The Model Health Show

What separates good from great?

It’s usually not the presence of an innate talent, and it’s usually not a particularly unattainable skillset. What decides whether someone will be good, great, or phenomenal are “soft skills” like caring, focus, perspective-taking, continuous study, and a willingness to serve.

My guest today has all of these soft skills in spades. Not only is he a highly respected cardiothoracic surgeon, he’s gained world-acclaim and become a household name by devoting himself to sharing prevention strategies to keep folks from ending up on his office in the first place. You’d think that in the field of medicine, it would be obvious to help people prevent their illnesses in the first place (rather than being forced to treat them with drugs and surgery after the problems have occurred). Unfortunately, our culture was lost for a few decades, and that reality was simply not the case. Though, we’ve still got a long way to go, folks like Dr. Oz have stepped to the forefront to teach people how to take ownership over their own bodies.

Through his books, audio programs, and award-winning television show, he’s been teaching people all of the latest and greatest in the field of health and wellness. He knows the doctor’s role as an advocate, coach, and supplier of conventional treatment when in need. But he also knows how important it is for you to understand your OWN body and do your part as the primary caregiver to that amazing physique you live in.

On today’s show, you’re going to learn some of the best tips and insights to understand and care for your body a little better. Being that Dr. Oz’s platform is so large, he’s bound to have a plethora of criticizers waiting in the wings to downgrade the things that he’s doing. True enough, you don’t have to agree with him or anyone else 100 percent (I’d even caution you agreeing with yourself 100 percent lol!). But the reality is, he’s a pioneer in the field of health, wellness, and integrative medicine who’s helped popularize many of the commonly held facts about wellness that we’re all taking advantage of today. This episode is a real treat to know more about the man behind the mission, plus you’ll get some actionable health tips to walk away with as well. Enjoy!

In this episode you'll discover:

  • Three things that all world-class performershave in common.
  • The surprising impact that turkey tail mushroom has on ulcers, cancer, and HIV (you need to know this!).
  • What inspired Dr. Oz to focus more on preventative medicine.
  • How the bestselling YOU health books became such a huge hit (and the incredible purpose behind them).
  • Whether or not eating fat-filled nutsare associated with obesity and weight gain.
  • What metric is far more important to monitor than your bodyweight.
  • Why there’s an important benefit to your body storing fat.
  • How the hormones leptin and ghrelin work to control your appetite.
  • The huge role that your liver plays in keeping you fit and healthy.
  • Why heart surgeons use magnesiumon their patients.
  • Which heart-healthy foodsto regularly include in your diet.
  • How plants use colors to protect themselves (and what this does for you).
  • Why Dr. Oz does a 7-minute workouteach morning.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Keeping up with the Joneses is not just reserved for material objects. Today, more than ever, keeping up with the Joneses means measuring up with your body and physical appearance as well.

For decades, if you wanted to fit in with the fitness “in” crowd, slim and lean was the standard. Think, Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct, Brad Pitt in Fight Club, and Robin Givens in Boomerang. No rolls, no back fat, no thick thunder thighs were welcome. In fact, having too much thickness just might make other people uncomfortable. All the while, ultra-slim models can prance around essentially naked, and no one bats an eye.

Now, just to be clear, being super slim and lean is not the problem. That’s absolutely awesome for some people! But, who decided that that was the definition of what healthy looks like?

What we’ve come to accept as the ideal picture of health has led to a lot of body dysmorphia, and a subtle to strong belief that we’re just not good enough.

You may eat healthy most of the time, workout consistently, get plenty of sleep, and even meditate occasionally. But, because your body doesn’t look like “their” body, you just don’t realize how amazing you actually are.

Today, I want to make a change in the way that we view health and fitness. And to help make that change possible, I brought on one of the very best people making a stand to show that health and fitness has a lot of beautiful variety. Lita Lewis is my special guest, and she’s here to share her incredible story and show you how she’s been inspiring a fitness movement by being authentically herself. Enjoy!

In this episode you'll discover:

  • Why comparing ourselves to other people inherently negates our own value.
  • One of the few medicinal herbs that is proven to increase stamina.
  • How Lita Lewis won a medal at the Olympics at an unbelievably young age.
  • What inspired Lita to move from Australia to New York City.
  • How Americans have normalized working extremely long hours.
  • What events triggered Lita to fall into depression.
  • How exercise helped Lita to regain her physical hunger AND her hunger for life.
  • What inspired Lita to participate in bodybuilding figure competitions.
  • Why the field of bodybuilding is actually an extreme sport.
  • Why bodybuilding is more of a mental challenge than a physical challenge.
  • How Lita was finally able to embrace her body (curves, muscles, and all).
  • What sparked Lita’s mission of self-love and body acceptance (and created a huge social media platform).
  • How our impatient, “now, now, now” culture can set us up for failure.
  • Why we should learn to fail fast.
  • A powerful exercise that you can use to help you make it through tough times.
  • Three major things you need to do to build your best body ever.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week!

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Direct download: 288-Redefining_What_It_Means_To_Be_Fit__Healthy_-_With_Lita_Lewis.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:15pm PST

Since the beginning of humanity, I’m sure there’s been a fascination with the accumulation of a lot of “stuff”. There were probably a bunch of cave-people who had way too many animal skins and rocks hanging around just for the sake of showing off to the cave-folks in their neighborhood (this is basically the premise of every episode of The Flintstones by the way).

It’s probably a hard-wired psychological game that if you have the most stuff, you win. But the sad reality is that this accumulation gene is still alive and well within us today. As a result, there’s been a tidal wave of folks jumping to the complete other of the spectrum to become minimalist (in revolt of our typical hoarding nature). But, as with most things, there’s actually a much more balanced middle ground that you can find happiness. But, it starts with you finding out just how much the clutter in your life matters.

Seriously, this information blew me away! I had no idea how much organization in our lives could affect our food choices, our motivation in life, and our overall success. Today’s guest helps break this stuff down in a way that makes sense, and I promise that you’re going to experience ah-ha moments left and right!

Our guest in this powerhouse episode is New York Times bestselling author Chalene Johnson. She’s an icon in the fitness industry (she literally revolutionized at-home fitness with her record-breaking workout DVDs), a dedicated wife and mother, and an absolute in the world of business, personal development, and entrepreneurship. If anyone had permission to clutter-up their life, it was her. But she found that the clutter was controlling her and holding her back. Now she’s on a mission to show you just how much the clutter is affecting you, and how to efficiently and effectively de-clutter your life.

In this episode you'll discover:

  • The truth about vitamin C (it doesn’t work like you think it does!).
  • Why spending time NOT working is a big part of our health.
  • How dieting can get associated to being unhappy.
  • Why it’s critical to decide what’s most important to you.
  • Why you shouldn’t start a new diet until you get your environment de-cluttered.
  • How clutter is a psychological obstacle in our lives.
  • The shocking way that clutter can affect your food choices.
  • How tidiness in your home impacts your levels of motivation.
  • Why everything you’re exposed to requires you to make a decision (this is huge!).
  • Why hiding your clutter (aka getting clutter out of your sight) is actually a great temporary solution.
  • The belief we have about time that causes us to create clutter.
  • Powerful tips to effectively de-clutter your life.
  • Why everything needs a home.
  • The secret of do it NOW.
  • How simply paying attention to how you feel can help you to de-clutter your life.
  • Why you should never leave a room empty-handed.
  • Why it’s actually ok to be messy (you just need a good pre- and post-game routine).
  • The interesting connection between tidiness and success.
  • How clutter is linked to a scarcity mindset.
  • How to deal with sentimental objects that are cluttering your space (this is important!).
  • Why de-cluttering makes room in your life for new and better things.
  • Why guilt might be the reason that you hang on to things.
  • How to use The Four Bin Method to transform your home.
  • A great gift you can give your kids by simply tidying up one thing in their room each day.
  • How to recruit your family to keep your home safe, clean, and organized.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Have you ever avoided posts on social media just so that you don’t see any spoilers for a movie or tv show you were looking forward to seeing? And have you accidentally seen too much anyway… and you try to lie and tell yourself that you didn’t see what you saw?

