The Model Health Show

Did you know that a staggering 90% of the population struggles with anxiety on some level? For many people, navigating life through a pandemic has been incredibly anxiety-inducing. The truth is: anxiety is a natural coping mechanism that humans have evolved with over time. It’s part of who we are. We’re not going to eradicate the existence of anxiety, so we have to learn to cope with it, change the way we respond to it, and use our anxieties to our advantage. 

In her new book, Good Anxiety, world-renowned neuroscientist Dr. Wendy Suzuki outlines powerful yet simple ways we can reframe our anxiety and use it to our benefit. Today you’re going to hear Dr. Suzuki’s insights into transforming your anxiety into your superpower, why anxiety and creativity often coexist, and real tips for shifting into a place of good anxiety. 

You’re going to hear how your anxiety can make you more creative, empathetic, and resilient. I hope this episode resonates with you and inspires you to think about stress and anxiety in an empowering light. So listen in, take good notes, and enjoy this episode of The Model Health Show! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What anxiety is, and where it is created in the brain.
  • The percentage of the population had anxiety before the pandemic. 
  • How our stress response system evolved over time.
  • Why anxiety is actually a protective mechanism. 
  • How different systems in the body respond to stress and anxiety.
  • What our anxiety can tell us about our values. 
  • How to turn your anxiety into your superpower.
  • The differences between positive and negative brain plasticity. 
  • What it means to turn your what-if list into a to-do list. 
  • The power of being immersed in a positive environment. 
  • Where resilience stems from.
  • Why there’s no such thing as a negative emotion.
  • How to increase levels of BDNF in your brain. 
  • Tips for building your optimism muscle.
  • What it means to cultivate an activist mindset. 
  • The link between anxiety and creativity. 
  • What joy conditioning is. 
  • The direct connection between your olfactory system and your memory. 
  • How meditation can bring you into good anxiety. 

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We know that as viruses spread, their genetic makeup can change, meaning the virus can mutate into variants. In a scenario with mass vaccination, a mechanism called antibody-dependent enhancement can occur. This means that instead of stopping an infection, antibodies actually can become more infectious. 

On today’s show, we’re diving into a new study on antibody-dependent enhancement, or ADE. You’re going to learn specifics about how certain antibodies behave in the body, and how COVID-19 can become more infectious and transmissible through ADE. We’re going to talk about vaccination campaigns and efficacy, and what we should consider about vaccines. 

More importantly, we’re going to talk about the most urgent and relevant topic of all: how we can get our citizens and communities healthier to ward off disease and viral infections. I hope this topic resonates with you and that you walk away from this episode feeling informed and empowered. So listen in, take good notes, and join me for this episode of The Model Health Show!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What antibody-dependent enhancement is. 
  • The difference between neutralizing antibodies and facilitating antibodies.
  • How neutralizing antibodies are stacking up against the delta variant. 
  • Why mass vaccination can lead to antibody-dependent enhancement. 
  • The reason why ADE is often dismissed. 
  • How many variants there are of COVID-19.
  • Why we need to focus on improving our health, now more than ever. 
  • The truth about why cases are being highlighted in unvaccinated individuals. 
  • How ADE can make the virus more infectious.
  • The difference between relative risk reduction and absolute risk reduction.
  • What’s happening in Israel, the world’s most vaccinated population.
  • The problem with censorship in the US.
  • What the biggest risk factors are for severe outcomes to COVID-19.
  • Simple things you can do to promote immune health. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 4:13pm PST

The term self-improvement gets thrown around a lot, but what does it actually take to become a better person? Experiencing growth is much more than implementing self-care practices or reading self-help books. Real, lasting change is often accompanied by discomfort. 

At a time when mental health issues like anxiety are at an all-time high, we could all use some sustainable change. On this episode of The Model Health Show, Bedros Keuilian is back to share insights on self-mastery, overcoming trauma, alleviating anxiety, and much more. 

You’re going to hear Bedros’ experience dealing with panic attacks and anxiety, and the treatment and mindset shift he’s used to heal from trauma. We’re diving into what it takes to cultivate change in your life and the world around you. So listen in and enjoy the show with the one and only, Bedros Keuilian! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What the greatest work any human could do is.
  • How trauma affects our headspace. 
  • Bedros’ experience with talk therapy & his tips for finding a therapist. 
  • Why taking action can alleviate anxiety. 
  • The importance of self-mastery. 
  • How healing your trauma can help you experience love at its highest form.
  • What a significant life event is, & how it can cultivate change. 
  • Why we need to lean into discomfort. 
  • How trauma can lead to self-hatred. 
  • The main goal of the MDK Project.
  • What it means to address toxic cognitions. 
  • The link between addiction and trauma. 
  • How being open and honest with yourself can change your life. 
  • Why healing your trauma can make you stronger. 

