The Model Health Show

“We don’t accomplish anything in the world alone… and whatever happens is the result of the whole tapestry of one’s life and all the weavings of individual threads form one to another that creates something.” – Sandra Day ‘O Connor 

Our relationships are the most influential thing in our health, success, and overall happiness. In fact, having bonds and connections with other humans is critical to thriving. And while social media has made it easier than ever to connect with others, we need to think of it as a complement to our connections instead of a replacement for real human interaction.

On today’s show, you’re going to learn about the role that connections and community can have on your life. Dhru Purohit is here to share how deep and meaningful friendships can help you thrive. You’ll learn how strong relationships can support your well-being, and how connecting with others can help you reach your goals. 

You’ll also hear practical applications to create intentional relationships, and how to prioritize connection in your life. Dhru is fiercely passionate about this subject and its implications, and I know you’re going to find value in his insights. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How having a strong and supportive community can help you reach your health goals.
  • The role that human connection plays in our lives, and how it has evolved over time.
  • How to use social media for connection (without letting it replace real interaction!)
  • Why caring what others think is hardwired into our DNA. 
  • How selecting your group of friends is the ultimate form of biohacking. 
  • Why it’s so important to consciously choose your circle of friends.
  • The difference between logistical friends and intentional friends. 
  • Why you should consider taking an inventory of your friends. 
  • The truth about why it’s harder to make friends as an adult. 
  • How making friends is similar to dating.  
  • Two tips for making connections with others. 
  • Where to go to find like-minded individuals.
  • Why deep networking and connection are the key to career satisfaction.
  • How putting others’ dreams and goals first can elevate your life. 
  • What an opt-out event is, and how to integrate it into your schedule. 
  • Why it’s especially important for men to put energy into relationships. 

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One of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal is your ability to make a decision. If you think about it, most of the pivotal moments in your life can usually be traced back to a transformative choice to create change. From overhauling your career path to transforming your health, chances you have experienced at least one of these impactful moments that fundamentally changed who you are. 

I hope today’s show will inspire you to take the initiative and start creating more positive outcomes in your life. You’re going to hear from Dr. Joe Dispenza, who is an expert on creating change, harnessing the power of your mind, and unlocking human potential. He is a New York Times best-selling author, researcher, national lecturer, and someone who has had a profound impact on me personally. 

This interview is a deep dive into quantum physics, the power of being conscious and having an intention, and how to get in the driver’s seat of your life. Get ready, because Dr. Joe Dispenza is going to help you break out of your hardwired patterns, experience major paradigm shifts, and start living more intently. 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The inspirational story of Dr. Dispenza’s healing after being hit by a truck.
  • How defining moments revolve around a decision. 
  • Why change is so uncomfortable. 
  • How unconscious behaviors function like computer programs. 
  • What it means to cause an effect in your life. 
  • How your thoughts can create your reality. 
  • Why you have to unlearn in order to relearn. 
  • The incredible power of making a decision with firm intention. 
  • How morning meditation can influence the rest of your day. 
  • Why leaving the present moment depletes your energy.
  • How your genes can actually adapt and change. 
  • The biological shifts that can occur from practicing meditation.
  • Why the quantum is like looking in the mirror in a dressing room. 
  • How changing fear to gratitude can regulate your heart and immune system.
  • Why you should express gratitude prematurely.
  • How self-regulating your emotions can make you an overall happier person. 
  • What it means to be the creator of your life.

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What could you accomplish if you simply had the audacity to try something different? How could your life change if you were bold enough to step outside of your self-imposed limits and labels? Some of the greatest rewards in life are available to those who have the courage and open-mindedness to step outside of the confines of a comfort zone and try something new. 

It’s normal to feel reassured and content in your habitual, ordinary way of doing things—especially if you are successful and happy in those patterns. But what could happen if you said yes to an opportunity to grow? This doesn’t mean you have to switch careers or move across the country, but consider the ways you could grow and learn by implementing a small shift in your life. There is immense value in picking up a new hobby or trying a new class, traveling to a place you’ve never been, or even just switching up the types of content you consume. 

Our guest today is an incredible example of what can happen if you allow yourself to be open to opportunities. Phylicia George has established herself as one of the top athletes in the world. She is the first Canadian black woman to compete in both the summer and winter Olympics, competing in both track and bobsleigh. Her story is a powerful testimony to what can happen when you have the audacity to dream big, are receptive to possibilities, and are willing to put in the work. I know her story will inspire you to get uncomfortable and seek out opportunities in your own life. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The benefits of learning multiple sports as an adolescent. 
  • What you can learn from working beside people who are more skilled and experienced.
  • How Phylicia became a summer and winter Olympian.
  • The most difficult part of being injured as an athlete. 
  • How Phylicia pivoted from track to bobsleigh. 
  • The power of sport to unite people. 
  • Why personifying the voice inside your head can help you achieve more.
  • How to stop comparing yourself, and instead focusing on what you can control.
  • What you can learn from having the willingness to fail. 
  • The danger of living inside your comfort zone. 
  • What it felt like for Phylicia to become an Olympic medalist. 
  • Why being fearless isn’t realistic, and how to cope with fear. 
  • How acclimating to being uncomfortable can help you grow. 
  • The important life lessons that can be extracted from playing sports.
  • How to grow past your self-imposed limits. 
  • The power of trying something different. 

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The human brain is notorious for writing narratives and then assuming them as fact. If you’ve ever tried to make a change in your life, chances are you’ve experienced this. Thoughts like, “I’m not a runner,” or “I’m not disciplined enough to eat healthy” are powerful and downright convincing.

Your brain loves a good story, even if it’s one that doesn’t serve your best interests. These limiting beliefs constrain our growth, but they are undeniably powerful and difficult to break free from. When it comes to aging, what kinds of stories are we telling ourselves? What if instead of considering aging an inevitability, we think of it as a preventable disease?

Scientists around the world are studying the molecular causes of aging, human longevity, and how to reverse aging. Dr. David Sinclair is one of the world’s leading experts in this field, and his new book Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don’t Have To, is a game-changing, paradigm-shifting guide to living a longer, healthier, and more vibrant lifespan. 

This episode is a conversation on human longevity, lifespan, and anti-aging. Dr. Sinclair is going to arm you with all of the ground-breaking science, as well as practical takeaways you can apply to your daily life. His work will encourage you to question everything you believe about aging and inspire you to think differently about your own health and longevity. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What xenohormesis is. 
  • How Dr. Sinclair got interested in human biology.
  • Why we accept aging as inevitable. 
  • What the Information Theory of Aging is. 
  • The meaning of epigenome. 
  • What percentage of our longevity is genetic. 
  • How longevity genes are activated by lifestyle habits. 
  • Why aging is like playing the piano. 
  • The benefits of eating less frequently. 
  • What mTOR is, and how it can predict longevity.
  • How resveratrol works, and how to get the maximum benefits. 
  • The health benefits of red wine and chocolate. 
  • What Metformin is, and when it is appropriate to consume. 
  • The link between calorie restriction and mood. 
  • How having drive and purpose can make life easier. 

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Direct download: 381-Why_We_Age_And_Why_We_Dont_Have_To_-_With_Guest_Dr._David_Sinclair.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:54pm PST

Most people are aware of the basic physical contributors to health, like a well-rounded diet, a good night’s rest, and regular exercise. But we also have psychological needs that play a significant role in our overall wellness—and having a sense of purpose is at the top of the list. Emerging science shows that having a life purpose is associated with better health and a longer lifespan. 

But there’s a huge misconception about what it means to have a life purpose. Having meaning in your life isn’t necessarily the result of divine intervention or some sort of lifelong cosmic mission. No one assigns you a purpose—you choose it. You get to take the initiative and decide where you plan to place your intention. Another misconception about purpose is that it only gets one overall defining purpose. The truth is, your purpose can and will change over your lifetime. At certain stages of life, your purpose can be as simple as being kind to every person you meet or committing to being more present in your relationships.

Today we’re going to dig into the science behind how having a purpose improves your health. I’ll also share my personal experience with finding and changing my own life mission, and you’ll hear a compilation of some of the best advice we’ve had on the Model Health Show surrounding uncovering your purpose and creating meaning in your life. This particular topic has been on my heart recently. I sincerely hope something in this episode will resonate with you so that you can tap into your unique life purpose and create change in your life. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • The surprising link between lack of purpose and cardiovascular disease.
  • How your health and your purpose are interconnected. 
  • The main barriers that block you from finding your purpose. 
  • How my personal mission has evolved over time. 
  • What it means to have intention deficit disorder.
  • How setting boundaries can help you discover your purpose. 
  • The power of a random act of kindness.
  • Why taking the focus off yourself can help you become more connected.
  • How to identify your unique gifts.
  • Why comparison can stop you from identifying your purpose.
  • The link between having passion and mental health. 
  • How social media can block you from understanding your value. 
  • The power of forgiveness to open possibilities.
  • Why it’s so important to have a mission and a focus. 
  • What to do if you are unsure of your mission.
  • Why not sharing your gifts can limit and agonize you.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Direct download: 380-The_Surprising_Connection_Between_Your_Purpose_Health__Success.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST