The Model Health Show

Bipedal walking is one of the most distinguishing characteristics of human beings. Unlike most other creatures (and especially other mammals), we are designed to travel around on our own two legs.

What’s so fascinating is that our ability to walk on two legs activates some pretty magnificent neuroendocrine programming. Walking makes essentially everything in your body work better. And although this has been postulated for thousands of years, today we’ve got the science to prove it.

The benefits of walking have been touted since Hippocrates said that, “Walking is man’s best medicine.” That’s a pretty strong statement from the man who’s considered to be the Father of Modern Medicine. For him to make an assessment like that, walking would have to provide some pretty remarkable results. Was his tunic not wrapped right, or was he really on to something?

Even with rudimentary assessments you could see that walking made people feel better. Today, you’ll finally discover what’s going on behind the scenes, and just how much walking can lay out long-lasting benefits in your life. We tend to think of walking as a form of exercise, but it’s really a necessity that your DNA needs in order to keep you healthy. Yes, walking can help you shed some body fat (a pretty remarkable amount as you’ll learn), but the most inspiring benefits of walking have to do with the number of years that get added to your life. And when you discover how much the quality of those years is improved by walking, it will really get you laced up and walking your way to better health and fitness.

In this episode you'll discover:

  • Why walking is looked down upon in the fitness/athletic space.
  • Why walking is the #1 form of exercise the human body is designed for.
  • How pesticides actually cause health problems in the human body.
  • How barbell squats stack up against walking for human physiology.
  • The first big shift caused humans to dramatically reduce their walking.
  • The shocking impact that walking can have on belly fat.
  • Why walking is a “low hanging fruit” exercise.
  • How walking influences blood sugar and insulin sensitivity.
  • How quickly blood pressure can be improved with walking.
  • Why “quickie” workouts can be as effective as longer workouts.
  • How walking can have a huge influence on your genetic expression.
  • Why walking isn’t merely cardiovascular exercise.
  • How walking improves your immune system.
  • The shocking way that walking influences how long you live.
  • How to increase your longevity by utilizing different forms of exercise.
  • How walking can reduce stress-related hormones.
  • The specific ways that walking impacts your energy.
  • What interval walking is and how it boosts your benefits.

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When we try to change our lives by trying to change our actions, we’ll often times find ourselves falling short. This is because trying to change our actions is like trimming the branches of the problem. The problem is still there (only prettier). The real change happens by targeting the roots. And the roots are your self-perception.

Every thought you think and corresponding action you take is based on the beliefs that you carry about yourself. Your mind is constantly playing a message to itself in the vein of, “I’m the type of person that…” You think, say, and do the things based on the type of person you believe yourself to be. Anything too far outside of those beliefs is generally off limits. And this is why change can be so hard.

The solutions starts with targeting those roots and “growing” your self-esteem. How can you have a new and better life if you don’t truly feel you’re worthy of a new and better life? Without doing an overhaul on your self-esteem and reprogramming your mental settings, you’ll find yourself self-sabotaging every step of the way. You’ll unknowingly be setting up boobietraps for yourself like that kid Data from the Goonies.

Today we have on the incredible Tom Bilyeu. Co-founder of the billion-dollar brand Quest Nutrition, and superhero in the world of mindset, motivation, and impact. After you hear Tom’s story, you’ll know there isn’t anyone better to tell you what it takes to change your self-perception and create the life you really want. Listen in, take good notes, and, most importantly, apply what you learn. Tom is dropping straight jewels, so click play and dive right in!

In this episode you'll discover:

  • Why having a personal impact on the world matters.
  • Which medicinal mushroom is clinically proven to improve sleep.
  • How Tom’s desire for a film career parlayed into entrepreneurship.
  • How chasing money has significant pros and cons.
  • What passion brings to the table when creating a successful life.
  • How Quest Nutrition was born out of discontentment and not settling.
  • Why we all need to find a way to love the process.
  • How building a business is a lot like lifting weights.
  • The profound benefits from being a part of and/or growing a community.
  • How Michael Jordan’s “flu game” has a huge impact on Tom’s life.
  • Why there’s currently a pandemic of the body and a pandemic of the mind.
  • What inspired Tom to start investing in people and focus on helping others transform their mindset.
  • What Impact Theory means.
  • How to get out of a poverty mindset and cultivate a more positive, success-driven mindset.
  • Why humans always lead with belief.
  • Why you need to be careful about what you build your self-esteem around.
  • How to use “I’m the type of person that...” statements to change your life.
  • Why it’s important to give your beliefs legs.
  • How to overcome struggles with people not supporting your vision.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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There are a lot of different ways to look at strength. The typical definition revolves around a capacity for exertion or endurance. You can see strength on the field, strength in the gym, and strength on the track in its various forms. But, there’s another definition of strength that is often overlooked. It’s the ability to resist force. Strength isn’t just exerting your force on the world, it’s also being strong enough to handle it when the world’s exerting its for on you. And that’s why you need to build other muscles besides the ones that make you look good in a T-shirt. That’s why I called in Jay Ferruggia.

