Tue, 27 December 2016
Most diets are really just guessing games. Even though a diet might claim to be the ultimate solution for health and weight loss, chances are they fail most people. And there’s a big (simple) reason why. Since the beginning of history, humans have tried to eat everything. If you can get some of it in your mouth, somebody has tried to eat it. Sometimes it made them feel good. Sometimes it made them keel over and die. Most importantly, someone was there to document the results as time has gone on, and the foundational human diet was born. For many years now, I often sit back and wonder what humans were really designed to eat, and if there’s really any “perfect food” for us. That question has driven me to keep searching, to keep experimenting, and to even roll the dice with my own food choices a time or fifty. I’m so over taking courageous crap shoots with health now-a-days. I’ve settled in comfortably knowing that I can look back on the wisdom of our ancestors and know exactly what will help me be the healthiest, fittest version of myself. This is why I love Dr. Cate Shanahan’s work so much. She has truly encapsulated what the human diet looks like. Her seminal work Deep Nutrition takes us all into the intersecting realms of our ancestral diet and what our genes truly expect from us. Today she is gracing us with her wisdom on The Model Health Show, and I’m truly honored to share her with you! In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 194-The_Human_Diet_And_How_To_Get_Deep_Nutrition_-_With_Dr._Cate_Shanahan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:39pm PDT |
Tue, 20 December 2016
The word “fat” can drum up a whole lot of uncomfortable emotions. Whether it’s fat in our food or fat on our bodies, there’s a pervasive fear around fat that makes many of us turn our heads and run. Is this a logical fear? Well, sure it is! Especially if you’re under the impression that fat in our food and fat on our bodies are the same thing. Rationality would tell you to just steer clear of fat, and a fit, healthy body will be your grand prize. There’s just one tiny, little problem… Millions of people have avoided dietary fat with ninja-like covert precision, yet collectively we’ve seen our society’s rates of obesity and body-fat related illness skyrocket. Was the fat in our diets the problem all along? Or was there something else happening behind the scenes? To answer your fat-related questions we have on one of the top Functional Medicine Physicians on the planet, Mark Hyman, MD. Dr. Hyman has been a true pioneer in the field of health and wellness, and he has ten #1 New York Times bestselling books to prove it. He walks his talk, and today he’s here to share some of the most important information regarding your nutrition choices that you’ll ever hear. So, tune in, take good notes, and enjoy! In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 193-Ending_Fat_Controversy_And_How_To_Eat_Fat_Get_Thin_-_With_Dr._Mark_Hyman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:24pm PDT |
Tue, 13 December 2016
You’ve probably heard the saying “mind over matter” before... but what the heck does that even mean? Well, to put it simply… the thoughts and beliefs that we carry determine the actions that we take in our lives. Your mind is strong enough to move the rest of your “matter”, and that’s why your mindset matters so much. Today you’re going to learn some important decisions that you get to make in determining how your mind (and thus your body) works. It’s You vs. You in the only competition that really counts… the competition for real estate in that beautiful mind of yours! The space in your mind that determines your approach to life is up for grabs, and you get to choose. Will it be an empowering mindset that helps to put more success on automatic in your life? Or will it be a disempowering mindset that holds you back and keeps you from reaching your potential? You and I both know which one you will choose, and it all starts now by pressing play and taking action! In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 192-You_Vs._You_-_4_Ways_To_Create_A_Strong_Fitness_Mindset.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PDT |
Sun, 11 December 2016
You’ve heard the quotes from Hippocrates time and time again, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” There is true brilliance in that statement. But when you need the best medicine, what food do you go for? Four thousands upon thousands of years mushrooms have stood head-and-shoulders above all over foods for their medicinal qualities. So much so that there’s even a category of mushrooms called medicinal mushrooms that really take the fungi cake. Today you’re going to learn some of the surprising science on medicinal mushrooms. Our special guest Tero Isokauppila is going to blow you away with tips and insights hailing from the mushroom kingdom. You’re going to learn how to ensure you stay healthy when you travel, how to slow the aging process, how to make the world’s healthiest coffee and a whole lot more! In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 191-Everyday_Medicines_And_The_Worlds_Healthiest_Coffee_-_With_Tero_Isokauppila.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:31pm PDT |
Tue, 6 December 2016
When I think of the circle of life, I always think of where life begins (and I can’t help but think about that song from The Lion King too). We are all creators of life. We are a fertile species at one degree or another. And, as you’ll discover today, the cultivation of your fertility is tied to your life line more than you may have realized before. Today we are seeing the highest rates of infertility ever in recorded human history. I can tell you straight away that there is solid science to prove exactly why this is. It’s an important challenge to address because our lives are literally at stake. You’re about to learn powerful, simple, clinically proven natural treatments for infertility. Plus, even more importantly, you’re going to learn why being a vibrant, fertile human being is valuable in every area of our lives. In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 190-Natural_Treatments_For_Infertility_-_How_To_Radically_Enhance_Your_Reproductive_Power.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:17pm PDT |
Tue, 29 November 2016
Everything in the universe moves. Even the most laidback tree is made of atoms that are vibrating and spinning faster than your eyes can see. They move within and without the earth. They help to shape their environment, and, amazingly, their environment helps to shape them. It might surprise you to know just how much like a tree you really are. You are, indeed, a mover and shaker within your environment, but your environment helps to move you too. As biomechanist Katy Bowman has shared with us in past conversations, your environment actually shapes your body. That body that you have (take a look down at all of that glory for a second) has been shaped by your actions and environmental stimuli. Your body is best equipped to handle the consistent loads that are placed on it. Whether it from the subtle forces of your office chair or the more obvious forces of a barbell on your shoulders. Your body is your receipt from the loads you’ve experienced. For better or for worse, this is how the system works. Today we’re going to take things a step further (pun totally intended) as Katy reveals to you the other hidden, yet profound ways that your environment moves you. As you’ll discover today, science moves, nature moves, and food moves in a way that shapes our reality as we know it. Movement matters today more than ever, so take these insights and walk into a more empowered way of life. Enjoy! In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 189-Why_All_Movement_Matters_-_With_Katy_Bowman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:58am PDT |
Sun, 27 November 2016
TMHS 188: Better Skin, Healthier Joints, And Faster Weight Loss With The Bone Broth Diet - With Dr. Kellyann Petrucci
I love the quote from Leonardo da Vinci that says, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” The key to having a healthy, radiant appearance is connected to something so simple, and so innate to our human experience, that it is often overlooked. New York Times bestselling author Dr. Kellyann Petrucci has taken action to put these innate components into a diet strategy that’s changing the lives of thousands of people all across the world. I also feel the da Vinci quote is fitting for her because she is the epitome of sophistication in my eyes. She walks her talk, she is graceful, kind, and loving, and she is real. Dr. Kellyann has put sound science together with simple tactics that humans have been using since the beginning of our existence. Today you’re going to learn about the phenomenal benefits of bone broth, plus you’re going to learn how to best utilize bone broth for supreme anti-aging benefits, improved brain health, and faster weight loss. Enjoy! In this episode you'll discover:
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Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week! Click Here to Subscribe via Apple Podcasts
Direct download: 188-Better_Skin_Healthier_Joints_And_Faster_Weight_Loss_With_The_Bone_Broth_Diet_-_With_Dr._Kellyann_Petrucci.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:48pm PDT |
Wed, 16 November 2016
Let’s talk about sex. There are really few things that influence our lives more than our sex lives. Sex is taboo in our society, but nearly everyone is doing it (or hoping to do it - shoutout to movie The 40-Year Old Virgin!). Now, what if you found out that the quality of your sleep is influencing your sexual health more than any other factor? Plus, what if you found out the quality of your sleep even impacts your sexual attractiveness in the first place? Would sleep suddenly become more of an interesting topic? Well, if you’re a healthy, fun-loving person, then hopefully your ears have perked up. Great sleep is actually the secret, underutilized key to having the sexual prowess of a mythical beast. And I’ve got the data to back it up (minus the mythical beast part). Today you’re going to find out the latest research on how your sleep life impacts your sex life. You’re going to learn how to boost your vital sex hormones, how to immediately improve your sleep quality, and even amazing data showing how better sex can lead to better sleep. That, and so much more. Just click play and enjoy the benefits of being more sleepually active! In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 187-How_Your_Sleep_Life_Impacts_Your_Sex_Life.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:34am PDT |
Tue, 15 November 2016
Where your brain goes, you go. Your brain governs the things that you say, do, and feel each and every moment of your life. Your brain is definitely the command center for the whole show. This we know for sure. But, there’s more to the story... Just because your brain is the command center, doesn’t mean that it’s calling all the shots. Your brain and body work together in tandem, influencing each other and determining your ultimate destiny in life. You see, your physical movement can enhance your brain function like few things can. Yet, many of us are led to believe that we make our brain’s better, and get “smarter”, by study alone. But no matter how fancy your pocket protector may be, without getting out and moving your body you’ll only tap into a fraction of what your brain is capable of. That’s what Dr. Wendy Suzuki discovered firsthand. Dr. Suzuki is a leading neuroscientist who has uncovered some fascinating revelations about the brain. Her hit book, Healthy Brain, Happy Life, is a wonderful compilation of her life’s work that details how we can learn faster, feel better, and keep our brains healthy and youthful for many years to come. One of her expertises is in the field of memory. Today you’re going to learn what parts of the brain influence your memory, how memories are made, and how to make them stick. Plus, you’re going to learn some powerful insights about brain plasticity, the best form of exercise for your brain, and so much more! In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 186-How_To_Create_A_Healthy_Brain_And_A_Happy_Life_-_With_Dr._Wendy_Suzuki.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:49pm PDT |
Tue, 8 November 2016
Things are going to happen. Good stuff, not-so-good-stuff… life can be a dance between the two. But, as the research shows, it’s not so much what happens to us, but how we respond to what happens to us that determines the quality of our lives. When it comes to our health and fitness, millions of people each year raise the white flag and give up on their goals to have something greater because of something they may have never even heard about before. They give up because of their lack of emotional agility. When you are taking action to change your body and your health, challenges will arise. As much as I don’t want to say this, it’s just part of the process! You are becoming someone you have never met before, so that process will come with a learning curve and relationship adjustments that only emotional agility can enable you to traverse. Today we have one of the world’s foremost experts on emotional agility here for you to learn from. Dr. Susan David literally wrote the book on Emotional Agility, and what she’s sharing with you today will undoubtedly change your life from this day forward if you take action on it. In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 185-Embracing_Change_And_Gaining_Emotional_Agility_-_With_Dr._Susan_David.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:05pm PDT |
Tue, 1 November 2016
Billie Jean King said, “A champion is afraid of losing. Everyone else is afraid of winning.” It’s not that we are incapable of winning. It’s not that the life of our dreams is out of our reach. It’s the fact that many of us forfeit our shot to go for our win because of unwarranted fear and a few other nasty ingredients. Well, what if you got your hands on the ingredients for a much tastier recipe where YOU get to live the life that you were destined to? That’s exactly what you’re going to get access to today. On this episode we have the founder and CEO of the mega-successful human optimization company Onnit, the great Aubrey Marcus. Aubrey is the walking, talking example of what living a great looks like. He’ll definitely argue that it wasn’t always like that. At one point he was down to his last dollar working to make his dream come true. Now he runs a multi-million dollar company that’s ushered in a new wave of integrity and care into the supplement and sports performance industry. He went for his win and there was no looking back. Many years and life lessons later, Aubrey is on a mission to share what he’s learned along the way. I’m excited to share this with you and I hope this is a catalyst for you to go for your win too! In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 184-Go_For_Your_Win_-_With_Aubrey_Marcus.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:05pm PDT |
Tue, 25 October 2016
Many gains have been forfeited in the name of poor exercise nutrition. Today you’re going to learn how to get the most out of every push-up, every burpee, every zumba booty shake, or whatever exercise method you choose, by leveraging the power of smart pre-workout, intra-workout, and post-workout nutrition. In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 183-The_Best_Pre-Workout_Intra-Workout_And_Post-Workout_Nutrition.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:06pm PDT |
Sun, 23 October 2016
There’s an understanding in physics that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed from one form into another. The entire universe is operating on this principle, and you are one of the greatest parts of it. The transformation of ourselves as a human being is one of the most miraculous and profound things in existence. Whether it’s transforming your body, your mind, your levels of success in life, your relationships, or anything else, it’s a phenomenal process. But, it can also come with a dramatic struggle. There are certain steps that make the process of transformation as a person possible. Knowing these steps, and putting them into play in your life, will not only make the process much easier to traverse, but it will also give you more power to determine the outcome. In this episode we dive into the 5 steps to creating your personal transformation. It’s loaded to the brim with insights for your to take advantage of, but it’s up to you to put them into action for yourself. Let’s go! In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 182-5_Steps_To_Creating_Your_Personal_Transformation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:11pm PDT |
Tue, 18 October 2016
This is a very, very special episode. While I was on the road traveling for multiple speaking events, we put together a meetup event for listeners of The Model Health Show in Chicago. It was super last minute, but we totally filled up the event space, and the energy was amazing! It was such a gift to hang out with everyone, and we got to do a little something special that no one was expecting. We did a LIVE recording of The Model Health Show right there on the spot! With Jade and our behind the scenes tech guru Shoe on the scene, we felt it was the perfect opportunity to make it happen. We did this special Q & A episode and the energy and insights were running wild. Today you’re going to learn some of my biggest observations in building a successful health & wellness company, how to ensure you stay consistent with your health practices on the road, how late night exercise impacts your body, and so much more! You never know what amazing things can happen when you take inspired action. I’m so grateful to everyone who came out to share their time with us, and I’m incredibly grateful to share this experience with you. In this episode you'll discover:
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Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week! Click Here to Subscribe via Apple Podcasts
Direct download: 181-Investing_In_Yourself_Staying_Consistent_Late_Night_Exercise_And_More.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:48pm PDT |
Tue, 11 October 2016
Hippocrates said that, “All disease begins in the gut.” Sure there are some other potential factors for the onset of illness, but for the man considered to be the father of modern medicine to say this, it’s definitely something that we need to stop and think about. He knew then what we know now, which is the human gut is literally the foundation for our lives. This is the place that food cells get converted into you cells. This is the place that houses over 80 percent of your body’s immune system. This is the place that accommodates the microorganisms that control nearly everything about your health. The human gut is the birthplace of your microbiome. And today you’re going to learn how to optimize your health by optimizing this remarkable world in your belly. Dr. Robynne Chutkan is a renowned gastroenterologist, and one of the world’s leading experts on the microbiome. Her strategies and treatments have helped thousands of people worldwide recover from issues like IBS, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, candida overgrowth, gut dysbiosis and more. Her methods are all-encompassing, easy to implement, and they just make sense (as you’ll see!). This information can be absolutely life changing for so many people, so please make sure to share it with your family and friends! Enjoy! In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 180-The_Microbiome_Solution_-_With_Dr._Robynne_Chutkan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:29pm PDT |
Sun, 9 October 2016
The secrets to health and happiness can sometimes be found in the most unexpected places. When we are children we are endowed with a mastery for joy and health that we can lose track of as the years roll on. Our search for a return to health and happiness can consume us. But because we are so preoccupied with looking into the future, we often forget to take a second and look down at the little heroes who are passionately showing us the way. In today’s special episode you’ll discover the 5 specific things that kids can teach us about living a happy, healthy life. Many of the things you’ll learn are backed by surprising and powerful clinical research. Yet, you don’t need a study to tell you just how good it feels to put these timeless, brilliant activities into play for yourself. In this episode you'll discover:
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Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week! Click Here to Subscribe via Apple Podcasts
Direct download: 179-5_Things_Kids_Can_Teach_Us_About_Living_A_Happy_Healthy_Life.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:10pm PDT |
Tue, 4 October 2016
Your thyroid is the master regulator of your metabolism. Any endeavors for healthy weight loss or weight gain are all governed by your hyper-intelligent thyroid gland. Today, more than ever, there’s a war being waged against your thyroid gland. Environmental pollution, nutrient deficiencies, and unchecked stress are all putting a dire burden on this critical gland. Millions of people are being stricken with thyroid issues, and conventional medicine doesn’t have a solution for it. The standard approach is to counterattack the thyroid gland using dangerous medications, removing your thyroid gland, or even destroying your thyroid gland with radiation as a method of “treatment”. If the thyroid is already being attacked by our abnormal conditions today, what sense does it make to attack the thyroid even more? Why wouldn’t we support the thyroid and help it to perform normally? Why wouldn’t we focus on removing the underlying cause of the thyroid condition so that there’s nothing to battle in the first place? That’s where Dr. Amy Myers comes in. Amy Myers, MD is a renown leader in functional medicine and author of the New York Times bestselling book The Autoimmune Solution. She’s been a pioneer in helping the public at large truly understand thyroid function and how to safely and naturally reverse even the most difficult thyroid issues. What’s even more powerful is that Dr. Myers is teaching all of us from firsthand experience as a thyroid patient herself. She’s here today to share her story and to share with you how to have amazing, vibrant health by optimizing the function of this remarkable gland. In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 178-Misdiagnosed_Health_Issues_And_The_Thyroid_Connection_-_With_Dr._Amy_Myers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PDT |
Tue, 27 September 2016
How can a society with access to infinite information struggle so mightily with an issue like weight loss? I think that one major reason is that knowledge of the body and how it works is advertised to be complex and difficult to understand. We, as a society, are led to believe that our own bodies (that we call home!) are far too confusing that only a small percentage of people seem to understand the truth about them. Well, I’m here to share with you that the truth surrounding how your body and metabolism works is simple, attainable, and your birthright to know about. Galileo said, “All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” Today we have the incredible Dr. Jade Teta on to help you discover how your amazing metabolism works so that you can be empowered to create the body and life you want. In this episode you'll discover:
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Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week! Click Here to Subscribe via Apple Podcasts
Direct download: 177-Metabolic_Multitasking_Spot-Treating_Fat_And_The_Laws_Of_Fat_Loss_-_With_Dr._Jade_Teta.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:48pm PDT |
Tue, 20 September 2016
There’s a wonderful quote from Carl Jung that says, “The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.” Our deepest relationships transform us. And which direction that chemical reaction goes can make all of the difference in the world. You can end up with a beautiful reaction that breathes life into everyone who’s around it, or a not-so-good reaction that can smother everyone in the room. The thing is, we don’t have to sit idly by and just hope that things will mix well together. We can actually uncover which things work great together, and put them into action for ourselves! There will be nothing that impacts your life more than the quality of your most intimate relationship. Becoming a great “relationship chemist” will bring you more health, happiness, and success than you can even imagine. In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 176-5_Keys_To_An_Amazing_Relationship_-_With_Anne_Stevenson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:08pm PDT |
Tue, 13 September 2016
You’ve probably heard the quote that “timing is everything”. But what if it’s true? What if the key to better relationships, better health, and more success in our lives really isn’t just about what we do or how we do it, but when we do it that makes all of the difference in the world? Today you’re going to learn about the fascinating research surrounding biological chronotypes. This cutting-edge science proves that there’s an optimal time for each person to do everything from eating a snack, to exercising, to having sex, to asking their boss for a raise that’s totally unique to their chronotype. Board-certified sleep specialist and bestselling author Dr. Michael Breus is here to give you the skinny on how to tap into the potential of your chronotype and leverage The Power of When! In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 175-Discover_Your_Chronotype_And_Leverage_The_Power_Of_When_-_With_Dr._Michael_Breus.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:13pm PDT |
Tue, 6 September 2016
There are tons of great tips out there making waves for improving your sleep quality. Many of these tips are life-changing. But for some people, sleeping in a cooler, darker, tech-free room, might not be enough. I have to say, I was absolutely floored when I found out just how much our gut health impacts our sleep quality. I believe this to be the missing key for millions of people struggling with sleep issues who are only seeing slight improvements with the popular sleep-health tips out there. Realizing this is where many of the most common sleep issues are rooted, I felt it was a MUST to create a masterclass on it so that you know the ins and outs of this amazing gut-brain-sleep connection. In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 174-Good_Sleep_Nutrients_And_The_Gut-Brain-Sleep_Connection.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:15pm PDT |
Tue, 30 August 2016
Mediocrity is on sale in our world today. It's cheap, easy to get, and there are even 2-for-1 discounts if you want to bring someone along with you. Why do we set the bar so low? And why do so many of us settle for a life of quiet desperation when we can live the life of our dreams? My friend Bo Eason has a problem with mediocrity, and he’s on fire to help people wake up to their true potential which (he will explain exactly why) is literally your birthright. Bo’s story is absolutely incredible. Going from elite NFL player, to critically acclaimed playwright and stage performer, he knows a thing or 10,000 about what it takes to become great at something. He also knows (and will share with you today) how to pivot and carve out a new path for yourself, why it takes just one person to change your entire life, and how to truly step into your power. In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 173-Conquer_Your_Greatest_Enemy_In_Life_And_Step_Into_Your_Power_-_With_Bo_Eason.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:23pm PDT |
Tue, 23 August 2016
TMHS 172: Overcome Your Biggest Challenges With The Proven Benefits Of Expressive Writing - With Katie Dalebout
How do you actually know what you think? A lot of us are under the impression that we know what we think because we hear a lot of inner chatter in our heads (straightjacket not included), or because we talk about what we think with other people. But that’s not what we really think. The inner chatter in your head is mostly surface stuff; fluff. It’s the bright and shining outside of the orange that can easily hide the real juicy stuff in the middle. And the things you think that you share with other people - it’s filtered. A lot. Even your very best friends have probably never heard your deepest thoughts. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s a safety mechanism to keep us comfortable and feeling as though we will be accepted. Filtering is socially acceptable because everybody does it whether they realize it or not. The only problem with it is that all of the real thoughts and feelings you have may never get looked at. The good, the bad, and the ugly in so many of our psychies is often heavily suppressed. The not-so-good stuff held in can lead to destructive behavior, depression, and addiction (to name a few) and it’s all clinically proven. And the good stuff held in can lead to living a life that’s not true to who you really are. Your visions, goals, and aspirations not analyzed and expressed can lead to supreme feelings of regret, resentment, and cause you to miss out on the incredible fulfillment that’s possible for you. So, do you really know what you think? Today it’s time to uncover the things usually hiding in plain sight that are holding you back. Today you’re going to learn about the proven benefits of expressive writing with the one and only Katie Dalebout. In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 172-Overcome_Your_Biggest_Challenges_With_The_Proven_Benefits_Of_Expressive_Writing_-_With_Katie_Dalebout.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:27pm PDT |
Tue, 16 August 2016
Just like any journey in life, the journey to health is a journey of discovery. Each obstacle we face is an opportunity to learn something new about ourselves. Whether it’s healing a disease or finding a way to lose that last tiny bit of body fat, changing our health starts with changing how we think. Experimentation is our foundational tool. You have to experiment and test things out to truly find out what works for yourself. We are all unique, and what works for your best friend may only set you back on your journey even further. Sure, there are universal principles of health that can take you a very long way. Eat real food, get plenty of movement and exercise, get adequate amounts of sunlight, drink lots of clean water, cultivate healthy relationships, and do meaningful work that fulfills you. These are a few of the basic tenets for living a healthy, happy, successful life. But what about when you want to take your health to another level? Or what about when you get hit with a real challenging situation (despite following the foundational principles)? This is where a deeper analysis needs to take place. You can take shots in the dark and see if anything (hopefully) hits, or you can take action to uncover what the real solution is by looking in the right place. How do you know unless you look? That’s the mantra of the skilled practitioner today. The guessing game is great if you’re playing Pictionary with your friends. But when it comes to your health guessing can be a massive waste of time, rob you of your results and, at worse, it can even be life-threatening. That’s why I’m so thrilled to introduce you to Dr. Anthony G. Beck. Dr. Beck has made a habit of looking in the right place for the solutions to all manner of health problems. His advanced testing methods have helped to change my life, and he’s here today to fill you in on what you need to know to be more empowered in your own health journey. Let’s do this! In this episode you'll discover:
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Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PDT |
Tue, 9 August 2016
In a world of continuous posts and pictures, our consumption and judgement of attraction is at an all-time high. But, what can get lost in all of that is, well, ourselves. What does it mean to be attractive? How does attraction work? And why does it matter really anyway? Well, funny enough, attraction is actually tied to our lifeline. We all want to be attractive, and we all want to feel significant. These are basic human needs that help drive along our species. Not solely for the purpose of picking a mate, but being a part of a tribe, and (evolutionarily speaking) having a better chance at survival. On today’s show we’re talking in-depth about why being attractive matters and, more importantly, simple things that ANYONE can do to become more attractive almost instantly. Sounds like a pretty big promise? Well, I’ve got the science to back it up. And this isn’t about a superficial, stereotypical, smoke-and-mirrors type of attraction that many of us have bought into today. This is real attraction. This is how to let your inner light shine, and how to be the most attractive version of yourself. Marilyn Monroe said, “To all the girls that think you’re fat because you’re not a size zero, you’re the beautiful one, it's society who’s ugly.” This important episode will be valuable for men and women all over the world who’ve battled with living up to what society has deemed as attractive. Today is an opportunity to break the chains of poor self-image, and to be more attractive, more healthy, and more of an inspiration to those around you. Enjoy! In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 170-5_Scientifically_Proven_Ways_To_Be_More_Attractive.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:29pm PDT |
Tue, 2 August 2016
I remember watching the movie Wall-E with my son Braden. It is an animated movie portraying the not-too-distant future where humans have siphoned the world of its natural resources and moved to space, leaving Earth behind as a glorified junk yard. Talk about family fun! Even though the context was a bit grim, the movie still highlighted the power of love, devotion, companionship, and doing the right thing. It was a good family movie that pulls on your heartstrings. But what most interested me about the movie was the depiction of the devolution of human beings who have become so engrossed in technology that they hardly ever move anymore. Every person in the film barely had to lift a finger as all of their needs were met at the touch of a button. It might sound cool to live in a world like that, but what are the consequences? Since they lost their desire and need to move, all of their muscles were atrophied. And to say everyone was overweight would be a monumental understatement. Now, is this reality that far fetched? Are we not seeing the effects that our creature comforts are having on health and our ability to move normally? Yes, we definitely are! And it’s impacting BILLIONS of people whether they realize it or not. We have to reconnect with what makes us human and what supports the highest expression of our genes. Our genes literally expect us to do certain things, and when we don’t, disease and degeneration programs kick in. This is why today’s show is so important and absolutely life-changing. We have on one of the world’s foremost experts in human movement. She’s here to help us recalibrate our lives by making some small adjustments that can lead to decades of improved quality of life. Biomechanist Katy Bowman will help you to discover how to avoid the Wall-E syndrome and be a much healthier, happier, functional version of yourself. In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 169-Dont_Just_Sit_There_-_With_Katy_Bowman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:49pm PDT |
Tue, 26 July 2016
What we are able to have, give, do and become in our lives is largely determined by how we choose to spend our time. Seneca said, “It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it. Life is long enough, and a sufficiently generous amount has been given to us for the highest achievements if it were all well invested.” A big secret to success in life is learning how to focus on what really matters. And at no other point in human history has focus been such a hugely scarce commodity. If you can reacquire your focus, and place it intently on the thing that matters most, then there’s absolutely no limit to what you can achieve. That’s why I had to talk with Jay Papasan. Jay is the co-author of the bestselling, mega-hit book The One Thing. Today he’s here to share with you some priceless wisdom to help you live the life you want, break through your mental barriers, and become the best version of yourself. The tips and insights are running wild in this episode, so make sure you’re ready to catch them! In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 168-The_Science_Of_Willpower_Beating_Megaphobia_And_The_One_Thing_-_With_Jay_Papasan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:01pm PDT |
Tue, 19 July 2016
“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” This is a quote from the ever-wise Dale Carnegie. And this is the first statement that comes to mind when I think of the courage of Vani Hari. Vani is an action-taker. She began her life like many of us in modern society… fast food, fast life, and a fast-track to a date with disease. Her action-taking nature was being used against her, and it landed her in a hospital bed, facing invasive surgery, and an important life decision. Vani was hurt. She, like millions of others, put her trust in the corporations that manufacture the food that landed on her plate every day. Through a series of events (that you’re going to learn about today) she discovered that many of these multi-billion companies were putting chemicals in their foods that were leading to serious (and sometimes fatal) conditions for more people than you can imagine. When she was presented with this information she had a choice. She could sit back and complain, or she could actually do something about it. And she decided to act! But how in the world can a person take on a multi-billion dollar company? They have deep pockets, sly marketing reps and “fixers”, and legions of lawyers paid top dollar to make sure that your concerns never see the light of day. It is a modern day David & Goliath story… And you know how that ended for Goliath. The road hasn’t been easy, but by looking fear in the face, taking inspired action, and having the heart to make a real difference, Vani has helped to make changes to the food system that you have likely experienced firsthand even though you may have never heard her name before. Today we are honoring Vani, and we are fortunate enough to have her here to share her story. It’s inspiring, and it’s also laced with important life lessons. Enjoy, and please make sure to stay connected with Vani and The Food Babe Army because together WE are really the agents of change for the health of our future generations. In this episode you'll discover:
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Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PDT |
Tue, 12 July 2016
Hippocrates, who is largely considered to be the father of modern medicine, said that, “Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.” Hippocrates was speaking about the miraculous power of our immune system, and that’s what today’s show is all about. Where is this mysterious immune system located? And how does it work? These are questions that I used to ponder many years ago, and it led me to realize that to understand the bigger picture, I first needed to understand the smaller picture. Our immune systems are hyper-intelligent and, in a strange way, they are omnipotent and omnipresent in the evolution of humanity. Our immune systems are what have enabled us to adapt and move beyond all manner of diseases that could have wiped us out long ago. But, our immune system is the trainer, rehabilitator, and defender of every cell in our body. Our immune system is something to be highly praised and supported. And a great way to show thanks is to learn a little more about it. Your immune systems is doing its job from the top of your head to the very bottom of your feet. But the heart of your immune system lives a very secret and special life that we are going to dive into today. You’ll learn a big part of how this amazing system works, plus value-packed tips to help you keep your immune system strong and healthy for a lifetime. In this episode you'll discover:
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Category:general -- posted at: 11:32am PDT |
Tue, 5 July 2016
An ever expanding mystery to biologist and physicist alike, the human brain is truly the final frontier in understanding our universe, our world, and ourselves. The form and function of your brain literally dictates everything about you. Your ability to choose papaya over Pop Tarts, your ability to choose forgiveness over hate, and your ability to choose courage over fear are all governed by that magnificent 3 pound organ resting inside of your head. Your brain directs hormone function, activation of genetic programs, management of all of your senses and how you experience the world, and so much more. Today you’ll get an accelerated, easy-to-understand masterclass on brain basics. Dr. Daniel Amen is a prolific physician, writer, and speaker who has been a pioneer in transforming our society’s understanding of the human brain, and how the function of our brain deeply impacts every area of our lives. There might not be any information you’ll ever receive that can have a greater impact on your life. If you can change your brain, you can literally change everything about your reality. Learn from Dr. Amen what you can do to ensure you have the best brain possible. Avoid things that hurt your brain, and indulge in the things that help it. Let’s do this! In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 165-12_Principles_To_Change_Your_Brain_And_Change_Your_Life_-_With_Dr._Daniel_Amen.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:18pm PDT |
Tue, 28 June 2016
There’s a battle going on for your health. Never before in human history have we had so many things vying for our time and attention. And never before have we had so many things that pull us further and further from our natural state of health and well-being. Arianna Huffington has become a voice on the frontline leading the charge to take back control of our health. Her winning battle tactic: great sleep. Arianna was noted at one of The World’s 100 Most influential People by Time magazine and she’s using her platform of influence to help spark The Sleep Revolution. Your body undergoes the greatest transformation from your diet and exercise while you are asleep. It’s the ultimate pillar of health that actually makes sustainable change happen. Today you’re going to learn how sleep impacts everything from your sex life, to your physical appearance, to your performance at work. Plus, you’ll get proven tips to become a talented sleep warrior so that you can be skilled at getting the best sleep of your life. In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 164-_Sex_Drugs_And_The_Sleep_Revolution_-_With_Arianna_Huffington.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:07pm PDT |
Tue, 21 June 2016
I love the quote from Bill Waterson that says, “Experience is food for the brain.” What’s so wonderful about our brains is that they are continuously learning, continuously growing, and continuously making new connections. Your brain is this miraculous, self-designing entity. It can do so much to change your own world, but it can also change the world at large. However, it can only activate its true potential if we give it the tools to do so. Experience feeds the brain. And there is likely no greater experience for nourishing and energizing your brain than The Superhero Brain Conference. This event highlights the greatest thinkers and experts on improving and using your brain that the world has ever seen. Your brain is the governing force that’s directing every thought and every cell in your body. If you truly want to live a healthy, happy, and fulfilled life, then there’s nothing more important than learning how to create a superhero brain. In this episode you'll discover:
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Tue, 14 June 2016
The Declaration of Independence states that we all have the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” by the very nature of us being alive. But, how often do we call upon those rights and use them? Many of us have life, but we are not truly living. Many of us have liberty, but never truly utilize our freedom to have, be, and do the things we’re capable of. And many of us have the capacity to live a happy, fulfilled life, but unknowingly forfeit our happiness and live lives of quiet desperation. Today’s show is all about breaking bonds from the things that hold us back from real happiness and fulfillment. Granted, happiness is relative to each person and each situation. But, even a few higher percentage points of happiness in your life will lead to better health, better relationships, and more success in your chosen career, according to the research. Get ready for some powerful revelations and action items to put in place to see some immediate upgrades in happiness and fulfillment. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be healthy. And you deserve to be empowered to live life on your terms. Enjoy! In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 162-5_Things_That_Hold_Us_Back_From_Happiness.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:24pm PDT |
Tue, 7 June 2016
What separates those who lead lives of great success, and those who lead lives of great struggle, are things that are so small that you can likely write them all on a tiny post-it note. Success starts with ritual. It’s the things you do consistently, not every now and then, that tells the real tale of the results you’ll see in your life. Couple that with the next important thing, which is to gain mastery over the small things. It’s not the big things… like hitting the lottery, winning the championship, or breaking into the Top 100 Influential People in the World list that 99.999% of the world’s most successful and happy people ever achieve. They are so successful because they’ve dedicated themselves to mastering the small things that bring great results. The old adage goes, “By the inch, it’s a cinch. By the yard, it’s hard.” One final key ingredient is a willingness to help others. Great success is often tied to the lifeline of bringing value to the lives of others. If you can find a way to combine these three things, there will likely be a lot of great fortune in your future. Today’s guest, Drew Canole, found a way to put these three things together in a way that really is changing the world. To master his own mind and body he created specific rituals that transformed his health. He also focused on mastering the small things, adding in one piece at a time until he reached unchartered waters of success and vitality. Very soon after, and along the way, he dedicated his life to giving his best to teach others what he’s learned, and in doing so created the FitLife movement. He’s here today to share his story and some of his best tips for achieving the health (and success) that you are likely a lot closer to than you know. In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 161-Creating_Health_Transformations_And_The_Power_Of_Juicing_-_With_Drew_Canole.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:44pm PDT |
Tue, 31 May 2016
Breakfast. It’s a word that conjures up an array of emotions for many of us. It’s tied to getting ready for school or work. It’s tied to time with the family or catching up on the news. It’s tied eating some of our favorite foods or loading up on our nutrition. But most of all it’s tied to the possibility of a new day. A conversation in the timeless treatise Winnie the Pooh goes like this: “When you wake up in the morning, Pooh," said Piglet at last, "what's the first thing you say to yourself?" "What's for breakfast?" said Pooh. "What do you say, Piglet?" "I say, I wonder what exciting is going to happen today?" said Piglet. Pooh nodded thoughtfully. "It's the same thing," he said.” In many ways Pooh was right (although he was an avid “foodie” long before it was a thing). Breakfast and a new day go hand-in-hand. So, shouldn’t we strive to make that meal as inspirational as possible? Today’s episode is all about the 7 ways to supercharge your breakfast. You’re going to be equipped with simple tips use can use to start your day off right for the rest of your life. Each day is an opportunity, and these 7 tips are going to help you stack the conditions in your favor to make sure that your days are full of health, energy, happiness, and success. In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 160-7_Ways_To_Supercharge_Your_Breakfast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:35pm PDT |
Fri, 13 May 2016
Many people mistakenly believe that being healthy means living a life of deprivation. Sure, if you’re a health conscious person you generally avoid toxic foodstuffs that might nullify your mojo. But people who make healthy choices for the long-term are guided by more pleasure than anything else. A healthy, sustainable diet is a pleasurable one. It has to be. I’m absolutely blown away by the foods that I get to eat on a regular basis. It’s almost unfair. The flavor sensations, the colors, the textures, the overall party in the mouth experience. I aspire to help people discover just how good real food can be. First of all, there’s pleasure within the constructs of the diet. The thousands of real foods that you get to eat (based on what feels best for your body) delivers tens of thousands of different options for you to feast on. The pleasure could be from something as savory as a grass fed ribeye, to as sweet and seductive as chocolate cashew ice cream with warm candied pecans on top. All made from real ingredients, of course! The first pleasure is making the most of what you have access to, and getting the best quality ingredients possible. The second pleasure comes from going outside of the usual structure of your diet to have a little something unordinary. Pancakes? Yes, please. Nachos? Yes, please. Cheesecake? Wait… Are you sure…? Yes, please! These things are clearly not as “natural” as the whole foods used to make your other meals, but doing this right can make the difference between a long-term healthy lifestyle, or giving up because you struggle to convince yourself that pancakes aren’t delicious. The key is, a health conscious person can indulge in these things every now and then, but they are truly there with the treat. They take it in, let their senses explore, and are present in their body to enjoy the moment and then move on. It’s not lying to yourself that these are healthy foods, but giving yourself permission to enjoy a treat and then get back to doing what feels best. I guarantee that if you keep eating pancakes on a regular basis, you’re going to look and feel like a pancake yourself. Indulge, and move on. So, how do we best navigate this terrain? Well, we’ve got on a special guest who knows a thing or two about how all of this works. Today we have the CEO of the enormously popular website and brand MindBodyGreen, Jason Wachob. He’s here to share with you his best tips for living what he calls a truly “wellthy” way of life. Enjoy! In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 159-Making_Space_For_Pleasure_In_Your_Diet_And_How_To_Live_A_Wellthy_Life_-_With_Jason_Wachob.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:04am PDT |
Fri, 13 May 2016
Paulo Coelho said, “Discipline & freedom are not mutually exclusive but mutually dependent because otherwise, you’d sink into chaos.” Strangely enough, rules and discipline actually give us far more freedom. The structure we create in our lives is the invisible guiding force that creates the opportunity to do more with the time we are given. Without structure, without rules, you are unknowingly at the mercy of Captain Random. You see, Captain Random is a super villain. Nothing pleases him more than to see you toil away wasting your time and not seeing the results you want in your life. When a seemingly random thing comes up and throws you off track, he’s twisting his evil handlebar mustache laughing joyfully. For you, the experience is falling off the wagon, taking a loss, or even giving up on your goals altogether. But the secret, unstoppable weapon against Captain Random is the power of your rules. When you have personal rules in place that guide your decisions, you’ve already got an automated response for the randomness that life may throw your way. For example, you’re on a mission to eat healthy food, and your coworker brings in a box of freshly made donuts (even a few with sprinkles on them… and you know sprinkles are made by tiny tree elves who work for Captain Random), but because you have a rule in place about how you handle junk food, you easily pass with a simple, “No, thank you.” You don’t feel any deprivation or any restriction because YOU chose that rule. Someone else didn’t impose it on you. You also don’t feel the hit of a poor decision—the tinge of regret, the sour taste of folding so quickly, and the disappointment of being seduced by a sprinkle-faced donut that’s not even in your league. You’ve dated desserts way sexier than that in the past… why did you let this do-not get to you?! By having rules that govern your choices, you bypass this whole group of problems, and Captain Random is foiled again, running away with his tail between his legs. “I’ll get you next time!” he shouts. But he knows you’re unbeatable, and destined for great success. Today you’re going to discover the 13 rules of health that I live by. You can take these rules on and apply them to your life, alter them to fit your own life and goals, or use them as inspiration to come up with your own. Always remember the power of personal rules and use them as the guiding light to help you achieve the greatness you deserve. In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 158-13_Rules_Of_Health_That_I_Live_By.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:04am PDT |
Fri, 6 May 2016
Your environment is everything. Your thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and even your body, are all shaped by your environment. If you want to see more success in any area of your life, if you want to achieve your goals and win more during your precious time on this planet, then you’ve got to create a winning culture. That starts with transforming your environment. Today we have on the amazing Dr. Eric Thomas to breakdown all of the things that shape a winning culture and what transforming our environment really entails. This is a powerhouse interview to say the least, so tune in, listen up, and enjoy the show! In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 157-How_To_Create_A_Winning_Culture_-_With_Eric_Thomas.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:57pm PDT |
Tue, 3 May 2016
Natalie Jill is a hero for all of us. She began her health and fitness career later in life, and has accomplished more after the age of 40 than few people could even imagine. Once you find out her story you instantly have a paradigm shift. You start to realize where you’ve been playing small and making excuses, and what you can do to start stepping into your greatness. Today she has millions of passionate followers and a brand with heart and hustle that’s spreading like wildfire. Today she’s here on The Model Health Show to breakdown some of the biggest challenges in the world of health today. We’re covering celiac disease, long-term weight loss, successfully unprocessing your diet, gluten-free diets that make you fat, giving yourself a mindset makeover and a whole lot more. So, tune in, turn up, and let’s get ready to rock this thing out! In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 156-Unprocess_Your_Diet_And_Get_A_Mindset_Makeover_-_With_Natalie_Jill.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:09pm PDT |
Sun, 24 April 2016
Have you ever had a perfect day? It’s a day where everything seems to be in your favor. You accomplish all of the things you want. You feel happy and fulfilled. And you go to bed at night wishing that everyday can be just like this. Aaaaah… It’s a day that has that new car smell. It’s feeling like you have the Midas touch. It’s when life is just flat out awesome. So, why can’t we have more perfect days like that? Well, the obvious answer is because a lot of crap happens in our life, and it can take our wish of a perfect day and throw it right into the garbage disposal. The less obvious answer is because we forfeited having our perfect day because we didn’t know the simple, proven steps to create it. The breaking news flash today is that we CAN construct more perfect days. But we have to decide to stop spending our days playing the game of crap-dodgeball that life is flinging at us. We have to be proactive and activate The Perfect Day Formula. And you’re about to meet just the man to help you do it. Craig Ballantyne has long been admired in the fitness industry for helping people with busy lives and little time to achieve the physical results they want. In recent years he’s shifted his focus to helping people achieve the life they want, and not just the body they want--but you can still have that too. :) He’s here today to share the ins and outs of The Perfect Day formula to help you 1) Identify what a perfect day means to you 2) Implement simple strategies to help you create your perfect day and 3) execute on accomplishing what you want! This is a powerful episode to say the least, so tune in, take good notes, and grabs these keys to creating your perfect day. In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 155-The_Perfect_Day_Formula_-_With_Craig_Ballantyne.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:05am PDT |
Tue, 19 April 2016
THMS 154: The Mind-Body Healing Connection And The Power Of Movement Meditations - With Tristan Truscott
There’s a lot more to healing than meets the eye. Whether you’re healing from a tough workout, or healing from a chronic heart condition, numerous forces have to come together make it happen. Hormones, lymphocytes, inflammatory cytokines, and several other intelligent entities in your body take action to set the ship right when things go wrong. You can either help or hinder your system from doing it’s job. And these are the facts. If you get a big cut on your arm, and you pack the cut full of crumbled up M&M’s, chances are it’s not going to heal properly. However, if you apply some fresh aloe, and you take some natural anti-inflammatories that also support recovery, like the active compound in turmeric (curcumin), you are supporting your body in normal healing. So, yes, nutrition and smart hygiene matter in recovery, but there’s something else that gets overlooked. Research shows conclusively that your mind and thoughts have a huge impact on the healing (or lack thereof) of your body. Stress, pessimism, worry, anger, depression… all of these things suppress your body’s natural healing capabilities. Try as your body may, it’s very difficult to make the changes you truly need when your mind-body connection is not in sync. That’s why today’s show is so important. Today we are covering some of the most valuable insights on strengthening your mind-body connection. To help us out, we are fortunate to have on Tristan Truscott who has an amazing story of healing, and coming back from a place that many other people would’ve long given up on. He’s going to share his immense wisdom and provide you with some crucial tips that will likely last you a lifetime. Now, on to the show! In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 155-The_Mind-Body_Healing_Connection_And_The_Power_Of_Movement_Meditations_-_With_Tristan_Truscott.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01pm PDT |
Mon, 11 April 2016
TMHS 153: Stop Calorie-Counting And Yo-Yo Dieting, And Gain Nutritional Serenity - With Jonathan Bailor
The first time I tried to lose weight it was by drinking Slim-Fast shakes. The marketing said, “Have a shake for breakfast, a shake for lunch, and then have a sensible dinner.” I gulped down that sludge of artificial nutrition, followed the plan, and the pounds started coming off. I was happy that it was working. But my victory was short lived. Being on that plan, and focusing on calories rather than nutrition, left me with a ferocious appetite that would see me overeat at the end of the day… and then a snack… and another snack… until my will power just couldn’t take it anymore. Drinking that can of liquid denial was leaving me nutrient deficient, anxious, and ultimately blocking my weight loss efforts. You see, it didn’t matter that I was a good person. It didn’t matter that I really wanted to lose weight. It didn’t matter that I tried really hard. Not a single one of those things matter because if my goal is one way, but my plan is taking me in the opposite direction, I’m ultimately going to end up somewhere that I don’t want to be. Really great, smart people fall victim to clever marketing all the time, especially in the weight loss arena. It’s something so visceral, and so desired for all of us to feel comfortable in our own skin that we’ll cut corners and buy into the next new fad diet without giving it a second thought. We try, we fail, but we don’t really seem to learn the lesson in this dirty dieting dance. But today that’s all about to change. Our guest on this episode is the New York Times bestselling author of The Calorie Myth, Jonathan Bailor. He’s on today to drop some serious knowledge bombs when it comes to our mindset and beliefs around losing weight. After checking out this episode, make sure to check the links below for access to his past appearances on the show and special admission to his free half-day masterclass. Our weight loss battles do not have to be fought alone. True, no one else can do your push-ups for you, but good friends and mentors who really care can guide the way, keep you accountable, and help you change your mind so that you can truly change your body. In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 153-Stop_Calorie-Counting_And_Yo-Yo_Dieting_And_Gain_Nutritional_Serenity_-_With_Jonathan_Bailor.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:24pm PDT |
Tue, 5 April 2016
When I was in college, there weren’t any classes on success. There wasn’t a Success 101 course. If there was, I would’ve been there. There were a lot of classes on the fundamentals… math, science, writing, and even courses dedicated to our majors (like business, engineering, computer science, and health), but there wasn’t any classes that taught us how to put it all together. I’m charged to report that even the best colleges in the world fail to teach us how to actually be successful in our chosen field, let alone in life in general. Right now it’s more important than ever to grab the study of success by the horns. Life, health, and happiness can quickly run away from you if you’re not fortunate enough to know what makes a successful life versus what allows us to just get by. Recently, I felt that my formal education experience could lend a hand by giving a framework to discuss what success really looks like. Anatomy is the study of structure or the internal workings of things. Today we’re going to be breaking down the anatomy of success and take a deep look at the internal workings of passion, commitment, and fulfillment. Success isn’t merely a metaphysical thing. There are specific principles and insights that will make this the sweetest science you’ll ever learn. So, pull up to the blackboard, grab your notebook, and let the fun begin! In this episode you'll discover:
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Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week! Click Here to Subscribe via Apple Podcasts |
Tue, 29 March 2016
Growing up I never really liked vegetables. As a matter of fact, I didn’t like very many foods at all outside of the staples of hamburgers, fish sticks, macaroni & cheese, and sandwiches. These things tasted great to my tiny palate, and set the template for my eating habits for years to come. It surprises people when they hear that I didn’t eat my first salad until I was 25 years old. Yep, you heard that right. No green leaf doth pass my lips, and I loved thee not. But everything changed when I learned about the power food had to change my body, and there really was no looking back after that. Since turning my health around in my early 20’s I’ve eaten more fun, exotic, and even unusual foods than you can shake a finger at. And what I’ve learned is that certain foods have actually been staples in the diets of our ancestors, but we have somehow lost sight of them in lieu of Pop Tarts and pizza. Today’s powerhouse episode is a reintroduction to the classes of foods that all of us need to add into our diets on a regular basis. These 4 unusual foods will deliver your body more health and vitality than just about any other foods you can name. So, I pray thee enjoy the podcast and shareth with thine friends! And as Shakespeare would say today, “Let’s get it poppin’!” In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 151-4_Unusual_Foods_That_Can_Help_Transform_Your_Body.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:45pm PDT |
Tue, 22 March 2016
Albert Einstein once said, “Strange is our situation here upon Earth.” In many ways we are smack dab in the middle of realizing what we are and realizing that we have no idea what we are at the same time. Life is complex, beautiful, and definitely weird. There are so many tricky situations, questions, and answers we can sift through to try to figure things out, but sometimes a strange solution is the order of the day. When it comes to improving the quality of your sleep, the typical advice usually doesn’t bring much to the table. “Make sure to get 8 hours of sleep.” “Try not to eat before bed.” “Take this drug to help you sleep (even though one of the side effects is doubling your risk of early death).” No thanks. I like to sleep, but I like that being alive part as well. There are tons of useful tips and strategies to instantly upgrade your sleep in the bestselling book Sleep Smarter. Some of the most interesting (and albeit unorthodox) tips are highlighted here in this episode. Simply listen in, take action on a couple of the tips, and see the results for yourself. Let’s do this! In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 150-4_Unorthodox_Tips_To_Help_You_Sleep_Better_Every_Night.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:12pm PDT |
Mon, 14 March 2016
Today is a very, very special day! My new book Sleep Smarter is now available nationwide and we couldn’t be more excited. The excitement and joy is so high because we are bringing one of the most vital, yet overlooked components of health and well-being to the hearts of the masses. From brain function, to heart health, to fat loss, the quality of your sleep impacts it all. And as you’ll discover in Sleep Smarter, not only is sleep a major player in the way you look and feel, it just might be the #1 thing influencing the results you see in the mirror each day. This special launch day episode dives specifically into this topic to uncover why sleep is the ultimate fat burner. Today you’re going to be equipped with some huge takeaways that will last you a lifetime and support you on your mission of being the healthiest, fittest version of yourself. In this episode you'll discover:
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Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week! Click Here to Subscribe via Apple Podcasts
Direct download: 149-Why_Great_Sleep_Is_The_Ultimate_Fat_Burner.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:07pm PDT |
Tue, 8 March 2016
Millions of people worldwide are struggling with the effects of estrogen dominance. It’s a growing epidemic that’s connected to obesity, fibroid tumors, cancer and more, yet most people have no idea about it. This episode is focused on lifting the veil that’s been hiding estrogen dominance. Today we’re going to break down one of the major causes of significant health problems today, plus provide life-changing tools and strategies so that you can truly take back control of your health. In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 148-Estrogen_Dominance_-_Natural_Treatments_For_Fibroid_Tumors_Cancer_And_More.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:04pm PDT |
Tue, 1 March 2016
What if you found out that a great night's sleep could make the difference in closing an important business deal? In showing up as a better parent? Or in performing at a high level in your sport or on stage? Today you're going to learn exactly why great sleep is a linchpin for the optimal function of your brain in every way imaginable. We're going to dive in and break down some of the most fascinating studies to understand how sleep affects your memory, decision making, creativity, and more. In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 147-10_Ways_Sleep_Can_Give_You_A_Better_Brain.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:11pm PDT |
Tue, 23 February 2016
There is an absolute epidemic of people struggling with thyroid problems, yet it's a quite story that most people never talk about. Today we are targeting one of the biggest health issues facing our world today. Thyroid problems can be the underlying cause for everything from tremendous weight loss hardships to extremely low energy levels (aka chronic fatigue.) Today brings the hope of many breakthrough moments for so many people who've been living a quite life of desperation. There are solutions available. And it starts with finally understanding the underlying cause. Not only are you going to uncover what's at the root of most thyroid problems, but you're going to have a comprehensive approach to testing, an entirely new understanding of how your diet relates to your thyroid function, and how things like exercise and stress also play a strange, key role that you may have never realized before. We are fortunate to have on renown physician Dr. Jillian Teta to help us understand the remarkable thyroid and gut health connection, and I promise you this will be a total game changer. In this episode you'll discover:
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Direct download: 146-The_Thyroid_And_Gut_Health_Connection_-_With_Dr._Jillian_Teta.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:12pm PDT |
Sun, 21 February 2016
I have a confession to make… I don’t like our society’s obsession with losing weight. As crazy as it might sound coming from someone who’s helped thousands of people lose weight, it hurts my heart a little bit every time I hear someone say they want to lose weight. Here’s why... Measuring our health by measuring our pounds on the scale has led our culture in the wrong direction. You can eat processed, calorie restrictive “health foods”, over-exercise to the point that you are catabolizing your muscle tissue, and feel bad and hungry all the time, but if you’re losing weight, that’s okay. As a matter of fact, if you’re losing weight, you’re healthy. This may come as a little bit of a surprise, but just because you lose weight on the scale it does NOT mean that you are healthy. There are many poor states of human health that come coupled with a loss of weight on the scale. And on the other side, just because your weight is higher than you may want it to be, it does not mean that you are UN-healthy. This whole weight loss thing is really relative and (more or less) confusing to the average person who just wants to look good in a bathing suit. And with the way that the media has programmed our opinions of our bodies, there are only like 5 people in the entire world who actually look good in a bathing suit. I love hearing people say that they want to be healthy. I love hearing people say that they want to take care of their body and treat their body with respect. I love hearing people say that they’ve decided to put a priority on their health, eat real foods, and move their body on a regular basis because they love it. I know those people will be more successful because not one time did they mention weight. They are devoted to doing the things that, chances are, will result in an elimination of excess weight. If health is the goal, then necessary weight loss can happen as a side-effect. If weight loss is the goal, then health can happen, but struggle and sickness can happen as well. You can lose track of what matters most, cut corners, and end up far worse than when you started off. Today’s show is focused on health. It’s also focused on more important metrics to track than the weight on the scale that can affirm to you that your journey to better health is working from the inside out. We have on the author of the New York Times bestselling book The Wild Diet, Abel James, to discuss weight loss vs. fat loss, how to support sustainable weight loss if that’s still your goal, and how to go about changing your body in a smart way that really lasts. This is information that everyone in our society today needs to know, so just click play, enjoy, and make sure to share with the people you care about! In this episode you'll discover:
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Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week! Click Here to Subscribe via Apple Podcasts
Direct download: Weight_Loss_Vs._Fat_Loss_-_With_Abel_James.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:40pm PDT |
Tue, 16 February 2016
Many of us take our health for granted until it's suddenly taken away. When our health begins to slip out of our fingers, it can be a tremendous wake up call in our lives. Some people receive the call and their life is transformed for the better. Something inside of them changes. They begin living differently. They make changes. They heal. Many other people we've known and loved have faded away quickly. They believe that nothing else can be done. They give up. There is an intermingling of these two groups of people for sure, but it's pretty clear in the research that those who recover have something very powerful in their favor. And that is the power of their mind. When you talk to physician and New York Times bestselling author Lissa Rankin about the power of the mind to heal the body, she isn't just talking about something metaphysical, she is talking about a physical transformation that takes place, and it's based on what you believe. In today's remarkable episode you're going to learn what role your mind and beliefs play in keeping you well or keeping you sick. You're going to learn the nearly unbelievable clinical benefits of fake medical treatments and how this data can be applied to your life. You're also going to discover how significant being connected to a bigger purpose in your life is, and how it's tied to your lifeline. This episode is filled to the brim with valuable insights and takeaways that will last you a lifetime. Enjoy, and make sure to share! In this episode you'll discover:
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Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week! Click Here to Subscribe via Apple Podcasts
Direct download: 144-Mind_Over_Medicine_-_With_Dr._Lissa_Rankin.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:04pm PDT |
Tue, 9 February 2016
When you're sleep deprived, you're not yourself. No... I mean really not yourself. There's a big impact on your brain, hormones, and we'll just say "emotional stability" that a lack of sleep can play. So much so that top researchers have dove in to discover just how socially messed up poor sleep can make us. Today you're about to discover how your sleep impacts the health of your relationships in ways that you could never have imagined. Even though some of the research is a little unsettling (and a whole lot surprising), it really shouldn't come as that big of a surprise to us. We all know that other people (but not you, of course) who get grumpy, irritable, and even out-right mean when they are tired. Other people (but not you, of course) can end up being unreasonable, argue for no reason, and even act more negative and pessimistic when they're sleep deprived. We've all seen it, but we may not of caught it because weren't paying attention to the details surrounding the situation (namely that the person is tired). And even though it isn't you who would normally become the big bad wolf when you're tired, this is a wake up call to see just how you may have done some things and said some things in the heat of a sleepy stupor that really were not in your normal character. Why does this matter so much? Well, or relationships are everything. From our relationships at work, to our relationships with family, to our most intimate romantic relationships, our health and our sleep quality play a big part of them every day. Today you're going to find out what's going on behind the scene, plus some insights to make sure you're showing up as your best self in the relationships that matter most. In this episode you'll discover:
Items mentioned in this episode include:Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week! Click Here to Subscribe via Apple Podcasts
Direct download: 143-How_The_Quality_Of_Your_Sleep_Impacts_The_Health_Of_Your_Relationships.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:52pm PDT |
Tue, 2 February 2016
When it comes to stress, you've got three basic options today. One, you can crumble under the weight of the stress, succumbing to things like heart disease, obesity, and depression that are all linked to chronic stress. Two, you can run from the modern world and hideout in the mountains (grow a beard), in a monastery (shave your head and/or grow a beard), or even in a naturalist colony (renounce all of your clothing and/or grow a beard). Three you can step up and do something to ensure that you are breaking the cycle of stress by learning how to enjoy our modern advances without being overrun by them. That's what The Urban Monk is all about. Dr. Pedram Shojai is here to share some of the most powerful insights you'll ever hear for taking back control of your mind and overcoming stress in a hyper-stressful world. As you'll discover today, modern day stress is like death from 1,000 cuts. It's a slow cooking of your health and vitality that can leave you tired, sick, or something far worse. Today it's time to take back your power. It's time to take back your body, mind, and energy so that you can use them to create the life you really want. Just click play and find out how. In this episode you'll discover:
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Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week! Click Here to Subscribe via Apple Podcasts
Direct download: 142-How_To_Stop_The_Stress_Cycle_And_Become_An_Urban_Monk_-_With_Dr._Pedram_Shojai.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:47pm PDT |
Tue, 26 January 2016
The life that you have right now is a result of your habits. It's not the things that you do every now and then, it's the things you do consistently that tell the real story of your life. So, if your habits are so important, how do you actually create the habits that you want and move away from the habits that aren't serving you? That's what this powerful episode is all about. Eng's Principle says, "The easier it is to do, the harder it is to change." Therefore, we must strive to make the things we want to act on each day easy, automatic, and something that comes as natural as breathing. It's true that some people feel so compelled to exercise that they will fall into depression if they don't have it. It's become easy to them; second nature even. We can all program into our mental software the information that makes our hardware consistently take action in the direction we want. And it starts by learning how we build habits in the first place. In this episode you'll discover:
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Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week! Click Here to Subscribe via Apple Podcasts
Direct download: 141-How_To_Create_Healthy_Habits_For_A_Lifetime.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:01pm PDT |
Tue, 19 January 2016
Confucius said, "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." This statement couldn't ring anymore true when it comes to changing our body's appearance. It can be one of the easiest things in the world if we simply take the complexity out of it. That's what today's show is all about. Today we're going to dive in and talk about the only 5 exercises you need to create an amazing physique. No fancy cardio machines with a lot of buttons, no complex programs, and no excuses. By mastering these 5 things you can create the most incredible physique possible. But the real benefit is in the details. You'll learn some of the big do's and don'ts, why they actually work (the science), and specific benchmarks you need to target to make sure you're getting the most out of them. Take actions to focus more on these 5 exercises and the results will speak for themselves. In this episode you'll discover:
Items mentioned in this episode include:
Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week! Click Here to Subscribe via Apple Podcasts
Direct download: 140-The_Only_5_Exercises_You_Need_To_Create_An_Amazing_Physique.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:23pm PDT |
Tue, 12 January 2016
There are not a lot of positive messages in the media today. Even when great information that provides a lot of real world value for people shows up, it's often disguised in sensationalized story; something that makes you watch but doesn't necessarily make you think. I'm so proud of the friends in my life who, as of late, have been making their way onto major network television. They are great people and great teachers who are sliding their messages of positivity and health into the mainstream and it's really amazing to witness it all. No one is more fitting for this mission than my friend Drew Manning. Drew has been on my show before and absolutely blew me away with his story. He started off as a typical gym-going, strict diet-eating, protein shake-guzzling "fit" person working as a personal trainer. He eventually found that he couldn't relate in a deep way to a lot of his clients' weight struggles, so he decided to run an experiment to change that. Drew took it upon himself to gain over 70 pounds in the course of six months and the transformation that took place was shocking! Not only did he look like a totally different person, but he thought and felt like a different person, and the veil that disconnected him from understanding his clients started to be lifted. Drew knows that his stint being significantly overweight pales in comparison to those who've struggled for years with their weight. But it opened up the bridge to understanding, and his small experiment caught on like wildfire. Drew proceeded to lose those 70+ pounds over the following six months (with immense struggle and heartache) and the experience was properly dubbed the Fit2Fat2Fit experience. Now, nearly 5 years later, Drew's experience is being duplicated by fit trainers from all over the country, to put themselves into the client's shoes for a bit in hopes to find more empathy and a better way to help people become the best version of themselves. After listening to this episode, make sure to set your timer for Fit to Fat to Fit on A&E! In this episode you'll discover:
Items mentioned in this episode include:
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Direct download: 139-Winning_The_Weight_Loss_Race_Together_-_With_Drew_Manning.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:46pm PDT |
Tue, 5 January 2016
If you're planning on making some big things happen this year, it's time to lace 'em up and get started! There's no one in the world I know better to teach you about setting and accomplishing goals than John Lee Dumas. John is, in fact, a living legend. He's been featured in many major magazines, he's an in-demand speaker, he has one of the most downloaded podcasts in the history of Apple Podcasts, he's an extremely successful entrepreneur who's had the unique opportunity to interview thousands of other entrepreneurs, he's a budding philanthropist, and just a really great guy at the end of the day. John has been able to accomplish so much, in such a short amount of time, because of the way that he structures and executes on his goals. It's not an accident; it's a system. And today, to help you take every area of your life to the next level, he's here to share that system with you. This year is yours if you're ready to plan effectively and take action. So, let's get this party started! In this episode you'll discover:
Items mentioned in this episode include:
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Direct download: 138-The_Golden_Rules_For_Accomplishing_Your_Biggest_Goals_This_Year_-_With_John_Lee_Dumas.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:56pm PDT |