The Model Health Show

Gut health is at the foundation of human health—it impacts everything from mental health to blood sugar, to skin health, and more. The more we learn about the impact of gut bacteria on human health and diseases, the more we can make changes that promote vibrancy and healing. One of the pioneers in the space of gut health and the microbiome is Dr. William Davis.

Dr. William Davis is a cardiologist, a New York Times bestselling author of the Wheat Belly series, and the author of the new book, Super Gut. In Super Gut, Dr. Davis makes the case that a disrupted microbiome and small intestinal bacteria overgrowth are at the root of a myriad of health concerns. By addressing the dysfunction in the gut, we can improve inflammatory diseases, promote a healthier body composition, get better sleep, and so much more. 

In this interview, Dr. Davis is discussing incredible insights on the link between the microbiome and our skyrocketing rates of diseases. More importantly, he’s sharing simple, actionable steps that you can take to cultivate a healthy gut and vastly improve your health. I hope you enjoy this episode of The Model Health Show!

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What hypothalamic inflammation is, and why it matters.
  • The numerous effects of lactobacillus reuteri.
  • Why homemade yogurt is superior to store-bought yogurt. 
  • How overexposure to antibiotics and other drugs is destroying our microbiomes.
  • The problem with wheat and glyphosate.
  • What endotoxemia is. 
  • Why a disrupted microbiome is the root cause of so many of our health conditions.
  • What SIBO is and how it occurs.
  • A gentler method for treating SIBO. 
  • Why eating fermented foods can restore the health of the microbiome. 
  • How your microbial health can impact your dialogue and mood. 
  • The link between inflammation and leaky gut. 
  • How the USDA’s food guidelines are making us fatter and inflamed. 
  • The connection between magnesium, vitamin D, and inflammation.
  • How the overprescription of antibiotics is hurting children. 
  • The biological benefits of breastfeeding. 
  • Specific action steps to heal your gut. 

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We know that people who have underlying metabolic dysfunction, such as type 2 diabetes or obesity, are at a higher risk of developing complications and poor outcomes from COVID-19. When it comes down to the root of what’s causing our underlying susceptibility to this virus, the topic of immunometabolism cannot be overlooked. The growing field of immunometabolism refers to the complex relationship between the immune system and metabolism. 

Since the immune system and the metabolism are so closely linked, one of the best things we can do to support the function of our immune system is to optimize our metabolism through cultivating healthy habits. For instance, getting quality sleep, strength training, and eating in a way that optimizes blood sugar can support your metabolism, and in turn strengthen your immune system’s defenses. One of the most prominent voices in the space of immunometabolism and COVID-19 is Dr. Tyna Moore. 

Dr. Tyna Moore is a board-certified naturopathic doctor and chiropractic physician. With nearly three decades of experience practicing medicine, Dr. Moore is passionate about teaching folks how to build resilient bodies and take responsibility for their health. This episode contains powerful insights on COVID-19 susceptibility, taking charge of your wellness, and why basic lifestyle changes can have the biggest impact on your overall health. I hope you enjoy this interview with the one and only, Tyna Moore! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What percentage of the average American’s diet is ultra-processed foods.
  • Dr. Moore’s personal experience with chronic illness and viral infections. 
  • The connection between obesity and COVID-19 susceptibility. 
  • Why taking care of yourself is only your responsibility. 
  • The mindset component of chronic pain. 
  • What inflammaging is. 
  • The connection between the metabolism and the immune system. 
  • How viral infections impact blood sugar. 
  • What viral titers are and why they matter. 
  • Why exercise is a protective factor against COVID-19.
  • How fear impacts the brain. 
  • What happened when Dr. Moore gave up alcohol. 
  • Why you should aim to be harder to kill. 
  • The war on good health, and how to take responsibility for your own health. 
  • How emotional baggage can manifest as poor health. 
  • Why we let our ego get in the way of critical thinking. 
  • What it means to trust your body. 
  • Why true health is a journey, not a destination. 

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Did you know that a healthy self-esteem is associated with better health outcomes? Studies show that people who possess a positive sense of self-worth have fewer mental health conditions, tend to live longer, are generally healthier overall. This is due in part to the fact that the beliefs we hold about ourselves dictate who we are, how we operate in the world, and ultimately our potential in life. 

Since our sense of self-worth impacts our lives on such a profound scale, it’s essential that we cultivate the knowledge and skills necessary to build confidence. Our self-esteem is not an inherent, fixed trait; it’s something that we can grow and develop over time.  