Jay knows a thing or 500 about building muscles and getting stronger. Today he’s going to talk to you about progressive overload and other crucial things to help you keep getting fitter as the years roll on.

More importantly, Jay is going to drop some serious knowledge on building your relationship muscles, and how to ensure that you’re strong enough to handle it when the world decides to drop a flying elbow on you (cue Rick Flair hollering, “Woooooo!” right here). Your relationships (with yourself and others) is the real key to lasting health and success. Today you’ll uncover some hidden gems that are going to help you stay happy, healthy, and successful long into the future. It begins now, in the present, with the one and only Jay Ferruggia.

In this episode you'll discover:

  • Why the internet can be a strange and scary self-diagnosis machine.
  • How 80’s icons influenced Jay to go from a skinny-fat kid to musclebound beast.
  • Whether or not 3 days of training can get you better results than 6 days of training.
  • How Jay’s training has evolved over the years.
  • Why we might want to place a higher value on being functional and not just having nice muscles.
  • What progressive overload is and how it can help you improve for Years to come.
  • How to make slight adjustments to your lifts to keep you progressing.
  • How an injury forced me to stop overlooking things I know I was putting off.
  • Why women have certain advantages in weightlifting compared to men.
  • Why changing your body doesn’t change who you are by itself.
  • Why giving compliments and encouraging others is like doing reps for your character.
  • A simple tip to make sure you maintain a healthy social life.
  • How building and supporting community can create great benefits for your health and well-being.
  • How to use visualization to improve your relationships.
  • The top 5 MCs of all-time (facts only!).
  • Easy things to implement in your day to ensure better health and success.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Every second of everyday, our minds and bodies are transforming. Transformation is a part of life. But all transformations are not created equal.

Personally, I’ve transformed from a thriving athlete, into a couch potato with extra cheese and bacon bits. I’ve transformed from being incredibly self-centered, to dedicating my life each day to serving others. I’ve transformed many times in my life (as you have too!). Some for the good, and some for the not-so-good. But, the point is that transformation is a given. It’s always happening whether you realize it or not. And the key is to get out in front of that transformation to guide your mind, body, and spirit where you want it to be.

How we transform, and what we transform into, is up to us more than we may realize. Part of the challenge with transforming our lives for the better is due to the struggles that we carry from our past. The things we’ve been through may carry a tone of, “You’ll never be able to accomplish it.” “Who do you think you are?” “No one you know has ever done this before.” “You’re not _______ (good enough, talented enough, intelligent enough, etc. [just fill in the blank with the negative things we hear and tell ourselves]).”

Truly, transformation is an inside job that has to look those things right in the face and move past them. Marianne Williamson says, “It is our own thoughts that hold the key to miraculous transformation.” We have the power inside us, but we need the tools to bring it out.

There’s an art and science to transformation, and I know of no one better on the planet to help ignite the transformation in others than our guest today. He’s impacted the lives of literally millions of people around the world, helping them to get fit, helping them to move past their excuses, and helping them to transform their lives. Shaun T. is in the house today, and if you’re ready to move past the next 10 levels in your life, then click play, open your heart, and hear what he has to say.

In this episode you'll discover:

  • How the Freshman 15 can become the Freshman 50.
  • How a six-pound weight loss can totally transform your health.
  • Why so many of us don’t want to be “seen” in a gym.
  • Which character traits Shaun had to develop to become a world-class fitness teacher.
  • How giving of yourself and serving others can help you heal personally.
  • The tragic childhood experience that shaped Shaun’s life early on.
  • How Shaun was able to turn his tragedy to triumph and help others in the process.
  • How we all develop secret superpowers from the struggles we go through.
  • Why it’s critical to love your “old self” while you’re creating your “new self”.
  • Why it’s crucial to move outside of your comfort zone and HOW to actually do it.
  • How changing up your exercise program helps to keep you fitter (and younger).
  • Why having more adventurous friends can boost your growth and success.
  • Why changing your inputs will change your outputs.
  • The profound reason you should do something uncomfortable each day.
  • Why people use busyness as a distraction.
  • Why time will no longer be the reason you can’t have the body and health you want.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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It’s time for a gut check.

Even the smallest digestive problems can be a sign of some bigger issues bubbling up. Although you may not have any noticeable symptoms of digestive distress, and instead have skin issues, struggles with your energy, joint pain, or other health challenges, today you’ll discover how many of those things are connected to the action happening in your belly.

One of the glaring issues we might notice when digestion is a little (or a lot) off is a distended belly. Being bloated is not fun, and it definitely does not make us feel sexier. Today, you’ll learn a plethora of ways to knock bloating out for good. We have the author of the bestselling books The Bloat Cure, Gut Bliss, and The Microbiome Solution, Dr. Robynne Chutkan. She’s a wealth of knowledge on a subject that we all need to be more informed about. Just push play, take good notes, and enjoy!

In this episode you'll discover:

  • Why the topic of bloating needs a greater focus by the medical and health community.
  • How I personally struggled with bloating.
  • The surprising way that conventional treatment of acid reflux can damage digestive health.
  • What your body’s microbiome represents.
  • How antibiotic use can lead to significant digestive problems.
  • The action steps you need to take if your doctor ever recommends antibiotics.
  • Why alcohol consumption might be playing a role in your digestive health.
  • How dairy products can lead to bloating.
  • The interesting difference between the male and female digestive systems.
  • How the menstrual cycle can affect digestion and bloating.
  • Why being in an improper pooping position can cause digestive distress and bloating.
  • The role that water plays in proper digestion.
  • Why yeast organisms can be healthy, benign, or problematic.
  • What’s happening with the rates of colitis and Crohn’s disease.
  • How antibiotic use is linked to autoimmune diseases.
  • How the hygiene hypothesis has influenced healthy human bacteria populations.
  • What molecular mimicry is and how it’s connected to autoimmune disease.
  • How stress can lead to bloating and digestive problems.
  • What essential role your gallbladder plays in digestive health.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Have you ever thought about how much humans are like computers? We have hardware. We have software. We can catch viruses. We process data in the form of everything from food to ideas. And, like a computer, our real power shows when we link up with other computers around the planet to affect change.

Now that we know how similar humans are to computers, let me ask you a question. Have you ever thought about who programmed you?

Yep, just like a computer, you get programmed to execute specific functions in a specific way. Your programming, most of which was done at an early age, creates the parameters by which you will live your life. Your programming creates the beliefs you carry about what you’re capable of, how you will interact with other people’s programming, and, most importantly, how you perceive reality.

Your perception is your reality. We unconsciously create a world to affirm all of the ideas we’re programmed with. We are built that way. And, if you ever try to move up against the barriers of that programming, you’re bound to short-circuit or reset to your default programming (Ctrl-Alt-Del). So, why in the world would we want to change our programming anyway?

Well, your programming can be the reason that you have such a tough time staying away from cupcakes (that was me!). Your programming can be the culprit behind some of the terrible decisions you make in your relationships. Your programming can also be controlling how much money you have in your bank account (and how quickly you find creative ways to grow your money or if money runs from you like MC Hammer after doing The Addams Family soundtrack).

Your programming determines the thoughts you think, the actions you take, and the way you live your life each moment. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to choose your own programming so that you’re thinking, believing, and doing more of the things that are serving you? When it all boils down to it, change can be next to impossible if we don’t hop in and reattach a few wires in our minds that have been unconsciously directing our lives. Today’s show is all about identifying some of these faulty programs, and putting in some new ones to start seeing some better results. Let’s go!

In this episode you'll discover:

  • How a lot of our beliefs get programmed into us as children.
  • Why self-sabotage is a real thing.
  • Simple strategies to help you retrain your tastebuds.
  • Why starting a new exercise program is actually a significant stressor.
  • Why blaming others intrinsically takes our power away.
  • How your health gives you a competitive advantage.
  • Why money is connected to a primal fear humans have.
  • How to change your money thermostat.
  • Why acknowledging positive and negative examples in our lives is so helpful.
  • How the environment you’re in determines your actions around money.
  • A simple exercise to help you increase your financial fitness.
  • What character traits are incredibly attractive.
  • How standards play a huge role in relationship success.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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