The Model Health Show

Digestion might be one of the most miraculous processes in the universe.

If you think about it rationally, it’s a really, really strange and powerful phenomenon. Digestion is basically the process of taking something that’s outside of your body, and somehow, someway, it becomes a part of you…

From there, the food lives on through you in a different form. You are a walking, talking patchwork quilt of all the things you’ve eaten over the years. Pretty weird, right? But it’s also pretty amazing!

Now, when I say the things you’ve eaten over the years, that doesn’t mean that your body is still carrying cells from all of those gluten-free pumpkin muffins you ate over the holidays 2-years ago (oh, that’s just me, huh?). Your body’s cells are being renewed from the nutrients you give it all the time, that’s why there’s always an opportunity to right the ship, and make your body out of awesome stuff. But, the story doesn’t just stop there…

There’s a lot more to digestion than the food you eat. Even if you’re deciding to eat healthier food, your investment might be short-changed if you’re not honoring some of the life-changing things you’ll be learning about today.

Dr. Jillian Teta, the author of the hit book Natural Solutions for Digestive Health, is back on the show to help us process the little known things that make our digestion tick (beyond the food we eat!). So, if you’re eating a healthy diet but still not seeing the results you want, or if you’re not interested in changing your diet much at all, but still want to feel good and have strong digestive firepower, then this show will deliver the goods. Just click play, take good notes, and enjoy!

In this episode you'll discover:

  • Why the inside of your gut is sort of like a rain forest.
  • What the enteric nervous system is (this is important!).
  • Which important compounds the bacteria and cells in your gut are making for you.
  • Three reasons people need digestive support beyond basic dietary changes.
  • Why eating in your car might be hampering your digestion.
  • Why the pace in which you eat can either enhance or depress your digestive function.
  • The impact that chewing has on your overall digestion.
  • What it means to be an angry eater.
  • The simple science on why social media is so addictive.
  • Why movement = better digestive movement.
  • The importance of establishing a bathroom routine (especially if you need home court advantage!).
  • When and how to take antibiotics (this is crucial!).
  • What to look for when buying probiotics.
  • Whether or not prebiotics are important for supporting gut health.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Direct download: 243-How_To_Improve_Your_Digestion_WITHOUT_Changing_Your_Diet.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:29pm PDT

When you understand motivation, you finally take the training wheels off on your ride to success.

If you can actually hone in on why we do the things that we do, there’s no limit to what you can achieve. Without motivation, even the smallest tasks feel gargantuan. But, with motivation, there comes an overflow of focus and energy that puts conquering great feats on automatic.

We’ve all done it. There’s something we say we want to accomplish… something with our fitness, our career, our relationship, etc… but our actions don’t really match up to the result we say we want. Maybe we started with ample motivation in the beginning, but it has shriveled up like it’s too cold outside. We typically try again with similar results, or just give up and tell ourselves that the goal wasn’t that important to begin with. Motivation wains, and with it, so does our results.

Today you’re going to learn the science of motivation. We’re going to take a peek behind the curtain of your psyche and help you to do more of the things that you really want to do in your life. We should all be better able to understand what makes us tick, and that’s what this episode is all about. Being fit and healthy long-term boils down to applying specific mechanics. But you won’t do those mechanics if your motivation decides to bail on you when you need it most. The tips and insights you’ll learn today will definitely be valuable for a lifetime. So, click play, listen in, and let your motivation light you on fire!

In this episode you'll discover:

  • Why the mechanics of getting fit are easy, but it can still be difficult to do them.
  • The surprising way that caffeine functions in the human body (and how it affects body fat).
  • The critical difference between motivation and inspiration.
  • How leveraging the mirror neurons in your brain can help you to stay motivated.
  • Why we get emotional watching other people go through things (even though it’s not happening to us).
  • Why creating positive habits is still a stress on your brain.
  • The shocking way that music affects your performance during a workout.
  • How music influences our perception of pain.
  • Why peeling-the-onion and getting to the core of your desire to be fit can be game-changing.
  • What the observer effect is and how it impacts our behavior.
  • How to use social media to keep yourself accountable.
  • What social comparison theory is.
  • The most important things to know when selecting a workout partner.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week!

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Direct download: 242-6_Crucial_Keys_To_Long-Term_Fitness__The_Science_Of_Motivation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:21pm PDT

The well known phrase “you are what you eat” isn’t entirely accurate. This is because everything you eat doesn’t become “you”. And thank goodness for that!

A lot of what you eat doesn’t make the cut as far as building materials, and it has to be eliminated. If that eliminatory process is hindered in any way, trouble starts brewing fast. Your digestion, assimilation, and elimination is the very foundation of your health. Yet, the elimination factor isn’t talked about nearly enough today. Poo is taboo, and it’s becoming a big problem.

So many chronic illnesses are tied to poor elimination. Obvious things like constipation and hemorrhoids, but also not-so-obvious things like chronic fatigue and cancer. Today we’re covering some of the big issues with conventional methods of poop behavior (this might be the first time that “poop behavior” has been written, by the way), plus one of the most remarkable solutions that’s already helping countless people improve their health. Bobby Edwards is leading the charge in the mission to get folks educated about elimination, and he’s here today to share his family’s story, plus some game-changing insights that can support your health for a lifetime.

In this episode you'll discover:

  • What elimination means on a deeper level.
  • Why fats are critical for the “brain” of your cells.
  • Why the Squatty Potty was born out of necessity.
  • How the human bowel is actually designed to prevent unwarranted pooping.
  • Why squatting is the optimal position to completely eliminate waste.
  • Why modern day toilets present a host of potential health issues.
  • How straining on the toilet can be linked to cardiovascular problems.
  • Why there are often books or magazines in modern day bathrooms.
  • What hemorrhoids are (and what causes them).
  • How your pelvic floor works and what happens during prolapse.
  • The shocking rates of diverticulosis and how likely people are to get it.
  • How constipation is intimately linked to colon cancer.
  • Whether or not adding more fiber will help to improve your health.
  • What tends to cause constipation when you travel.
  • What safe, smart solution you can use to ensure you’re pooping properly when you’re on the road.
  • How your gut bacteria actually changes when you change time zones.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Do you remember the scene in the movie The Matrix where the main character Neo wakes up from his incubated sleep covered in pink goo? It wasn’t the goo that was alarming (strangely enough) it was the fact that he woke up to a very different reality than the one he believed in. He thought that his decisions were his own, he thought that he was free to choose his beliefs and path in life, and he thought that he was free. The truth was that it was all an illusion, and his mind had been hacked by those who saw fit to use him. But hey… that’s just an interesting movie plot isn’t it? Nothing like that could ever happen in real life… right?

Today you’re going to hear from neuroendocrinologist and New York Times bestselling author Dr. Robert Lustig about what he refers to as The Hacking of the American Mind. Now, this hacking isn’t reserved solely for Americans, it’s a phenomenon that’s shared amongst all of the developed nations in the world, and rapidly percolating its way into the undeveloped world as well. Dr. Lustig makes the case that many of the things we’ve accepted as normal are anything but. For example, you may think that you have the freewill to choose the food that you eat, the entertainment you consume, and the beliefs you uphold, but there’s a bigger story behind the scenes. And this story has a lot to do with battle between pleasure and happiness.

Now, I used the word battle because, as you’ll discover today, these two things are not synonymous, and they most definitely lead to different outcomes in our lives. In many ways, this is the best time to be alive. Yet, with the changing landscape comes new problems and new challenges to overcome. The faster we become aware of them, the faster we can hop out of the matrix and live life doing all of the cool stuff that we were really born to do. So, with that I'd like to introduce you to the incredible Dr. Robert Lustig!

In this episode you'll discover:

  • What the "internet black hole" is.
  • What vanishing calorie density means.
  • Why Dr. Lustig decided to become a neuroendocrinologist.
  • The crucial differences between pleasure and happiness.
  • How addiction happens in the brain.
  • The science behind why it's easier than ever to be unhappy today.
  • Why the stress hormone cortisol is not the bad guy it's been made out to be.
  • How different parts of the brain are influenced by stress.
  • Why addiction and depression are connected.
  • How the American mind is being hacked.
  • The difference between marketing and propaganda (this is important!).
  • The 4 C's for optimizing health and happiness.
  • One key element that social media lacks compared to face to face interaction.
  • Why cell phones are like having a slot machine in your pocket.
  • The truth about exercise and weight loss.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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How often do you read good fiction books? There was a stretch of maybe half a decade where I, although an avid reader, avoided reading any fiction because I believed that it was not productive. I read countless nutrition books, books on fitness, books on personal development, and more. They all contained a lot of facts and theories (which were great) but I was missing on something really special for my life.

Luckily, a few years back after the poking and prodding of several people, I picked up a book called The Alchemist and it shined a bright light in a part of my mind that I had been neglecting. Little did I know that there was significant research touting the benefits of reading fiction. You can see marked changes in the brain, bolstered creativity, and so much more than the average person isn’t informed about. My rekindled love of fiction eventually led me to one of my favorite authors, Dan Millman, which is why I’m so excited to share this with you today! One of Dan’s books, that I read several years ago, still sits on my nightstand to this day (well, until I picked it up and brought it to the studio with me to record this).

Thanks to Dan and other amazing authors, I’ve been able to foster new connections in my mind, paint more vibrant pictures than ever before, and I know it’s helped me to connect and relate with others so much more. If you’re not reading fiction books every now and then, I think this will be very inspirational in you doing so. Whether it’s physical books or audiobooks, storytelling (and story listening) is one of the things that makes us more human, and keeps our minds open to the possibility of everything. Dan is a remarkable person with a remarkable story. So, just click play, listen deeply, and soak it all in. Enjoy!

In this episode you'll discover:

  • The surprising benefits that reading fiction has on your brain.
  • Why it’s important to be strong in multiple directions.
  • What luck really is.
  • What inspired Dan to write book that imbues fiction with autobiography.
  • What it means to be a Peaceful Warrior.
  • How paradox exists in all aspects of our lives.
  • Why embracing the concept of change can quickly transform your life.
  • Why comparing yourself to others can lead to suffering and how today’s social media explosion can add even more fuel to the fire.
  • How self-acceptance can be a way to inner peace.
  • Why everything you do matters.
  • How giving up can still lead to success (as long as you do this one key thing!).
  • What Dan does to stay vital and healthy at 71-years old (he’s still doing handstands and somersaults!).

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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