Tue, 28 April 2020
TMHS 409: Building Financial Strength & Being Productive In Times Of Crisis With Guest Amy Porterfield
We’re in the thick of a complicated and uncharted time of human history. Aside from the devastating effects of the virus, many folks are finding themselves financially distressed from the shift in our economy. I want you to know that within every crisis lies an opportunity, and if you’re looking for an opportunity, now is your time. While the word recession might conjure up negative connotations, history shows us that these economic shifts have always created a path for new ways of doing things. Many businesses are pivoting toward offering online services, and with a little creativity, you can do the same. I believe that no matter who you are or where you come from, you have unique skills and gifts you can offer to the world. Today, you’re going to learn how to make an income from those gifts. In this episode, you’re going to learn from one of the best online business coaches in the game, Amy Porterfield. Whether you’re temporarily working from home, have lost your job, or are an existing entrepreneur, Amy is bringing incredible value that you utilize to come out of this pandemic better than before. You’re going to learn how to harness your existing skillset to create revenue streams, how to set clear boundaries when you’re working from home, and how to identify your unique expertise. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 409-Building_Financial_Strength__Being_Productive_In_Times_Of_Crisis_With_Amy_Porterfield.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:24pm PDT |
Tue, 21 April 2020
Now, more than ever, we’re immersed in an influx of information, notifications, and a plethora of stimuli fighting for our attention. Between our devices, ads, and social media, our brains are easily held captive to endless distractions. While none of these distractions are inherently evil, it’s our responsibility to monitor and intentionally direct our attention. If you want to learn how to harness the power of your mind, there’s no better person on the planet to learn from than Jim Kwik. Jim is the world’s foremost expert in accelerated learning and memory, a speed-reading expert, and the most frequent guest on The Model Health Show! Jim is back on the show to share more of his game-changing tips to upgrade your brain, accelerate your learning skills, and unlock an exceptional life. You’re going to hear about how to expand your mindset, motivation, and methods so that you can truly be limitless in whatever you wish to achieve. As always, Jim is serving up concrete and effective tools you can use to maximize your potential and harness your superpowers. You’re going to learn how the things that keep you stuck in a rut are the very things that can empower and liberate you. I truly hope you enjoy (and apply) the powerful insights from this episode. In this episode you’ll discover:
Items mentioned in this episode include:
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Direct download: 408-Master_Your_Focus_In_Turbulent_Times__Unlock_Your_Limitless_Brain_-_With_Guest_Jim_Kwik.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:07pm PDT |
Tue, 14 April 2020
During this unprecedented time, we’re all at home—but on some level we’re all in this together. If you find yourself itching to get back to normalcy, it’s important to remember that this time is an opportunity for significant growth and introspection. None of us will come out of this unchanged, but it’s up to you to determine how you will cope. Will you allow your mind to become consumed by fear and anxiety, or will you choose to manage your stress and practice peace? My mission is for you to come out of this experience better and stronger than you came into it. On today’s show, you’re going to learn about maintaining your health at home, understanding your risk level, and optimizing your mind and body to thrive under any circumstance. You’re going to learn about understanding the root cause of the pervasive fear in our society, and how to find inner peace when the world seems overwhelming. This episode contains tips for building mental health and clarity, plus how to shift your workout regimen while you’re stuck at home. I hope this episode inspires you to remain internally calm, healthy and connected no matter what is happening in the world. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
Items mentioned in this episode include:
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Direct download: 407-How_To_Reduce_Anxiety_And_Maintain_Your_Health_During_A_Lockdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:38pm PDT |
Tue, 7 April 2020
What are the action steps you need to take to get from where you are to where you want to be? Most people have dreams and ambitions, but no idea how to reach them. Today you’re going to learn about how to create a roadmap to reach your biggest goals. For over 40 years, Jack Canfield has been teaching folks from all walks of life how to reach their potential and create a life they love. Jack is a multiple New York Times bestselling author, founder of the Chicken Soup for the Soul publishing empire, and one of my personal mentors in life. Today, he’s here to share the life-changing insights from his newest book, The Success Principles Workbook. You’re going to hear some of Jack’s best and most effective principles to success. I know from personal experience that if you apply these tips and strategies, you’ll see profound changes in your results. So listen in and take detailed notes—this episode is a game-changer! In this episode you’ll discover:
Items mentioned in this episode include:
Be sure you are subscribed to this podcast to automatically receive your episodes: Join TMHS Facebook community - Model Nation
Direct download: 406-Taking_Action_In_Challenging_Times__The_Success_Principles_-_With_Guest_Jack_Canfield.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:07pm PDT |