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It’s been proven that chronic stress can take a toll on our well-being, and right now our society is dealing with an increasingly stressful and uncertain time. Now, more than ever, it’s critical that we have a deep understanding of the role that fear can have on our biochemistry. More importantly, we need to have access to real strategies to optimize our health and lower our stress levels. 

The more stressed we are, the more susceptible we are to an entire host of health problems and illnesses, including viral infections. On today’s show, you’re going to learn about the link between fear, anxiety, and COVID-19 outcomes. We’re diving into the studies on psychoneuroimmunology and COVID-19, immune function, and so much more. 

This episode is intended to arm you with real, sustainable strategies you can use to empower yourself, manage your mindset, and create a healthier environment that allows you to thrive. At a time when it can be easy to feel like so much is out of your control, I want to remind you of your innate power to cultivate change and transform your health. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The definition of a psychosomatic illness.
  • What the top two risk factors are for COVID-19 deaths.
  • How fear changes our biology.
  • What psychoneuroimmunology is. 
  • The impact that psychological stress can have on our immune cells. 
  • How the media perpetuates fear and stress into our citizens.
  • The connection between your mental state and your inflammation levels.
  • What percentage of Americans struggle with anxiety.
  • How stress and fear can contribute to cytokine storms. 
  • The importance that preventative lifestyle strategies have on your immune health.
  • Pros and cons of the US healthcare system.
  • Why meditation is a powerful player in your overall health.
  • How to create your own inputs, empower yourself, and transform your biochemistry.
  • Why sleep deprivation can suppress your natural killer cells.
  • The role that vitamin D plays in immune function and COVID-19 outcomes.

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:14am PST

We know that some of the largest risk factors for COVID-19 include underlying diseases like obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. While at times it might feel like there’s a lot going on in the world that’s out of our control, our ability to take care of our bodies is always in our hands. We know that there are certain habits and behaviors we can do to help our innate and adaptive immune system work at its optimal levels. 

On this compilation episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to hear from a multitude of experts from different specialties on real-world, actionable steps we can take to reduce our risk and susceptibility to COVID-19. This episode is meant to empower you with the information you need to get yourself, your family, and your community healthier. 

You’re going to learn about how habits like fasting and breathing tie into immune health, and how our immune system works in conjunction with other systems like the gut and respiratory system. You’ll hear about specific vitamins and foods you can consume to fortify your immune system, and how to avoid COVID-19 comorbidities like obesity and diabetes. So listen in, take good notes, and enjoy the show!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The link between leaky gut and preexisting conditions.
  • What happened to public health during World War II. 
  • Why fasting is one of the best ways to make your immune system stronger. 
  • The defense mechanisms tied to nasal breathing.
  • How our noses play a role in immune function. 
  • The relationship between vitamin D levels and COVID-19 outcomes. 
  • What percentage of your immune system is located in your gut. 
  • The connection between unhealthy gut microbiomes and COVID-19. 
  • What PUFAs are, and why they’re destroying our health.
  • How bad fats contribute to poor immune function and chronic illnesses. 
  • Specific compounds in broccoli that can combat inflammation. 
  • How to improve the way your immune system functions. 
  • The link between mental health, inflammation, and COVID-19 susceptibility. 
  • How chronic low-grade inflammation impairs the immune system. 
  • How COVID-19 is impacted by obesity. 

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:43am PST

Many of the personal care products that are marketed as healthy have actually been chemicalized overtime to contain carcinogens and endocrine-disrupting compounds. These little hits of toxic chemicals can accumulate in our bodies over time and wreak havoc on our overall health. This is what Darin Olein refers to as fatal conveniences. 

On today’s show, we’re diving into common fatal conveniences like store-bought mouthwashes, cough syrup, commercial flights, laptops, and so much more. But Darin isn’t here to bombard you with scare tactics about the products you might be using. Instead, he’s going to inform you on how to find healthy alternatives to your personal care products and ways to reduce your exposure to these fatal conveniences.

If you want to eliminate or mitigate your exposure to common harmful toxins, Darin is a well-informed and conscious resource on this subject. I hope you’ll leave this episode with at least one small tweak you can make to support your health, your household, and the environment. Enjoy!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What a fatal convenience is.
  • The truth about regulatory agencies, and why we need to be our own watchdogs.
  • Why eating well alone is not enough for optimal health. 
  • Which chemicals are hiding in your dental floss.
  • How mouthwash can disturb your oral microbiome. 
  • Alternative products you can use for oral health and freshness.
  • What germ theory and terrain theory are. 
  • Two ways that lip balm can damage your health.
  • Why commercial flights are a fatal convenience.
  • The problem with conventional cough syrups.
  • Why humans cough as a protective mechanism. 
  • How to block EMF signals from your devices.
  • A journaling prompt you can use to help you reach your goals.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. Its roles and responsibilities are vast, ranging from regulating breathing, processing memories, controlling motor skills, and so much more. On today’s show, I’m taking you behind the scenes of your incredible brain.

On this episode of The Model Health Show, we’re going to cover ten amazing and strange facts about the human brain. You’re going to learn about the brain’s function and structure, the nutrients it needs to thrive, and how to protect your brain. You’ll also hear about your brain’s capacity during sleep, the role of proper hydration for brain health, and so much more. 

Your unique brain is truly amazing, expansive, and one-of-a-kind. The more we understand our brains’ functions and requirements, the better we can stack conditions in our favor. I hope this episode empowers you to take control over the health and power of your remarkable brain. Enjoy!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What nociceptors are and why they’re critical for human survival. 
  • How much the human brain grows in the first year of life.
  • What percentage of breastmilk is comprised of saturated fat.
  • The role cholesterol plays in the brain.
  • What myelin is. 
  • The percentage of our caloric intake that our brain needs. 
  • How the blood-brain barrier works.
  • What neuronutrition is.
  • How the blood-brain barrier can become damaged over time. 
  • The benefits that extra virgin olive oil can have on the brain.
  • What our brains are doing while we sleep.
  • How the glymphatic system works.
  • Why the brain has a soft consistency. 
  • What percentage of the brain is made of water.
  • How dehydration impacts the brain.
  • The incredible speed at which information can run between neurons.
  • Why your brain needs oxygen. 
  • How to support your individual, amazing brain. 

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Direct download: 503_-_10_Strange_Facts_About_The_Human_Brain_FINAL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:54pm PST

One of my main missions is to remind you how powerful you are in your ability to create change. Whether it be your health, your relationships, or your career, the potential to affect change is entirely up to you. And that change begins with the power of a decision. 

Our entire lives are built upon the foundation of our decisions. Just one decision has the capability to change the entire course of our lives. Today’s guest, Mike Bayer, is a New York Times Bestselling author, the host of the Always Evolving Podcast, and the founder of the treatment center, CAST Center. In his new book, One Decision, Mike writes about channeling your authenticity so that you can make empowering and aligned decisions to improve your life.

On this episode of The Model Health Show, Mike is sharing powerful insights and tools to help you tap into your authenticity. We’ll discuss practical action plans to help you make empowered and informed decisions, the power of finding your community, and so much more. So listen in, take good notes, and enjoy the show! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What it means to be truly authentic, and how it can affect how you show up in your life.
  • Why social media makes it harder for us to be authentic.
  • A helpful tool you can use to identify what makes you feel most authentic.
  • Why depression and poor health often go hand-in-hand.
  • The importance of finding a supportive and active community. 
  • Why we’re all just one decision away from a different life.
  • The value in being a lifelong student. 
  • Real strategies to actually create change in your life. 
  • What the acronym FORCE stands for. 
  • The power of reacting based on evidence, not emotions.
  • How marketing tactics can trick us into thinking we’re supported.
  • A problem with the traditional education system. 
  • Questions you should ask yourself after scrolling on social media.
  • How pain can inspire us to create change. 
  • Why we need to change the way we think about asking for help. 

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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In honor of celebrating 500 episodes of The Model Health Show, it seemed like an appropriate time to reflect one of the main tenets of the show—to remind you of your potential and instill in you how powerful you are to affect change in your life and the world around you. 

This episode is a compilation of eight of the most powerful, inspirational, and empowering messages over the history of the show. You’re going to hear from some of the foremost experts in the world on topics like creating happiness, prioritizing your health, and changing paradigms. You’ll also hear about building your self-confidence and self-worth, how to elevate and overcome yourself, and so much more. 

Whether you’ve been along for the ride for one episode or all 500, I hope these messages will bring you value. Above all, I hope this episode will give you confidence in your ability to create your own model and build your best life. Enjoy!

In this episode you’ll discover: 

  • Where happiness truly comes from, and how to prioritize it.
  • Three buckets we can sort our experiences in to find more joy.
  • What percentage of genes are linked to disease.
  • How stress can stop your body from healing infections.
  • The link between stress hormones and immune function.
  • Two opposing paradigms that our society is facing right now.
  • The only authority that you have.
  • Why high self-confidence is critical for success.
  • The one simple thing you can do to improve your self-confidence.
  • What it means to change the thermostat in your life.
  • How to shift your identity through associations.
  • Why pressure is a privilege.
  • How to redefine terms like ego and selfishness.
  • Why a morning meditation can make the rest of your day easier.
  • The power of focusing on resetting and refocusing.
  • Why getting uncomfortable is a precursor to change.
  • How to find transformative courage.

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Category:general -- posted at: 8:37am PST