The Model Health Show

Becoming empowered is a process of gaining knowledge, and then putting it into action. When I started my career in the health field, my intent was to empower people with the tools to help them reach their goals—whether that be losing body fat or reversing disease.

I’ve been fortunate enough to serve countless people in my clinical work and in the gym. But stepping up and putting a show out there for the public at large has really been a game-changer on so many levels. It’s taken that reach from the thousands to the millions. And I’m just blown away every time I think about it. And I’m ON FIRE to keeping taking things to another level.

On today’s show, we’re celebrating our 300th episode by highlighting ten impactful and very special moments from the past 100 shows. We’ve got slices of insight and inspiration from many different areas that impact our health and well being. I think this will help supercharge your day. And I want to thank you for celebrating 300 episodes with me! I’m eternally grateful to you for making The Model Health Show a special part of your life!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The life-changing experience that brought the Model Health Show into existence.
  • How serving and inspiring others leads to true fulfillment.
  • What epigeneticsmeans, and the truth about disease.
  • The power of forgiveness, and how to become receptive to possibilities.
  • What it means to be metabolically flexible.
  • Why our bodies are designed to store fat (and how to make your metabolism more efficient).
  • Why it’s important to take ownershipover your power and influence.
  • The surprising link between motivation and having an organized space.
  • What the research really says about eating dietary fat.
  • The truth about multitasking (and how it compares to sleep deprivation!)
  • How to build mental focusby eliminating distraction.
  • Why there is immense power in owning your story (especially the painful parts).
  • How food scientists literally hijack your brain chemistry and manufacture addiction.
  • The widely-accepted myth about calorie consumption.
  • The three things you need to do to go from average to phenomenal.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Direct download: 300_-_300th_Episode_Celebration_-_My_Top_10_Favorite_Moments.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:03pm PST

No matter what your goal is, a clearly defined purpose is key to success. If you haven’t outlined why you’re working toward change, you’ll quickly become unmotivated and give up.

But it’s not enough to simply have a motive. In order to create lasting change, your why should have meaning behind it. Your why should give you a purpose, bring you fulfillment, and inspire you on days when motivation is lacking.

Once you define your why, everything becomes much clearer. Whether we’re talking about fitness, money, or life in general, a fulfilling purpose is a catalyst for change.

On today’s show, my friend Drew Manning is back to share the lessons he’s learned about discovering a meaningful purpose, practicing gratitude, and developing a stronger sense of empathy. We’ll talk about the dangers of staying in your comfort zone, the importance of learning self-love, and how to find strength in vulnerability.

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The biggest lesson Drew learned throughout gaining and losing 70 pounds.
  • Why changing your perceptionis so important for your health.
  • How our culture’s “all or nothing” mindset fails us.
  • The importance of self-lovewhen striving toward your goals.
  • Why you should honor your body’s individual version of healthy.
  • Three key thingsyou can do to motivate people in your life to be healthier.
  • What it truly means to live by example (and why the alternative doesn’t work!)
  • How judgement and misunderstanding have created a huge gap in the fitness world.
  • How to begin to build empathy, and why it can be so life-changing.
  • The power of vulnerabilityin health, fitness, and life.
  • Why having an aesthetics-based motive isn’t sustainable long-term.
  • The truth about channeling motivation (even for fit people!)
  • How to avoid burning outin fitness.
  • Why you should be open to doing things you aren’t good at.
  • The importance of breaking outside of your comfort zone.
  • How practicing gratitude can influence your success.
  • The profound effects of positive affirmations.
  • Why being stagnant is actually moving backwards.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week!

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If you were to type in your search engine, “how to lose fat,” I bet you’d find a lot of articles emphasizing the importance of diet and exercise. Undoubtedly, those two components play a major role in changing your body composition. But there’s a huge piece of the puzzle that is missing from common knowledge—sleep.

If you really dig into the science, you’ll find that your sleep quality plays a more important role in fat loss than diet and exercise! However, this information has not (yet!) made its way into our culture. Sleep isn’t part of the conversation, because it is seemingly less actionable than meal prepping or putting in work in the gym.

In this episode, my mission is to help you understand the importance of sleep for your body, hormones, and overall fitness. I’ll share facts and strategies about regulating hormone levels, and how sleep influences the body’s basic mechanisms (including the brain and gut!) You’ll learn four actionable steps you can take to enhance your sleep quality, and in turn improve your body.

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How sleep quality is affected by your hormone function.
  • Why our culture devalues the importance of sleep.
  • How to take responsibility for your sleep routine.
  • Why utilizing a sleep aid is a temporary solution for insomnia.
  • The difference between visceral fat and subcutaneous fat.
  • How sleep deprivation can influence your metabolic systems.
  • Which type of fat is the most dangerous, and how it relates to sleep deprivation.
  • The importance of melatonin and the two factors that help regulate your levels.
  • Why environmental darkness is crucial for deep sleep.
  • The role of Human Growth Hormone in the body (and how it relates to sleep!)
  • What factor is the biggest epigenetic triggerfor your aging process.
  • The shocking effects of sleep debt on the thyroid gland.
  • How a lack of sleep can diminish your willpower.
  • The three main (destructive) ways the body reacts when we are under stress.
  • In what part of the body the majority of melatonin is produced.
  • The importance of cortisol managementfor overall health.
  • The incredible link between gut health and sleep quality.
  • How probiotics and prebiotics work together in the gut.
  • An essential list of sleep-supporting nutrientsto incorporate in your diet.
  • The danger of antibiotic overuse on the body’s ecosystem.
  • The link between screen time and melatonin production.
  • What science says about natural sunlight (and what time of day to maximize exposure!)
  • Four actionable stepsyou can implement in order to regulate your sleep cycles.
  • The ideal sleeping temperature for humans.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week!

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Direct download: 298-The_Sleep__Fat_Loss_Masterclass.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST

Eating isn’t as simple as consuming calories for energy. With the advent of frozen dinners and drive-thrus, we’ve lost sight of the importance of proper nutrition, and how what you eat can influence your health long-term.

Food is information, medicine, and nourishment. The quality of food you put in your body literally affects everything—from the way you feel and look, to how you perform. Science now shows that what we choose to eat ultimately influences the expression of our genes.

By understanding how to properly fuel our bodies, we can not only transform our health, but also the health of future generations. On this episode, Dr. Cate Shanahan is back to share her in-depth research (yet simple philosophy) on the optimal human diet. Her influential work has transformed the way I think about nutrition, and I know it will inspire you to implement positive changes in your life.

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why new science takes time to infiltrate into traditional wisdom.
  • What it means to eat in alignment with what your genes are expecting.
  • How the food we eat can actually influence the expression of our genes.
  • The definition of epigenetics, and how it can effect human growth.
  • Two of the most toxic substancesthat can negatively influence gene function.
  • How family planning has changed over time, and how it can affect brain development.
  • The impact of nutritional deficiencies on a woman’s body during pregnancy.
  • The disruptive effects of sugarconsumption on hormones.
  • Why you should know (and understand) your fasting blood sugar levels.
  • The amount of sugar in the body’s bloodstream (and how to keep your system in check!)
  • Which health condition is a precursor to diabetes.
  • How gestational diabetes can affect a child’s weight long-term.
  • The science behind how the collagen you eat bonds with damaged collagen in the body.
  • How consuming bone broth can mimic the effects of Botox.
  • A powerful testimony of how Kobe Bryant used bone broth to recover in record time.
  • The implications of collagen consumption on beauty.
  • What the phi ratio is (and how it relates to attractiveness!)
  • The surprising links between vegetable oils and sugar cravings.
  • What the three C’s and three S’s are, and why you should avoid them at all costs.
  • The guiding principleyou can use to determine whether or not an oil is healthy.
  • Why our cells can’t properly use processed vegetable oils (and the scary consequences).

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week!

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When it comes down to it, making small changes consistently is what will bring you lasting results. No matter your skill or knowledge level, there are a few simple lifestyle changes you can make to completely transform your health.

In this episode, I’m taking it back to basics and sharing some tried-and-true health tips that you can easily implement into your routine. I’ll explain a few essential nutrition, movement, and sleep tips that are scientifically proven to help you look and feel your very best. If you’re ready to take your health to the next level, today’s show is for you!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The importance of striving for better while still having appreciation for what you have.
  • The approach you should consider before turning to medication or supplementation.
  • How your environment influences your habits.
  • How consciously building new habits can rewire your brain.
  • The four levelsyou go through when mastering any new behavior.
  • How to overcome unconscious self-sabotage.
  • The two main factors that lead to embracing new behaviors.
  • What conscious competenceis (and how to make it part of your routine!)
  • The mind-blowing link between eating greens and the brain.
  • What science really says about eating fat, and how it relates to your body composition.
  • What the best (plant-based and omnivorous) sources of omega-3s.
  • The data behind what drinking enough water can do for your brain and body.
  • The one exerciseyour body is truly designed to do.
  • How building muscle can help you recover faster.
  • Why it’s important to engage in activities you love.
  • How having a screen curfew can immediately improve your sleep quality.
  • The best appsfor adjusting your device’s color temperature (and why it matters!)
  • What a cortisol reset is, and how to know if you need one.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week!

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Direct download: 296_-_3_Simple_Keys_To_Take_Control_of_Your_Health__Fitness.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:03pm PST

It’s important to have goals, but being fixated on the end result can actually be a huge obstacle to your overall success. Whether you’re trying to top a personal record at the gym, or drop some pounds before a vacation, there will frequently be times that you will fall short. And that’s okay, because it’s part of the process that forges greatness.

If you can flip the switch in your mind to become process-oriented instead of results-oriented, a whole new world of joy and success will open up for you. How you react in those difficult moments can be a powerful testimony to your strength. If you accept defeat and stop moving toward your goal, you will have gained nothing. But if you can understand that hardship is simply part of the process, you’ll come out stronger on the other end. Success isn’t strictly about results. Part of the journey is embracing the process and gaining experience along the way.

Our guest for today’s show is Jeff Bercovici, journalist, athlete, and author of the mind-blowing book, Play On. He is sharing his insights and extensive research from his new book, including what makes longtime professional athletes successful, and the keys to quick recovery. Jeff has put in the work to help you implement the strategies (and science!) necessary to perform at a higher level for years to come.

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The scientifically proven benefits of massage therapy.
  • The difference between strength and power.
  • Which function of our muscles decline first with age (and how to keep it stronger, longer!).
  • The intriguing science behind antagonist muscle activation.
  • How exercise can work as a virtual fountain of youth.
  • The surprising way exercise affects your brain’s gray matter.
  • How balancing freshness and fitnesscan maximize your performance.
  • What muscular compensations are (and how they can lead to injury).
  • The incredible emergent technology behind calculating injury risk.
  • How one NBA coach changed the paradigm around rest and recovery.
  • What proprioception is, and how it can help you prevent injuries.
  • The psychological and physiological traits that elite older athletes have in common.
  • The profound impact of high intensity interval training(and how it relates to longevity).
  • What chunking is and how it can speed up your mental processing.
  • Why learning to love the processand experiencing joy leads to greatness.
  • The incredible benefits of being process-oriented.
  • What the data really says about trends like cryotherapy and infrared therapy.
  • The main cornerstonesof sports recovery.
  • How supplemental collagen can help your body heal and repair faster.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week!

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