On this episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to learn about ten practical ways you can build your confidence and self-esteem. You’ll hear about daily habits you can implement, mindset shifts to adopt, and why now more than ever, building up your self-worth is of utmost importance. I hope this episode empowers you and arms you with the information you need to cultivate a healthy sense of self-worth. 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How your belief system shapes your reality. 
  • The connection between low self-esteem and mental health conditions.
  • What the true definition of self-esteem is. 
  • The number one driving force of the human psyche.
  • How to keep the promises you make to yourself.
  • The importance of surrounding yourself with empowering, valuable people.
  • How to wisely use the gift of contrast to set standards for yourself.
  • What it means to advocate for yourself.
  • How to strengthen your “no muscle.”
  • The dark side of people-pleasing.
  • How to teach your children about self-esteem and boundaries.
  • What we can learn about human nature from the Milgram study.
  • How your diet and your confidence are related.
  • The link between insulin resistance and sleep deprivation. 
  • Why you should make personal development part of your daily routine.
  • What it means to practice being authentic and congruent with who you truly are. 
  • How to utilize comparison in a healthy way, without letting it diminish you. 
  • The best way to build mental resilience.
  • How helping and serving others can build up your self-worth.

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm PST

In recent years, the science of gut health has rapidly evolved. The more we learn about gut health and the microbiome, the more we understand about human biology in general. At a time when inflammatory conditions and food sensitivities are at an all-time high, taking a look at what we can do to positively influence our gut health is of upmost importance. 

Our gut health is connected to so many processes and systems in our bodies. It might sound obvious that your gut health impacts your digestion, but it can also play an important role in things like mood, hormone balance, and immune function. The empowering thing about gut health is that our daily habits have the potential to make a powerful impact. Everything from our nutrition to our sleep patterns, and even our exposure to sunlight, can impact the health of our microbiome. 

One of the most knowledgeable experts in this field is Dr. Amy Shah. Dr. Shah is a double board-certified physician who specializes in gut health, circadian medicine, and fasting. On this episode of The Model Health Show, she’s back to share fascinating information on how gut health impacts our hormones and mood, what circadian medicine is and why it matters, and how time changes like daylight-saving time can throw off our circadian clocks. I hope you enjoy this episode with the brilliant Dr. Amy Shah! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What the mind-body-gut connection is, and what it impacts.
  • How your mood and your gut health are connected.
  • The link between mental health and the microbiome. 
  • How your clock genes work, and why they need natural light for optimal function.
  • What percentage of our bodies’ functions work on a circadian rhythm.
  • How simply getting more sunlight can change your body.
  • Why environments like casinos are so damaging to our cells. 
  • The connection between circadian rhythms and obesity. 
  • How your gut bacteria can influence your taste and cravings.
  • The disconnect between medical professional culture and healthy habits.
  • What the hygiene hypothesis is.
  • How your gut bacteria communicate with your immune system.
  • The link between hormones, the immune system, and gut health.
  • How long it takes to see positive results by influencing your gut bacteria. 
  • The critical role that relationships can play in your overall health. 
  • What social jetlag is. 
  • The definition of circadian medicine. 
  • How time changes create an imbalance in our circadian rhythms. 
  • What Dr. Shah’s morning routine looks like.

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“Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow.” – Swedish Proverb

Our relationships are the most impactful, integral elements to our success, our happiness, and our health. Learning how to cultivate and foster healthy interpersonal relationships is a necessary life skill that we can all work on. And at a time with so much turbulence and divisiveness in our world, this skill is more important than ever. 

Today’s guest, Sheleana Aiyana, is the founder of Rising Woman and the author of Becoming the One. Her mission is to help others heal their relationship patterns and foster conscious, healthy relationships. On this episode of The Model Health Show, Sheleana is sharing foundational principles for changing your relationship patterns, working on self-discovery and healing, and how to make room in your life for healthy love. 

You’re going to hear why building a strong relationship with yourself is the key to happiness, how to heal trauma, and why forgiveness is an important component of health. Sheleana is sharing her story of healing relationship patterns, and how you can build stronger relationships with yourself and those around you. I hope this interview resonates with you and is helpful on your journey. Enjoy!  

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The root of the word relationship. 
  • How our past wounds can impact our relationships. 
  • Why reclaiming a relationship with yourself is of upmost importance. 
  • The problem with our culture’s messaging around finding the one. 
  • Why relationships of all kinds are the greatest gift.
  • How working through our trauma can help us show up better in relationships.
  • The major issue with the rescuer trope in popular films and books.
  • Why healing yourself is so important. 
  • How being in nature can help heal your nervous system. 
  • An important distinction between boundaries and walls. 
  • How our confidence and self-trust influence our relationships. 
  • Why having an understanding of your values can help you choose healthy relationships. 
  • What it means to date yourself. 
  • How connecting with animals can help us heal.
  • Why the ability to name your emotions is a critical skill. 
  • The power of forgiving your past self. 
  • Why forgiveness is beneficial for your health, and how to move through anger. 
  • How to notice when your values are out of balance. 

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Have you ever been introduced to a person, and then immediately forgotten their name? Or have you ever read a passage from a book, but then realized you didn’t actually process or retain what the words said? Our brains are extremely powerful, yet we can easily find ourselves in these situations where our memory and recall fail us. And it’s not because there’s something wrong with us; it’s just that we haven’t grasped the necessary skills needed for this type of mental performance. 