I’ve literally closed my eyes and blocked my ears when movie trailers have come on television just so that I can keep the goodies in a movie a secret to myself. Maybe childish… but maybe I’ll end up enjoying the movie more than you. ;)

We live in the age of spoilers. And a “spoiler alert” is common courtesy. It used to be a big spoiler when I would share with patients and attendees at live events that their fear of dietary fat is not actually the boogie man it was made out to be. Today, the vast majority of folks who are at least semi-interested in health and fitness know that fats are a crucial part of human wellness. But… SPOILER ALERT! Not all fats are good for you. And some (that could easily pass as some of the good guys), are really deadly villains in disguise waiting to end your stint in the movie called life.

In this episode, we have on New York Times bestselling author of the hit book Genius Foods, Max Lugavere. Max has an awesome story, and a pretty unique experience that makes him well suited for investigating the plot behind the battle of healthy fats versus deadly fats. We’re about to cover that and a whole lot more. So, click play, then lights, camera, action!

In this episode you'll discover:

  • Why paying attention to your brain health is more important than ever.
  • Which type of fuel burns cleaner in your body.
  • The heartbreaking experience that drove Max Lugavere to become an expert in nutrition and brain health.
  • What journalists and scientists have in common.
  • The shocking results that the FINGER Study revealed about improving brain function as we age.
  • Which two carotenoids have been found to improve visual processing speed.
  • What Genius Foods are.
  • Why more health-conscious people tend to get less variety in their diet it (this is ironic!).
  • Which category of food can make your brain 11 years younger on average.
  • Why it’s important to eat your salad with some healthy fats.
  • Which food source of dietary fat has the greatest amount of evidence proving its benefits for human health.
  • The difference between polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, and saturated fats.
  • Which dietary fat can support your body’s use of ketones.
  • How polyunsaturated fat extracts can potentially impact your neurotransmitters in a negative way.
  • Why oleic acid (which is found in olive oil) is critical for our cells.
  • How finding good olive is like finding good weed.
  • What amyloid plaque in the brain might indicate.
  • How DHA plays an important role for your brain.
  • Why vegan sources of omega 3’s might not be a viable source of nutrition for humans.
  • Why you need to be mindful of the omega 3 to omega 6 ratio in your diet.
  • Why plants need exposure to stress to provide us with the most benefit.
  • The interesting impact that fish oil has on the brain.
  • Why avocados are a seriously healthy, genius food.
  • Why vegetable oil is not vegetable oil (wait, what?).
  • How ketone production in the body can be misleading.
  • How anthocyanins influence human health (and what special food you can find them).
  • What the colors of foods actually indicate.
  • Why egg yolks can be considered nature’s multivitamin.
  • Whether or not eggs are bad for your cholesterol.
  • How to prepare your eggs to get the most benefit from them.
  • Why creatinine is essential for your muscles AND your brain.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Have you ever let fear stop you from doing something that you really wanted to do? Fear of rejection? Fear of failure? Fear of what other people might think? Well, don’t worry, you’re not alone.

Fear is often used as a tactic to control people. The media at large today, for example, utilizes fear to direct people’s beliefs and opinions about the world. Many of them sensationalized, and blatantly not true on many levels. But we accept them anyway, because fear is a very primal thing we’re driven by.

Fear can be used to control others, but the most unsuspecting and pervasive use of fear, is the fear we use to control ourselves.

Fear is a valuable evolutionary feedback system that helps to keep us safe. The problem with fear, however, is that it has not evolved with the times. Today we have literally millions more data inputs to be fearful about than our ancestors had. The sheer amount of things we have to be worried about can be overwhelming. Not to mention when the big choices come up in life (what career to choose, who to partner with, who to marry, whether or not to name your kid a direction — North West is super original, right?), stack it all together, and it can all be a bit much.

The big point to get is that fear is going to be a normal part of your daily life, and that’s okay! Our incredible guest today is going to share with you how to work with that fear, and accomplish some of the important things that you were born to do.

I didn’t choose the words “born to do” lightly. Whether you believe in destiny or not, you most definitely have a unique path in life that no one will ever replicate. You also have unique gifts that only you possess. Uncovering what your gifts are can be life-transforming to say the least. And in this episode, we’re going to deconstruct how to discover your innate gifts too.

It’s a big promise, but there are few people on the planet who know how to address these things like today’s guest CJ Quinney can. When you hear his story, you’ll know exactly what I mean. The tips, tools, and insights from this episode will be valuable to you for a lifetime. So, click play, listen in, and let’s take things to another level!

In this episode you'll discover:

  • Why your choice of mayo could down-regulate our friendship.
  • The surprising benefits of chia seeds.
  • Why CJ got a Masters degree and then proceeded to quit his job (even though he didn’t have any money).
  • How a message can be transcendent and impact people of different paths.
  • One of the initial steps CJ and team took in taking their content from relative obscurity to being an international brand reaching millions EACH DAY.
  • How to endure difficult circumstances and stay focused on your goal.
  • Why consistency is ridiculously underrated.
  • Why there’s two types of people when it comes to fear.
  • Why success is always relative (this is huge!).
  • How to find out what your unique gift is.
  • Why excellence attracts excellence.
  • What the catalyst was behind CJ’s 100-pound weight loss.
  • How developing character is the key to a rich life.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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There’s hardly anywhere you can go in our modern society and not get your hands on a cold, fizzy soda pop. Whether you call it a soda, soda pop, pop, or just a plain old Coke, they’re as much a part of our world as reality tv, smartphones, and tiny dogs.

Fun fact, in certain parts of the U.S., millions of people refer to ALL types of soda as a Coke. In southern states like Alabama and Mississippi, when someone says, “Grab me a Coke”, the common reply would be, “What kind?”. And when you hear the Coke-wanting person reply with, “A Sprite”, don’t get confused and give them the side-eye.

Sodas seem to have been a part of our culture for a very long time. But, where did it all begin? Today we’ll be exploring the humble beginnings of the world of soda, and I guarantee it’s going to eye-opening (and maybe even a little trippy).

We’re also going to cover the impact that soda is having on the health of our world’s citizens today. We’ll look at how it all got to this point and, most importantly, we’ll talk about some solutions that we can apply to help get us all back in balance.

In this episode you'll discover:

  • When the first soft drinks in history made their appearance.
  • What a soft drink actually is.
  • How carbonated water became popularized.
  • Who created the first artificially carbonated mineral water.
  • Who the “Father of Soda” is and the crazy stuff he was making drinks out of.
  • Which soda-like beverages predated the arrival of the first massively popular soda.
  • Why pharmacists were huge initial advocates of drinking soda.
  • The surprising health benefits of the phytonutrients found in ginger.
  • What some of the original ingredients in root beer were (times have changed!).
  • The surprising secrecy behind Dr. Pepper’s original formula.
  • Whether or not Coca-Cola actually has cocaine in it.
  • Which soda originally used the mood-altering drug lithium.
  • How one of today’s most popular sodas has a historical connection to moonshine.
  • How soda distributors are driven to create heavy users.
  • The shocking impact rampant soda drinking can have on bone density.
  • The truth about whether you should be on an alkaline diet or not.
  • How most conventional pesticides affect our health.
  • Whether or not there’s a clear relationship between drinking soda and obesity.
  • The surprisingly small amount of soda consumption it takes to cause insulin resistance.
  • How sugary beverages can lead to cardiovascular disease.
  • How sodas can easily become addictive.
  • The connection between diet sodas and neurological disease.
  • Which sodas kept me alive (while killing me slowly).
  • Types of soda that failed miserably.
  • How soda companies deeply embed themselves into certain groups and cultures (be mindful of this!).
  • The top 5 alternatives to guzzling sodas.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Direct download: 284-The_History_Of_Soda-Medicine_Marketing__Moonshine.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:24pm PST