on cutting-edge solutions for your head-to-toe health and beauty transformation.

Reinvent your medicine cabinet for with clean, effective products powered by the beehive & backed by science. Claim your 20% discount at

Sunlight has been a powerful force throughout human evolution, and today we know that sun exposure can come with significant benefits, as well as substantial risks. On today’s show, you’re going to learn the truth about sun protection, how sunlight impacts the body and the skin, and specific foods and nutrients that can protect your skin against sun damage. 

On this episode of The Model Health Show, we’re going to dive into the latest data on skin cancer, and specific medications that can make you more sensitive to sunlight. You’ll hear about potential downfalls of utilizing sunscreen, and how to take a balanced, healthy approach to sunlight exposure. 

You’re also going to learn about nutritional sunscreen—we’ll cover specific foods and nutrients that can help you build healthier skin and resiliency to sun exposure. You’ll learn about key foods to avoid that can damage your skin health, leaving you more susceptible to sun damage. This episode is packed with the latest science, and actionable steps you can take to create stronger, more resilient skin. 


In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How UV light affects the skin.
  • The connection between light and our circadian rhythms.
  • How UV light impacts vitamin D production.
  • Which important processes in the body are influenced by vitamin D. 
  • What melanin is. 
  • Two factors that can predispose you to sun damage. 
  • How the immune system reacts to sun damage. 
  • The prevalence of skin cancer in recent decades. 
  • How rates of malignant melanomas have changed. 
  • Why antibiotic usage can affect your susceptibility to sun damage.
  • Which compounds in coffee have been shown to be protective against sun damage.
  • The importance of sourcing high-quality coffee.
  • How flavanols in cacao can improve skin quality.
  • Why tomatoes can create more resilient interaction with the sun.
  • Which hydrating food can offer a multitude of benefits in the summer months.
  • What ellagic acid is. 
  • Why high-quality nutrients can improve your response to the sun’s rays.
  • How the oxidation of seed oils create inflammation. 
  • Why excessive sugar intake can negatively impact your skin. 
  • Which oils are best for skin health.
  • The connection between oxybenzone in sunscreen and hormone disruption.
  • How to gradually build your tolerance to the sun. 

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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This episode of The Model Health Show is brought to you by Four Sigmatic and Organifi. 

Visit to get an exclusive 10% discount on mushroom and adaptogen-packed blends to improve your life. 

Organifi makes nutrition easy and delicious for everyone. Take 20% off your order with the code MODEL at

Direct download: 771_-_Nutritional_Sunscreen__The_Truth_About_Sun_Protection.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:01pm PST

One important tenet of living a longer, healthier life is eating a variety of nutrient-dense foods. In the landscape of diet wars, nutritional dogma, and predatory marketing tactics, it can be hard to cut through the noise. So what exactly should you be eating to increase your lifespan and healthspan? 

Today’s guest, Dave Asprey, is a longtime health science entrepreneur, a four-time New York Times bestselling author, and the father of biohacking. He’s back on The Model Health Show to share his top five foods that are correlated with a longer lifespan, including animal-based protein, blueberries, grass-fed butter, and more. 

You’re going to hear the real science behind dietary cholesterol, some of the nuances with consuming olive oil and fish oil, and how to upgrade your cup of coffee. We’re discussing how alcohol impacts longevity, the benefits of dairy fat, and how your nutrition can make your brain and hormones work better. As always, Dave is bringing the science and entertainment. I hope you enjoy this interview with the one and only, Dave Asprey! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why saturated fats are critical for building your hormones. (6:45)
  • What you need to know about fake avocado oil. (7:12)
  • The relationship between testosterone and dopamine. (8:39)
  • Why most people have low testosterone levels. (8:54)
  • The last place in your budget to cut costs. (10:52)
  • How canola oil was infiltrated into our food system. (11:38)
  • Why 80% of vegans quit their diet. (13:24)
  • The environmental implications of a plant-based diet. (20:39)
  • How our regulatory agencies have been lying to us. (24:24)
  • The evidence behind consuming olive oil. (26:03)
  • Two theories behind how olive oil impacts longevity. (27:11)
  • The health benefits of blueberries. (29:06)
  • Which animal proteins have the most minerals and nutrients. (31:07)
  • Why a pescatarian diet can backfire. (31:59)
  • The truth about plant-based omega 3s. (32:38)
  • Which food is the best source of EPA & DHA. (33:10)
  • The drawbacks of consuming too much fish oil. (33:50)
  • How coffee influences your longevity. (38:59)
  • The surprising truth about mold in coffee. (39:20)
  • How to choose between fair-trade and organic coffee. (49:00)
  • What happens in your body when you drink alcohol. (59:39)
  • The connection between longevity and ejaculation. (1:07:01)

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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This episode of The Model Health Show is brought to you by Paleo Valley & LMNT. 

Use my code MODEL at to save 15% sitewide on nutrient dense snacks, superfood supplements, and more.  

Head to to claim a FREE sample pack of electrolytes with any purchase. 

Direct download: 770_-_Eat_These_5_Foods_to_Live_Longer__with_Dave_Asprey.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST