The Model Health Show

Stress is an inherent part of the human experience. No matter your circumstances, you’re bound to face stress in the form of interpersonal struggles, work or financial demands, or even just general uncertainty and pressure. No one is immune from the realities of stress, but luckily there are some things we can do to make the impacts of stress less harmful.

Today’s guest, Dr. Elissa Epel, is an internationally renowned psychologist, bestselling author, and expert on building stress resilience for optimal aging and overall well-being. On today’s show, she’s sharing incredible insights from her new book, The Stress Prescription, on real-world strategies to improve the way you perceive stress. You’re going to learn about the body’s stress response system, and how it impacts a myriad of biological functions like aging and sleep.

Dr. Epel is sharing a wealth of data on how stress impacts the body, and how to dampen the blow of stress with mindset shifts, exercises, biohacking strategies, and so much more. Learning how to modulate your response to stress is something we can call benefit from, and I hope you find this information empowering. Enjoy!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What percentage of visits are caused by stress-related illnesses.
  • Why stress is a critical component of our motivational system.
  • How our stress response system works.
  • What telomeres are and how to protect them.
  • How the anti-aging enzyme telomerase works.
  • What our default stress baseline is.
  • How stress can impact your sleep quality, recovery, and mitochondrial health.
  • What uncertainty tolerance is, and realistic ways to build it.
  • How meditation can change your stress resilience on a long-term basis.
  • My personal meditation practice, and how that relationship has changed over time.
  • What it means to be the lion.
  • The connection between adverse childhood experiences and stress responses.
  • How stress can negatively impact your metabolism and body composition.
  • Specific exercises and behaviors that can positively alter your stress response.
  • The importance of bookending your day with joy.

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There’s so much conflicting information about human nutrition, metabolism, and weight loss. One of the most pervasive pieces of diet nutrition that most folks subscribe to is the concept of “calories in, calories out.” While this model isn’t inherently wrong, it also doesn’t paint the full picture of how human digestion works. Today we’re going to unpack exactly how our bodies process and assimilate the foods we eat.

On today’s show, you’re going to hear an interview I did with Dr. Steven Gundry on The Dr. Gundry Podcast. We’re diving into topics like the science of calories, epicaloric controllers, how macronutrients influence our weight, and how our brain can control how our metabolism works. You’re going to learn about specific foods you can eat to improve your health, and how processes like blood sugar and inflammation could be negatively impacting your body’s overall function.

You’ll also learn how body fat works, and the specific types of fat our body has. This episode gets to the truth about calories, and how you can start eating in a way that optimizes your brain, body composition, and overall well-being. I believe that this interview is full of information that you can begin to implement no matter your starting point; so listen in and enjoy the show!   

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The importance of utilizing instinctive elaboration by asking empowering questions.
  • What the number one purpose of our body fat is.
  • Different types of storage fats and their specific roles.
  • Which type of fat our brain is comprised of.
  • Why conflating diet success with hunger is dangerous.
  • What epicaloric influences are.
  • Six specific epicaloric controllers that are impacting your metabolism.
  • How your body processes whole foods versus processed foods.
  • What the thermic effect of food is.
  • How your microbiome can influence your metabolism.
  • Why hypothalamic inflammation can decrease your calorie burn.
  • The importance of increasing the diversity of foods you eat.
  • A connection between microbiome diversity, obesity, and risk for chronic diseases.
  • How eating protein for breakfast can help you lose weight.
  • What you should know about the RDA for protein.
  • How DHA consumption can improve your memory and focus.
  • The best whole food sources of DHA.
  • How blood sugar control can influence your emotions.
  • The role magnesium plays in reducing stress and regulating emotions.
  • How we can leverage our psychology to make healthier choices.

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST

With the New Year upon us, a lot of people are gearing up to make monumental shifts in their nutrition and fitness habits. But statistics show that most folks don’t sustain their resolutions for longer than a few months. What can we do to improve our habits without setting goals that are destined to fail? My friend, Don Saladino, knows a thing or two about transforming physiques and getting in the right mindset to improve your health.

Don Saladino is a coach and fitness and entrepreneur who has worked with numerous celebrities and professional athletes to take their fitness to the next level. What I love about Don is that although he knows what it takes to train like a superhero, he is also a big believer in consistent and sustainable habits for everyday people. On today’s show, Don is sharing how to maximize your results and change your habits in a real, accessible manner.

In this interview, Don is sharing so many useful tips on topics like the right way to incorporate cardio into your routine, building a culture of health and fitness in your family, and the best exercises for building stronger glutes. We’re going to talk about the connection between exercise and aging, the basic tenets of a healthy diet framework, and a whole lot more. I hope this episode inspires you to create change in a realistic way and to set goals that you can approach no matter the date on the calendar. Enjoy!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How many steps you should aim to take per day.
  • Three different types of cardio, and when to utilize each.
  • How your stress levels should influence your training methods.
  • What one of the top causes of injuries during workouts is.
  • The importance of earning the right to do certain movements.
  • What a rest day looks like for Don.
  • How to take a minimalistic approach to training.
  • Why consistency trumps intensity.
  • The crucial lifestyle factors that impact your results.
  • How to empower your children to make healthy choices.
  • Why strength and resiliency are important goals as we age.
  • The foundational tenets of a healthy diet.
  • Why strength training is essential for women.
  • The best foundational movements for glute development.

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The exciting field of microbiome research has exploded in recent years. As researchers dive into the connection between humans and our microbes, the more we learn about promoting health, reversing disease, and so much more. What’s interesting about this specific line of research is that while we’ve uncovered so much information about the function and role of the microbiome, there’s still so much to be discovered.

Today’s guest, Dr. Suzanne Devkota, is the director of the Cedars-Sinai Microbiome Institute, where she studies the fascinating intersection between diet and the microbiome. On today’s show, she’s sharing the latest science on how nutrients influence our microbes. You’re going to learn about the link between microbiome and chronic illnesses, and what to include in your diet for a robust, diverse microbiome.

We’re also going to talk about the science behind fecal transplants, how your environment influences your microbiome, and what you should know about taking a probiotic. Dr. Devkota is a wealth of information, and I hope you find this episode useful. Enjoy!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The number of microbes that live in and on our bodies.
  • How the human microbiome evolved over time.
  • Essential vitamins and nutrients our microbes produce.
  • How damaging your microbiome can result in nutrient deficiencies.
  • The relationship between the microbiome and short-chain fatty acids.
  • How Dr. Devkota became interested in studying the microbiome.
  • Which environmental factors influence your microbial makeup.
  • The importance of having a diverse microbiome.
  • What impact cohabitation has on the microbiome.
  • How a fecal transplant works and which conditions it can treat.
  • Why an omnivorous diet is beneficial for microbes.
  • Behaviors that can alter your microbiome negatively.
  • How over-sanitizing negatively impacts the health of our society.
  • What the hygiene hypothesis is.
  • How endocrine disruptors can get stored in fat cells.
  • Three main things you should look for in a probiotic.
  • The role of fermented foods in gut health.
  • What to ask your provider before taking an antibiotic.
  • The main components of a microbiome-friendly diet.

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In the United States, the weight loss industry rakes in billions of dollars every single year. Yet, data shows that most folks are unable to sustain their weight loss goals long-term, and very few of our citizens are metabolically healthy. What’s missing in this equation, and what can we do to help people create a sustainable, realistic healthy lifestyle?

Today’s guest, JJ Virgin, is passionate about helping others reach their weight loss goals and feel their best at any age. With nearly four decades in the health and fitness industry, JJ knows a thing or two about optimizing nutrition and exercise to create results. She is also a four-time New York Times bestselling author, podcast host, speaker, and media personality.

On this episode of The Model Health Show, JJ is sharing why focusing on weight loss doesn’t create results, and what to do instead. We’re covering topics like creating muscle mass, how to set protein goals, simple principles for healthy eating, and the stress-weight connection. JJ has so much invaluable wisdom and experience to share; I hope you enjoy this interview!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What percentage of dieters typically achieve and sustain their weight loss goals.
  • Why body composition matters when trying to lose weight.
  • The benefits of having muscle on your body.
  • Why building muscle increases your metabolism.
  • What percentage of US citizens are metabolically healthy.
  • Why weight alone is a meaningless number.
  • The main macronutrient you should focus on.
  • An important distinction between intermittent fasting and time-restricted feeding.
  • How many grams of protein you should aim to consume.
  • Why processed foods can interrupt the natural process of intuitive eating.
  • How to use a continuous glucose monitor as a tool for metabolic health.
  • The relationship between stress and weight.
  • JJ’s personal experience with meditation.
  • Why exercise is a critical component for fat loss and overall health.

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If you look at fertility rates over recent decades, the data is shocking. Sperm counts and testosterone levels have dropped, the incidence of miscarriages has risen, and overall ability to reproduce is on the decline. From an evolutionary standpoint, human fertility is a critical part of our health. And like many other issues plaguing our society, there’s a lot we can do to make a positive impact on our overall reproductive health.

On this episode of The Model Health Show, Mike Mutzel from High-Intensity Health is back to discuss what’s behind declining fertility rates, like endocrine-disrupting chemicals and other environmental factors. You’re going to hear simple, natural, and accessible ways to boost testosterone and balance hormonal health for both men and women.

This episode contains important conversations on human reproductive health, the role of testosterone for overall wellness, and why walking is an indispensable human behavior. We’re also going to talk about the adverse effects of hormonal birth control, and why building muscle should be a goal for everyone. Listen in, take good notes, and enjoy this interview with my friend, Mike Mutzel!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The shocking statistics on declining fertility.
  • How sperm motility rates are expected to change in the next few decades.
  • Why endocrine-disrupting chemicals are hurting our hormones.
  • The importance of preconception planning and nutrition.
  • Which specific foods you should eat organic, and why.
  • Why filtered water is critical for hormonal health.
  • How your cup of coffee could be exposing you to microplastics.
  • What the contamination theory of obesity is.
  • How microplastics disrupt the gut barrier and microbiome.
  • The link between muscle mass and testosterone.
  • How many steps per day is correlated with higher testosterone levels.
  • Why you should aim to walk after a meal.
  • How to encourage your children to walk more.
  • What thermal stress is.
  • The link between metabolism, osteoarthritis, and inflammation.
  • What DHEA is, and when to utilize it.
  • How hormonal birth control suppresses fertility.
  • The importance of building muscle for overall health and vitality.

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Even though we know that our brains change throughout our lifetime, there’s a lot we can do to support our brain’s health and functionality at every stage. Cognitive impairment and mental decline are common symptoms of aging, but declining brain function is not inevitable.

On today’s show, you’re going to learn about 5 behaviors that are clinically proven to shrink your brain. These five common behaviors can actually decrease brain volume, functionality, and connectivity. You’re going to hear about the metabolic needs of the brain, and how to support it with proper diet and hydration.

We’re also going to cover simple habit switches you can implement to support your brain health, including foods to add to your diet, specific tools for adequate hydration, and how to reduce inflammation and support a healthier body composition. We can all benefit from a healthier brain, and I hope this episode arms you with the knowledge and tangible steps you can take to support your brain’s structure and functionality.

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What percentage of calories the brain utilizes.
  • The main structural components of the human brain.
  • What makes omega 3 fats unique.
  • The difference between storage fats and structural fats.
  • How omega 3s contribute to better brain health.
  • Which whole foods are the densest sources of EPA and DHA.
  • The inverse relationship between belly fat and brain size.
  • How incorporating more extra virgin olive oil can improve your overall health.
  • Why dehydration leads to reduced brain volume.
  • The importance of proper hydration and electrolytes.
  • How alcohol consumption impacts the brain.
  • Why alcohol damages the brain, immune system, and metabolism.
  • How excessive sugar intake can cause brain atrophy.
  • Why getting our citizens healthier can solve our world’s problems.

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:32pm PST

Humans have a complex and intimate connection with out of our most basic needs: food. In our culture, food can serve many purposes including memories, joy, and connection. And because every cell in your body is created from the food you eat, your diet also has a profound impact on the way your body functions on a daily basis.

On this compilation episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to hear two of my conversations with award-winning science journalist and author, Mark Schatzker. Mark has extensively studied our society’s relationship with food and flavor, and how our brain drives our cravings. These conversations are centered around how your brain interprets food as information, the science of flavor, and what causes obesity.

Mark’s work covers important topics like how our weight is controlled by our brain, how our brain interprets sweetness, and what we can do to heal our society’s broken relationship with food. Understanding the way your brain interprets food is a critical piece of finding balance and health; I hope this episode is both insightful and empowering.

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The experience that inspired Mark to study flavor.
  • How cattle eat intuitively, and what we can learn from them.
  • Why the production of US crops has changed over the last few decades.
  • The interesting link between flavor and nutrition.
  • What a gas chromatograph is.
  • Why most tomatoes in the grocery store have an underwhelming flavor
  • How our food system’s focus on quantity and price undermines flavor.
  • What we can learn about obesity and food addiction from brain scans.
  • Why the combination of flavor and sugar makes food addicting.
  • What retronasal olfaction is.
  • The truth about calorie consumption and weight gain.
  • An interesting phenomenon that occurs when calorie counts are featured on menus.
  • The traditional diet in Bologna, Italy, and how their obesity rates compare to the US.
  • What happened in the pellagra epidemic, and which vitamin eradicated the disease.
  • How the brain regulates your body weight.
  • The perplexing question of obesity.
  • What the bliss point is.
  • How the brain interprets food as information.
  • What nutritive mismatch is.
  • The unintended consequences of fortifying foods.
  • Why experiencing pleasure with food is so important.

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Direct download: 640_-_The_Shocking_Way_Your_Brain_Interprets_Food_as_Information.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:27pm PST

Education can have a multitude of powerful impacts on children and their outcomes. It can even have lasting positive impacts on health by providing better resources, knowledge, and better social skills. While many can benefit from the traditional approach to education, our one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t serve those who have different learning styles and preferences.

Today’s guest, Prince Ea, is passionate about the power of education and transforming our model of schooling into one that is centered around creativity and individuality. He is filmmaker, speaker, creator, and a fellow St. Louis native. His inspirational and thought-provoking content has motivated millions of folks across the world, sharing about topics like self-development, education, living authentically, and finding joy in your life.

In this interview, we’re diving into conversations on the education system in the US, what it means to be intelligent, and what the purpose of schooling should be. You’re going to learn about how to tap into original thoughts, how to find purpose and happiness in work, and so much more. I’m excited and honored to share this conversation with you.

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How Prince Ea’s relationship with education transformed.
  • The role hip hop played in teaching Prince Ea to love learning.
  • What the root of the word educate is.
  • The difference between having a learning disability and learning differently.
  • What it means to think freely, and how to get in tune with original thoughts.
  • A correlation between our education system and our medical system.
  • How exposure to information can change your life.
  • Why most heart attacks occur on a Monday.
  • The problem with work culture in the US.
  • Seven categories of health.
  • The importance of experiencing joy in your career.
  • How to cope with negative thoughts.
  • The connection between social media and divisiveness.
  • How your language creates your reality.
  • The power of taking responsibility for your health.
  • How living authentically can change your life.

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Puberty is an important part of human growth and development, but what happens when it occurs too soon? Early onset puberty is defined as a child undergoing the developmental changes of puberty earlier than normal. While this was once a rare occurrence, rates of early-onset puberty more than doubled during the pandemic.

On this episode of The Model Health Show, we’re diving into one of the epidemics plaguing our youth: early-onset puberty. You’re going to learn some of the contributing factors of early puberty, the long-term ramifications of undergoing puberty at a young age, plus action steps you can take to protect your children from this condition.

Poor statistics relating to our health isn’t something we just have to accept, especially when it comes to our children. My hope is that this episode will arm you with the information and empowerment you need to implement changes in your own home. As always, change starts with us.

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How rates of early onset puberty in girls surged during the pandemic.
  • The relationship between our circadian timing and puberty.
  • How early onset puberty increases rates of breast cancer and heart disease.
  • The connection between early puberty and disordered eating.
  • What puberty actually is, and why it’s starting earlier.
  • Why side effect is a misnomer.
  • Symptoms of early onset puberty in boys and girls.
  • The link between obesity and early onset puberty.
  • How obesity rates in children have risen over recent years.
  • The connection between the microbiome and likelihood of obesity.
  • What percentage of the average American’s diet is comprised of ultra-processed foods.
  • How much sugar the average American consumes every year.
  • What insulin resistance is, and how it can occur over time.
  • The definition of xenoestrogens.
  • How to choose healthier personal care products for your family.
  • The connection between toxic stress and early onset puberty.
  • Which demographic is most impacted by early puberty.
  • How to create healthier relationships with our devices.
  • The relationship between screen time, circadian disruptions, and puberty.
  • Simple ways to protect your children against obesity and early onset puberty.
  • The importance of building movement into your family culture.

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Direct download: 638_-_EarlyOnsetPubertyIsSurgingInChildren.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:46pm PST

There are so many factors that determine our sleep quality: movement during the day, exposure to natural and ambient lighting, and even our relationships. For some folks, it might be sleepless nights with a newborn or toddler, and for others it could be a partner on different sleep schedules. But the good news is, you aren’t entirely powerless when it comes to creating routines and structure for your family.

On today’s show, you’re going to hear my interview on the Dhru Purohit Podcast. In this interview, I’m sharing about sleep routines and preferences within my own relationship and family, and how to find balance. I’m also sharing some of the best scientifically proven sleep tips, including optimizing light exposure, temperature, and supplements.

Dhru asked some excellent, thought-provoking questions on topics like common sleep misconceptions, little-known habits that can decrease your sleep quality, and how to actually create realistic habits that stick. I hope you get a ton of value out of this episode and can implement sleep habits that will improve your life. Enjoy!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What the suprachiasmatic nucleus is, and how its exposures impact sleep quality.
  • How many Americans are regularly sleep-deprived.
  • Tips for minimizing your blue light exposure.
  • How to realistically set a screen curfew (& what to do instead of scrolling!)
  • The importance of blocking out ambient light at night.
  • What to do if you and your partner have different sleep schedules.
  • How your body temperature can impact your sleep.
  • The importance of getting natural light exposure in the morning.
  • The relationship between cortisol and melatonin.
  • What time of the day to exercise to improve sleep quality.
  • Realistic ways to change your habits.
  • How to create healthy sleep routines for babies and children.
  • What effects vitamin C can have on your sleep quality.
  • Real food sources of magnesium, and why it matters.
  • The power of creating healthier citizens in our society.

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The immune system is one of the most powerful, complex systems in your body. Its critical role is to protect the body from harmful invaders like viruses and bacteria. An autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system misfires, attacking the very cells it is intended to protect. The range of autoimmune diseases is vast, and they can affect different organs and systems in the body.

Multiple sclerosis, or MS, is a progressive autoimmune disease that attacks the body’s central nervous system. In severe cases, MS can cause debilitating symptoms such as blindness, paralysis, and neurodegeneration. Today’s guest, Dr. Terry Wahls is a clinical professor of medicine, a clinical researcher, speaker, and bestselling author. She is also a patient with a diagnosis of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis.

Dr. Wahls has an incredible story of alleviating MS symptoms, regaining mobility, and helping others with progressive diagnoses and autoimmune diseases. On this episode, she’s sharing her personal story plus tons of information about autoimmunity, mitochondria, nutritional changes for restoring your health, and so much more. Grateful and excited to share this conversation with Dr. Terry Wahls!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How many Americans have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease.
  • What multiple sclerosis is.
  • The wide variety of symptoms that can be caused by MS.
  • How changing her diet improved Dr. Wahls’ health.
  • The role mitochondria play in progressive diseases.
  • Three factors that contribute to the development of autoimmune diseases.
  • How environmental factors can increase your risk for autoimmunity.
  • Why diet is an important factor in immune function.
  • The one lifestyle change that radically improved Dr. Wahls’ disease progression.
  • An important connection between the microbiome, gut health, and immunity.
  • What mitochondrial dysfunction is.
  • How environmental toxins and factors can lead to mitochondrial damage.
  • Specific foods to include to prevent or alleviate autoimmune symptoms. 
  • The three main foods that can be a trigger for autoimmune disease.
  • How to incorporate organ meats (& their benefits!)
  • Why loneliness & lack of connection are major disease contributors.
  • An empowering way to think about a diagnosis.
  • Why health is a nonstop journey.
  • Details about Dr. Wahls’ upcoming clinical trial for MS patients.

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Developing healthy habits and routines often comes down to self-love. Because when you truly care for yourself, it’s often reflected in the way you eat, move, sleep, and think. Today’s guest, Zachary Levi, is here to share his personal journey of learning to accept himself, heal from trauma, and pursue a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Zachary Levi is a critically acclaimed actor, dancer, singer, and the author of the bestselling book, Radical Love. He is an advocate for mental health, and in Radical Love, he details his intensive life-saving therapy and the valuable lessons and insights that changed his life.

In this interview, we’re diving deep into topics like self-love, how social media and technology impact our mental health, and how to understand and accept trauma. We’re going to talk about accountability, forgiveness, and so much more. When we build self-love and self-acceptance, we’re better able to extend that to others and I hope that’s what you’ll gain from this episode. Enjoy!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How epigenetic controllers from your environment can dictate your outcomes.
  • What’s at the core of poor physical health.
  • How trauma can impact our performance.
  • Why the concept of love is so misunderstood in our society.
  • The impact of practicing self-love.
  • How working on yourself can lead to better opportunities.
  • Why ego is a survival mechanism.
  • How simplicity and connection contribute to true happiness.
  • The importance of being able to step outside of your thoughts.
  • The power of vulnerability.
  • What it means to radically understand and forgive others.
  • The definition of radical love
  • How our bipartisan political model keeps us divided.
  • The importance of holding people, companies, and industries accountable.
  • Pros and cons of social media on our mental health.
  • How to stop comparing yourself & how to tap into your inner self.
  • Zachary’s experience playing Kurt Warner in American Underdog.
  • The power of prayer and meditation.

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“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela

Learning is a critical part of life, and it’s also been an indispensable theme throughout my career. The more I’ve learned, the more I’ve been able to evolve my perspective, grow as a person, and share with the world. As I celebrate two decades working in the health space, I want to reflect on the most influential lessons that I’ve learned along the way.

On this episode, I’m excited to celebrate 20 years working in health and wellness by sharing 20 powerful, eye-opening, transformative lessons I’ve learned throughout my career. Of course, we will cover the basic principles of wellness like the power of nutrition, movement, and sleep. But we’re also going to dive into topics like the power of relationships and lifelong learning, our synchronicity with the environment, and defining what true health actually is.

My hope is that these lessons resonate with you and align with my mission of helping you become more empowered in your ability to affect change. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I look forward in learning even more together moving forward. I hope you enjoy this special milestone episode of The Model Health Show!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why nutrition is a critical, often overlooked component of medicine.
  • What percentage of the average American’s diet is comprised of ultra-processed foods.
  • Two major processes in the body that are driven by exercise.
  • How the body’s lymphatic system works.
  • The impacts sleep debt has on insulin sensitivity.
  • Why a poor night’s sleep can lead to poor decision-making.
  • The number one driving force of the human psyche.
  • How instinctive elaboration works, and how to use it to your advantage.
  • The power of having healthy, encouraging relationships.
  • Why the journey to health is not a straight line.
  • The problem with a profit-based healthcare system.
  • How many people are killed every year by poor diet.
  • The connection between stress and poor health.
  • Why true health is not a destination.
  • The importance of recognizing your biases.
  • How your mind influences your health.
  • What it means to be the author of your life story.
  • The power of lifelong learning.
  • How we are impacted by circadian rhythms.
  • The value of tapping into your unique voice.

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:26pm PST

There’s not one area of our life that isn’t impacted by our health and well-being. Becoming a healthier version of yourself ripples into every part of your life, including your relationships, your career, and your overall happiness. On today’s show, you’re going to learn about how increasing your physical resilience can impact your mental health and improve every aspect of your life. 

Today’s guest is country music singer-songwriter, Brett Eldredge. Brett is here to share how focusing on his health enhances his performance, songwriting, and creativity. You’ll also hear his personal journey of coping with anxiety and panic attacks, and tools he uses to keep his mind in check. 

This interview contains important conversations on taking control of your mind and focus, and the importance of finding your voice. You’ll learn about setting boundaries with social media, the difficulties that come with following your passion, and so much more. I hope you enjoy this episode with the one and only, Brett Eldredge! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What inspired Brett to start taking his health seriously.
  • Brett’s favorite health tools and routines. 
  • The benefits of cold water immersion. 
  • How creating structure can help ease anxiety.
  • The importance of recognizing self-induced pressure.
  • Brett’s experience setting boundaries with social media. 
  • The value in taking control of your time. 
  • How building physical resilience creates mental resilience.
  • What it means to redefine success. 
  • The meaning behind Brett’s song, “Sunday Drive.” 
  • Why discomfort is part of following your passion.
  • The importance of finding your unique voice. 

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The English language provides many examples of the communication system between the brain and the gut: a pit in your stomach, butterflies in your stomach, and gut feelings are all expressions we accept as standard. But beyond expressions, there’s a very real connection between our feelings and our biology. Because our brain and our enteric nervous system have a complex communication network, an imbalance in gut bacteria can lead to emotional stress and vice versa.

Dr. Emeran Mayer is a world-renowned gastroenterologist and neuroscientist with over 40 years of experience studying the complex and bidirectional relationship of the brain and the gut. He has published over 400 peer-reviewed scientific articles, written two bestselling books, and is a leading expert on all things gut and microbiome. On today’s show, he’s sharing the fascinating science on the relationship between our gut and our feelings.

This interview contains conversations on how the brain and gut communicate, including how the gut responds to stress. You’ll learn about the interesting way microbes respond to diet changes, and how human cells and microbial cells differ when it comes to adaptation. Dr. Mayer is sharing the latest science on gut health, as well as realistic tips you can use to improve your microbial health, extend your lifespan, and support your gut for years to come.

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The evolution of the human gut.
  • How the brain and gut communicate. 
  • Why the body empties the gut in a fight or flight situation.
  • The role stress plays in infections like H. pylori.
  • Why overuse of antibiotics is harmful to young children.
  • How mindfulness and meditation can impact your genes.
  • What a healthy lifestyle network is, and why it contributes to longevity.
  • Two behaviors that influence healthy gene expression.
  • Why our microbes can adapt quickly to diet changes.
  • How changes in technology and lifestyle have created a genetic mismatch.
  • The connection between hormones and microbes.
  • How corporate interests can block important research.
  • What it means to have gut feelings.
  • The importance of considering biases and trauma when making a gut decision.
  • Why focusing on microbial health disproves most fad diets.
  • The fascinating science of prenatal microbial development.
  • How to change the health of your microbiome.
  • The importance of consuming short-chain fatty acids.
  • How stress and fear affect the microbiome.
  • The potential harm of colonoscopies, & the best way to reduce your risk of colon cancer.

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Because life is full of ups and downs, from time to time we all need a change of perspective, inspiration, and a reminder of how powerful we are to affect change. Personally, when I find myself in need of wisdom, guidance, and a general mindset shift, one of the first people I turn to is Dr. Michael Beckwith. Dr. Beckwith is one of the most sought-after meditation teachers, speakers, and thought leaders.

On this special compilation episode, I’m bringing you two of my favorite interviews with Dr. Michael Beckwith. You’re going to hear about topics like setting an intention for your life, how to create lasting change, and upgrading your mindset. This episode is about tapping into your personal power to create better results, how upgrading your awareness can change your life, and how to improve your results by simply changing the questions you ask.

You’re also going to learn tools for changing your internal dialogue, how to reclaim discipline, and so much more. My intention is for this episode to arm you with empowerment, growth, and mindset shifts to help you reach your goals. Enjoy!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems work.
  • Why interconnectedness is a crucial part of service.
  • What discipline actually is.
  • The definition of intention deficit disorder.
  • How meditation can help you upgrade your awareness.
  • The importance of having a driving intention in your life.
  • Four stages of personal growth & why growth isn’t linear.
  • Why pain is a great catalyst for change.
  • The power of asking yourself empowering questions.
  • What it means to align your speech with your goals.
  • Why social media is a symptom, not a problem.
  • What the virus of the mind is.
  • The relationship between fear and the immune system.
  • Where solutions come from.
  • How fear prevents creativity and innovation.
  • The difference between healthcare and sickcare.
  • How imagination leads to real change.
  • The power of taking responsibility for your assumptions.
  • An important question to ask yourself during difficult times.
  • What compassion actually is.
  • How we can create a better future.

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Over the past couple years, there have been a lot of fear tactics used in the media to instill a sense of disempowerment and helplessness into our citizens. Recently, the CDC released some new data on chronic disease in Americans, reporting that 60% of American adults have been diagnosed with one chronic illness. When you look at the numbers surrounding chronic disease, it’s clear that the messages we’ve been hearing about protecting our health have been misplaced.

This Halloween, we’re going to dive into some of the numbers on America’s concurring health crises, including obesity, diabetes, and more. You’re going to learn about the powerful systems that contribute to our poor health outcomes, and why blind trust in their advice is leading to our collective degradation. You’ll also learn about some of the biggest issues in our healthcare system, including corruption, fraud, and inefficiency.

But fear not, you don’t have to fall victim to this doomed system. You’re also going to hear some realistic principles and practices you can incorporate in order to protect your health, your family, and your risk for all manner of diseases. So click play and enjoy the show!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The scary statistics on how many Americans suffer from chronic illness.
  • What the annual cost of healthcare is in the US.
  • The shocking percentage of Americans that are metabolically healthy.
  • What percentage of the average American’s diet is ultra-processed foods.
  • How childhood obesity rates have skyrocketed over recent decades.
  • Why our current healthcare system fails to address the root cause.
  • The connection between pharmaceutical companies and Congress.
  • What the FDA’s user fees are.
  • The percentage of new FDA-approved drugs that are less effective than existing drugs.
  • What you should know about dietary cholesterol.
  • Which company has paid the largest healthcare fraud settlement.
  • What big-name pharmaceutical company is associated with the opioid crisis.
  • The truth about Covid-19 vaccines and transmission.
  • What absolute risk reduction is.
  • Big broken promises about the Covid-19 vaccine.
  • Why observational data shouldn’t be used in research.
  • The power of having a healthy dose of skepticism.
  • Realistic practices you can implement to improve your health & lower risk factors.

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST

There’s a profound paradox in America. Despite spending trillions of dollars on healthcare every single year, our citizens are sicker than ever. Our rates of chronic illnesses are skyrocketing at an alarming rate, and our lifespan is now on the decline. Today you’re going to hear realistic, empowering changes you can personally implement to increase your vitality and lifespan, and how to contribute to a culture of health. 

Our guest on this episode is Dr. Kien Vuu, or Doctor V. Doctor V is one of the most sought-after anti-aging physicians in the country and the bestselling author of Thrive State. Not only does Doctor V possess an incredible education and expertise in the field of longevity and vitality, but he also has a personal story of reclaiming his health and recovering from multiple chronic illnesses. 

In this interview, you’re going to learn empowering information about telomeres, epigenetics, and the impacts of stress on the body. Doctor V is sharing his five keys to improving health and longevity, and his personal story of changing his lifestyle habits. You’ll hear conversations about the US healthcare system, the powerful way emotions impact immune function, and so much more. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The difference between biological age and chronological age. 
  • Dr. Vuu’s history, including how he became a doctor and how he got sick.
  • How our lifestyle choices impact our genetic expression.
  • What disease of consciousness means.
  • The science of epigenetics, and the role your environment plays in your health.
  • Five keys to living a longer, healthier life.
  • What telomeres are, and how your choices impact them.
  • The connection between chronic stress and chronic illnesses. 
  • What the CTRA is.
  • How limiting beliefs can change your biology.
  • What the default mode network is.
  • How one encounter with a terminal patient changed Doctor V’s perspective.
  • Sustainable habits Doctor V implemented to lose 40 pounds and reverse disease.
  • Two simple nutritional changes you can make to feel better.
  • What peptides are, plus specific classes and their benefits.
  • The powerful connection between emotion, inflammation, and immune function.
  • How placebos work, and how your feelings can dictate your outcomes. 
  • Specific inflammatory markers than can be improved with emotions like gratitude.
  • A simple framework for improving mental health. 
  • The power of taking space to respond and reflect. 
  • How the new culture of health is elevating humanity. 

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While new advances to medicine are exciting, there is also a profound wisdom in ancient healing practices. Although the term “adaptogen” wasn’t coined until the 1940s, adaptogenic substances have been a long-standing staple for promoting healing and balance in both Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese medicine. 

Adaptogens are a class of plants and mushrooms that can aid the body’s responses to both physical and mental stressors. And at a time when so many folks are struggling with high levels of stress and susceptibility to both chronic and infectious diseases, there’s never been a better time to help restore balance to our bodies. Today, you’re going to learn from one of the leading experts on adaptogens: Tero Isokauppila. 

Tero is a bestselling author and the founder of Four Sigmatic, a company that specializes in making superfoods and adaptogens accessible and easy. In this interview, Tero is sharing some of the world’s most healing adaptogens, and how to implement them into your routine. You’ll learn about how adaptogens support the body on a systemic level, why immunomodulatory adaptogens are a powerful tool, and so much more. So click play, listen in, and enjoy the show! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What percentage of physician visits are related to stress.
  • How humans’ exposure to stress has evolved over time. 
  • The definition of adaptogen and the history of adaptogenic substances.
  • Three properties of an adaptogen.
  • How adaptogens work systemically.
  • What the HPA axis is and how it works in the body. 
  • How stressful situations can impact your nutritional needs.
  • The connection between gut health and mood. 
  • Specific adaptogens that contain melanin, and their benefits. 
  • The powerful health benefits of chocolate. 
  • Why most reishi supplements on the market are ineffective.
  • What dual extraction is, and why it matters. 
  • How cordyceps and coffee work synergistically. 
  • The benefits of utilizing ashwagandha.
  • Why it’s dangerous to promote eliminating food groups. 
  • How low-level toxins can actually make you more resilient. 
  • The immunomodulatory effects of chaga. 
  • Why becoming adaptable is more important than ever. 
  • A conversation on elimination diets and food sensitivities. 

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Statins are one of the most commonly prescribed drugs in the United States. In fact, more than a quarter of Americans over the age of 40 are taking this popular drug class. You might think this is rational since cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death, and statins are often touted by providers for their ability to reduce risks of heart attacks and strokes. However, this is a massive oversimplification of human biology and the implications of long-term prescription medication use. 

Today’s guest, Dr. Jonny Bowden, is a board-certified nutritionist, a repeat bestselling author, and one of the biggest proponents of reducing statin usage for a large portion of the population. On this episode of The Model Health Show, Dr. Bowden is back to share the truth about cholesterol levels, how statins actually work, and when they are an appropriate treatment plan. 

You’re going to learn powerful information on which biomarkers predict cardiovascular outcomes, and how to make a thorough risk-benefit analysis for any medication. We’re diving into the side effects of statin drugs, the connection between metabolism and heart disease, and so much more. I hope you enjoy this interview with the one and only, Dr. Jonny Bowden!  

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • A simple ratio you can use to determine your risk of cardiovascular events.
  • Why statin prescriptions are based on outdated science. 
  • What population does not benefit from using statins. 
  • Why statins were developed, and what type of patient they are meant to treat.
  • The side effects of taking statins. 
  • An important distinction between healthcare and sickcare. 
  • How the pharmaceutical industry dominates our health outcomes. 
  • Why there’s no such thing as good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. 
  • A critical biomarker that can be used to predict risk of cardiovascular events. 
  • The difference between lowering cholesterol and lowering heart disease.
  • What the main goal of pharmaceutical companies is. 
  • The connection between statins and insulin resistance. 
  • What percentage of Americans have some degree of insulin resistance. 
  • The relationship between diabetes and heart disease. 
  • How sleep deprivation impacts insulin sensitivity. 
  • The easiest way to improve your triglyceride levels. 
  • Why drug interactions are often overlooked.
  • How statins actually work. 
  • What the awesome foursome is. 
  • Why the heart needs CoQ10, and how statins interfere with its levels.
  • The role of statins in erectile dysfunction. 
  • How mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to disease. 

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Your gut is responsible for some of the most integral functions of your body like digestion and nutrient absorption. But did you know your gut also contains some of your body’s most powerful defenses against pathogens? When we gain a better understanding of how our microbiome and immune system work in tandem, we can make empowered choices that protect us from a myriad of infections and diseases. 

On this episode of The Model Health Show, integrative gastroenterologist, Dr. Robynne Chutkan, is back to share cutting-edge science from her new book, The Anti-Viral Gut. You’re going to learn about the important link between gut health and immunity, including the innate defense systems inside your gut that protect you from viral illnesses. Dr. Chutkan is sharing empowering information on how some of the most commonly prescribed medications can destroy your gut, and the role nutrition plays in supporting your microbial health. 

We’re diving into specific details on the function of the gut, and how our microbial health can impact our susceptibility to illnesses like COVID-19. Not only is Dr. Chutkan extremely knowledgeable about strengthening your health and immunity through gut health, but she also shares realistic, sustainable changes you can make, no matter your starting point. I hope you enjoy this empowering conversation with Dr. Robynne Chutkan! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The top three drugs that reduce our resilience against viruses. 
  • How the GI tract and the immune system are connected. 
  • What your gut microbes are and how they function. 
  • How your microbiome population can impact your body’s immune response.
  • The main difference between germ theory and terrain theory. 
  • Why eating plant fiber is critical for microbial health. 
  • An interesting statistic about the microbiome predicting health outcomes. 
  • What we can learn about our health from our stool.
  • How consistent lifestyle changes can impact the health of your microbiome.
  • The connection between obesity and COVID-19 outcomes.
  • Why obesity is a societal issue. 
  • How frequent antibiotic use affects the microbiome.
  • One key question to ask your doctor before taking antibiotics.
  • The connection between taking proton-pump inhibitors and susceptibility to COVID-19. 
  • Why acid reflux occurs, and simple strategies to reduce its symptoms.
  • The shocking statistics on unnecessary prescriptions for acid blockers. 
  • How the vaginal microbiome works to protect against viruses.
  • Why mucus is a key defense system in the body. 
  • The two ways that mucus can destroy pathogens. 
  • How to promote healthy mucus production.
  • The problem with taking a cough suppressant.
  • What percentage of the human genome is viral. 
  • The power of incorporating fermented foods into your diet. 
  • Real, sustainable tips for replacing or reducing medications that harm your gut. 
  • The relationship between nature and the microbiome.
  • Questions to ask your doctor about your medications. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST

Medical interventions, including prescription medications, can be effective solutions in the right context. But in our current healthcare system, we’re simply treating symptoms and overlooking the powerful lifestyle tools we have at our disposal. There is an undeniable connection between our health outcomes and our daily practices, including diet, sleep, and movement. 

Today’s guest, Cynthia Thurlow, is passionate about empowering folks to live vibrant and healthy lives through nutrition. She is a nurse practitioner, international speaker, and a thought leader in the space of intermittent fasting and women’s health. In her bestselling book, Intermittent Fasting Transformation, Cynthia outlines an individualized approach to weight loss and hormone balance through intermittent fasting. 

On this episode of The Model Health Show, Cynthia is sharing incredible insights into her experience in the U.S. healthcare system, both as a provider and a patient. We’ll talk about the numerous health benefits of intermittent fasting, and how to find an approach that works for you. This episode contains conversations on gut health, fasting for women, how to hit your nutritional goals, and so much more. I hope you enjoy this interview with the amazing Cynthia Thurlow! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The effects that intermittent fasting has on insulin resistance.
  • Why breakfast is not the most important meal of the day.
  • How blood sugar levels impact metabolic health. 
  • What autophagy is. 
  • The difference between acute and chronic inflammation. 
  • How low insulin levels can improve mental clarity.
  • The problem with industrial seed oils in our food supply.
  • How gut health and the microbiome are influenced by intermittent fasting.
  • The two groups that typically have the easiest adjustment to fasting.
  • When women should fast (& when they should not). 
  • Cynthia’s personal experience with illness, hospitalization, and surgery.
  • Why patient advocacy is so critical.
  • What true informed consent is. 
  • The difference between digestive rest and fasting. 
  • Why eating sufficient protein is important for metabolic health and longevity.
  • The problem with the OMAD fasting schedule.
  • An important conversation on animal protein vs. plant protein. 
  • Why you shouldn’t be dogmatic about your diet.
  • The holes in our healthcare system, and how providers can truly help patients.
  • Details of Cynthia’s 45-day Intermittent Fasting Transformation. 

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“Our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake, to adjust to new ideas, to remain vigilant, and to face the challenge of change.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Adversity is one of life’s certainties. No matter who you are or what your goals are, at some point you’re going to fall on hard times. But it’s in these moments when push comes to shove, you get to decide how to react. It’s in your power to decide how to show up, and that’s truly what shapes your character and contributes to your resiliency. Today’s guest, Shaun T., is here to share his story of turning setbacks into comebacks. 

Shaun T. is a world-renowned fitness and transformation coach, a bestselling author, and the creator of some of the most popular home fitness programs ever. He has helped millions of folks get in shape, but what I really admire about Shaun is that his passion for transformation goes beyond physical appearance alone. His mission is to help folks unlock their potential and live their best lives. 

In this interview, you’re going to hear Shaun’s experience healing from shoulder surgery and the lessons he learned along the way. We’re diving into important conversations on embracing change and discomfort, how to handle judgment and negativity, and what it truly takes to rebound from life’s challenges. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The lessons Shaun learned from his shoulder surgery. 
  • Why therapy can be helpful when you’re already content.
  • What it takes to sustain happiness. 
  • How having the audacity to be uncomfortable can help you grow.
  • Why being flexible is a superpower.
  • The importance of embracing change. 
  • How to overcome the fear of judgment. 
  • What it means to lighten the load in your life. 
  • Three changes Shaun implemented to recover from his surgery.
  • An important conversation on aging and longevity. 
  • Why you should aim to become a decathlete of life.
  • The life lessons Shaun learned from playing tennis. 
  • Shaun’s approach to handling negativity online.
  • How being authentic has a positive impact on others.
  • Why it’s your duty to live your best life. 

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We’ve come a long way when it comes to understanding mental health, but just like many other areas of science and biology, we still have a lot to learn. As rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide skyrocket, it’s more important than ever to have conversations about mental health. It’s even more imperative that those conversations are centered around knowledge and empowerment, and that’s what I love about today’s guest. 

Dr. Caroline Leaf is a cognitive neuroscientist and bestselling author who specializes in mind management. Today she’s back on The Model Health Show to share the importance of managing your mind, and specific details on how the human mind actually works. You’ll learn why mental health is a prerequisite for overall health, how toxic thoughts create inflammation, and the interesting science behind how your environment influences your mind. 

This episode is full of enlightening conversations like the concept of human consciousness and biofield, polypharmacy and what’s behind Americans’ declining life expectancy, and how managing our emotions can increase immune function. You’ll learn about the epigenetic controllers of mental health, and the five-step process you can use to change the way you think. I hope you enjoy this interview with Dr. Caroline Leaf!  

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • An important distinction between the brain and the mind.
  • How the mind-brain-body connection works.
  • The three parts of the mind.
  • What percentage of the mind is your consciousness. 
  • How the non-conscious mind works. 
  • The impact your environment has on your non-conscious mind.
  • How your mind can affect the way your body absorbs nutrition.
  • Why reframing how you define success is critical.
  • How toxic thoughts can upset your body’s balance. 
  • An important conversation on human lifespan & increasing rates of disease.
  • The role environment plays in mental health.
  • How to change your brain and immune function. 
  • What influence genetics has on depression. 
  • The connection between inflammation, stress hormones, & thoughts.
  • How our compartmentalized healthcare system isolates the mind.
  • Five steps of the Neurocycle.
  • The power of utilizing instinctive elaboration intentionally.
  • Why failure is a misnomer. 

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The emerging field of stem cell therapy offers hope for the future of medicine as we know it. Under the umbrella of regenerative medicine, stem cell therapy aims to repair damaged cells in a process that lowers levels of inflammation and modulating the immune system. Unfortunately, at this point in time, very few stem cell therapies are accessible to the general public, but the body of evidence is growing to support regenerative therapies to improve a myriad of ailments and diseases. 

On today’s show, you’re going to hear from one of the pioneers in the space of regenerative and precision medicine, Dr. Robert Hariri. Dr. Hariri is a surgeon, biomedical scientist, and entrepreneur. He also co-authored the #1 New York Times bestselling book, Life Force, alongside Tony Robbins. His knowledge and expertise in the field of stem cell therapy is unmatched. 

In this interview, you’re going to hear the science behind placental stem cell therapies, and the multiple benefits of regenerative medicine. We’re diving into the function of the immune system, stem cells, natural killer cells, and so much more. Get ready to take notes, because this episode is loaded with invaluable information on the future of healthcare and enhancing your body’s natural healing capabilities. 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The role of stem cells in embryology.
  • What the process of differentiation is. 
  • Why stem cells are like a master boot disc. 
  • How your environment can influence your DNA.
  • The history of stem cell therapy. 
  • Why replacement stem cell therapy is not scalable. 
  • How Dr. Hariri began researching placental stem cells. 
  • Specific roles and functions of the placenta.
  • Why the placenta is like a 3D printer.
  • How Tony Robbins used regenerative strategies to repair his joints.
  • Why the immune system is an intelligence system. 
  • How the body’s inflammatory response works. 
  • Why our healing capabilities slow as we age. 
  • The role regenerative strategies play in immune health.
  • How immunomodulation works. 
  • The important duty of natural killer cells in the placenta. 
  • How stem cell therapy performs against infectious diseases. 
  • Why autoimmune diseases often improve during pregnancy. 
  • The importance of considering the safety profile of a treatment plan. 
  • Why many patients do not benefit from the standard of care. 
  • What the main tenets of precision medicine are. 
  • An interesting comparison between aviation and healthcare. 
  • The power of becoming the chief executive officer of your health.
  • Four prerequisites for living to 100. 

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The human brain is an incredibly complex and dynamic organ. It controls so much of who we are and how we operate, including everything from memory and emotion to vision and hunger. And with an increased prevalence in mental illnesses and neurodegenerative diseases, it’s more important than ever that we understand how our brain works so we can optimize its function and longevity. 

Today you’re going to hear a compilation of two of my previous interviews with Dr. Daniel Amen. Dr. Amen is a leading brain health expert and double board-certified psychiatrist, and the founder of Amen Clinics, home to the world’s largest database of brain scans. If you’re interested in improving your brain health, there’s no one better to learn from than Dr. Amen.

You’re going to hear about how brain health influences mental health, the state of psychiatry and mental health in the US, and how we can begin to take a root-cause approach to improving mental health. We’ll talk about specific strategies you can use to lower brain inflammation, improve brain blood flow, and so much more. Dr. Amen is also sharing powerful information about cultivating happiness and empowerment. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What percentage of Americans have been diagnosed with a mental illness. 
  • The connection between mental health and brain health.
  • How deprivation can lead to imbalances in the brain. 
  • What SPECT imaging is, and the three things it can tell you about your brain.
  • How improving brain health can increase the efficacy of therapy.
  • Why fame is horrible for the brain.
  • How understanding your brain type can help you make better decisions. 
  • The importance of having adequate blood flow to the brain.
  • Why improving your health should be based in love. 
  • How to improve your omega 3 levels and reduce inflammation.
  • What PTSD looks like on a brain scan.
  • The connection between body weight and blood flow to the brain.
  • How leaky gut contributes to leaky brain. 
  • The importance of high-quality sleep for brain health.
  • Critical health factors to check before beginning psychiatric medications. 
  • How improving brain health can reduce rates of incarceration and addiction. 
  • What part of the brain feels pleasure. 
  • How brain scans of the prefrontal cortex can indicate happiness levels.
  • Why a healthy brain is the key to happiness.
  • The different brain types, and how they view the world.
  • An important connection between low-quality food and inflammation. 
  • The relationship between the amygdala and fear. 
  • How the American government contributes to mental illnesses. 
  • Why prolonged use of technology is unhealthy for the brain.
  • Dr. Amen’s nighttime ritual for happiness and gratitude. 
  • A silver lining of families being home during the pandemic. 

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Throughout our lives, our hormones are constantly fluctuating. Specifically, as we age, our hormone levels tend to dramatically change. And while these shifts are a natural part of our life cycle, it doesn’t mean we’re destined to live with symptoms like poor mood or decreased energy forever. 

On today’s show, you’re going to learn from hormone expert and triple board-certified OBGYN, Dr. Anna Cabeca. In her new book, MenuPause, she shares how to use food as medicine to reduce the symptoms of menopause like weight gain, brain fog, and hot flashes. Dr. Anna takes a well-rounded, holistic approach to healing, and she has helped thousands of folks reach optimal health through improved hormone levels. 

No matter what stage of life you’re in, understanding how your hormones work is critical. This episode is full of key insights and actionable steps you can take to balance your hormones and feel your best. You’re going to learn about the relationship between some of our most important hormones, specific foods to eat to support hormone health, and so much more. I hope you enjoy this episode with the amazing Dr. Anna Cabeca! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why our hormones are energetic molecules. 
  • What the hormone hierarchy is and how it works. 
  • The most important hormone in the human body.
  • How oxytocin operates in the body. 
  • The effects stress can have on our hormones. 
  • Dr. Anna’s personal journey of undergoing menopause twice.
  • The relationship between cortisol and our reproductive hormones.
  • Why cortisol impacts oxytocin. 
  • What your urine pH can tell you about your overall health.
  • The connection between nutrient-rich foods, the microbiome, and health.
  • One of the first dietary changes Dr. Anna implements in her patients.
  • The relationship between aging and insulin resistance. 
  • How insulin resistance can contribute to hot flashes. 
  • The problem with replacing testosterone. 
  • Why intermittent fasting is helpful for optimal brain function. 
  • How menopause symptoms can be alleviated with a ketogenic diet.
  • What the side effects of hormone replacement therapy are. 
  • The best foods to support hormone health. 
  • Why alkalinizing the body is the key to optimal health. 
  • What andropause is. 

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Did you know that light therapy can improve your sleep, promote healing, and reduce inflammation? Humans are deeply influenced and shaped by our environment, and light is an important factor in maintaining optimal health. On today’s show, you’re going to learn about the numerous benefits of light therapy. 

Our guest today is Dave Asprey. He is a four-time New York Times bestselling author, the host of The Human Upgrade Podcast, and the founder of Upgrade Labs. For the last two decades, Dave has worked to discover the best ways to improve human functionality and performance. As the creator of TrueLight, Dave is a leading voice in the space of light therapy for optimizing overall health. 

On today’s show, you’re going to learn how light impacts mitochondrial function, energy levels, inflammation, and so much more. We’re also going to discuss the link between circadian rhythms and fertility, and how factors like modern farming and birth control can impact human health long-term. This conversation is full of information you can use to restore your health; I hope you enjoy this interview with Dave Asprey! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How the circadian clocks in your bodywork.
  • What the suprachiasmatic nucleus is, and its main function. 
  • The history of red light therapy. 
  • How red light has an anti-inflammatory effect. 
  • Five components of light exposure that can impact your health.
  • How food timing impacts your circadian clocks.
  • The way having sex changes your hormones. 
  • How circadian rhythm impacts fertility. 
  • The dangers of using hormonal birth control. 
  • How glyphosate impacts human health.
  • The restorative power of minerals. 
  • How your cells’ mitochondria function. 
  • What to eat for better fertility. 
  • How mycotoxins can impact your metabolism. 
  • The main purpose of testosterone, and how it affects men & women.
  • Why thyroid health is integral for overall health.  
  • What it means to be dangerous. 
  • The fastest fix for optimizing your brain health.
  • How processed seed oils contribute to obesity. 
  • The best fats to eat. 

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Modern medicine tends to divide the human body into separate, distinct systems but our bodies are complex entities that are intricately connected. The field of gut health is constantly evolving, and the more we learn, the more we understand about the body’s expansive interconnectedness. Our gut health impacts a myriad of functions in the body, including metabolism, immune health, and even our mental health. 

One of the leading experts in dissecting the relationship between food and mood is Dr. Uma Naidoo. She is a Harvard psychiatrist, professional chef, and a nutritional specialist. Her specialty is Nutritional Psychology—a field that approaches mental health in a holistic and integrated way. On this episode of The Model Health Show, Dr. Naidoo is back to share powerful insights on how what we eat affects our mental health. 

You’re going to hear key insights on the gut-brain connection, and how taking a wider perspective on mental illnesses can facilitate healing. You’re going to learn what to eat for better mental health, including specific nutrients and foods you can incorporate into your diet. Dr. Naidoo is a true expert in all things psychiatry, and I think you’re going to love her realistic and balanced approach to boosting your mood through diet. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The connection between mental health and physical health.
  • How your diet impacts your mental well-being. 
  • What the gut-brain connection is, and how it influences mental health.
  • The definition of Nutritional Psychiatry. 
  • Why taking a holistic approach to mental health is so important. 
  • The role that therapy and medication plays in Nutritional Psychiatry. 
  • Why the standard practice of diagnosing mental illnesses is antiquated.
  • How nutrition can impact the symptoms of anxiety.
  • The connection between serotonin and gut health. 
  • Why SSRIs can cause gastrointestinal distress. 
  • How leaky gut is initiated. 
  • Why your gut microbes need fiber.
  • How optimizing your fatty acid ratio can improve gut dysbiosis.
  • The problem with food wars and strict food rules. 
  • What to look for when reading food labels.
  • The role that balance, moderation, and inclusivity should play in your diet.
  • What resistant starches are. 
  • The connection between inflammation and trauma. 
  • How our bodies can carry trauma on a long-term basis.
  • The mental health benefits of drinking coffee.
  • How dehydration can present as anxiety symptoms. 
  • The power of healing your mind. 
  • Specific foods that are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. 

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No one can give you permission to change your life because real transformation comes from within. It requires constant and intentional effort and courage. Most importantly, transformation requires a profound level of honesty and self-reflection. If you’re ready to tap into your potential and create different results, today’s show is for you. 

Dr. Eric Thomas, also known as ET, is one of the top motivational speakers in the world. His message of empowerment, determination, and success has resonated with millions of folks who have decided to break disempowering patterns and redefine greatness for themselves. In his new book, You Owe You, ET teaches the importance of taking responsibility for your life in order to reach your potential. 

On this episode of The Model Health Show, ET is back to share life-changing principles to motivate you to find your purpose and take control of your life. You’re going to hear proven relationship tips, how to take ownership, and real tips for identifying and accessing your unique superpowers. If you’re ready to take control of your mind and tap into your greatness, just press play! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What it means to be sharpened by a relationship.
  • The importance of removing your ego from your relationships. 
  • Three words that transformed ET’s life. 
  • How to begin taking ownership for your life. 
  • Why victimhood is a mindset. 
  • How taking responsibility gives you power. 
  • The life-changing power of owning your decisions. 
  • How setting standards and boundaries for yourself can protect you.
  • Why victimhood is a mindset & what it means to have a victor’s mentality. 
  • The relationship between excuses and execution. 
  • How to identify your unique gifts & superpowers. 
  • The connection between adding value and finding your purpose.
  • How to connect with yourself and listen to your own voice. 
  • Why changing your environment will not change your life. 

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Creating a healthy lifestyle starts with consistently implementing healthier habits. For better or for worse, we all have habits that have been deeply engrained into our routines for years. Deciding to change a deep-rooted habit takes a great deal of introspection, accountability, and intention. On today’s show, you’re going to hear eight strategies you can use to reprogram your thinking and start shifting toward healthier choices. 

You’re going to learn about the power of self-assessment, how your environment influences your behaviors, and how to cope with failure. This episode features science-backed information on how your biology can impact your choices, how reward pathways in the brain work, and so much more.  

If you’ve ever struggled to change your habits, these tips will help you better understand your psychology and how to create sustainable changes. I hope this episode empowers you to take control of your thoughts, actions, and behaviors so you can create the life you want to live. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How many deaths per year are caused by suboptimal diet.
  • The connection between our decisions and our identity.
  • How to use self-assessment to shift your behaviors.
  • Four different personality types when trying to make a habit change.
  • Why your environment influences your habits. 
  • What it means to put a spotlight on blind optimism. 
  • How to reframe failure and become more resilient.
  • An important distinction between reacting and responding.
  • How to use meditation to become less reactive. 
  • What instinctive elaboration is, and how it can inform your behaviors.
  • How to practice more mindfulness and awareness. 
  • The best way to leverage your brain’s reward pathways. 
  • How your sleep can impact your hunger levels and cravings.
  • The number of Americans that are sleep deprived. 
  • How to make your brain more resilient to stress. 
  • The mental and physical benefits of cold immersion. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm PST

Between work and family responsibilities, most of us have a full schedule—and when life gets especially busy, exercise can often be the first thing to fall off your list of priorities. But you don’t need to spend hours in the gym every day to reap the multitude of benefits that come from adding movement to your routine. On today’s show, you’re going to learn about the best exercises to incorporate for maximum benefits if you’re short on time. 

Today’s guest, Kelsey Heenan, is a fitness expert and the co-founder of HIITBURN. Kelsey has worked with folks from various backgrounds and fitness levels, including professional athletes and Olympians. Her approach to exercise and nutrition is centered around freedom, balance, and sustainability. On this episode of The Model Health Show, Kelsey is back to share her best tips to not only transform your body composition, but to upgrade your confidence and mindset as well. 

You’re going to learn about the various benefits of interval training, and why foundational movements are often the most impactful. Kelsey is sharing insights on building confidence through creating habits, and how to get the most bang for your buck with your workouts. We’re also talking about consistency, accountability, and how to find a way of eating that works for you. Enjoy!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How resistance training can impact your brain plasticity. 
  • The most important thing to consider when choosing what type of exercise to do.
  • Why interval training is a great solution for folks with limited time.
  • A huge misconception about high-intensity interval training. 
  • The benefits of using foundational movements in your training program.
  • How to measure your progress holistically. 
  • The connection between developing skills and building confidence. 
  • Why having respect for your body is so important. 
  • How walking can help increase fat loss. 
  • A great exercise for improving muscle imbalances. 
  • How having a community can improve your consistency. 
  • Why habits supersede motivation. 
  • How to learn how to do pull-ups.
  • The power of the mind-muscle connection. 
  • How to create awareness around your relationship with food.

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Have you ever thought about what your skin can tell you about your overall health? Whether it’s dry skin, acne, or eczema, the presentation of your skin can often indicate a deeper issue happening internally. Instead of treating these conditions as isolated problems, it’s important to take a holistic approach and address underlying imbalances or inflammation from the inside out. 

Today’s guest, Dr. Trevor Cates is a naturopathic doctor, bestselling author, and the founder of The Spa Dr. She helps patients worldwide treat skin conditions and balance hormones through holistic methods. In her new book, Natural Beauty Reset, Dr. Cates explains how to address underlying imbalances and optimize health with a root-cause approach that leads to healthy, vibrant skin. 

You’re going to hear how your food choices impact your skin and how addressing gut health can improve your appearance. Dr. Cates is sharing important principles on topical skincare, including the truth about personal care ingredients, pH levels, and sunscreen. You’ll learn about the skin microbiome, how stress can present on the skin, and the most common mistakes folks make with their skincare routine. Please enjoy this interview with the amazing Dr. Trevor Cates! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How sleep deprivation can impact your skin health. 
  • What connection the thyroid has with the skin. 
  • How your skin can give you clues about your health. 
  • What leaky skin is. 
  • Warning signs that your skin’s barrier function has broken down.
  • The #1 trigger food for skin problems. 
  • How insulin production can cause acne breakouts. 
  • The best way to determine if dairy consumption affects your skin.
  • How the skin microbiome works. 
  • What you should know about the gut-skin connection. 
  • How frequent hand sanitizer use impairs the skin microbiome. 
  • What to look for in a facial cleanser.
  • The long-term side effects of using birth control to treat acne. 
  • How stress can worsen inflammatory skin conditions like rosacea and psoriasis. 
  • The connection between self-worth and self-care. 
  • What the ideal pH is for skincare products.
  • Important information about products that claim to be natural.
  • The two most common skincare mistakes. 
  • How to create a DIY face mask. 
  • Why hormone imbalances impact skin health. 
  • The importance of building a consistent, calming bedtime routine.
  • Which foods are the most supportive for skin health.
  • The difference between chemical and mineral sunscreen.

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A new study links frequent napping to high blood pressure and an increased risk of having a stroke. This research might alarm you, especially if you’re someone who enjoys taking naps. However, taking naps isn’t inherently bad. The problem is that taking frequent naps may indicate a deeper underlying issue: poor sleep quality at night. 

Sleep is a critical part of your overall health, and not getting enough high-quality sleep can lead to a myriad of problems, including increased risk for multiple chronic illnesses. On this episode of The Model Health Show, we’re going to dive into the science of napping and overall sleep hygiene. You’re going to learn about how sleep debt works, and how it can impact your health. You’ll also learn about sleep cycles, the function of melatonin, and the optimal way to nap. 

Most importantly, we’re going to cover specific things you can do to improve your sleep quality so that you can be well-rested and healthy. You’ll learn how to optimize your sleep environment, how to improve your melatonin production, and so much more. So click play, listen in, and enjoy the show! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The correlation between taking naps and having high blood pressure. 
  • How insufficient sleep can contribute to your risk of developing chronic illnesses. 
  • The two kinds of sleep debt. 
  • How short-term sleep debt can contribute to insulin resistance.
  • What effects sleep deprivation can have on your decision-making skills.
  • Why sleeping too little can influence your cravings and hunger hormones. 
  • How ghrelin and leptin are impacted by sleep deprivation. 
  • The dangers of accruing a long-term sleep debt. 
  • An important distinction between nap frequency and nap duration. 
  • How long your nap should be to reap the most benefits. 
  • What sleep inertia is. 
  • The prerequisites for making melatonin. 
  • What sleep cycles are and how they work
  • How to determine the best time of day to take a nap. 
  • The wide range of biological processes that are driven by melatonin. 
  • How to improve your sleep quality by optimizing your evening routine.
  • The biggest culprit in disturbing our sleep. 
  • How using your phone at night can impact your melatonin production.
  • The relationship between temperature and sleep quality. 
  • Why it’s so important to get sun exposure during the day. 
  • The bottom line about taking naps. 

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Brain health impacts every single area of our lives, including our quality of life as we age. Neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease are becoming increasingly more common, but this growing epidemic is not a normal or inevitable part of aging. Genetic predisposition only drives around 5% of cases, so the power is in our hands to implement healthy habits and prevention strategies to ward off neurodegeneration. 

Today’s guest, Dr. Dominic D’Agostino, is an expert in neuroscience and neuropharmacology. He is a tenured associate professor at the University of South Florida, a research scientist at the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, and the creator of the website, Keto Nutrition. Dom’s impressive resume also includes working as a research investigator on NASA’s Extreme Environment Mission Operation. In his research lab, the main focus is studying the neuroprotective effects of the ketogenic diet, and that’s what you’re going to learn about today. 

You’re going to learn about the connection between brain health and metabolic health. We’re diving into fascinating topics, including how the brain changes as we age, specific biomarkers to measure your overall health, and how indicators like sleep and gut health can impact your brain. Dom is truly a wealth of knowledge, and I hope this episode empowers you to take control of your brain health so you can live your best life as you age. 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is. 
  • The percentage of Alzheimer’s disease diagnoses that are genetically driven. 
  • How metabolic health is tied to age-related neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Specific biomarkers you should be monitoring for brain health.
  • The connection between Alzheimer’s disease and glucose metabolism in the brain.
  • How elevating ketones improves brain blood flow. 
  • What therapeutic ketosis is.
  • How the brain’s ability to process different energy sources changes as we age.
  • What we know about the metabolic components of Alzheimer’s disease. 
  • Different ways to achieve therapeutic ketosis. 
  • The connection between neuroinflammation and sleep quality. 
  • How zonulin can lead to leaky gut.
  • Similarities between leaky gut and junctions in the blood-brain barrier. 
  • The link between gut health and the immune system. 
  • What metabolic psychiatry is. 
  • The benefits of using a continuous glucose monitor. 
  • How consuming liquid sugar impacts the gut and metabolism. 
  • Why systemic inflammation and neuroinflammation are connected. 
  • The best foods to eat for brain and metabolic health. 

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“Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear.” – Normal Vincent Peale

Confidence is a key player in many areas of life, including reaching your fitness goals, having healthy relationships, and achieving growth in your career. But have you ever thought about where confidence comes from? Today you’re going to learn exactly what it takes to develop radical confidence that impacts every aspect of your life. 

Lisa Bilyeu is the co-founder of Quest Nutrition and Impact Theory. She is the host of the podcast, Women of Impact, and author of the book, Radical Confidence. On this episode of The Model Health Show, Lisa is here to share empowering tenets on cultivating confidence and how to eliminate excuses that are holding you back. You’re going to learn about how to handle fear, how to realistically reach your goals, and specific mindset shifts you can use to live a more authentic and fulfilling life. 

If you want to get honest with yourself and learn powerful tools for growth, Lisa’s insights will resonate with you. This interview contains empowering insights on redefining failure, cultivating a strong sense of self, and so much more. So listen in, take good notes, and enjoy this episode with Lisa Bilyeu! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What radical confidence is. 
  • Why confidence is a byproduct and not a prerequisite. 
  • The relationship between confidence and competence. 
  • How to redefine failure. 
  • What it means to define your north star. 
  • How relying too heavily on gratitude can actually hold you back. 
  • What it means to become an excuse terminator. 
  • The importance of knowing yourself when you set goals. 
  • How to be the hero of your own life. 
  • An important distinction between confidence and validation. 
  • How to live in alignment with your purpose. 
  • The ritual that Lisa uses to cultivate confidence. 
  • How to get out of your own way to build confidence. 

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“Being brave isn’t the absence of fear. Being brave is having that fear but finding a way through it.” – Bear Grylls

Fear is an innate part of the human experience. Although you might minimize fear as a basic emotion, fear is a complex process that triggers a series of physiological changes within the body. Fear isn’t inherently bad—in fact, fear is hardwired into our brains to keep us safe and alive. The key is to have a healthy relationship with fear and to be aware of how it impacts all areas of our lives.

Today’s guest, Tony Blauer, is a self-defense coach and fear management, expert. Through his company, Blauer Training Systems, his mission is to empower folks to reframe their relationship with fear in order to maximize performance. With over four decades of experience, Tony is a leading authority in the self-defense industry. He’s implemented scenario-based training for individuals and organizations across the world, including military, law enforcement, leadership teams, and the general public. 

This episode is full of life-changing principles you can implement to better your de-escalation skills and self-defense knowledge. We’re going to discuss trusting your instincts, identifying your vulnerabilities, and what it truly means to have courage. Tony is a wealth of information, and I hope this information gives you a wider perspective on fear and safety. So click play, take good notes, and enjoy this episode of The Model Health Show! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How your thoughts and emotions impact your biochemistry. 
  • An important distinction between physiological fear and psychological fear. 
  • Why improving your self-awareness is a superpower. 
  • What it means to know fear. 
  • How fear and intimidation are connected. 
  • The role of de-escalation in self-defense. 
  • What the three D’s of self-defense are. 
  • How to approach violent situations like an architect. 
  • Why you should always trust your gut instincts. 
  • What the True Safety Model is. 
  • How instincts, intuition, and intelligence can keep you safe. 
  • The importance of understanding psychological fear. 
  • How to identify your vulnerabilities. 
  • What situational awareness is. 
  • How to practice courage and resiliency. 
  • Why your intuition is like a GPS.
  • The difference between preparing for probability and possibility. 
  • Three things that offenders want in an attack.
  • Real strategies for devaluing yourself. 
  • The importance of managing fear. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm PST

When you think about improving your health, you probably think about making better food choices, getting more high-quality sleep, or adding more physical activity to your routine. But have you ever considered how your finances impact your overall well-being? Financial stress can manifest physically in many ways, including anxiety, digestive issues, or sleep disturbances. 

If you want to be the healthiest version of yourself possible, you’ve got to consider how to upgrade your financial fitness – and today’s guest is here to show you how. Bret Johnson has created several multimillion-dollar companies alongside his wife Chalene. He runs the operations and finances for his companies, SmartLife, Inc. and Team Johnson. On this episode of The Model Health Show, Bret is sharing what he’s learned about finances throughout his life and career, including the story of how he overcame a gambling addiction and paid off over $400,000 in debt. 

You’re going to learn actionable tips and strategies you can use to uplevel your financial fitness. We’re discussing the truth about credit cards, credit scores, investing, and how to create a money mindset. In the context of health, finances are often overlooked. I hope this episode educates and inspires you to build a stronger financial future for yourself and your family. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How stressors like finances can impact your health.
  • Distinct ways that money management is like fitness.
  • The benefits of using a credit card for your expenses. 
  • How technology can help you utilize credit cards. 
  • The role that discipline plays in reaching financial goals. 
  • Why it’s your responsibility to keep tabs on your credit score. 
  • How Bret went from gambling addict to money master. 
  • The importance of having multiple streams of income. 
  • How much money you should have in an emergency fund. 
  • Simple ways to get started investing. 
  • Why changing your mindset is critical for changing your financial habits.
  • The first step in making better financial decisions. 
  • What the S&P 500 is and how it works.
  • The pros and cons of investing in an index fund. 
  • What percentage of your income should be allocated toward investing. 
  • Why your home is not an investment.
  • The importance of consulting a CPA before making big purchases.  
  • How learning about finances can change your family’s legacy. 

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There’s a lot of conflicting advice about the best way to get results in the gym. And if there’s anyone who knows how to get results, it’s my friend Jay Ferruggia. Jay has been a personal trainer for over 25 years and he has thousands of hours of experience training folks in the gym. He has an impressive resume of advising in major league sports and contributing to magazines and major news networks. 

Jay is one of the most elite fitness coaches in the world, and what I love about him is his realistic approach to training. Jay’s mission is to make fitness simple and efficient. He incorporates key lifestyle habits like getting enough sleep, easy nutrition tips to help maximize your results, and how things like relationships and mindset can impact your fitness goals. 

No matter what your fitness goals are, Jay’s tips can help you achieve them. On today’s show, he’s sharing some of the most common misconceptions about training, the importance of having a plan, and why training for longevity and health is so effective. So listen in, take good notes, and enjoy this episode with Jay Ferruggia! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The biggest mistake most people make in the gym. 
  • Why your goal should be to build muscle. 
  • The role sleep plays in getting lean. 
  • Why cardio isn’t the best strategy for fat loss.
  • What it means to have a rehabilitative workout.
  • The importance of progressive overload, and why form matters. 
  • Why having a plan is necessary for body composition goals.
  • The role that genetics play in your fitness outcomes. 
  • How prioritizing aesthetics can damage your health.
  • Jay’s background in the fitness industry.
  • How to structure your workouts around the long-term goal of longevity.  
  • What role your metabolism and thyroid play in getting results. 
  • The dangers of overhydrating, and the importance of electrolyte balance.
  • Why your nutrition protocol matters in the long term.
  • How helping others can balance your stress levels.
  • The role community plays in your growth and strength. 
  • Why self-development matters for your overall health. 

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Inflammation is a necessary part of human biology. It’s a critical function of our immune response that allows us to heal infections and overcome viruses. In fact, inflammation is one of the key components that has allowed us to evolve to this point.

Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, is one of the greatest threats to human health. Chronic inflammation is at the root of most chronic conditions, including cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. On today’s show, you’re going to learn exactly what inflammation is, how it occurs in the body and its connection with obesity. 

This episode is my interview with Lewis Howes on his podcast, The School of Greatness. You’ll hear key insights on neuroinflammation, the science on sleep and cognitive function, and the necessary components for optimal brain function. There are so many powerful insights and impactful takeaways in this interview. So listen in and enjoy this episode from The School of Greatness Podcast! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The root of the word inflammation. 
  • An important distinction between acute and chronic inflammation. 
  • How getting adequate sleep can help you reach optimal body composition. 
  • The connection between quality sleep and cognitive performance.
  • What the glymphatic system is. 
  • The number one driving force of the human psyche.
  • Why change can be so uncomfortable. 
  • How the human brain can sync up with others. 
  • The dangers of neuroinflammation.
  • How brain inflammation and obesity create a vicious cycle.
  • What hypothalamic inflammation is.  
  • How your beliefs can affect the way your body processes food.
  • The best time to consume indulgent food. 
  • Three things that can break down the blood-brain barrier. 
  • What structural fats are. 
  • The three primary fats that make up the brain. 
  • Why DHA and EPA are critical for brain health. 

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In the past century or so, the human life expectancy has increased dramatically thanks to improved environmental factors and advances in modern medicine. But paradoxically, our citizens are sicker than ever. Rates of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases are skyrocketing at an alarming rate. 

Today’s guest, Dr. Gabrielle Lyon is one of the leading experts in human nutrition and the founder of the Institute for Muscle-Centric Medicine. She’s back on The Model Health Show to share about the critical role your muscles play in everything from immune function and cancer susceptibility to longevity and healthspan. Dr. Lyon is passionate about optimizing muscle for vitality and long-term health through evidence-based medicine. 

This episode contains powerful insights on how your skeletal muscle performs as your body armor and the influence it has on your metabolism, immune function, and other necessary processes in the body. We’re digging into the science behind optimal dietary protein intake, resistance training for longevity, and so much more. I hope you enjoy this episode with the one and only, Dr. Gabrielle Lyon!  

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What a geriatrician is. 
  • The problem with the term longevity.
  • Why skeletal muscle is integral for survivability. 
  • How your skeletal muscle acts as body armor. 
  • The connection between skeletal muscle and insulin resistance. 
  • How body composition and cancer risk are linked. 
  • Why building skeletal muscle is beneficial for the immune system. 
  • The most under-appreciated organ responsible for metabolic control. 
  • Why lack of skeletal muscle is the root of disease. 
  • What interleukin 6 is. 
  • The truth about fasted training. 
  • Why training is so important in mid-life. 
  • The role dietary protein plays in longevity and survivability. 
  • What to consider when looking at nutrient recommendations. 
  • The importance of transparency in science.  
  • Dr. Lyon’s recommendations for resistance training frequency and intensity.
  • What types of folks should utilize post-workout protein. 

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For decades, cardiovascular exercise was considered the gold standard for losing weight. But new science proves that strength training is actually the most effective exercise for fat loss and overall health. Not to mention, strength training is also a powerful tool for improving your cognitive health, metabolism, and so much more. 

Today’s guest, Sal Di Stefano is passionate about teaching folks how to realistically incorporate resistance training into their routine. He is a long-time fitness pro, a bestselling author, and the host at Mind Pump Media. In his new book, The Resistance Training Revolution, Sal Di Stefano outlines why building muscle through resistance training is the key to overall health and longevity. 

You’re going to hear powerful insights on why logging hours on the treadmill might be harming your progress, how your body adapts to workouts, and how to set sustainable health goals. Sal is sharing a wealth of knowledge on the benefits of strength training, plus realistic tips for building muscle in a way that works for your lifestyle. If you want to discover more about maximizing your health through resistance training, there’s no one better to learn from than Sal Di Stefano! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why cardio is ineffective for fat loss. 
  • How your body adapts to cardiovascular exercise. 
  • Why you shouldn’t consider calories burned during a workout. 
  • How weight loss plateaus happen. 
  • Why so many people can’t maintain their weight loss over time. 
  • The difference between fat loss and weight loss. 
  • How strength training can improve your cognitive function. 
  • The relationship between muscle mass and insulin sensitivity. 
  • How resistance training impacts hormonal health. 
  • What proprioception is. 
  • The truth about common strength training myths.
  • Why focusing exclusively on appearance can be unhealthy.
  • The reason why motivation alone won’t help you reach your goals.
  • Important questions to ask yourself when setting health goals. 
  • How many days per week most folks should train. 
  • Why sustainable, behavior-based changes are the most impactful.
  • The importance of approaching health from a place of self-love. 
  • How to improve your relationship with food. 
  • The best way to improve your metabolic rate.
  • Why your workouts should be a practice.
  • The ideal frequency for training specific muscle groups. 

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Even though the United States is the wealthiest country in the world, we have a glaring problem with accessibility to healthy food. According to the USDA, over 35 percent of households with incomes below the poverty line faced food insecurity in the year 2020. Rates of food insecurity were significantly higher than the national average for single-parent homes, as well as Black and Hispanic families. 

Additionally, a 2019 study showed that suboptimal diets were responsible for over 11 million deaths around the world. There’s clearly a huge disconnect between having the access and the knowledge to efficiently fuel our bodies. This is a complex issue and there’s not a straightforward solution. But luckily, there are a few things we can do to start moving the needle in a positive direction. 

Our guest today, Kevin Curry, is a renowned food expert, bestselling author, fitness expert, and the mind behind Fit Men Cook. Kevin is on a mission to make healthy food more affordable, and that’s what we’re going to talk about today. Kevin’s going to be defining important terms like food insecurity and food desert, and we’re talking about the role education plays in improving our collective health. You’re going to learn helpful tips for managing your grocery budget, reducing food waste, how to make your food last longer, and much more! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The link between poor diet and rates of disease.
  • What you need to know about food shortages.
  • The differences between food hunger, food insecurity, and food desert.
  • Why healthy food is inaccessible in food deserts. 
  • The connection between processed food consumption and obesity.
  • How food companies target children in their marketing. 
  • The importance of defining nourishment. 
  • Why education is an important component of improving our nation’s health.
  • Tips for keeping your grocery bill lower.
  • How to make your produce last longer. 
  • Why eating in restaurants and trying different foods is so valuable. 
  • The importance of honoring culture and heritage in your diet.
  • Kevin’s favorite foods to eat in the summer. 
  • The power of donating to local food banks. 

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The human immune system is truly at the foundation of human health. And at a time in human history when so many folks are suffering with various diseases and illnesses, it’s critical that we understand the expansive role of the immune system. On today’s show, we’re covering the function of the immune system, how viruses work, and the connection between our microbes and our overall health. 

Today’s guest, Dr. Zach Bush, is a physician who specializes in internal medicine, endocrinology, and hospice care. He is an educator on the microbiome and its connection to health and disease. He is also the founder of The Journey of Intrinsic Health and the nonprofit, Farmer’s Footprint. Dr. Bush is passionate about immunity and the larger picture of how our planet’s health impacts human health. 

On this episode of The Model Health Show, Dr. Bush is here to discuss the human microbiome, immunity, and viruses. We’re discussing topics like the role of the immune system, the scientific process, and the integration of humans in nature. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How much money is spent each year in the US healthcare system. 
  • Why the human body is an ecosystem.
  • The role that microbes play in distinguishing humans from other species. 
  • How our understanding of the immune system has evolved over time. 
  • The purpose of the body’s inflammatory responses.
  • What the role of mitochondria is. 
  • Challenges of germ theory. 
  • The relationship between scientific studies and reductionism.
  • Why curiosity is an important piece of science.
  • How urine can be used in regenerative agriculture. 
  • Why having your first child changes you so much.
  • How Dr. Zack Bush’s career evolved over time. 
  • What spontaneous remission means. 
  • The number one piece of advice from patients on hospice.  

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Our experiences shape so much about us—our beliefs, the way we view ourselves and the world around us, and the way we react in our relationships. But for those of us who had a shaky start to life, luckily, we are not by default destined for a life full of pain. Healing is available, and healing from those challenges can help us live a happier and more fulfilled life.  

Today’s guest, Tana Amen, is here to discuss how reframing our past experiences and traumas can improve our relationships and our health. Tana is a New York Times bestselling author, the vice president of Amen Clinics, and a former ICU trauma nurse. Her mission is to help people become stronger in mind, body, and spirit. In her newest book, The Relentless Courage of a Scared Child, Tana shares her journey of turning pain into purpose. 

In this interview, you’re going to learn more about Tana’s story of overcoming trauma and critical steps you can take to heal from your past experiences. We’re going to discuss choosing growth over trauma, the importance of nutrition, and the power of setting boundaries and taking responsibility. No matter what challenges you’ve faced in your life, Tana’s empowering approach can help you heal. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What you should know about sourcing high-quality olive oil. 
  • The implications of a high adverse childhood experiences score.
  • How generational trauma is often passed down.
  • The far-reaching impacts of chronically high cortisol levels. 
  • What post-traumatic growth is. 
  • How our early experiences shape our blueprints (and how we can change them).
  • What percentage of the average American’s diet is ultra-processed food.
  • The problem with having a cheat day. 
  • How to heal from trauma.
  • What it means to take responsibility. 
  • The importance of setting boundaries. 
  • How the darkest period of Tana’s life became her purpose. 
  • The impact that nutrition can have on every area of your life. 

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Nutrition is a powerful key to human health, but have you ever considered how your dietary choices may be impacting the environment and society at large? Much like the systems in our body, every single component of our world is in some way affected by the food we eat. Today you’re going to hear from Dr. Mark Hyman on the important topic of food as a form of medicine and activism. 

Dr. Mark Hyman is one of the most impactful voices in the space of functional medicine and an influential advocate for eating real, whole foods to reverse and prevent diseases. He is also a 14-time New York Times bestselling author, host of The Doctor’s Farmacy Podcast, and the founder and director of The UltraWellness Center. On today’s show, you’re going to hear a compilation of my past interviews with Dr. Hyman.

This episode contains powerful insights on how changing our food system can improve everything from disease rates to social justice issues and the health of the planet. You’re going to learn about important topics like soil health and food waste, the truth about common nutrition misconceptions, and what we should actually be eating. Today’s show is packed with essential facts about food, plus realistic tips we can all implement to make a positive, far-reaching impact. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How our food system impacts climate change, poverty, violence, and more. 
  • The statistics on obesity in the US and worldwide. 
  • Why food waste is a contributor to greenhouse gases 
  • The connection between soil health and microbial health. 
  • How Big Food corrupts science and preys on children.  
  • What the achievement gap is. 
  • The definition of structural violence.
  • What the biggest nutrition myth is. 
  • The truth about saturated fat. 
  • Why dogma has no place in science. 
  • How cholesterol levels are influenced by dietary fats.  
  • The number one hormone that causes you to gain fat. 
  • What nutritionism is. 
  • The most commonly consumed vegetables in America. 
  • How the human body processes fructose. 
  • The impacts of consuming factory-farmed animal foods. 
  • What you need to know about meat consumption and cancer risk.
  • Five critical principles that apply to most popular diets. 

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What if you could transform your health with a handful of simple, practical steps? Many people believe the myth that a radical, difficult lifestyle change is the only route to wellness. However, the key to health is rarely found in cutting out food groups, shady detox products, or logging hours on the treadmill. Often, it’s the most simple and sustainable changes that lead to lasting results. 

On today’s show, I’m sharing the full story of my personal health transformation, including my diagnosis and the journey of mindset shifts and behavior changes that led to results. Specifically, you’re going to learn five specific and practical steps you can take to gain control over your health. These five action steps are attainable, realistic, and you can implement them starting today. 

Whether your goal is to change your body composition, minimize symptoms, or reverse chronic illness, these five action steps can help you achieve results. I hope this episode resonates with you and leaves you feeling empowered. So listen in, take good notes, and enjoy the show! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The first thing I learned in my university nutrition class. 
  • My health history, including my diagnosis and healing.
  • How the placebo effect works. 
  • The power of seeking a second opinion in our healthcare system.
  • What instinctive elaboration is. 
  • How our bodies are literally made from food. 
  • Which vitamins and minerals are integral for bone health. 
  • What bioavailability means. 
  • How processed foods can impact our metabolic function. 
  • Why the model of calories in, calories out is an oversimplification.
  • The relationship between processed food consumption and cancer risk. 
  • Which bodily processes that water is responsible for. 
  • The two most water-dominant organs in the body.
  • What water-induced thermogenesis is. 
  • The importance of moving your body for vitality and not for vanity.
  • How to slowly incorporate movement into your routine if you’re sedentary.
  • The vital connection between sleep and healing. 
  • How your sleep quality directly impacts your immune function. 
  • Which preventable disease is the number one cause of death in the US. 

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In a country where only 12% of adults are metabolically healthy, it’s clear that there’s a disconnect between our behaviors and our bodies’ biological needs. Certain environmental inputs like movement, sleep, sunlight exposure, and whole foods are critical pillars of human health that our genes expect. And when it comes to improving our metabolic health, even making small changes can have a huge impact. 

Today’s guest, Dr. Casey Means, is the co-founder and chief medical officer at the innovative metabolic health company, Levels. She’s back on The Model Health Show back to discuss all things metabolic health. We’re diving into topics including the metabolic benefits of reducing your chemical exposure, the power of optimizing your micronutrient intake, and the surprising connections between metabolic function and sexual health. 

Dr. Means is truly an expert in the field of metabolic health, and her mission is to help folks maximize their potential by empowering them with tools that facilitate personalized and sustainable lifestyle choices. In this interview, you’re going to learn some realistic lifestyle habits you can implement to optimize your metabolism, no matter your starting point. Please enjoy this interview with the one and only, Dr. Casey Means! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What obesogens are. 
  • How chemicals can impact your metabolic function. 
  • The importance of building biologic resilience to endocrine-disrupting chemicals.
  • Simple swaps for reducing your exposure to chemicals. 
  • What percentage of people experience side effects from antidepressants.
  • How choosing organic food can impact your microbiome health. 
  • Why restriction is not the key to building a healthy body.
  • Three ways that micronutrients support cellular processes.
  • How selenium is involved in immune function.
  • The importance of focusing on regenerating the health of our soil.
  • How eating colorful food can impact your micronutrient levels.
  • The role magnesium plays in the body, and how to get more in your diet.
  • What the pillars of healthy gene expression are. 
  • How adequate sunlight exposure can improve your metabolic health.
  • The specific systems in the body that are tied to sexual function. 
  • What cardiometabolic health is. 
  • The link between obesity and sperm count. 
  • What polycystic ovarian syndrome is, and why it’s tied to insulin resistance. 
  • The metabolic effects of consuming breakfast cereal. 
  • Why long-term glycemic variability is not optimal. 

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Most folks training the gym are there for one reason: to look good. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with wanting to build a fit, aesthetically pleasing body, it’s not the only reason you should work out. Becoming a stronger and healthier version of yourself is about much more than what your abs look like; it’s also about your mindset, your routines around sleep and nutrition, and your functionality on an everyday basis. 

Today’s guest, Gunnar Peterson, is a personal trainer who is recognized for working with professional athletes and celebrities. What I love about his approach is his focus on movements that are critical whether you’re in the gym, in a championship game, or just everyday life. With nearly 30 years in the industry with a focus on functional training modalities, Gunnar is an expert in all things fitness. In this interview, he’s sharing the best principles for building a strong and functional body. 

Interviewing Gunnar has been a goal of mine from the beginning of The Model Health Show, and this experience did not disappoint! On this episode, you’re going to hear Gunnar’s background and how he started working with celebrities, the importance of sustainability in any health practice, the power of consistency and intentionality, and so much more. Gunnar is bringing so much knowledge and value to this interview, and I hope this message resonates with you. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How having information can help you avoid being a victim.
  • Why Gunnar doesn’t take credit for his clients’ results. 
  • The power of consistency in fitness.
  • Why the gym is the fairest place in the world. 
  • The importance of recognizing your wins. 
  • How a childlike curiosity can help you excel in any field.
  • Gunnar’s story of becoming a trainer and cultivating his education.
  • Why personal training is a service. 
  • The origin story of the toilet In Gunnar’s squat rack. 
  • Why sustainability is the key to any health goal. 
  • The three reasons why people work out. 
  • How focusing on performance in training can improve your everyday life. 
  • The evolution of beauty standards and the ideal body. 
  • What an auditory diet is and why it matters. 
  • Why you should work your body every day.
  • Which specific movements Gunnar has all his clients doing.
  • The importance of having a flexible training plan. 
  • Why you should check in with your body regularly. 
  • The benefits of working with a professional trainer. 

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What does soil have to do with human health? Everything on our planet is interconnected, from tiny organisms that live in the soil to humans. Unfortunately, we’re actively and rapidly destroying the communities of microbes in our soil through unsustainable farming practices. This impacts literally everything, including our gut microbiomes, disease propensity, food security, climate change, and so much more. 

Today’s guest, Autumn Smith, is a passionate advocate for human health through regenerative agriculture. She is a functional diagnostic nutritionist and the co-founder of two forward-thinking health companies: Paleo Valley and Wild Pastures. In this interview, Autumn is sharing her personal health anecdote, plus the science behind important health topics like processed foods, the consequences of modern agriculture practices, and the importance of well-thought-out, quality supplements. 

We’re diving into the prevalence of digestive issues in the US, the surprising link between eating animal fats and developing chronic illnesses, and the scary reality of antibiotic resistance. Autumn is bringing a ton of valuable knowledge to this episode of The Model Health Show, so listen in, take good notes, and enjoy the show! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What a diagnosis of IBS actually means, and its prevalence today.
  • Autumn’s personal story of transforming her health through dietary changes.
  • How many Americans suffer from digestive issues. 
  • The problem with ultra-processed foods, and how they hijack your satiety. 
  • How modern food engineering impacts our dopamine.
  • A realistic strategy for eating less processed foods.
  • What it means to prioritize pleasure in your diet and your life. 
  • The shocking relationship between saturated fats and non-communicable diseases.
  • How the human diet has evolved in recent decades.
  • The origin story of vegetable oils.
  • What percentage of animal products come from confined feeding operations.
  • The unintended consequences of industrial animal agriculture. 
  • How conventional animal agriculture encourages antibiotic resistance. 
  • The importance of restoring the health of our depleted soil.
  • How climate change is linked with our topsoil.
  • What regenerative agriculture is. 
  • An important distinction between sustainability and regeneration.
  • Why regenerative agriculture is like functional medicine. 
  • The difference between whole food vitamin C and ascorbic acid.
  • What you should know about curcumin supplements.
  • Autumn’s daily routine, and how she models self-care for her son. 

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Your brain is a powerful force that regulates so many functions and processes in your body. Everything from memory and emotion to temperature and metabolism are controlled by this complex and dynamic organ. Because of the expansive nature of the human brain, the field of neuroscience is vast and ever-evolving. 

Dr. Lisa Mosconi is a world-renowned neuroscientist who is ranked amongst the top 1% of scientists in the past 20 years. Dr. Mosconi studies the fascinating and growing intersection of neuroscience and nutrition, including how what we eat impacts our brain health and can ultimately determine our susceptibility to neurodegenerative diseases. She is the director of the Women’s Brain Initiative and the associate director of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Clinic at Weill Cornell Medicine, an adjunct faculty member at the NYU Department of Psychiatry, and the author of two incredible bestselling books, Brain Food and The XX Brain. 

On today’s show, you’re going to hear two powerful excerpts from previous interviews with Dr. Lisa Mosconi. She’s sharing the science on a wide variety of topics under the umbrella of brain health—including how Alzheimer’s disease develops over time, what your brain is made of and what nutrients it needs to survive, how men and women’s brains differ, and so much more. We can all learn more about how to nourish and protect our brain health, and I hope this episode empowers you to do just that. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What the HPA axis is, and how it works.
  • The relationship between your hypothalamus and your metabolic rate.
  • What nuclear medicine is. 
  • The surprising connection between Alzheimer’s disease and genetics.
  • What neuronutrition is, and how the blood-brain barrier works. 
  • A major differentiating factor between brain cells and other cells in the body. 
  • How many nutrients the brain has access to. 
  • Why your brain itself cannot feel pain. 
  • What a brain reserve is. 
  • An important distinction between dietary cholesterol and cholesterol in the brain. 
  • What compounds your brain is made of. 
  • Specific nutrients your brain needs for optimal health. 
  • Why long-chain polyunsaturated fats are critical for brain function. 
  • The link between menopause and Alzheimer’s disease. 
  • Why you should avoid xenoestrogens.
  • How women have been systematically excluded from research.
  • Why the XX chromosomes are related to brain function. 
  • What estradiol is. 
  • How Alzheimer’s disease develops over time. 
  • The role estrogen has in the brain. 
  • What the number one cause of early menopause is. 
  • Why hormone replacement therapy needs to be individualized. 
  • The power of protecting your brain with antioxidants. 
  • Which vitamins are most important for combating oxidative stress.
  • Why your brain needs carbohydrates. 

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Your emotional health is a critical part of your overall well-being. People who are emotionally healthy are better able to keep a strong mindset, build resiliency, and handle life’s challenges.  On today’s show, you’re going to learn about how navigating your inner world can impact your life. 

Our guest today, Dr. Susan David, is one of the world’s foremost experts in emotional agility. She is an award-winning psychologist, a bestselling author, and TED Talk speaker. Her book, Emotional Agility, is a science-based guide to healthier emotions and better communication. On this episode of The Model Health Show, Dr. Susan David is back to share powerful ideas about understanding and processing emotions. 

You’re going to learn about coping with stress, labeling your emotions, and living in alignment with your needs and values. Dr. Susan David is sharing life-changing insights on understanding yourself, your psychology, and your emotions so that you can have better health, relationships, and experiences. In an ever-changing world, emotional agility is a necessary skill – and I hope this episode gives you the tools you need to become your best self. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How our thoughts, emotions, and stories inform our behaviors. 
  • The importance of understanding our emotions. 
  • Why our emotions are the most powerful resource we can have. 
  • What it means to have stress that is values concordant. 
  • The power in understanding your relationship with stress. 
  • What it means to over-identify with a part of yourself. 
  • The problem with labeling emotions as good or bad. 
  • How accurately identifying your emotions can change your life. 
  • What emotional granularity is. 
  • The problem with the feminization of emotions. 
  • What a display rule is. 
  • How to avoid emotional fusion in yourself and your children.
  • What the Zulu greeting “Sawubona” means. 
  • How our emotions act as signposts. 
  • Why your emotions are data. 
  • The role of compassion and curiosity when it comes to understanding emotions.
  • What it means to develop a board of advisors. 
  • How to connect with your core. 

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“The giving of love is an education in itself.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

I believe that our relationships are one of the most influential factors in determining our mental health, success, and overall well-being in life. No matter your relationship status or personality type, communicating effectively with others is a critical skill you need to operate in our world today. On today’s show, you’re going to learn how to cultivate high-quality relationships so you can level up your happiness, health, and success. 

On this episode of The Model Health Show, I’m sitting down with Jairek Robbins. Jairek is a best-selling author, performance coach, and the president of Success Enterprises. He has taken five years’ worth of relationship courses and today he’s sharing the most impactful principles that you can use to become a master of relationships. This interview is full of actionable steps you can take today to improve your relationships. 

You’ll hear exactly how to become a better listener and how to implement the principles of teamwork in any relationship. We’ll talk about how our physiological inputs can affect our communication skills, and how to efficiently verbalize your feelings. I hope these tips will impact the way you communicate and help you connect more authentically with the people around you. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What inspired Jairek to become a master of relationships.
  • How to bring your most authentic self to a first date. 
  • The three things we pick up throughout our lives, and how they evolve over time.
  • What the three different types of stories that inform our lives are. 
  • Why understanding someone’s stories is like gaining an awareness of your heartbeat. 
  • The power of reflecting on the past thirty days. 
  • How our past triggers can impact our relationships.
  • The three components of a great relationship. 
  • How to find alignment with your partner. 
  • The importance of teamwork in any relationship. 
  • Why defining roles and responsibilities can help a partnership flourish.
  • The fastest way to ruin a relationship.
  • Why you should keep a pulse on your partner’s sleep habits.
  • The four steps of listening. 
  • An important rule for communicating your feelings. 
  • How men and women tend to cope with hurt feelings differently.
  • Why a sleep deficit can lead to more conflicts. 
  • The four different reasons why people choose to be in a relationship.
  • What it means to master your craft. 

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The food you eat matters, but have you heard about the importance of eating together? In our ever-increasingly busy culture, the ritual of a family dinner is becoming less common. But a growing body of research shows that sitting down at mealtimes with loved ones can have a dramatic impact on our weight, nutrient status, and happiness. 

On this episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to hear about the benefits of gathering around the dinner table for a family meal. We’re going to dive into the specific studies that affirm the importance of eating meals with your family. You’re going to learn how a shared meal can impact the quality of foods you eat, your health outcomes, and so much more. 

At a time when we’re all distracted by busy schedules, buzzing devices, and convenience foods, it’s more important than ever to intentionally set aside time for healthy family routines. In this episode, I’m sharing four practical tips you can use to establish family mealtimes and build a culture of health and connection in your home. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How many people die from poor diet each year.
  • The impact our environment can have on our choices.
  • Specific key nutrients that are associated with communal dining. 
  • Why eating with your family can help you make healthier food choices.
  • The connection between childhood health outcomes and family dinners.
  • How many times per week (minimum) you should aim to have a family meal.
  • What percentage of the average American’s diet is ultra-processed food.
  • The link between stress reduction and family meals.
  • What percentage of families eat together on a regular basis.
  • How eating with others can impact the way your body assimilates food.
  • The correlation between eating in front of a screen and increased calorie intake.
  • How after-school screentime can impact kids’ food choices. 
  • The role dopamine plays in our screentime behaviors. 
  • Four practical tips you can use to reap the benefits of family mealtimes. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm PST

Have you ever heard the statement that we only use 10% of our brains? This concept is popular in popular culture and motivational speeches, but there’s no scientific data to back it up. The human brain is dynamic and highly complex. The truth is, we use 100% of our brains all the time, even when we’re sleeping. 

Although we can’t tap into dormant parts of our brains to unlock our potential, we can optimize our brains and our biology to operate at peak performance. Today’s guest is going to show you how. Louisa Nicola is a neurophysiologist and the founder of Neuro Athletics, a company that helps athletes and top investors achieve peak performance by taking a neurological approach to training. On this episode of The Model Health Show, she’s sharing the fascinating science behind building an athletic brain.

In this interview, we’re diving into topics like neurophysiology, gray matter, dopamine, and long-term brain health. Louisa is bringing the data, her unmatched experience in the field of neurophysiology, and actionable steps you can use to achieve peak performance in any area of your life. So listen in, take good notes, and enjoy the show! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What the field of neurophysiology entails.
  • How an EEG is used to measure brain activity. 
  • What separates someone like Kobe Bryant from the average athlete.
  • Why Louisa decided to do brain scans on NFL players.
  • What Neuro Athletics is, and the two major industries they serve.
  • The series of events that occur in the brain when you hit a ball.
  • How juggling can grow the gray matter of the brain. 
  • Why adding variations to physical activity can train your brain. 
  • How the nervous system works. 
  • Three major theories about brain aging. 
  • What percentage of our brains that we actually use. 
  • The importance of sleeping for neuroplasticity. 
  • How to set goals that optimize your dopamine response. 
  • Why curating your social media feed is important for your brain. 
  • How physical activity can starve off Alzheimer’s disease.
  • What percentage of patients with Alzheimer’s disease have a genetic form.
  • The importance of cycling through sleep stages for brain health. 
  • How Ceylon cinnamon can impact insulin levels. 
  • The three domains for achieving peak performance. 

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In the fitness world, there are many misconceptions about what it takes to build a strong body. Some of these myths are so pervasive, they could be holding you back or sabotaging your progress. On today’s show, we’re going to clear the air about what’s actually required to build strength and resilience. 

Our guest today is Nsima Inyang. Nsima is a lifting coach, professional natural bodybuilder, elite-level powerlifter, and the co-host of Mark Bell’s Power Project. If there’s anyone who knows how to build strength, it’s Nsima – and in this interview, he’s sharing real-world strategies and empowering mindset shifts on human potential. 

On this episode of The Model Health Show, Nsima is sharing practical tactics you can use to build a stronger, more resilient, and more functional body. We’re going to talk about how having strong and functional feet can impact other muscles, the importance of creating resilient knees, and the mental benefits of having a physical outlet. This episode is jam-packed with insights on human strength and performance, so listen in and enjoy the show! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • A huge misconception about gaining muscle and losing fat.
  • How much protein you need to eat in order to build muscle. 
  • Why Nsima decided not to become a doctor. 
  • The importance of having a physical outlet. 
  • How movement can be helpful for coping with depression. 
  • Why walking is such an underrated tool.
  • What you need to know about foot functionality. 
  • Why many muscle imbalances start in the foot. 
  • Simple habits you can implement to promote foot health. 
  • How to build stronger, more resilient knees. 
  • The life-changing mindset shift of not identifying with your injuries.
  • Why healing is not linear.
  • The importance of building rotational ability. 
  • How to build habits that support your goals. 
  • What a white belt mentality is. 
  • The benefits of walking backward. 
  • How identifying your weaknesses can make you stronger. 
  • Why the sky is not the limit. 
  • Three primary tenets to building a functional body. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm PST

Can you think of a time that you’ve gotten sick because you were stressed? Studies show that emotional stress can be a contributing factor to many conditions, ranging from the common cold to cardiovascular disease. There’s an undeniable link between our thoughts and our physical manifestations, and that’s the topic for today’s show.

On this episode of The Model Health Show, stem cell biologist and epigenetic pioneer, Dr. Bruce Lipton, is back to share the truth about how disease is created and how stress impacts the immune system. You’re going to learn how to build an empowering belief system that promotes health, plus four practices you can implement to create a healthy body. We’re diving into topics like the motives of the pharmaceutical industry, how our environment shapes our health, and the science behind the placebo effect. 

There is powerful science behind how your beliefs inform your gene expression, and there’s no one better to teach this topic than Dr. Bruce Lipton. It’s not your genes alone that dictate your health outcomes, it’s the biology of belief that determines your destiny. So listen in and enjoy this interview! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How many people are killed by poor diet every year. 
  • The importance of recognizing your agency in your health outcomes.
  • How genetic determinism leads to victimization. 
  • Different types of stem cells, and how they operate. 
  • How your thoughts create chemistry. 
  • The science behind the placebo effect.
  • An important distinction between correlation and causation.
  • Why genes are like blueprints.
  • What percentage of diseases are controlled by genes. 
  • The relationship between genes and environment.
  • Why the nucleus is the gonad of the cell.
  • How a cell membrane and a computer chip are similar.
  • Three main ways that stress can create disease.
  • The prevalence of chronic illness in the United States. 
  • Four things you can do to create a healthy body.
  • How many people die each year from prescription drugs.
  • What percentage of healing occurs from the placebo effect.
  • The role that tonsils play in immunity.
  • Why babies have an instinct to put things in their mouths.
  • The relationship between harmony and health. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:32pm PST

From time to time, we can all feel insecure or inadequate. But if you’re constantly feeling like you’re unworthy, unlikeable, or not good enough, there may be some experiences from your past that you need to reevaluate. Today, my good friend Cynthia Garcia is here to show you how. Cynthia is a bestselling author, an empowering life coach, and the founder and CEO of the Institute of Transformational Nutrition. 

On this episode of The Model Health Show, Cynthia Garcia is back to share inspiring insights on how rewriting your stories and breaking through your limiting beliefs can transform your life. We’re diving deep into the process of reframing past traumas, shifting your identity, and creating a deeply fulfilling life. Cynthia is sharing her personal anecdotes and experiences healing trauma, and how you can reframe and overcome any obstacle that life has thrown your way. 

This interview provides a thought-provoking conversation on healing, growth, personal development, and so much more. I hope Cynthia’s story reminds you that you are the author of your own story, and that your potential is entirely up to you. So listen in, take good notes, and enjoy this conversation with Cynthia Garcia! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The importance of taking a look at what is possible for your life.
  • How the stories we tell ourselves can hold us back.
  • The power of consciously changing and rewriting your personal stories.
  • How children can adopt a survivor mentality.
  • What feelings of shame can tell you about your past experiences. 
  • Why your thoughts do not create your reality. 
  • The value of choosing the future that you want to create.
  • What it means to own an identity. 
  • How to address your past traumas.
  • Why people with difficult backgrounds often end up becoming successful.
  • How to acknowledge and accept your past traumas. 
  • The importance of taking time to think without distractions. 
  • What it means to take personal responsibility for everything. 
  • The definition of instinctive elaboration, and why it matters.
  • How working with a coach can help you feel in control.
  • Why becoming aware of who you are can aid in your personal development. 
  • The role that education can play in creating a full life. 
  • Why healing and growth are a continuous journey. 
  • What modern life coaching is. 

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The proverbial expression, “you are what you eat” is one of the wisest and most profound health insights. The food that you eat literally creates the cells in your body, including your blood, your brain, and your skin. And at a time in history when we are surrounded by hyper-palatable ultra-processed foods, going back to the basics of human nutrition is critical for our overall health and longevity. No matter what your diet philosophy is, there are some main tenets you can incorporate to build a stronger body and brain. 

On this episode, you’re going to learn some key insights on how your diet affects a multitude of functions in your body, including your metabolism and weight, cognition and memory, and so much more. You’re going to hear some of the studies that I referenced in my book, Eat Smarter, plus applicable takeaways you can use to create a well-rounded, health affirmative diet. This episode is my interview on Empire Podcast with Bedros Keuilian. 

We’re diving into specifics like fine-tuning your hydration levels, the science on omega-3 fatty acids, and why magnesium is essential for human health. I’m also sharing the framework behind Eat Smarter, and why it is intended to serve as a unifier for all. I hope you enjoy my interview from the Empire Podcast!  

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The science behind brain coupling. 
  • Why you should consider the types of people you surround yourself with.
  • How our bodies are literally made from the food we eat. 
  • Why your diet impacts so much more than your weight. 
  • What epigenetic controllers are and why they matter. 
  • The definition of epicaloric control. 
  • How side effects from pharmaceutical drugs can lead to more health problems.
  • Why your microbes can dictate your weight. 
  • How the function of the metabolism can change when we eat processed food.
  • Why the human brain is hardwired to look for problems.  
  • The impacts dehydration can have on your cognition. 
  • A rough estimate of how much water you should be drinking. 
  • The role that electrolytes play in human health. 
  • What the number one mineral deficiency in our country is. 
  • The link between omega 3 consumption and memory. 
  • What neuronutrition is.
  • The effects of DHA and EPA on brain health.
  • Why basic foundational health principles are more important than following a diet. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm PST

Everything can change in one moment, with one decision, or one encounter. That’s what my friend Ed Mylett learned when his father got sober after years of suffering from alcoholism. Everything changed when Ed’s dad decided to give sobriety one more try. The truth is many of us are just one step away from the life we want to live.  

Today, Ed is back on The Model Health Show to share life-changing principles from his new book, The Power of One More. Ed Mylett is a globally recognized speaker, bestselling author, and serial entrepreneur. In this interview, you’re going to learn why you’re closer to your goals than you think, why invisible progress can be impactful, and how your identity shapes your experiences. 

You’ll hear powerful insights on maximizing your time, getting results, controlling your thoughts and emotions, and so much more. No matter what your goals are, Ed’s dynamic insights are sure to inspire and empower you. So listen in, take notes, and enjoy the show! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The dual meaning of one more.
  • Why your experiences are qualifications.
  • How your identity dictates your outcomes.
  • The three ways to shift your identity.
  • What it means to be the one.
  • How the reticular activating system in the brain works. 
  • Why being unrealistic is a positive trait. 
  • The power of the questions you ask yourself. 
  • How to build confidence.
  • What compound pounding is, and why it’s so powerful.
  • The difference between time management and time manipulation.
  • How changing your physiology can change your emotions.
  • What the enemy of execution is. 
  • The definition of a multiplier.
  • How fear and anger are connected.
  • What one more inconvenience means. 

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We’re all aware of the calories in, calories out paradigm that boils down weight loss to a basic math formula. But is weight management really that simple? Our bodies are complex, highly intelligent systems that operate based on a multitude of factors. While calorie intake and calorie expenditure are factors that influence weight, they don’t paint the entire picture. Things like your metabolism, your digestion, your hormones, and your gut microbiome all can play a role in how your body processes and utilizes calories. 

On today’s show, I’m sharing five calorie-free things that can actually cause you to gain weight. You’re going to learn about why calories alone cannot dictate your weight, and how things like stress, sleep, and activity level can change the way your body burns calories. We’ll talk about the function of the metabolism, how things like insulin and inflammation can play a role in weight gain, and so much more. 

If you’ve ever counted calories and wondered why you couldn’t lose weight, this episode will be a valuable tool for you to bring your body back into alignment so it can better utilize energy. You’re also going to hear five solutions you can utilize to help your body operate optimally, and in turn, reach an ideal body weight. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The problem with what I learned about calories in college.
  • What epicaloric controllers are.
  • The percentage of American adults that are metabolically unhealthy. 
  • Which factor that’s affecting our weight is the most overlooked.
  • How your stress levels can impact your body composition.
  • The link between cortisol levels and weight circumference.
  • What percentage of physician visits are for stress-related illnesses. 
  • How poor sleep can make you eat more and slow down your metabolic rate.
  • The relationship between sleep and thyroid function.
  • How sleep deprivation can lead to an increase in visceral belly fat.
  • The connection between muscle mass and insulin sensitivity. 
  • How insulin resistance can happen over time.
  • Why having more muscle can make you more resilient. 
  • How chronic inflammation can impact your body weight.
  • The definition of metabolic flexibility. 
  • How hypothalamic inflammation can lead to weight gain. 
  • Why connection is vital for human health.
  • The importance of early morning sunlight exposure.
  • How to incorporate more movement into your routine. 
  • Specific foods you can eat to combat inflammation.

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The almighty scale is a tool that many folks use to track their health and fitness, but it’s just one tool. There are many other measurements of health that can determine how healthy you truly are, including things like sleep quality, metabolic health, body fat percentage, and energy levels. Your weight is just one benchmark, and it in no way illustrates the full out-picturing of your health or your value as a human.  

On this episode, Noelle Tarr of Coconuts and Kettlebells is back on The Model Health Show to discuss why focusing exclusively on the scale can actually diminish your health. She’s going to share which biomarkers you should concentrate on instead, and how to focus on true health instead of just the number on the scale. We’re also going to talk about the benefits of exercise, the truth about cellulite, and how women can train in accordance with their cycles. 

If you’ve ever unhealthily obsessed over the number on the scale, Noelle’s message will resonate with you. She is truly one of my favorite people, and I hope this episode is empowering and supportive of your goals. So click play, listen in, and enjoy the show! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What percentage of American adults are metabolically healthy. 
  • The problem with how health has been defined in the fitness industry. 
  • Why focusing exclusively on a goal weight can lead to poor health. 
  • The problem with trying to get back to your high school weight.
  • Why fluctuations in weight are natural and normal.
  • The importance of making decisions based on what your body needs. 
  • How stress impacts our physiology. 
  • Important biomarkers (other than weight) you can use to assess your health.
  • The connection between spending time in nature, vitamin D, and wellness.
  • Why managing your stress is a critical piece of overall health.
  • The power of saying no. 
  • Why women need to eat more calories in the second half of their cycle.
  • How exercise can improve your health (whether or not you lose weight!)
  • The link between having an active lifestyle and COVID-19 outcomes.
  • How strength training improves bone density. 
  • Why listening to your body is more important than maintaining a workout schedule.
  • The truth about cellulite. 
  • What the infradian rhythm is, and how women can exercise in accordance with it.

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Social media provides an avenue for us to connect with loved ones from afar and gives us access to a wide array of resources and information. But did you know that the average person spends three to five hours per day switching between the apps on their phone? While technology can be a wonderful and expansive tool, it’s important that we set boundaries and use it in a way that helps us, not hinders us. 

On today’s show, you’re going to discover how social media might be impacting various aspects of your life—including mental health, sleep quality, weight, and productivity. You’ll learn how modern technology is specifically designed to keep you hooked, and how it can affect your psychology. More importantly, you’re going to learn some practical tips you can use to ensure healthy habits with your devices. 

While social media might be a relatively new invention, it’s here to stay for the foreseeable future. It’s in our best interests to develop and maintain healthy boundaries that allow social media to supplement our real life. My goal with this episode is to arm you with information and tactics you can use to ensure that technology is a beneficial part of your life. If you’re ready to take control of your devices and apps, this episode is for you. 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How many hours per day the average person spends on their smartphone.
  • The statistics on time spent reading.
  • How dopamine is connected to your social media habits.
  • Why our inherent negativity bias makes us more sensitive to negative comments.
  • How social media likes are designed to impact our psychology. 
  • The impact social media can have on your sense of self-value.
  • How comparison on social media makes us more predisposed to depression.
  • The connection between sedentary behavior and social media usage.
  • How our environment can make us more susceptible to addiction. 
  • Why social media is created to break down your self-regulation skills.
  • The importance of cultivating real-world relationships.  
  • How your social media behaviors can impact your sleep quality.
  • What effects our devices have on our circadian clock. 
  • The percentage of Americans that sleep with their phones within arm’s reach.
  • How to remove the temptation of social media while you’re working.
  • Why you should be cognizant of which apps are sending you notifications.
  • The power of setting a screen curfew.
  • What it means to social distance from your phone. 

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The human gut is home to trillions of bacteria, as well as other microorganisms that make up the gut microbiome. The health of the gut has been proven to affect immune function, skin health, cognitive ability, and more. If your gut health happens to be out of whack, it can also manifest in many ways beyond obvious digestive symptoms. An imbalanced gut can create symptoms such as cravings, poor sleep quality, and lack of concentration, to name a few. 

If you want to learn how to optimize your gut health, this episode is for you. Today’s guest, Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, is an award-winning gastroenterologist, a bestselling author, and a gut health expert. He’s back on The Model Health Show to share five major classifications of gut microbes, what we can learn about our health from our poop, and simple tips to improve your microbiome health. 

We’re diving deep into topics like the war on bacteria, the future of personalized nutrition, food intolerances, and so much more. No matter your background, diet, or knowledge base, you can always strive to improve your gut health. And on today’s show, Dr. B is going to show you how! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics work. 
  • The revolution that’s taking place in science right now. 
  • How the microorganisms in our gut behave.
  • The role our microbes have played in human evolution.
  • Approximately how many microbes live in our gut.
  • How antibiotics were developed and implemented.
  • A history of the war on bacteria. 
  • What you should know about candida. 
  • How archaea work in the body. 
  • Why destruction is not a sustainable approach to balancing gut health. 
  • Which intestinal parasite is beneficial for the metabolism. 
  • The importance of personalized nutrition.
  • What percentage of our genetic code comes from our microbes.
  • How to know if you’re having gut health problems.
  • What you can learn about your health from your poop. 
  • One of the biggest misconceptions about gut health and bowel movements.
  • How viruses interact with our microbes. 
  • Why challenge and adaptation are beneficial for our bodies.
  • The link between the microbiome and the immune system.
  • Two diet approaches for fixing food intolerances.
  • The importance of consuming fermented foods.  

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Millions of Americans suffer from digestive problems like acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, and constipation. Beyond that, even more folks struggle with conditions like autoimmune disease, food allergies, skin problems, and mood disorders—all of which can be traced back to one root cause: gut disruption. Compromised gut health is a major barrier to good health in our society, but luckily there are a few clear action steps we can take to restore the functionality of our gut. 

Integrative gastroenterologist and microbiome expert, Dr. Robynne Chutkan, is back on The Model Health Show to share the latest research on gut health. You’re going to learn the about link between gut health and cognition, how our lifestyle choices shape our microbiome health, and in turn influence our long-term health outcomes. She’s also sharing the three commonly prescribed medications that are destroying your gut health and making you more susceptible to COVID-19. You’ll also hear about specific things you can eat to cultivate a healthy gut. 

What I love about Dr. Chutkan is her approach to health and medicine. She is an advocate of root-cause treatment, and empowering and educating patients about their own health. If you’re striving for better health, it all starts in the gut, and Dr. Chutkan is a truly amazing expert in this field. I hope this episode empowers you to take control of your gut health and advocate for yourself. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What psychogenic fecal retention is.
  • The definition of integrative gastroenterology. 
  • How anxiety is linked to the gut. 
  • The link between frequent antibiotic use and cognitive decline. 
  • What to ask your doctor before accepting a prescription for antibiotics.
  • The importance of being an active advocate in your health care. 
  • What polypharmacy is. 
  • Which commonly prescribed medications are making us more susceptible to viruses. 
  • How the ACE receptors in the intestines work. 
  • What happens when you take a proton pump inhibitor. 
  • Why stomach acid is one of the body’s most potent defense mechanisms.  
  • What your microbiome can tell you about your health outcomes and susceptibilities.
  • Why fiber is critical for gut health. 
  • Examples of microbiota accessible carbs.
  • The importance of eating seasonally, and with variety.
  • How NSAIDs can destroy the gut lining. 
  • The problem with overprescribing drugs in the medical community. 
  • What the virome is, and its importance in modulating immune response. 
  • An everyday approach to improving gut health. 
  • The science behind how sleep deprivation increases your risk of viral infections.

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Incorporating movement into your routine is one of the key tenets to cultivating a healthy lifestyle. Depending on your preferences, schedule, and capabilities, movement can look different from person to person. While one person might enjoy pumping iron in the gym, others might be better suited to hike outdoors, attend group classes, or dance. It doesn’t matter what your preferred movement type is, what matters is that you find something that works for you.  

Today’s guest, Jaja Vankova is an internationally recognized dancer, choreographer, and movement coach who is passionate about teaching folks to incorporate movement and dance into their daily lives. She has starred in the film Step Up, performed in the champion team from America’s Best Dance Crew, and contributed her choreography and dance skills to numerous artists, such as Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, and Taylor Swift. Jaja is well-known in her industry for her specialty of body control. 

On this episode of The Model Health Show, Jaja is facilitating an important conversation on the role movement plays in our lives. You’ll hear why movement is the beginning of life, how it impacts our mental and physical health, how movement is key to communication, and so much more. So listen in and enjoy this episode with Jaja Vankova! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why movement and dance are a universal language. 
  • The energetic exchange that occurs while dancing. 
  • How babies learn through movement. 
  • The importance of taking deep, conscious breaths.
  • How to use dancing as self-expression. 
  • The way that music can raise vibrations. 
  • Health benefits of fasting. 
  • The importance of utilizing movement for internal health, and not just appearance.
  • Why going outside can improve your energy. 
  • What the social aspects of movement are, and why they matter.
  • Jaja’s experiences with injuries and healing. 
  • Specific healing modalities Jaja utilizes. 
  • Why visualization is so powerful. 
  • How to create a flow state. 
  • Why Jaja’s specialty is body control. 

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There’s nothing more rejuvenating than a good night’s sleep. But did you know that there’s an important distinction between sleep quantity and sleep quality? While the number of hours you sleep is an important factor, sleep quality is a critical, often-overlooked element that impacts multiple facets of your health. High-quality sleep is restorative for the body and can influence everything from metabolic function to susceptibility to chronic illnesses.  

On today’s show, we’re going to delve into five bad habits that are destroying your sleep quality. Fortunately, improving your sleep quality is something you may be able to control with a few simple tweaks to your sleep hygiene. You’re going to discover some interesting studies on circadian rhythms, melatonin production, the body’s internal thermostat, and more. 

More importantly, you’re going to learn about simple changes you can implement today that can make a huge difference in your sleep quality. You’re going to learn about light exposure, temperature regulation, foods to consume (& avoid), and the role that stress levels play in your overall sleep quality. So click play, take advantage of any of these habits you can improve on, and enjoy the show! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How the glymphatic system works. 
  • The number of Americans that are sleep deprived. 
  • Which brain waves are associated with the different sleep stages.
  • How long the average sleep cycle is. 
  • The role of the suprachiasmatic nucleus.
  • How using light-emitting electronics after dark can impact your circadian clock.
  • Tips for reducing light exposure at night. 
  • The ideal temperature for sleeping. 
  • How cortisol levels impact sleep quality. 
  • Why you should think twice before exercising at night. 
  • The connection between cortisol and melatonin. 
  • How eating too close to bedtime impacts your cortisol levels and sleep cycles. 
  • The importance of getting access to natural light. 
  • How movement in the morning can reset your cortisol rhythm.
  • What effects sugar consumption has on sleep. 
  • How alcohol can impact sleep cycles.
  • What the REM rebound effect is. 
  • Why you should set a caffeine curfew.
  • Real food sources to improve the hormones that affect sleep. 

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When I started The Model Health Show nine years ago, I stepped up to the microphone with a profound passion and desire to teach folks how to create a unique model for their own health and fitness. Nine years later, I’m proud to say that I’m still committed to that mission, and I’m honored by all the experts that have contributed their knowledge and expertise to help you feel more empowered in reaching your health goals. 

On today’s show, we’re going to highlight nine of the most powerful moments from fitness experts who have been featured on The Model Health Show over the past nine years. We’re covering strategies, tools, and mindset shifts that will not only help you build your best body, but also contribute to your posture, metabolic health, and longevity. While fitness is not the only component of health, it’s an important component that we can all constantly learn about and improve on. 

I hope these nine expert insights contribute to your health and fitness goals. Whether you’re a first-time listener or you’ve been here for almost a decade, I want to thank you for celebrating this nine-year anniversary with me. Thank you for making The Model Health Show a part of your life, and for being a part of my mission. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Which exercise is the most underrated. 
  • Why creating stability is so important in fitness. 
  • How muscle mass impacts metabolic health.
  • A basic template for creating an effective workout routine. 
  • How cardiovascular exercise impacts longevity. 
  • Why walking is a nutrient-dense movement. 
  • The health benefits of walking, and realistic ways to incorporate it into your life.
  • Why it’s important to be strong in a multitude of different ways.
  • The benefits of overloading the body.
  • Why adding muscle mass should be everyone’s goal.
  • A guideline for knowing how much weight you should be lifting. 
  • What the oldest form of strength training is. 
  • How to simplify your workout routine. 
  • What unconventional training is. 
  • The importance of incorporating movement that prevents muscle imbalance.
  • Benefits of using kettlebells, steel clubs, and steel maces. 
  • Which tactic is best for improving posture. 
  • Why taking your health seriously will help you live your best life. 
  • What consistency means when it comes to movement. 
  • The definition of mobility. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm PST

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” - Helen Keller

Pain is an inevitable, universal part of being human. While the challenges that life throws at us can sometimes seem overwhelming, our power lies in our ability to overcome, heal, and grow. If you’ve ever felt mentally and emotionally broken from traumatic experiences, this interview will resonate with you.

Today’s guest, Eben Britton, is a former NFL offensive lineman turned yogi, a podcaster, and the author of The Eben Flow: Basic Tools to Transform Your Life. On this episode of The Model Health Show, he’s sharing powerful insights about the ups and downs of life, the importance of healing trauma, and how tapping into your inner truth and power can change everything. 

You’re going to hear conversations about the medical culture in major sports leagues, how to change the way you think about pain and suffering, tapping into your unique gifts, and so much more. Eben has a multitude of wisdom and personal experience to share; I hope you’ll listen in and take this interview to heart. Enjoy!  

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why meditation is healing.
  • Eben’s experience playing in the NFL.
  • The importance of having confidence. 
  • Why football can’t be played half-heartedly.
  • How writing helped Eben process trauma and begin healing.
  • Why sensitivity is a gift.
  • How cannabis can be used as a trauma reducer. 
  • The importance of asking yourself what is serving you. 
  • How Eben began his meditation practice. 
  • What it means to use your suffering as your gift.  
  • The difference between wrestling and dancing with pain. 
  • Why staying comfortable can stunt your growth.
  • The importance of celebrating diversity. 
  • Why your inner truth is the only truth that matters. 
  • The power of being willing to do hard things.

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm PST

Gut health is at the foundation of human health—it impacts everything from mental health to blood sugar, to skin health, and more. The more we learn about the impact of gut bacteria on human health and diseases, the more we can make changes that promote vibrancy and healing. One of the pioneers in the space of gut health and the microbiome is Dr. William Davis.

Dr. William Davis is a cardiologist, a New York Times bestselling author of the Wheat Belly series, and the author of the new book, Super Gut. In Super Gut, Dr. Davis makes the case that a disrupted microbiome and small intestinal bacteria overgrowth are at the root of a myriad of health concerns. By addressing the dysfunction in the gut, we can improve inflammatory diseases, promote a healthier body composition, get better sleep, and so much more. 

In this interview, Dr. Davis is discussing incredible insights on the link between the microbiome and our skyrocketing rates of diseases. More importantly, he’s sharing simple, actionable steps that you can take to cultivate a healthy gut and vastly improve your health. I hope you enjoy this episode of The Model Health Show!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What hypothalamic inflammation is, and why it matters.
  • The numerous effects of lactobacillus reuteri.
  • Why homemade yogurt is superior to store-bought yogurt. 
  • How overexposure to antibiotics and other drugs is destroying our microbiomes.
  • The problem with wheat and glyphosate.
  • What endotoxemia is. 
  • Why a disrupted microbiome is the root cause of so many of our health conditions.
  • What SIBO is and how it occurs.
  • A gentler method for treating SIBO. 
  • Why eating fermented foods can restore the health of the microbiome. 
  • How your microbial health can impact your dialogue and mood. 
  • The link between inflammation and leaky gut. 
  • How the USDA’s food guidelines are making us fatter and inflamed. 
  • The connection between magnesium, vitamin D, and inflammation.
  • How the overprescription of antibiotics is hurting children. 
  • The biological benefits of breastfeeding. 
  • Specific action steps to heal your gut. 

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We know that people who have underlying metabolic dysfunction, such as type 2 diabetes or obesity, are at a higher risk of developing complications and poor outcomes from COVID-19. When it comes down to the root of what’s causing our underlying susceptibility to this virus, the topic of immunometabolism cannot be overlooked. The growing field of immunometabolism refers to the complex relationship between the immune system and metabolism. 

Since the immune system and the metabolism are so closely linked, one of the best things we can do to support the function of our immune system is to optimize our metabolism through cultivating healthy habits. For instance, getting quality sleep, strength training, and eating in a way that optimizes blood sugar can support your metabolism, and in turn strengthen your immune system’s defenses. One of the most prominent voices in the space of immunometabolism and COVID-19 is Dr. Tyna Moore. 

Dr. Tyna Moore is a board-certified naturopathic doctor and chiropractic physician. With nearly three decades of experience practicing medicine, Dr. Moore is passionate about teaching folks how to build resilient bodies and take responsibility for their health. This episode contains powerful insights on COVID-19 susceptibility, taking charge of your wellness, and why basic lifestyle changes can have the biggest impact on your overall health. I hope you enjoy this interview with the one and only, Tyna Moore! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What percentage of the average American’s diet is ultra-processed foods.
  • Dr. Moore’s personal experience with chronic illness and viral infections. 
  • The connection between obesity and COVID-19 susceptibility. 
  • Why taking care of yourself is only your responsibility. 
  • The mindset component of chronic pain. 
  • What inflammaging is. 
  • The connection between the metabolism and the immune system. 
  • How viral infections impact blood sugar. 
  • What viral titers are and why they matter. 
  • Why exercise is a protective factor against COVID-19.
  • How fear impacts the brain. 
  • What happened when Dr. Moore gave up alcohol. 
  • Why you should aim to be harder to kill. 
  • The war on good health, and how to take responsibility for your own health. 
  • How emotional baggage can manifest as poor health. 
  • Why we let our ego get in the way of critical thinking. 
  • What it means to trust your body. 
  • Why true health is a journey, not a destination. 

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Did you know that a healthy self-esteem is associated with better health outcomes? Studies show that people who possess a positive sense of self-worth have fewer mental health conditions, tend to live longer, are generally healthier overall. This is due in part to the fact that the beliefs we hold about ourselves dictate who we are, how we operate in the world, and ultimately our potential in life. 

Since our sense of self-worth impacts our lives on such a profound scale, it’s essential that we cultivate the knowledge and skills necessary to build confidence. Our self-esteem is not an inherent, fixed trait; it’s something that we can grow and develop over time.  

On this episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to learn about ten practical ways you can build your confidence and self-esteem. You’ll hear about daily habits you can implement, mindset shifts to adopt, and why now more than ever, building up your self-worth is of utmost importance. I hope this episode empowers you and arms you with the information you need to cultivate a healthy sense of self-worth. 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How your belief system shapes your reality. 
  • The connection between low self-esteem and mental health conditions.
  • What the true definition of self-esteem is. 
  • The number one driving force of the human psyche.
  • How to keep the promises you make to yourself.
  • The importance of surrounding yourself with empowering, valuable people.
  • How to wisely use the gift of contrast to set standards for yourself.
  • What it means to advocate for yourself.
  • How to strengthen your “no muscle.”
  • The dark side of people-pleasing.
  • How to teach your children about self-esteem and boundaries.
  • What we can learn about human nature from the Milgram study.
  • How your diet and your confidence are related.
  • The link between insulin resistance and sleep deprivation. 
  • Why you should make personal development part of your daily routine.
  • What it means to practice being authentic and congruent with who you truly are. 
  • How to utilize comparison in a healthy way, without letting it diminish you. 
  • The best way to build mental resilience.
  • How helping and serving others can build up your self-worth.

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In recent years, the science of gut health has rapidly evolved. The more we learn about gut health and the microbiome, the more we understand about human biology in general. At a time when inflammatory conditions and food sensitivities are at an all-time high, taking a look at what we can do to positively influence our gut health is of upmost importance. 

Our gut health is connected to so many processes and systems in our bodies. It might sound obvious that your gut health impacts your digestion, but it can also play an important role in things like mood, hormone balance, and immune function. The empowering thing about gut health is that our daily habits have the potential to make a powerful impact. Everything from our nutrition to our sleep patterns, and even our exposure to sunlight, can impact the health of our microbiome. 

One of the most knowledgeable experts in this field is Dr. Amy Shah. Dr. Shah is a double board-certified physician who specializes in gut health, circadian medicine, and fasting. On this episode of The Model Health Show, she’s back to share fascinating information on how gut health impacts our hormones and mood, what circadian medicine is and why it matters, and how time changes like daylight-saving time can throw off our circadian clocks. I hope you enjoy this episode with the brilliant Dr. Amy Shah! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What the mind-body-gut connection is, and what it impacts.
  • How your mood and your gut health are connected.
  • The link between mental health and the microbiome. 
  • How your clock genes work, and why they need natural light for optimal function.
  • What percentage of our bodies’ functions work on a circadian rhythm.
  • How simply getting more sunlight can change your body.
  • Why environments like casinos are so damaging to our cells. 
  • The connection between circadian rhythms and obesity. 
  • How your gut bacteria can influence your taste and cravings.
  • The disconnect between medical professional culture and healthy habits.
  • What the hygiene hypothesis is.
  • How your gut bacteria communicate with your immune system.
  • The link between hormones, the immune system, and gut health.
  • How long it takes to see positive results by influencing your gut bacteria. 
  • The critical role that relationships can play in your overall health. 
  • What social jetlag is. 
  • The definition of circadian medicine. 
  • How time changes create an imbalance in our circadian rhythms. 
  • What Dr. Shah’s morning routine looks like.

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“Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow.” – Swedish Proverb

Our relationships are the most impactful, integral elements to our success, our happiness, and our health. Learning how to cultivate and foster healthy interpersonal relationships is a necessary life skill that we can all work on. And at a time with so much turbulence and divisiveness in our world, this skill is more important than ever. 

Today’s guest, Sheleana Aiyana, is the founder of Rising Woman and the author of Becoming the One. Her mission is to help others heal their relationship patterns and foster conscious, healthy relationships. On this episode of The Model Health Show, Sheleana is sharing foundational principles for changing your relationship patterns, working on self-discovery and healing, and how to make room in your life for healthy love. 

You’re going to hear why building a strong relationship with yourself is the key to happiness, how to heal trauma, and why forgiveness is an important component of health. Sheleana is sharing her story of healing relationship patterns, and how you can build stronger relationships with yourself and those around you. I hope this interview resonates with you and is helpful on your journey. Enjoy!  

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The root of the word relationship. 
  • How our past wounds can impact our relationships. 
  • Why reclaiming a relationship with yourself is of upmost importance. 
  • The problem with our culture’s messaging around finding the one. 
  • Why relationships of all kinds are the greatest gift.
  • How working through our trauma can help us show up better in relationships.
  • The major issue with the rescuer trope in popular films and books.
  • Why healing yourself is so important. 
  • How being in nature can help heal your nervous system. 
  • An important distinction between boundaries and walls. 
  • How our confidence and self-trust influence our relationships. 
  • Why having an understanding of your values can help you choose healthy relationships. 
  • What it means to date yourself. 
  • How connecting with animals can help us heal.
  • Why the ability to name your emotions is a critical skill. 
  • The power of forgiving your past self. 
  • Why forgiveness is beneficial for your health, and how to move through anger. 
  • How to notice when your values are out of balance. 

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Have you ever been introduced to a person, and then immediately forgotten their name? Or have you ever read a passage from a book, but then realized you didn’t actually process or retain what the words said? Our brains are extremely powerful, yet we can easily find ourselves in these situations where our memory and recall fail us. And it’s not because there’s something wrong with us; it’s just that we haven’t grasped the necessary skills needed for this type of mental performance. 

If you’ve ever wanted to strengthen your mental muscles and harness the power of your mind, the best person on the planet to learn from is Jim Kwik. Jim is a world-renowned learning expert who specializes in accelerated learning and speed reading. He’s also a skilled speaker and podcaster, and a repeat guest on The Model Health Show. 

On today’s show, you’ll hear powerful segments from my previous interviews with Jim Kwik. This episode contains game-changing insights on how to actually remember people’s names, how to read faster, how to make better, more informed decisions, and so much more. Click play to hear Jim’s best tips for memory improvement and accelerated learning! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why now is an especially important time to be able to think critically.
  • The impact that multitasking can have on your productivity. 
  • Why multitasking is a misnomer.
  • The digital supervillains that hold us back from focusing. 
  • An important distinction between recognition and recollection. 
  • Why names are harder to remember than faces. 
  • What the Pomodoro technique is, and why it’s helpful for focusing. 
  • Which of your senses is most connected to memory and recall. 
  • Why handwritten notes are more effective for retaining information.
  • Two powerful elements for taking better notes.
  • An effective visual strategy for remembering names.
  • How using a visual pacer can increase your reading speed by nearly 25%.
  • The importance of setting boundaries with your devices.
  • What the six thinking hats are, and how they can help you make better decisions.
  • How to learn and recover from a bad decision.
  • The role your environment plays in your decision-making skills. 
  • An exercise for finding a balance between logical and emotional thinking. 
  • Why changing your identity can in turn change your habits.
  • The power of continuously asking questions. 

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Billions of folks log into social media platforms every day to share life updates and photos, form connections with other humans and create communities based on similar interests. When you sign up for an account with one of these popular platforms, you must agree to their terms of service. This means the company can decide that your content does not align with their community standards, rendering your account censored, shadowbanned, or even deactivated. 

Centralized, private social media companies own all your data, and technically it is within their rights to dictate what is and what is not allowed on their platform. The problem is this type of framework interrupts our freedom and our online relationships. And if we want freedom, we must stop expecting permission to be free from traditional social networking companies. Zion is the world’s first decentralized social network, built on bitcoin. Its mission is to create a place for people to connect freely in an authentic way. 

Zion CEO, Justin Rezvani, and cofounder JP Sears are here today to have an honest discussion about censorship on social media, unapologetic freedom, and how Zion aims to change the future of social media. This episode contains discussions on the value of true, uncensored human connection, the role of bitcoin in social media, and the importance of decentralization on the internet. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why freedom, community, and connection are all human needs.
  • The solution to misinformation on the internet. 
  • Why democracy is an experiment. 
  • The importance of being open-minded and able to evaluate multiple perspectives.
  • How disconnection can cause disease.
  • What the junk food version of connection is.
  • The difference between acceptance and agreement. 
  • How social media platforms make a profit, and who their customers are.
  • Why the current paradigm of social media is our fault, and how to move away from it.
  • The problem with most alternative social media platforms. 
  • A major difference between peer governance and platform governance on social media. 
  • What digital democracy is. 
  • The difference between the centralized century and the decentralized century. 
  • Three core tenets of Zion.
  • What a decentralized identity is.
  • Why Zion is censorship-resistant, decentralized, and a facilitator of human connection.
  • How the business model for Zion is different from other social media platforms.
  • A conversation on bitcoin as an asset class and a payment network. 
  • Why fiat currencies are losing value.
  • What unapologetic freedom is. 

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Our personal relationships have a far-reaching effect on our happiness, our success, and our health. Our connections with others are the truly the backbone of all aspects of our lives. Studies show that having strong social connections can boost your self-esteem, lower your susceptibility to mental health problems, and even increase your longevity.

Having social support is an innate and instinctual part of being a human. We are profoundly shaped by our environments, including our interpersonal relationships. In fact, our need to connect is hard-wired into our DNA. Throughout human evolution, we have always relied on and been connected to others socially. 

On today’s show, we’re diving into the power of cultivating healthy relationships, including what key qualities of a strong relationship, and eight warning signs of an unhealthy relationship. You’re going to hear five specific attributes of a healthy relationship, as well as eight critical signs you should adjust or let go of a relationship. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why humans evolved as tribal creatures. 
  • The synergistic dynamic between your self-esteem and your relationships. 
  • How the pandemic has affected relationships. 
  • Why your perception dictates your reality.
  • What the number one driving force of the human psyche is. 
  • How the human brain syncs up with other brains. 
  • What mirror neurons are, and how they impact your communication skills.
  • How your amygdala impacts your emotions.
  • What instinctive elaboration is. 
  • The impact of asking empowering questions. 
  • Five specific attributes of healthy relationships. 
  • The importance of expressing gratitude for the people in your life.
  • Why respect is a vital component to a healthy relationship.
  • How honesty can help you grow.
  • Eight critical signs you need to make adjustments in your relationships. 
  • What to do when a relationship causes you to sacrifice your integrity. 
  • The importance of being surrounded by people who celebrate your wins. 
  • Why you should gain clarity on which relationships add value to your life. 

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Here in the United States, all but two states recently underwent our biannual time change, daylight-saving time. For most folks, this transition can be jarring and inconvenient. But when we decide to move the hands on the clocks forward one hour, what is the impact on human health? 

On this episode of The Model Health Show, we’re going to take a deep dive into how daylight-saving time disrupts our circadian clocks. We’ll talk about the specific biological processes that can be negatively affected through moving our clocks forward. You’ll also hear some staggering statistics on how daylight-saving time contributes to more traffic accidents, increased risk of hospital admissions, and more adverse health effects. 

There’s a convincing argument that daylight-saving time is detrimental to the health, productivity, and safety of our species. Today you’re going to hear how our internal clocks are aligned with the sun, and why standard time is more beneficial for our overall health. You’ll also learn how to adapt to time changes, and why consistent sleep schedules are foundational for the functionality and health of our bodies.  

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How daylight-saving time impacts our circadian clocks.
  • What The Sunshine Protection Act is and what it proposes. 
  • How the circadian clocks in our cells work. 
  • Which functions and processes our biological clocks control in our bodies.
  • How the disruption of your circadian system can alter your microbiome. 
  • The origins of daylight-saving time, and the reason why it was implemented. 
  • Which two states have opted out of practicing daylight-saving time. 
  • How changing our clocks can increase our susceptibility to traffic accidents. 
  • What percentage of countries in the world change their clocks. 
  • Why standard time is better than daylight-saving time for human biology.
  • The importance of making human health the priority. 
  • Adverse effects associated with changing our clocks. 
  • Why consistent, quality sleep matters.
  • What percentage of Americans support eliminating seasonal time changes. 
  • How to adapt to time changes. 
  • Why prioritizing sleep, movement, and nutrition is critical for your overall health. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm PST

Brain health is an important component of our overall well-being that is often overlooked. At a time when neurodegenerative diseases are on the rise, it’s critical that we make our brain health a priority. If there’s anyone who understands the health and function of the human brain, it’s Dr. Daniel Amen. 

Dr. Amen is a double board-certified psychiatrist, 12-time New York Times bestselling author, and one of the leading experts on neuroscience and mental health. Over the past three decades, Dr. Amen and his team at Amen Clinics have collected the world’s largest database of brain imaging scans, surpassing 200,000 examinations. From this impressive work, Dr. Amen has identified seven neuroscience secrets that impact happiness. This is the topic of his newest book, You, Happier.

On this episode of The Model Health Show, Dr. Amen is back to share how our brain function impacts our happiness, and how we can master our minds to build happier lives. You’re going to learn about practical routines and mindset shifts you can implement today to enhance your happiness. So click play, listen in, and enjoy the show! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The connection between hypothalamic inflammation and excessive body fat.
  • What I learned after receiving a brain scan. 
  • How the pandemic impacted levels of mental health problems. 
  • What the enemy of happiness is. 
  • Why fame is a disaster for the brain. 
  • What a brain scan of the frontal lobe can tell us about happiness. 
  • An important relationship between happiness and brain function. 
  • The link between poor blood flow, erectile dysfunction, and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • How (and why) to keep your blood vessels healthy. 
  • Different brain types and how they operate in the real world. 
  • The link between conscientiousness and longevity. 
  • How a healthy dose of anxiety can actually help us make better decisions. 
  • Why outsourcing our emotions to companies is making us sick and unhappy. 
  • The importance of loving food that loves you back. 
  • How American society drives mental illness. 
  • Why lockdowns contributed to depression and anxiety. 
  • What we can teach our children through modeling healthy habits. 
  • Why you should focus on what you like about other people (instead of what you don’t).
  • How technology impacts human psychology by wearing out our pleasure sensors.
  • A nighttime ritual you can implement to cultivate happiness.
  • Positive effects on families and relationships during the pandemic. 

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The act of sourcing ingredients and assimilating a nutritious meal is a tradition that dates back to the beginning of humankind. Unfortunately, today in the age of drive-thrus and delivery services, we’re largely disconnected from the sourcing and preparation of our meals. But what could we gain if we got back to our roots and spent more time nourishing our bodies with real whole foods, prepared in our own homes? 

Bestselling author and science journalist Max Lugavere is back on the show to share how cooking can help us achieve a healthier weight, maximize our cognitive function, and prevent chronic diseases. In his new book, Genius Kitchen, Max offers recipes and science on the most accessible and nutrient-dense foods. No matter your current culinary skillset, Max provides realistic tips you can implement to eat healthier and strengthen your body and brain. 

This interview contains insightful tips on healthy fats, eating for cognitive longevity, the importance of not allowing perfection to ruin your progress, plus nutrient-dense foods to incorporate into your diet. Max is also sharing his guide to sourcing your food (no matter your budget), and why learning to cook is an economical, health-promoting practice we can all benefit from. I hope you enjoy this episode of The Model Health Show! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The multiple benefits of cooking your meals at home. 
  • Why highly refined oils are harming our health. 
  • Healthy fats you should be cooking with. 
  • What culinary literacy is, and why we need to return to our roots.
  • The connection between cooking at home and BMI. 
  • Which oils are the most commonly consumed in the Standard American Diet. 
  • Why trans fats are so harmful to human health. 
  • The difference between an oil’s smoke point and the temperature it becomes toxic.
  • How the fat we eat interacts with our brain. 
  • A realistic way to control your intake of unhealthy fats. 
  • The importance of sourcing when it comes to animal products and produce. 
  • Why perfect shouldn’t be the enemy of good when it comes to nutrition. 
  • An inconvenient truth that vegans need to understand about omega 3s.
  • The protective role that vitamin E plays in brain health. 
  • Why fatty fish has powerful health benefits. 
  • The importance of DHA and EPA during pregnancy.
  • Real food sources of vitamin D. 
  • The brain protective molecules that dairy fat contains.
  • Why eating 1-2 servings of blueberries per week is powerful for cognitive function.
  • The number one source of dietary sodium in the American diet.
  • Why learning to cook is an economical choice. 
  • The advantages of cooking meat low and slow. 

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Body fat is a critical component of human health. In fact, our body fat is one of the main mechanisms that has allowed humans to survive and evolve. But today, we live in an era when many of our citizens are carrying around more body fat than is optimal. In order to get to a place where our body fat is functioning as intended, we have to understand how and why our cells store fat. 

On this compilation episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to learn about the science behind how body fat works, how the process of fat loss occurs, and simple things you can do to improve your body composition. Specifically, we’re diving into the function of different types of fat cells and their roles, and how simple diet and lifestyle changes can create sustainable fat loss and improved health. 

You’re going to hear from some of the world’s foremost experts on the topic of body fat, like Dr. Sylvia Tara and Dr. Alejandro Junger. You’ll also hear the research behind fat and its relationship to metabolism, hormone function, and so much more. I hope this episode arms you with the facts that you need to understand body fat so you can become the healthiest version of yourself possible. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How fat cell communities work. 
  • The role that fat plays in hormone and endocrine function.
  • How body fat regulates your metabolism. 
  • Why fat cells play an important role in human survival and evolution.
  • The three types of storage fats and their roles.
  • An important link between intramuscular fat and insulin sensitivity.
  • What brown fat is, why it’s brown, and where it’s stored in the body.
  • An important connection between fat and leptin.
  • Why our fat is so much more than a reserve of calories. 
  • How toxin buildup can lead to an accumulation of body fat. 
  • What lipophilic toxins are, and how the body processes them.
  • Why obesity is a survival mechanism.
  • How food-like products make us fat and sick. 
  • The two types of stomach fat and how they differ.
  • How to increase your levels of brown fat. 
  • Why it’s actually good to store fat. 
  • The hierarchy in which your body utilizes fat. 
  • How much of your body weight is made up of mitochondria. 
  • Why simply shifting your micronutrient ratios can lead to fat loss. 
  • How fat leaves the body. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm PST

There’s a relatively new ingredient in our food supply that has permeated most products on grocery store shelves: highly processed vegetable and seed oils. These oils, such as canola oil and soybean oil, are highly refined, ultra-processed, high in inflammatory fatty acids—and they’re contributing to our high rates of obesity, degenerative brain diseases, and more chronic illnesses.

The foremost expert in this topic is Dr. Cate Shanahan. In her book, The Fatburn Fix, Dr. Cate outlines how an overabundance of these seed oils are contributing to our major health problems and what we can do about it. On today’s show, she’s sharing her insights on the big issue with processed seed oils in the Standard American Diet.

You’re going to learn about which specific seed oils to avoid, how they’re created, and what makes them so toxic for human health. Dr. Cate is sharing how cutting out seed oils can eradicate some of our major killers, plus simple swaps you can make to better your health instantly. So click play and enjoy this interview with Dr. Cate Shanahan! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The number one risk factor for cardiovascular disease. 
  • How vegetable oils can promote inflammation. 
  • Which product is the defining feature of junk food in the Standard American Diet.
  • What the hateful eight are and why you should avoid them. 
  • The specific mechanism that makes seed oils toxic. 
  • How refined oils are heated, bleached, and processed. 
  • Which molecules in fried food are similar to smoking cigarettes.
  • What soy lecithin is and how it’s created.
  • How low-quality oils can affect the brain. 
  • What percentage of fat calories in the average American diet come from seed oils.
  • How polyunsaturated fats get stored in body fat.
  • The process of oxidation, how it occurs, and why it ages us.  
  • Which part of the brain needs the most antioxidants. 
  • How seed oils are connected to chronic degenerative brain diseases.
  • The amount of seed oils the average American consumes every year. 
  • Why obesity is a form of organ failure. 
  • The role the liver plays in detoxification, and how seed oils can disturb its processes. 
  • Where extra polyunsaturated fats get stored in the body.
  • Two skin conditions that can quickly clear up by reducing PUFAs. 
  • The relationship between seed oils and sugar cravings.
  • Healthy sources of fat you should include in your diet. 
  • How PUFAs can impact the microbiome. 

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What Happened to the Pandemic of the Unvaccinated?

COVID-19 and its consequences have become one of the most pervasive topics of our time. No matter who you are, where you live, or your personal approach to dealing with the pandemic, there’s no denying that we’ve all been affected in some way. On today’s show, we’re going to take a comprehensive look at the root cause of this global health crisis. 

We’re diving into some important data on pharmaceutical companies and the FDA, the truth about COVID-19 reporting and outcomes, and the studies that are driving the overarching vaccine campaign in the United States. As the sickest developed nation in the world (that also happens to spend the most on medications), our citizens are undeniably susceptible to infectious diseases such as COVID-19. If we want things to change, we have to become aware, educated, and empowered. 

This episode of The Model Health Show contains important conversations on healthcare policy, education, treatments, and how our healthcare system works, and who it benefits. My intent is to have an open conversation, free from divisiveness and politics. If we can look at things rationally and objectively, that’s how we can create change. Most importantly, I hope this information arms you with empowerment and a reminder of how capable you are to take control of your own health. 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How many Americans have diabetes or prediabetes, and what the main treatment is.
  • The way that pharmaceutical companies make a profit.
  • Which company was ordered to pay the largest healthcare fraud settlement. 
  • How overdose rates have skyrocketed in recent years. 
  • Which household name drug company is connected to the opioid crisis.
  • How peer-reviewing clinical trial data works. 
  • The number of people who are hospitalized annually for properly prescribed drugs.
  • What FDA user fees are, and how they work.
  • Ethical concerns regarding the FDA approval board. 
  • What percentage of drugs have a safety event after FDA approval. 
  • Why the FDA system allows for rapid drug approval. 
  • Three things that the COVID-19 vaccines were intended to accomplish.
  • The leading risk factors for poor COVID-19 outcomes.
  • Inconsistencies in COVID-19 testing and reporting. 
  • What you need to know about observational data. 
  • The difference between absolute risk reduction and relative risk reduction.
  • How your thoughts can influence your health outcomes. 
  • Important statistics on COVID-19 vaccination adverse effects. 

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The sourcing of our food matters on a profound level, but in our culture, unfortunately, many of us are disconnected from this process. We live in a society that is full of fast-food drive-thrus, and with just a few clicks of a button, we can literally have food delivered to our doors. Especially when it comes to meat, there is a vast variety of quality and sourcing. Many folks don’t know the difference between a drive-thru burger and a grass-fed burger, and even some of the most health-conscious consumers can have confusion and overwhelm about the best way to eat. 

In his new book and film, The Sacred Cow, Robb Wolf aims to answer the question: how can we source our food in a way that is ethical, sustainable, and health-promoting? On today’s show, Robb is back The Model Health Show to share some eye-opening insights on regenerative agriculture and the future of farming. 

This episode contains important conversations about global warming, meat replacements, and the centralization of our food system. You’re going to learn about how an animal-inclusive food system is actually the most ethical, environmentally friendly, and health-promoting diet available. No matter what your diet preference or paradigm is, there are important takeaways from this conversation that I hope you’ll contemplate. So please enjoy this conversation with my friend, Robb Wolf!   

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The importance of providing our body with high-quality, nutrient-dense foods.
  • Why certain pro-vegan documentaries don’t paint the full picture.
  • The three main concerns that are covered in Sacred Cow.
  • Which critical vitamins and nutrients are hard to consume on a plant-based diet.
  • What benefits animal agriculture can have on the environment. 
  • The truth about cow burps, methane, and global warming. 
  • What percentage of greenhouse gas emissions are caused by cows.
  • How bird species are affected by regenerative agriculture. 
  • The environmental impacts of under grazing and overgrazing.
  • Why a predator/prey relationship is critical for the health of the land. 
  • The truth about meat replacement products. 
  • Which public figure owns the most private farmland in the United States.
  • How ethanol compares to gasoline. 
  • An important link between UV rays, vitamin D levels, and COVID-19 outcomes.

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One of the most impactful choices we have every day is the food we put into our bodies. The food we eat is the building blocks that create our cells and tissues. By simply changing the way we eat, we can change the way our body looks, feels, and operates. Today’s guest is sharing her story of overcoming migraines, hives, and other debilitating symptoms through changing her diet. 

On this episode of The Model Health Show, our guest is performance chef, Mary Shenouda. Mary is a consultant and chef for a client base that consists of professional athletes and entertainers. She is also known as the Paleo Chef, and she is the creative brain behind Phat Fudge. Mary’s personal story of transforming her health through diet is an empowering testament of what can happen when you listen to your body and focus on healing.

Mary is sharing her story of overcoming her health struggles, finding a diagnosis, and ultimately discovering healing through the power of food. You’re going to learn about why there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all diet, how to incorporate a gut reset protocol, how to get to the bottom of what your symptoms might be telling you, and much more. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How leaky gut occurs, and how it’s related to autoimmune diseases.
  • What the vagus nerve does.
  • Why there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all diet.
  • How understanding your body can help you make dietary changes over time.
  • Mary’s story of getting diagnosed with celiac disease. 
  • How leaky gut can cause widespread inflammation. 
  • Why the symptoms of leaky gut are not always digestion-related. 
  • The details of Mary’s Gut Reset Program. 
  • An important distinction between a reset and a cleanse. 
  • Why a healthy reset shouldn’t be about weight loss. 
  • Why Mary incorporates bone broth into her programs.
  • The origins of Phat Fudge. 
  • Why meditating before a meal can be so powerful. 
  • The importance of finding a movement practice that you love. 
  • Why Mary focuses on talking about her work, and not her clients.  

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In the United States, millions of Americans are suffering with digestive issues like bloating, constipation, as well as chronic issues like irritable bowel syndrome and celiac disease. But just because something is common, it doesn’t mean it’s normal. Digestion is at the root of many other bodily functions, so getting your digestion on track is an important key to your overall health. Luckily there are some simple, clinically proven ways to do so. 

On this episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to learn about eight practical ways you can improve your digestion—without changing what you eat. While diet plays a critical role in digestion, other habits also can contribute to the overall efficiency of your digestive health. You’re going to hear about how lifestyle practices like sleep, exercise, and stress management can impact your digestive processes and gut health. 

This episode contains realistic lifestyle shifts you can make to have stronger and more efficient digestion. As always, you’re going to hear the studies, plus actionable steps you can take to improve your health. So listen in, take good notes, and enjoy the show! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The shocking number of Americans that are impacted by digestive issues. 
  • How exercise impacts the diversity of microbial species. 
  • The impact that excessive exercise can have on gut health and immune function. 
  • How exercise and nutrient assimilation are connected. 
  • The number one form of exercise you can do to improve your digestion. 
  • How stress can be a major culprit behind constipation and diarrhea. 
  • The effects that cultivating a consistent meditation practice can have on your digestion. 
  • Why you should always listen to your gut. 
  • What jet lag and other sleep disruptions can do to your microbiome. 
  • The link between gut dysbiosis and major chronic illnesses. 
  • Why you should link your sleep up with the circadian rhythm.
  • The connection between microbiome dysbiosis and heavy alcohol consumption.
  • How drinking alcohol can increase your intestinal permeability. 
  • The number of Americans who smoke cigarettes.
  • How smoking can impact the microbiome and digestive function.
  • Why many folks gain weight initially when they quit smoking.
  • The connection between poor chewing habits and nutrient absorption. 
  • What it means to create a digestive routine. 
  • Why you should consider taking an inner bath every morning. 
  • What circadian timing is. 
  • How eating late at night can disrupt your circadian timing. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm PST

One cornerstone of the pervasive ketogenic diet is the idea that ketones are a powerful alternative fuel source for the human body. But it turns out, ketones aren’t necessarily the mechanism that makes a keto diet effective. In his newest book, Dr. Steven Gundry explains the science behind how we’ve largely misunderstood the keto diet. 

New science shows that our mitochondria have a protective mechanism called mitochondrial uncoupling. To better understand how mitochondrial uncoupling works, today I’m bringing Dr. Gundry back on The Model Health Show to share the cutting-edge science from his new book, Unlocking the Keto Code. Dr. Gundry is a cardiologist, a heart surgeon, and a best-selling author. His focus is to help folks achieve true health and longevity through sustainable diet changes. 

On this episode, Dr. Gundry is sharing key insights on mitochondrial function, and its link to other mechanisms like metabolism and microbiome. You’ll learn food sources you can incorporate to boost the power of your mitochondria, the power of fasting, plus a whole lot more. I think you’ll find this conversation both fascinating and enlightening. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The truth about using ketones as a fuel source.
  • Why metabolic flexibility is so important. 
  • How our ability to create ketones allowed our species to evolve. 
  • The connection between ketones and mitochondria. 
  • What it means to have efficient mitochondria. 
  • The definition of mitochondrial uncoupling. 
  • Three things that ketones instruct mitochondria to do. 
  • The two mitochondrial antioxidants and how they work.
  • What brown fat is and how it creates heat. 
  • The relationship between mitochondria and the microbiome. 
  • Why coffee and vinegar are powerful players in mitochondrial health.
  • How polyphenols work. 
  • The importance of eating the rainbow for mitochondrial uncoupling.
  • What the flexibility of your blood vessels can predict about your health.
  • The role of prebiotic fiber for overall health. 
  • Why fasting can improve your mitochondrial health. 
  • What you need to know about melatonin, plus some real food sources. 
  • The biggest benefits of the Mediterranean diet. 
  • Why vitamin C is a critical supplement. 

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“You want to make sure that your purpose is something people can benefit from long after you’re gone.” – Bob Proctor

One of the most powerful principles that can change your life is this truth: our perception determines our reality. My first exposure to this idea was through the documentary The Secret, featuring Bob Proctor. Eventually my perception changed, and a true full-circle moment for me was interviewing Bob Proctor not once, but twice, on The Model Health Show. 

On this episode, we’re honoring the incredible Bob Proctor and his legacy through sharing his profound and impactful lessons he imparted in our previous interviews. You’re going to hear Bob’s influential perspective on changing your self image and shifting your mindset. You’ll hear how Bob changed his life, and then went on to impact the lives of millions of people around the world. 

These interviews contain powerful discussions on setting a clear purpose, harnessing your strengths, and how to live an effective life. Bob’s perspective was centered on helping folks find their greatness, and these interviews will live on as a timeless testament to his life’s work. So please click play and join me in celebrating the life and legacy of the one and only, Bob Proctor.

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The profound impact that Bob Proctor had on my life.
  • How Bob’s life and career trajectory transformed.
  • The power of questioning your beliefs.
  • Why changing your habits can change your paradigm.
  • An important distinction between reacting and responding.
  • Why the skill of listening is critical for success.
  • What it means to be an effective person (& why it’s different from being busy).
  • The qualities of a leader.
  • How our self-image is developed. 
  • The difference between losing weight and releasing weight.
  • Why change can be difficult. 
  • The power of harnessing your imagination and creativity.
  • Why your ability to choose is your greatest power.
  • The three things we all really want (& how to get them).
  • Why you should write a clear statement for your life. 
  • The importance of learning from people who have achieved what you want. 
  • What discipline really is.
  • Bob Proctor’s purpose in life. 

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Your genetics determine a lot about who you are—including your eye color, your blood type, and even some interesting traits like whether you can roll your tongue. Many people believe that certain health conditions, like whether you develop obesity or type 2 diabetes, are inherently genetic. However, that’s not entirely true. Our genes do play a role in our susceptibility to certain illnesses and conditions, but they are not the only factor at play. 

The good news is, we have a lot of power over how our genes are expressed, through our environment and our habits. Our guest today, Dr. Ben Lynch, is leading the charge on changing the way our society views genes. He is an epigenetic pioneer, the president of Seeking Health, and the author of Dirty Genes. On today’s show, Dr. Lynch is sharing interesting insights on the topic of methylation, how your genes work, and how you can optimize your health.

This episode covers topics like fertility, critical nutrients your body needs, and why certain pharmaceutical drugs are hindering your body’s natural processes. We’re going to discuss fortifying your immune system in the age of COVID-19, plus some powerful protocols you can implement to heal from prominent symptoms. Dr. Lynch’s information is empowering, sharp, and accessible. I hope you enjoy this episode of The Model Health Show! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What methylation is and why it matters. 
  • How common, everyday ailments are often caused by a methylation dysfunction.
  • The role that methylation plays in fertility. 
  • What choline is and why you need to include it in your diet.
  • Real, whole food sources of choline.
  • The two main processes that are affected by methylation.
  • How type 2 diabetes develops as a defense mechanism. 
  • The problem with antidepressants, antacids, and antihistamines.
  • Why you shouldn’t take a fever reducer if you have a viral infection. 
  • The link between your genes, methylation function, and susceptibility to viruses.
  • What a dirty gene is. 
  • The roles that vitamin C and caffeine can play in immune function.
  • Why moderate exercise is optimal.
  • Factors that dictate how much vitamin D you can synthesize from the sun.
  • Supplements you can take to restore sense of smell after a COVID-19 infection.
  • The benefits of increasing your core body temperature. 
  • How to use supplements appropriately. 

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Changing our broken health paradigm begins with us. We have to decide to break down the old paradigm of trading symptoms for side effects and instead start creating a system built on prevention, vibrancy, and personal advocacy. Our healthcare system is amidst a dramatic change, and today we’re going to discuss the role that precision medicine and personalized nutrition can play in transforming the health of our society. 

Our guest today is the one and only, Tony Robbins. Tony Robbins is an entrepreneur, #1 New York Times bestselling author, dynamic business strategist, powerful motivational speaker, and impactful philanthropist. In his new book, Life Force, you’ll learn how innovative breakthroughs in precision medicine can improve our health and overall quality of life. Whether you have a chronic illness or simply want to gain strength and resilience, this book is for you. 

In this interview, Tony is sharing his inspiration for writing Life Force, his personal experience with stem cell therapy, and important and timely insights on taking control of your health. You’ll learn about exciting new developments in the realm of medical advances, and how you can be the ultimate authority over the future of your health and wellness. Enjoy!  

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The problem with treating symptoms instead of uncovering the root cause.
  • What the future of medicine looks like. 
  • The first thing that makes a difference in our quality of life.
  • What inspired Tony to write Life Force.
  • The connection between our quality of life and our quality of relationships.
  • Two major things Tony discovered when he interviewed 50 financial experts.
  • Tony’s experience with stem cell therapy. 
  • How technology is informing the future of medical interventions. 
  • Why it’s important to think of your doctor as a coach, but not a commander.
  • The power of taking control of your mind.
  • How the epigenome works.
  • Why your DNA is not your destiny. 
  • The future of medical advances, and why we’re in a medical renaissance. 
  • What MIB-626 is. 
  • Why right now is a time for transformation. 
  • Different types of stem cells and how they work.
  • Why personalized nutrition and precision medicine are the future. 

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When it comes to building a healthier and stronger body, the simple, consistent basics often yield the highest results. My friend Mike Dolce has over 20 years coaching experience, he is a four-time World MMA Trainer of the Year and the expert behind The Dolce Diet. What I love about Mike is that while he works with both professional athletes and everyday folks, he applies the same principles to all his clients. 

On this episode of The Model Health Show, Mike Dolce is sharing key principles to weight loss, body recomposition, and overall health and longevity. Mike is sharing his scientifically proven nutrition tips and exercise templates that you can use to build a stronger and healthier body. Best of all, he’s sharing realistic advice for integrating health-promoting habits into your daily life, whether or not you’re an MMA athlete. 

Mike’s mission is to educate people to look and feel their best. His message is motivational, but more importantly, his insights are effective. I hope Mike’s tips will resonate with you and that you’ll find this episode empowering. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What high net nutrient whole foods are.
  • Why the Dolce Diet is a longevity-based approach.
  • The importance of eating fresh, local, in-season foods. 
  • Why protein is so important, and how to calculate how much you need.
  • The problem with processed sugar.
  • Why humans are omnivores.
  • What it means to eat to satisfaction, and not fullness. 
  • The most important nutrition tip. 
  • How to create digestive efficiency, and why it matters. 
  • The shocking effects dehydration can have on your cognitive function.
  • Simple, real-world tips to help you drink more water.
  • The negative implications obesity can have on other aspects of our health.
  • Exactly how often you should exercise every week.
  • Why humans are built to walk. 
  • What a unilateral deadlift is and its benefits.
  • How to remove your ego from a workout.  

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Have you ever thought about what determines your longevity? You might think it boils down to genetics, but the truth is that our behaviors and attitudes are also major contributing factors to how long we live. However, we shouldn’t only focus on living longer—I believe we should focus on being healthy, vibrant, and active as long as we possibly can.  

On this compilation episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to hear from six experts on the topic of human longevity. You’re going to learn the science behind fasting and longevity, the importance of shifting the way we think about aging, and specific eating habits and patterns you can engage in to optimize your metabolism and overall health.  

You’re going to hear everything from simple lifestyle shifts you can implement to the actual biology of aging. This episode contains important information on metabolic health, digestion, the science of longevity genes, and so much more. So listen in, take good notes, and enjoy the show! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • An important distinction between lifespan and health span. 
  • The role that playing has in our longevity. 
  • How intermittent fasting builds your metabolic machinery. 
  • The importance of eating intuitively and listening to your satiety cues.
  • Two hormones that are increased by exercising while fasted. 
  • What aging in reverse means.
  • How to change your mindset about aging. 
  • The problem with making and validating excuses.
  • Why giving your body a break from producing insulin is so powerful.
  • What modified fasting is. 
  • The importance of eating real food and eating seasonally.
  • Why humans are electrical beings. 
  • How eating around the clock interferes with digestion.
  • What homeostasis is and how it can contribute to weight gain. 
  • The importance of varying your diet and becoming metabolically flexible.
  • How longevity genes are activated by lifestyle habits. 
  • The health benefits of eating food with xenohormetic molecules.
  • How measuring your blood sugar can help you gauge your metabolic health.
  • What the key to metabolic health and energy is. 
  • The two detrimental things that happen when you eat often. 

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“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that our aim is too low and we reach it.” – Michelangelo

If you’ve been neglecting your goals or need inspiration to go toward your dreams, this episode is for you. Today’s guest is record-breaking racecar driver, author, and podcaster Danica Patrick. Danica has been recognized as one of Time’s Most Influential People, and the first woman to win an IndyCar championship, among other impressive achievements. 

On this episode of The Model Health Show, Danica is sharing key insights on success, goal setting, visualization, and how to channel your unique gifts and passions. This episode contains conversations on tapping into your unique intelligence, the power of setting an intention, and why setting big goals can result in enormous success. 

You’re going to hear how Danica became a racecar driver, and how her career pivoted over time. Danica is sharing her experience with setting and achieving goals, the power of having clarity, and so much more. So listen in enjoy this episode of The Model Health Show! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How Danica got involved in racing. 
  • The types of exercises Danica used to train for racing. 
  • How Danica moved to England for racing opportunities. 
  • The relationship between skepticism and open-mindedness.
  • Why your perception creates your reality. 
  • The importance of recognizing different types of intelligence. 
  • Danica’s experience racing IndyCars. 
  • The importance of setting big goals.  
  • Why clarity is the key to success. 
  • How to learn from difficult experiences.
  • The two hardest parts of setting an intention.
  • How visualization can help you reach your goals. 
  • Why you should expect magic in your life. 

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Today, the average American consumes eighty pounds of added sugar every year. There is no denying that our bodies simply were not designed to process that amount of sugar. The overconsumption of sugar is linked to inflammation, obesity, diabetes, and more chronic illnesses that are destroying our health.  

On today’s show, we’re going to dive into the physiological and metabolic effects of our rampant sugar consumption. You’re going to hear about the history of sugar and how it has become so engrained into our culture. You’ll learn about the impact that excess sugar consumption can have on our brain, liver, pancreas, and other vital organs. 

This episode also contains action steps you can implement today to begin to pare down your sugar consumption and begin to change your palate. I hope today’s show arms you with the information you need to make empowered choices for yourself and your family. So listen in, take good notes, and enjoy the show! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How many pounds of sugar the average American consumes per year.
  • The rates of diabesity in the US. 
  • How sugar aids the body in fat storage. 
  • The nutritional profile of sugarcane, and how refined sugar was created.
  • A history of sugar, and how it became integrated into our culture. 
  • The connection between sugar and inflammation.
  • How sugar behaves within the microbiome. 
  • The connection between sugar consumption, microbe diversity, and body composition. 
  • What percentage of the American diet is made up of ultra-processed foods. 
  • How breaking up with sugar can heal your pancreas.
  • What insulin resistance is and how it occurs.
  • The relationship between carbohydrate intake and fatty liver disease.
  • What percentage of your caloric intake is used by the brain.
  • How sugar operates within the blood-brain barrier.
  • The connection between type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Why our rampant intake of sugar and processed foods is hurting our brains.
  • The sugar-dopamine connection. 
  • How food manufacturers are manipulating our biology and making us addicted to sugar.
  • Why quitting liquid sugar (like soda) can quickly improve your health.
  • How building muscle can help regulate blood sugar levels. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm PST

The United States spends more on healthcare than any other country, yet our citizens are sicker than ever. There’s clearly a disconnect between what’s happening inside the healthcare system and the treatment that patients receive. While most healthcare practitioners set out on a career path to help folks, they too are caught in a system of standards of care that prohibit true change, health, and vibrancy. 

There’s no one better suited to speak on this issue than Dr. John Abramson. He is a former family physician, a Harvard Medical School faculty member, and an expert in pharmaceutical litigation. Dr. Abramson is also the author of Sickening, a book written from his experience behind the scenes of the medical industry. Sickening exposes the far-reaching deception and greed of the American healthcare system. 

This episode contains conversations on lawsuits in the pharmaceutical industry, how insulin costs have skyrocketed in recent decades, and how big pharma prevents well-meaning physicians from actually helping patients. While most of this information is saddening, Dr. Abramson’s underlying message provides solutions for American healthcare reform and true healing through personal responsibility. So listen in and enjoy this episode with the one and only, Dr. John Abramson. 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How much money the United States spends on healthcare. 
  • Dr. Abramson’s career path from family doctor to expert in pharmaceutical litigation. 
  • What happened in the Vioxx lawsuits. 
  • Why doctors don’t have access to important medical data about drug efficacy. 
  • The history of insulin and its rising costs. 
  • What percentage of insulin is used by type 2 diabetics. 
  • The sad history of how insulin guidelines changed to accommodate economic hardships.
  • What you should know about the FDA’s role in approving drugs. 
  • How diabetes rates have risen over the past few decades. 
  • The socioeconomics of type 2 diabetes. 
  • How we can improve diabetes rates through prevention and lifestyle.
  • The role of the pharmaceutical industry in the opioid crisis. 
  • A comparison of American healthcare to other countries. 
  • Three constituents who suffer from our broken healthcare system. 
  • How we can create change and take responsibility for our health. 

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The human body wasn’t designed to commute an hour to work, spend the day hunched over a computer, and then sit on the couch for the rest of the evening. Our bodies crave basic, fundamental movements that our modern lifestyle leaves so many of us lacking. Luckily, there are simple ways we can integrate movement into our day-to-day lives and improve our physical health without spending hours at the gym. 

On this episode of The Model Health Show, movement coach and podcaster Aaron Alexander is back to share key insights from his new book, The Align Method. You’re going to hear about realistic, foundational principles you can use to gain strength, flexibility, and overall vitality. Aaron’s tips include everything from changing your posture and environment to practicing gratitude and getting sunlight. 

If you’ve ever wanted a stronger and more functional body, this episode will resonate with you. And no matter what your current physical state is, you can certainly integrate more movement into your life with Aaron’s principles. So listen in and enjoy this episode with Aaron Alexander! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What island feet are.
  • The electrical properties of the human body.
  • What percentage of our communication that comes from our body language. 
  • Why you should audit your environment.
  • Ways to create an environment that is conducive to movement. 
  • What neuroception is. 
  • The types of messages we send with our posture.
  • How to integrate fitness into your everyday life. 
  • What the facial-feedback hypothesis is. 
  • Why we should think of our bodies as whole, integrated units.
  • The way that your posture can affect your mindset. 
  • How our diet can impact the way we move. 
  • The first thing you should do in the morning. 
  • What it means to create a healthy relationship with the sun.
  • How practicing gratitude impacts your physiology. 
  • The importance of connecting with nature. 
  • Why enjoyment is the key to longevity. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:23pm PST

Low energy, lethargy, and fatigue are common complaints among the general public. In most cities, you can find coffee shops open around the clock, and convenience store shelves are filled with a multitude of energy drinks and shots. But these products are in no way a sustainable solution to chronic low energy levels. Our bodies require energy in the form of sleep, as well as food. Think about it: we literally measure our food in a form of energy, or calories. For our energy levels and our overall health, the quality of those calories matters. 

One of the most energetic, vibrant people I can think of is Dr. Jonny Bowden. He is a board-certified nutritionist, the author of multiple best-selling books, and a nationally recognized expert in the realm of nutrition. On today’s show, Dr. Bowden is back on The Model Health to share simple changes you can implement in your diet and lifestyle for more energy. 

This interview contains key insights on insulin and metabolic health, specific foods you can eat for better energy levels, and how tracking your sleep can improve your overall health. You’ll hear about how metabolic health and energy levels are connected, how learning (and unlearning) can help you make better food choices, and a whole lot more. So listen in, take good notes, and enjoy this episode with Dr. Jonny Bowden! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Which lifestyle habits contribute to your energy levels. 
  • How sleep deprivation can lead to insulin resistance. 
  • Simple sleep hygiene habits you can implement tonight. 
  • Why most nutrition guidelines from the 1980s and 1990s were wrong. 
  • How intermittent fasting can help you control your insulin levels. 
  • The key to metabolic health and energy. 
  • Two detrimental things that happen when you eat every few hours.
  • Which health marker is a better predictor of heart disease than cholesterol.
  • Why now is the time to focus on your metabolic health. 
  • The power of optimizing your vitamin D levels.
  • How going on a walk after dinner affects your metabolic health.
  • The one purpose of pharmaceutical companies. 
  • How our diet impacts our hormone function. 
  • What to look for in a cooking oil. 
  • The two most prominent inflammatory foods in our culture.
  • Which foods are best for energy production. 
  • How to get more selenium in your diet.
  • The impact that human connection has on your immune function & overall health. 

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There’s a public health crisis that’s destroying lives and killing our citizens—but it’s probably not the one you’re hearing about in the news. The CDC recently announced that the new leading cause of death for our citizens is fentanyl overdose. On today’s show, we’re going to dig into this topic and uncover what led us to this dire situation. 

You’re going to learn about the rising rates of drug use, including the role that the FDA and pharmaceutical companies have played. You’ll hear how synthetic opioids are created and distributed, and how COVID-19 has impacted drug usage rates. We’re going to dive into some of the unethical aspects of our healthcare system at large, and how manipulation and greed within the pharmaceutical industry is hurting our citizens. 

Most importantly, we’re going to walk through real solutions we can implement to create a culture of health for our families and how we can uplift our communities. This is a heavy and heartbreaking issue that is near and dear to my heart, and I invite you will listen with an open mind. Changing any aspect of our health starts with empowerment, and I hope you will find that in this episode of The Model Health Show. 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What the new leading cause of death is in the US.
  • How the number of deaths from overdoses changed in 2021.
  • The difference between opioids and synthetic opioids. 
  • How opiate receptors work in the body.
  • The complex and systematic way that opioids affect the human body.
  • How rates of substance abuse have changed during the pandemic. 
  • The role the FDA and pharmaceutical companies play in the distribution of drugs.
  • How rates of overdose in the US compares to other countries.
  • The history of oxycontin. 
  • How many people die from pharmaceutical drugs every year. 
  • The history of terms like pseudo-addiction and breakthrough pain.
  • Which company is the number one producer of the plant that is used to make opioids.
  • How fentanyl typically enters the United States.
  • What polypharmacy is, and why it matters in the context of COVID-19.
  • The percentage of US citizens that take prescription drugs. 
  • Three commonly prescribed drugs that are linked with poor COVID-19 outcomes. 
  • The problem with a drug-centered healthcare system. 
  • Why pharmaceutical marketing in the US is unethical. 
  • The importance of aligning yourself with a purpose. 

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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For most of human history, folks didn’t put much thought into what was going on with their blood sugar unless they had a diagnosis of diabetes or prediabetes. But that’s changing—more and more people are becoming aware of the impact that blood glucose has on metabolic health and overall health. One of the leading experts in this area is our guest today, Dr. Casey Means. 

Dr. Means is a Stanford-trained physician and the co-founder of the revolutionary metabolic health company, Levels. Her mission is centered around optimizing health through blood glucose levels, disease prevention and reversal, and empowering patients in their food and lifestyle choices. On today’s show, we’re taking a deep dive into the world of blood glucose levels.

You’re going to learn about the multitude of factors that can impact your blood sugar levels, and how this biomarker affects other important processes in the body. We’re going to talk about specific foods that can make your blood sugar rise, and what you can do to reduce the spike. You’ll also hear an important and timely conversation about how gaining access to our biomarkers can empower us and transform our health and our society. You’re going to be blown away by the brilliance and expertise of Dr. Means; enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The multitude of biomarkers that are related to blood sugar. 
  • How many Americans have type 2 diabetes or prediabetes.
  • The way that exercise can impact blood glucose levels.
  • Which illnesses are related to dysregulated blood sugar.
  • The role that the liver plays in metabolic health.
  • How fatty liver disease occurs. 
  • The number one thing you can do to improve your cell function and overall health.
  • How triglycerides are related to heart disease. 
  • What glycemic variability is. 
  • Five processes that contribute to heart disease. 
  • The reactive nature of the US healthcare system and how we can change it.
  • How Levels continuous glucose monitor works.
  • The power of having personalized health data about what’s happening in your body.
  • Why the future of nutrition is built on data, not food marketing. 
  • Surprising foods that might be spiking your glucose levels (& how to balance them).
  • The best and worst breakfast foods for stable glucose. 
  • How monitoring your blood glucose can help you make informed choices.
  • The impact that stress and sleep can have on blood sugar. 
  • How high blood sugar can cause immune cell dysfunction.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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