The Model Health Show

Your emotional health is a critical part of your overall well-being. People who are emotionally healthy are better able to keep a strong mindset, build resiliency, and handle life’s challenges.  On today’s show, you’re going to learn about how navigating your inner world can impact your life. 

Our guest today, Dr. Susan David, is one of the world’s foremost experts in emotional agility. She is an award-winning psychologist, a bestselling author, and TED Talk speaker. Her book, Emotional Agility, is a science-based guide to healthier emotions and better communication. On this episode of The Model Health Show, Dr. Susan David is back to share powerful ideas about understanding and processing emotions. 

You’re going to learn about coping with stress, labeling your emotions, and living in alignment with your needs and values. Dr. Susan David is sharing life-changing insights on understanding yourself, your psychology, and your emotions so that you can have better health, relationships, and experiences. In an ever-changing world, emotional agility is a necessary skill – and I hope this episode gives you the tools you need to become your best self. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How our thoughts, emotions, and stories inform our behaviors. 
  • The importance of understanding our emotions. 
  • Why our emotions are the most powerful resource we can have. 
  • What it means to have stress that is values concordant. 
  • The power in understanding your relationship with stress. 
  • What it means to over-identify with a part of yourself. 
  • The problem with labeling emotions as good or bad. 
  • How accurately identifying your emotions can change your life. 
  • What emotional granularity is. 
  • The problem with the feminization of emotions. 
  • What a display rule is. 
  • How to avoid emotional fusion in yourself and your children.
  • What the Zulu greeting “Sawubona” means. 
  • How our emotions act as signposts. 
  • Why your emotions are data. 
  • The role of compassion and curiosity when it comes to understanding emotions.
  • What it means to develop a board of advisors. 
  • How to connect with your core. 

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“The giving of love is an education in itself.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

I believe that our relationships are one of the most influential factors in determining our mental health, success, and overall well-being in life. No matter your relationship status or personality type, communicating effectively with others is a critical skill you need to operate in our world today. On today’s show, you’re going to learn how to cultivate high-quality relationships so you can level up your happiness, health, and success. 

On this episode of The Model Health Show, I’m sitting down with Jairek Robbins. Jairek is a best-selling author, performance coach, and the president of Success Enterprises. He has taken five years’ worth of relationship courses and today he’s sharing the most impactful principles that you can use to become a master of relationships. This interview is full of actionable steps you can take today to improve your relationships. 

You’ll hear exactly how to become a better listener and how to implement the principles of teamwork in any relationship. We’ll talk about how our physiological inputs can affect our communication skills, and how to efficiently verbalize your feelings. I hope these tips will impact the way you communicate and help you connect more authentically with the people around you. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What inspired Jairek to become a master of relationships.
  • How to bring your most authentic self to a first date. 
  • The three things we pick up throughout our lives, and how they evolve over time.
  • What the three different types of stories that inform our lives are. 
  • Why understanding someone’s stories is like gaining an awareness of your heartbeat. 
  • The power of reflecting on the past thirty days. 
  • How our past triggers can impact our relationships.
  • The three components of a great relationship. 
  • How to find alignment with your partner. 
  • The importance of teamwork in any relationship. 
  • Why defining roles and responsibilities can help a partnership flourish.
  • The fastest way to ruin a relationship.
  • Why you should keep a pulse on your partner’s sleep habits.
  • The four steps of listening. 
  • An important rule for communicating your feelings. 
  • How men and women tend to cope with hurt feelings differently.
  • Why a sleep deficit can lead to more conflicts. 
  • The four different reasons why people choose to be in a relationship.
  • What it means to master your craft. 

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The food you eat matters, but have you heard about the importance of eating together? In our ever-increasingly busy culture, the ritual of a family dinner is becoming less common. But a growing body of research shows that sitting down at mealtimes with loved ones can have a dramatic impact on our weight, nutrient status, and happiness. 

On this episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to hear about the benefits of gathering around the dinner table for a family meal. We’re going to dive into the specific studies that affirm the importance of eating meals with your family. You’re going to learn how a shared meal can impact the quality of foods you eat, your health outcomes, and so much more. 

At a time when we’re all distracted by busy schedules, buzzing devices, and convenience foods, it’s more important than ever to intentionally set aside time for healthy family routines. In this episode, I’m sharing four practical tips you can use to establish family mealtimes and build a culture of health and connection in your home. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How many people die from poor diet each year.
  • The impact our environment can have on our choices.
  • Specific key nutrients that are associated with communal dining. 
  • Why eating with your family can help you make healthier food choices.
  • The connection between childhood health outcomes and family dinners.
  • How many times per week (minimum) you should aim to have a family meal.
  • What percentage of the average American’s diet is ultra-processed food.
  • The link between stress reduction and family meals.
  • What percentage of families eat together on a regular basis.
  • How eating with others can impact the way your body assimilates food.
  • The correlation between eating in front of a screen and increased calorie intake.
  • How after-school screentime can impact kids’ food choices. 
  • The role dopamine plays in our screentime behaviors. 
  • Four practical tips you can use to reap the benefits of family mealtimes. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm PST

Have you ever heard the statement that we only use 10% of our brains? This concept is popular in popular culture and motivational speeches, but there’s no scientific data to back it up. The human brain is dynamic and highly complex. The truth is, we use 100% of our brains all the time, even when we’re sleeping. 

Although we can’t tap into dormant parts of our brains to unlock our potential, we can optimize our brains and our biology to operate at peak performance. Today’s guest is going to show you how. Louisa Nicola is a neurophysiologist and the founder of Neuro Athletics, a company that helps athletes and top investors achieve peak performance by taking a neurological approach to training. On this episode of The Model Health Show, she’s sharing the fascinating science behind building an athletic brain.

In this interview, we’re diving into topics like neurophysiology, gray matter, dopamine, and long-term brain health. Louisa is bringing the data, her unmatched experience in the field of neurophysiology, and actionable steps you can use to achieve peak performance in any area of your life. So listen in, take good notes, and enjoy the show! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What the field of neurophysiology entails.
  • How an EEG is used to measure brain activity. 
  • What separates someone like Kobe Bryant from the average athlete.
  • Why Louisa decided to do brain scans on NFL players.
  • What Neuro Athletics is, and the two major industries they serve.
  • The series of events that occur in the brain when you hit a ball.
  • How juggling can grow the gray matter of the brain. 
  • Why adding variations to physical activity can train your brain. 
  • How the nervous system works. 
  • Three major theories about brain aging. 
  • What percentage of our brains that we actually use. 
  • The importance of sleeping for neuroplasticity. 
  • How to set goals that optimize your dopamine response. 
  • Why curating your social media feed is important for your brain. 
  • How physical activity can starve off Alzheimer’s disease.
  • What percentage of patients with Alzheimer’s disease have a genetic form.
  • The importance of cycling through sleep stages for brain health. 
  • How Ceylon cinnamon can impact insulin levels. 
  • The three domains for achieving peak performance. 

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In the fitness world, there are many misconceptions about what it takes to build a strong body. Some of these myths are so pervasive, they could be holding you back or sabotaging your progress. On today’s show, we’re going to clear the air about what’s actually required to build strength and resilience. 

Our guest today is Nsima Inyang. Nsima is a lifting coach, professional natural bodybuilder, elite-level powerlifter, and the co-host of Mark Bell’s Power Project. If there’s anyone who knows how to build strength, it’s Nsima – and in this interview, he’s sharing real-world strategies and empowering mindset shifts on human potential. 

On this episode of The Model Health Show, Nsima is sharing practical tactics you can use to build a stronger, more resilient, and more functional body. We’re going to talk about how having strong and functional feet can impact other muscles, the importance of creating resilient knees, and the mental benefits of having a physical outlet. This episode is jam-packed with insights on human strength and performance, so listen in and enjoy the show! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • A huge misconception about gaining muscle and losing fat.
  • How much protein you need to eat in order to build muscle. 
  • Why Nsima decided not to become a doctor. 
  • The importance of having a physical outlet. 
  • How movement can be helpful for coping with depression. 
  • Why walking is such an underrated tool.
  • What you need to know about foot functionality. 
  • Why many muscle imbalances start in the foot. 
  • Simple habits you can implement to promote foot health. 
  • How to build stronger, more resilient knees. 
  • The life-changing mindset shift of not identifying with your injuries.
  • Why healing is not linear.
  • The importance of building rotational ability. 
  • How to build habits that support your goals. 
  • What a white belt mentality is. 
  • The benefits of walking backward. 
  • How identifying your weaknesses can make you stronger. 
  • Why the sky is not the limit. 
  • Three primary tenets to building a functional body. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm PST

Can you think of a time that you’ve gotten sick because you were stressed? Studies show that emotional stress can be a contributing factor to many conditions, ranging from the common cold to cardiovascular disease. There’s an undeniable link between our thoughts and our physical manifestations, and that’s the topic for today’s show.

On this episode of The Model Health Show, stem cell biologist and epigenetic pioneer, Dr. Bruce Lipton, is back to share the truth about how disease is created and how stress impacts the immune system. You’re going to learn how to build an empowering belief system that promotes health, plus four practices you can implement to create a healthy body. We’re diving into topics like the motives of the pharmaceutical industry, how our environment shapes our health, and the science behind the placebo effect. 

There is powerful science behind how your beliefs inform your gene expression, and there’s no one better to teach this topic than Dr. Bruce Lipton. It’s not your genes alone that dictate your health outcomes, it’s the biology of belief that determines your destiny. So listen in and enjoy this interview! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How many people are killed by poor diet every year. 
  • The importance of recognizing your agency in your health outcomes.
  • How genetic determinism leads to victimization. 
  • Different types of stem cells, and how they operate. 
  • How your thoughts create chemistry. 
  • The science behind the placebo effect.
  • An important distinction between correlation and causation.
  • Why genes are like blueprints.
  • What percentage of diseases are controlled by genes. 
  • The relationship between genes and environment.
  • Why the nucleus is the gonad of the cell.
  • How a cell membrane and a computer chip are similar.
  • Three main ways that stress can create disease.
  • The prevalence of chronic illness in the United States. 
  • Four things you can do to create a healthy body.
  • How many people die each year from prescription drugs.
  • What percentage of healing occurs from the placebo effect.
  • The role that tonsils play in immunity.
  • Why babies have an instinct to put things in their mouths.
  • The relationship between harmony and health. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:32pm PST

From time to time, we can all feel insecure or inadequate. But if you’re constantly feeling like you’re unworthy, unlikeable, or not good enough, there may be some experiences from your past that you need to reevaluate. Today, my good friend Cynthia Garcia is here to show you how. Cynthia is a bestselling author, an empowering life coach, and the founder and CEO of the Institute of Transformational Nutrition. 

On this episode of The Model Health Show, Cynthia Garcia is back to share inspiring insights on how rewriting your stories and breaking through your limiting beliefs can transform your life. We’re diving deep into the process of reframing past traumas, shifting your identity, and creating a deeply fulfilling life. Cynthia is sharing her personal anecdotes and experiences healing trauma, and how you can reframe and overcome any obstacle that life has thrown your way. 

This interview provides a thought-provoking conversation on healing, growth, personal development, and so much more. I hope Cynthia’s story reminds you that you are the author of your own story, and that your potential is entirely up to you. So listen in, take good notes, and enjoy this conversation with Cynthia Garcia! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The importance of taking a look at what is possible for your life.
  • How the stories we tell ourselves can hold us back.
  • The power of consciously changing and rewriting your personal stories.
  • How children can adopt a survivor mentality.
  • What feelings of shame can tell you about your past experiences. 
  • Why your thoughts do not create your reality. 
  • The value of choosing the future that you want to create.
  • What it means to own an identity. 
  • How to address your past traumas.
  • Why people with difficult backgrounds often end up becoming successful.
  • How to acknowledge and accept your past traumas. 
  • The importance of taking time to think without distractions. 
  • What it means to take personal responsibility for everything. 
  • The definition of instinctive elaboration, and why it matters.
  • How working with a coach can help you feel in control.
  • Why becoming aware of who you are can aid in your personal development. 
  • The role that education can play in creating a full life. 
  • Why healing and growth are a continuous journey. 
  • What modern life coaching is. 

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The proverbial expression, “you are what you eat” is one of the wisest and most profound health insights. The food that you eat literally creates the cells in your body, including your blood, your brain, and your skin. And at a time in history when we are surrounded by hyper-palatable ultra-processed foods, going back to the basics of human nutrition is critical for our overall health and longevity. No matter what your diet philosophy is, there are some main tenets you can incorporate to build a stronger body and brain. 

On this episode, you’re going to learn some key insights on how your diet affects a multitude of functions in your body, including your metabolism and weight, cognition and memory, and so much more. You’re going to hear some of the studies that I referenced in my book, Eat Smarter, plus applicable takeaways you can use to create a well-rounded, health affirmative diet. This episode is my interview on Empire Podcast with Bedros Keuilian. 

We’re diving into specifics like fine-tuning your hydration levels, the science on omega-3 fatty acids, and why magnesium is essential for human health. I’m also sharing the framework behind Eat Smarter, and why it is intended to serve as a unifier for all. I hope you enjoy my interview from the Empire Podcast!  

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The science behind brain coupling. 
  • Why you should consider the types of people you surround yourself with.
  • How our bodies are literally made from the food we eat. 
  • Why your diet impacts so much more than your weight. 
  • What epigenetic controllers are and why they matter. 
  • The definition of epicaloric control. 
  • How side effects from pharmaceutical drugs can lead to more health problems.
  • Why your microbes can dictate your weight. 
  • How the function of the metabolism can change when we eat processed food.
  • Why the human brain is hardwired to look for problems.  
  • The impacts dehydration can have on your cognition. 
  • A rough estimate of how much water you should be drinking. 
  • The role that electrolytes play in human health. 
  • What the number one mineral deficiency in our country is. 
  • The link between omega 3 consumption and memory. 
  • What neuronutrition is.
  • The effects of DHA and EPA on brain health.
  • Why basic foundational health principles are more important than following a diet. 

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm PST