If you’ve ever wanted to strengthen your mental muscles and harness the power of your mind, the best person on the planet to learn from is Jim Kwik. Jim is a world-renowned learning expert who specializes in accelerated learning and speed reading. He’s also a skilled speaker and podcaster, and a repeat guest on The Model Health Show. 

On today’s show, you’ll hear powerful segments from my previous interviews with Jim Kwik. This episode contains game-changing insights on how to actually remember people’s names, how to read faster, how to make better, more informed decisions, and so much more. Click play to hear Jim’s best tips for memory improvement and accelerated learning! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why now is an especially important time to be able to think critically.
  • The impact that multitasking can have on your productivity. 
  • Why multitasking is a misnomer.
  • The digital supervillains that hold us back from focusing. 
  • An important distinction between recognition and recollection. 
  • Why names are harder to remember than faces. 
  • What the Pomodoro technique is, and why it’s helpful for focusing. 
  • Which of your senses is most connected to memory and recall. 
  • Why handwritten notes are more effective for retaining information.
  • Two powerful elements for taking better notes.
  • An effective visual strategy for remembering names.
  • How using a visual pacer can increase your reading speed by nearly 25%.
  • The importance of setting boundaries with your devices.
  • What the six thinking hats are, and how they can help you make better decisions.
  • How to learn and recover from a bad decision.
  • The role your environment plays in your decision-making skills. 
  • An exercise for finding a balance between logical and emotional thinking. 
  • Why changing your identity can in turn change your habits.
  • The power of continuously asking questions. 

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Billions of folks log into social media platforms every day to share life updates and photos, form connections with other humans and create communities based on similar interests. When you sign up for an account with one of these popular platforms, you must agree to their terms of service. This means the company can decide that your content does not align with their community standards, rendering your account censored, shadowbanned, or even deactivated. 

Centralized, private social media companies own all your data, and technically it is within their rights to dictate what is and what is not allowed on their platform. The problem is this type of framework interrupts our freedom and our online relationships. And if we want freedom, we must stop expecting permission to be free from traditional social networking companies. Zion is the world’s first decentralized social network, built on bitcoin. Its mission is to create a place for people to connect freely in an authentic way. 

Zion CEO, Justin Rezvani, and cofounder JP Sears are here today to have an honest discussion about censorship on social media, unapologetic freedom, and how Zion aims to change the future of social media. This episode contains discussions on the value of true, uncensored human connection, the role of bitcoin in social media, and the importance of decentralization on the internet. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why freedom, community, and connection are all human needs.
  • The solution to misinformation on the internet. 
  • Why democracy is an experiment. 
  • The importance of being open-minded and able to evaluate multiple perspectives.
  • How disconnection can cause disease.
  • What the junk food version of connection is.
  • The difference between acceptance and agreement. 
  • How social media platforms make a profit, and who their customers are.
  • Why the current paradigm of social media is our fault, and how to move away from it.
  • The problem with most alternative social media platforms. 
  • A major difference between peer governance and platform governance on social media. 
  • What digital democracy is. 
  • The difference between the centralized century and the decentralized century. 
  • Three core tenets of Zion.
  • What a decentralized identity is.
  • Why Zion is censorship-resistant, decentralized, and a facilitator of human connection.
  • How the business model for Zion is different from other social media platforms.
  • A conversation on bitcoin as an asset class and a payment network. 
  • Why fiat currencies are losing value.
  • What unapologetic freedom is. 

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Our personal relationships have a far-reaching effect on our happiness, our success, and our health. Our connections with others are the truly the backbone of all aspects of our lives. Studies show that having strong social connections can boost your self-esteem, lower your susceptibility to mental health problems, and even increase your longevity.

Having social support is an innate and instinctual part of being a human. We are profoundly shaped by our environments, including our interpersonal relationships. In fact, our need to connect is hard-wired into our DNA. Throughout human evolution, we have always relied on and been connected to others socially. 

On today’s show, we’re diving into the power of cultivating healthy relationships, including what key qualities of a strong relationship, and eight warning signs of an unhealthy relationship. You’re going to hear five specific attributes of a healthy relationship, as well as eight critical signs you should adjust or let go of a relationship. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why humans evolved as tribal creatures. 
  • The synergistic dynamic between your self-esteem and your relationships. 
  • How the pandemic has affected relationships. 
  • Why your perception dictates your reality.
  • What the number one driving force of the human psyche is. 
  • How the human brain syncs up with other brains. 
  • What mirror neurons are, and how they impact your communication skills.
  • How your amygdala impacts your emotions.
  • What instinctive elaboration is. 
  • The impact of asking empowering questions. 
  • Five specific attributes of healthy relationships. 
  • The importance of expressing gratitude for the people in your life.
  • Why respect is a vital component to a healthy relationship.
  • How honesty can help you grow.
  • Eight critical signs you need to make adjustments in your relationships. 
  • What to do when a relationship causes you to sacrifice your integrity. 
  • The importance of being surrounded by people who celebrate your wins. 
  • Why you should gain clarity on which relationships add value to your life. 

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