Tue, 26 December 2023
The most effective way to reach your goals is by transforming your mindset. In order to achieve your goals in the new year, it’s critical that you understand the role your mind plays in solidifying your habits. When you’re able to change the way you think, by default you begin to change your behaviors. On this episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to hear four inspirational messages to remind you of your ability to affect change and create the life that you want. You’re going to hear powerful insights about how your identity influences your actions, the best methods for overcoming negativity, and how setting an intention can spark transformation. You’ll also hear groundbreaking truths about how to utilize strategies like forgiveness and reframing your challenges can change your outcomes. This compilation features four incredible thought leaders in their respective fields, including Michael Beckwith, Ed Mylett, and more. I hope this episode reminds you of your power and inspires you to reach your goals. So click play, listen in, and enjoy this episode of The Model Health Show! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Thanks to our sponsors. This episode is brought to you by Onnit. One of the ways that Ed and I connect is our love of fitness, our love of training our bodies so we can show up stronger and more resilient in our day to day lives. And for me, it's all about practicality and understanding things that are going to happen in our lives that are going to be obstacles in our goals to getting to the level of fitness that we want to get to. So we can have aspirations of going to the gym every day or going on a hike or going for a walk every day. But stuff happens. Life happens. Things come up. And so over the years, I've been collecting different pieces of fitness equipment, different tools, low-cost tools that I always have on hand when plans change and I can't get to where I want to get to. So I always have something at home and also for my family to utilize as well. And so this is why I'm such a huge fan of unconventional training, not just the typical push-pull methods of training, but being able to focus on all of these remarkable stabilizer muscles and having a level of tone and definition that you typically don't see with people in my age bracket, for example, but also the functionality and being able to express myself in all these remarkable, creative, fun ways. Because we want to be able to continue playing and having fun as we age as well. And a big part of that, for me, has been utilizing unconventional training with the fitness tools from Onnit. They are the company that brought steel clubs and steel maces and their incredible primal kettlebells to the market. Things that have become popularized with other companies. Onnit is the originator. They've had partnerships with Marvel, with Star Wars, like you just can't partner up with companies like that, but it's because they are the real deal. They are the industry leader when it comes to utilizing these tools. And also they have top tier science backed. Literally, they run some of their supplements through double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trials, and they're based on earth-grown nutrients. So their Shroom Tech pre-workout has been run through a placebo-controlled clinical trial, and it is proven to increase your stamina, to increase your bench press and squat reps. It is truly remarkable. And the same thing holds true with their nootropic alpha brain. And so not only do they have steel clubs, steel maces, and their primal kettlebells, and so many other pieces of incredible fitness equipment that again, I highly recommend you pop over there and grab yourself at least one of these fitness tools to utilize this year. Add something to your repertoire, but also they have the very best human performance supplements that you're going to find. And you get everything that I just mentioned for 10% off store wide when you go to on onnit.com/model, that's onnit.com/model, upgrade your dedication to fitness, get yourself one of these pieces of equipment to have on hand at your home. And also they're fun. And they're amazing to be able to utilize. You could do sometimes dozens or even over 100 different exercises with some of these pieces of equipment. It's truly remarkable. And also again, incredible nutrition as well. So check them out onnit.com/model. This episode is brought to you by Pique Tea. Whenever a special guest comes into the Model Health Show studio, everyone is offered some of the most health-affirming and nourishing teas for them to sip on. Now, whether that's matcha green tea or one of my favorite teas, which is the fermented tea called pu'er. It's all about creating an environment for health and wellness within the body. In particular, when it comes to pu'er, it's about creating an environment of having a healthy microbiome. A study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry found that pu'er is able to potentially reverse gut dysbiosis by dramatically reducing the ratios of potentially harmful bacteria and increasing ratios of beneficial bacteria. One of the major ways that pu'er is able to do this is its high concentration of polyphenols that are remarkably beneficial for our gut flora. Now, the only pu'er that I drink and that I offer to my special guests is the fermented pu'er that utilizes a cold extraction technology making this pu'er at cold to low temperatures for up to eight hours. And this patented process gently extracts the natural antioxidants and polyphenols specifically and provides them in a way for maximum efficacy. And it's wild harvested. So this is beyond organic, making it even more rich in polyphenols. Plus it's triple toxin screened for one of the highest levels of purity. These are the teas from Pique Life. Go to piquelife.com/model. That's P-I-Q-U-E-L-I-F-E.com/model. And you're going to get up to 15% off their incredible fermented pu'er plus free shipping and other bonuses like free tea samples with some of their pu'er tea bundles. And their tea samples actually come with a 12 pack of different tea varieties for you to try out some of their different and they have over 20 award winning teas at Pique life. Again, go to piquelife.com/model for up to 15% off free shipping plus a free sample pack of their incredible teas. Go there right now. piquelife.com/model and check them out.
This episode is brought to you by Organifi. one thing I know about Michael Beckwith because I've been at his house, I see all the nutrition he is about that life when it comes to nourishing, as he calls it, the body temple. He knows that his ability to express, his ability to serve, his ability to reach his highest potential and to stay at a high vibration has a lot to do with how he's taking care of his body. And one of the things that him and I are both big fans of is utilizing superfood concentrates. And one of my favorite superfood concentrates is a blend of the most powerful super-fruits. In particular, red, blue, that hue. That is an indication of certain antioxidants that have remarkable benefits. For example, Acai has the highest orac value meaning its concentration of antioxidants of any of the popular fruits that you see in the produce aisle at any conventional grocery stores. Now, Acai has an orac value of over 100,000. That's about 10 times more antioxidants than common fruits. And how does that show up? Does it actually translate over for our bodies? Well, a study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry found that Acai does in fact raise participants' antioxidant levels, demonstrating how effectively it is absorbed by our microbes, by the human gut. Our bodies really do vibe well with Acai. That's why it's popping out here on the streets right now. But we want to make sure, again, that it's organic. And these superfood concentrates. What if you blend Acai with, for example, blueberry, which researchers at the University of Michigan published data affirming that blueberries can actually affect genes that are controlling our ability to burn fat. Plus, combine that with the power of something that's well documented to increase our endurance. A study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that beet juice is able to increase stamina of study participants 16% during exercise. These are just some of the ingredients, the superfood ingredients in the Organifi red juice formula. It is free of conventional sugars. It's all organic. This is great for the kids. Kids really like Organifi red juice as well. It's a huge upgrade from the conventional Kool-Aid and Flavor Aid that many of us grew up with. This is a way to get all of these incredible nutrients infused into our bodies, into our cells by enjoying something like organifi red juice. Head over to Organifi.com/model and they're going to give you 20% off their incredible red juice blend. Go to organifi.com/model. That's Organifi.com/model for 20% off store wide, including their incredible all organic red juice blend. And now for our final segment, in this inspiration compilation, to give us some rocket fuel as we head into the new year.
Direct download: TMHS_751_-_4_Ways_to_Transform_Your_Mind__Achieve_Your_Goals_Faster_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Sun, 24 December 2023
Anxiety is one of the most pressing mental health issues plaguing our society. And in recent years, the rates of diagnosed anxiety have skyrocketed. On today’s show, you’re going to learn about how your gut bacteria impacts your mental health, and the most important nutrition principles for reducing anxiety. Dr. Uma Naidoo is a Harvard trained psychiatrist, nutritional specialist, and a professional chef. Her work is focused on Nutritional Psychiatry, the intersection of mental health and food. In her groundbreaking new book, Calm Your Mind with Food, Dr. Naidoo outlines how to use nutrition as a powerful tool for healing anxiety and calming the mind. Today, Dr. Uma Naidoo is back on The Model Health Show to share the latest research on the gut-brain connection, and how the Standard American Diet is causing high rates of anxiety and other mental health conditions. She’s sharing practical tips for improving your mental health, what to include on your plate to fend off anxiety, and the pillars to creating a calm state of mind. I hope you enjoy this conversation with the one and only, Dr. Uma Naidoo! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Thanks to our Sponsors! This episode is brought to you by HVMN. it's important to understand that our capacity, our mental health, our physical health, these are all driven by energy and having energy allotted, energy available to literally think the thoughts that we want to think, to be able to have more self-control and self-management of our minds, of our thoughts. We can get depleted very quickly, you know, especially in today's society. Again there's so much coming at us. And so having some supportive nutrition is obviously critical. And right now with innovation there are some things that are kind of head and shoulders above other things when it comes to energy, and in particular numerous studies, including a study published by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, AKA the FASEB journal, have found that exogenous ketones can be up to twenty-eight-percent more efficient in generating energy than glucose alone. Plus studies have found up to a 15% increased mean power output After recovery when utilizing ketones, helping our bodies to heal and to recover. There's something really special about these exogenous ketones, but we've taken a mighty jump from the conventional ketone esters. When we now are able to utilize ketone IQ, go to hvmn.com/model and get your hands on ketone IQ. I've personally experienced ketone IQ improving my cognitive performance and Specifically my endurance during my workouts. And for most people, this isn't gonna be for everybody, but for most people they notice this the very first time utilizing ketone IQ. I know that I did. And you know, of course over the years, I've been in this field for about 21 years now, and I've utilized so many different things. It's very rare to find something where you see a noticeable improvement immediately and that's what I experienced. Again this is not necessarily gonna happen for everyone, but for the majority of people utilizing ketone IQ, this takes their energy to another level. But here's the key, without any strange jitters or crashes or anything like that. It's just utilizing a primal energy system in our bodies for performance. So check them out. Go to hvmn.com/model and you're going to get hooked up with 30% off your first subscription order automatically. All right. So again, that's hvmn.com. And get your hands on ketone IQ. This episode is brought to you by LMNT. Neuroplasticity, the ability of the human brain to grow and adapt and evolve and really to unlock our superhuman capacity is driven by our experiences, our practices, our activities, but also our nutrition. Fascinating new research published in the journal Neuron found that magnesium, this key electrolyte, is able to restore critical brain plasticity and improve overall cognitive function. Again, neuroplasticity is the ability of our brain to change and adapt. Now this is one key electrolyte, but it works in tandem with other electrolytes like sodium. Sodium is critical for maintaining proper hydration of the human brain. If you didn't know this, the human brain is primarily made of water. We're talking somewhere in the ballpark of 75%, upwards of 80% water. It's so important because just a small decrease in our body's optimal hydration level, what's noted in the data, just a 2% decrease in our baseline hydration level can lead to dramatic cognitive decline. Helping to sustain and maintain proper hydration levels in the brain, sodium is critical in that. And also, researchers at McGill University found that sodium functions as a quote, off-on switch for specific neurotransmitters that support our cognitive function and protect our brains from numerous degenerative diseases. Right now, the number one electrolyte company in the world is delivering a gift for new and returning customers. With each purchase of LMNT, that's LMNT, the number one electrolyte in the market, no binders, no fillers, no artificial ingredients, no crazy sugar and sweeteners. My friend's son was just over at our house and my son, my oldest son Jordan, was training them, taking his teammates through some workouts and we opened the freezer and there's a bottle of Gatorade. There's a bottle of Gatorade in our freezer. And my wife's like, who's this? Cause we know we don't roll like that. We don't mess with the Gators, all right? We don't mess with the Gatorades. And we knew who it was, it was one of his friends. And he came in, he's like, well, at least this is the no sugar kind. And then I go through some of the ingredients with him and I find those curve balls of like, here's where they're sneaking in these artificial ingredients and things that the human body has no association with. But you know, he's taking a step in the right direction by being in our environment. So you know what I did? I put the LMNT in his hand. All right, make sure that he's got the good stuff, the very best stuff. And also this is backed by peer reviewed data and a huge body of evidence. And we're talking about the folks at LMNT, that's LMNT. Go to drinklmnt.com forward slash model. And you're going to get a special gift pack with every purchase, whether you're a new or previous customer with LMNT. So again, this is a brand new opportunity, free gift pack with every purchase over at LMNT. Go to drinklmnt.com forward slash model.
Direct download: TMHS_750__Why_the_American_Diet_Is_Fueling_Higher_Rates_of_Anxiety__with_Uma_Naidoo.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Tue, 19 December 2023
Routine is an important component of creating healthy habits, but around the holidays, it can be tempting to throw your routines out the window. Having strong sleep hygiene year-round can help lower inflammation, fight off diseases, and help you enjoy your holiday celebrations with your loved ones. On this episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to hear five science-backed strategies to improve your sleep quality and have a silent night this holiday season. We’re going to discuss the statistics around sleep deprivation and a multitude of health conditions. You’ll also learn about how things like sugar, light exposure, and nutrient intake can impact your sleep quality. A good night’s sleep is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. I hope this episode encourages you to have a happy, healthy, and well-rested holiday season. So click play, listen in, and enjoy these tips on how to have a silent night! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Thanks to our sponsors! This episode is brought to you by Levels. When we're consuming something that is higher in sugar closer to bedtime, we can of course get a sugar spike and we might even be so tired, we end up going to sleep a little bit later, maybe even an hour or two later, but we can drop into hypoglycemia during our sleep, so we get this sugar spike and then our blood sugar can go way too low while we're sleeping, we might not consciously wake up, but it can be enough to wake us about a sleep, but we might not consciously wake up, but it might pull us out of our specific sleep cycles that we need to rejuvenate our bodies and our brains. In particular, we can damage our REM sleep, our rapid eye movement sleep. This is where a lot of memory processing and cognitive healing and function take place, so memory processing is converting our memories like what you're learning right now into your short-term memory and helping to facilitate the activity of our glymphatic system, the glial cells in our brain, to clean out metabolic waste from our brain while we're sleeping. So there's a lot of cool stuff taking place that's going to get disrupted if we are having a blood sugar spike and then crash because we're going a little bit too hard with the Christmas goodies, the holiday goodies before bed.Alright, so now again, keep in mind, this does not at all mean that we can't have some holiday treats. And especially, again, and this is a random occasional thing, but when we're consistently doing this, this can definitely be disrupting our sleep quality. We wanna be up and enjoying the holidays to have good energy and to enjoy our friends and family, enjoy our time to recover and to recalibrate, and a big part of that is improving our sleep quality, and so whether we are having some Christmas cookies, for example, my wife just made some Christmas cookies. We had a meal, our dinner meal was whole real foods and recipes like what are in the Eat Smarter Family Cookbook by the way and had a great dinner. Then we had some Christmas cookies. Alright. And having that along with... We just had some high quality protein and non starchy vegetables and things like that with the dinner, is going to reduce the glycemic load or the glycemic impact of those cookies, for example, but also the quality of things really helps as well. The more ultra processed and refined the ingredients, which is what we tend to do obviously when we're making treats and things like that is going to show up more so with dysregulated blood sugar. And so just being mindful of certain things like this, and the real issue by the way, is excessive sugar from added sugar, alright, from highly refined sugars, that is really the culprit. It's not all sugars creating sleep disruption. In particular, not the sugar found in nutrient-rich fruits, because people might be like, "Well, I can't have fruits in the evening then?" That's not the case at all. In fact, a four-week study cited in the Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that consuming two kiwi fruits in the evening led to improved sleep onset, meaning people fell asleep faster, improved sleep duration and improved sleep efficiency in adults with self-reported sleep disturbances. Alright, the key here is there's a plethora of sleep supportive nutrients in foods like kiwis, which we're gonna talk more about that shortly. But overall, for each of us, we just wanna be more mindful of not eating too many sweet treats close to bedtime. This does not mean that we can't dabble, alright, but also keep it in mind if it's around dinner and getting a real food nutrient-dense meal in and having a treat here or there, not an issue at all, alright, but we're talking specifically looking through the lens of improving and supporting our sleep quality, and that's the key, so number one is to lay off the candy canes late in the evening, but keep in mind whether it's a candy cane or even what we deem to be a healthy real food item. Maybe it's a sweet potato, for example, maybe it's the kiwi fruits that we talked about, maybe it's some apples, whatever the case might be, our bodies are going to respond differently versus someone else. We all have a unique metabolic fingerprint, a very unique microbial fingerprint as well. We got trillions of bacteria that are interacting with these foods and determining how our body, how our blood sugar is responding. And so we cannot have a cookie-cutter method of knowing which foods are ideal for helping us to maintain a healthy blood sugar, and blood sugar variability is one of the key biomarkers for determining our health preventing disease and determining also how long we're going to live is deeply correlated with having good blood sugar management. So this year is the year to stop guessing how foods are impacting us. We can actually track this. Our blood sugar is something that we can track in realtime and provide personalized data on how various foods influence us, and also how things like sleep and sleep deprivation influence how our bodies are responding to certain foods as well. For this valuable information and what's helping hundreds of thousands of people right now, I personally use the CGMs provided by Levels. So these continuous glucose monitors from Levels shows us in real time how food affects us, as compared to someone else, through these continuous glucose monitors, also Levels provide their incredible app that pairs with CGMs, these continuous glucose monitors, to give us personalized data in realtime, we could see how different things are impacting our blood sugar, and right now, Levels is providing listeners of The Model Health Show incredible access to their CGMs and their amazing Levels app. Go to levels.link/model. Go there right now, and when you get their annual membership, they're going to give you two months for free. So again, that's levels.link/model. That's LEVELS.link/model. Go there right now and take advantage of this. Stop the guesswork. We can actually find out how various foods, how sleep, how stress impacts our blood sugar. Alright, get this data. Use this as empowerment as we head into the new year. These CGMs and the Levels app and the Levels team is phenomenal. There is nobody better in the world at giving us this data, this personalized data, so again, levels.link/model. This episode is brought to you by Four Sigmatic. giving Santa instead of the conventional, some people leaving Santa some whiskey, some people leaving Santa some eggnog, instead of the conventional, if we're looking to have a silent night to improve our sleep quality. There is something so remarkable about sipping on some Reishi in the evening. A study that was published in the Journal of Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, found that this renowned medicinal mushroom Reishi was able to significantly decrease sleep latency, meaning that it helped test subjects to fall asleep faster. It was found to improve overall sleep time and also found to improve non-REM deep sleep time and REM sleep time as well. Another recent study published in the Journal, BMC Microbiology sought out to uncover why Reishi medicinal mushroom appears to improve sleep quality even for individuals with diagnosed insomnia, but here was the key, why is it able to do this without all the well-documented side effects seen with other conventional sleep aids, namely sleep medications. Reishi is able to improve sleep quality without negative side effects. The study titled exploration of the anti-insomnia mechanisms of Reishi looked at how reach impacts changes at the genetic level to bring about improved sleep quality. After their analysis, the researcher stated "Reishi mainly affects target genes and the pineal body amygdala nucleus, prefrontal cortex, cerebellum and other regions which regulate rhythm-related physiological processes." Sleep is all about the rhythms. So all about the rhythms, the circadian rhythms, and being able to efficiently go through our sleep cycles. Sleep is just something we do. We don't have to try to do it, most often, we have to get out of the way of what's disrupting the sleep quality, pulling those things out of the way. Our bodies know what to do if our bodies are presented and supported and put in the right conditions. And what Reishi appears to do is to actually target genes that influence how we're going through our sleep cycles, but not coming in as like a blunt instrument and knocking us over the head to knock us out. This is actually changing the conditions in the body, this is affecting our genes, it's affecting our microbiome, and this is thousands of years, thousands of years of data affirming this. This is very unique, and I'm not exaggerating this. We've got documentation, we're talking about ancient Chinese medicine, this has been utilized for a very, very long time, and our modern science is affirming what's been known for centuries. And so in addition to that, just to talk about how not only does this not have negative side effects and it's beneficial side effects, because we also wanna keep Santa healthy. Research published in the Journal of Pharmacological Sciences has found that the polysaccharides found in Reishi have extensive immuno-modulating effects, including promoting the function of antigen-presenting cells, humoral immunity and cellular immunity. Another study citing the Journal Mediators of Inflammation, showed that Reishi was able to enhance the proliferation of T-cells and B-cells as well, so again, leaning into cellular immunity and also humoral immunity. Many of these aspects are our immune system, yes, being able to target and take out pathogens, but also learning, being able to improve literally the memory of our immune cells so that they're more efficient at taking out foreign pathogens. Alright it develops an intelligence and humoral immunity so that we don't get sick from the same things again. It's such an important aspect of our health, and Reishi is able to do this. So really, really amazing. Obviously, Reishi is just in a different stratosphere, and again, I'm a big fan of not coming in with a blunt instrument and forcing ourselves to go into sleep, because we don't wanna get like a pseudo sleep, we wanna go through our sleep cycles efficiently and effectively, and this is why I'm a big fan of Reishi. And so, but the key is, where do you get it and get it with real efficacy, because a recent study was done finding that 80% to upwards of 90% of the medicinal mushroom products out there don't actually have the part of the mushroom or any mushroom at all, some of them didn't even have any, but the parts of the mushroom that create these therapeutic effects. Alright. The company that goes above and beyond, does a dual extraction of these medicinal mushrooms with Reishi, a hot water extract and an alcohol extract to get the beta-glucans, to get to triterpenes, to get all these different compounds that actually help to improve our health. And I'm talking about the folks at Four Sigmatic. Go to foursigmatic.com/model. That's FOURSIGMATIC.com/model. You're gonna get 10% off store-wide including their Reishi elixir. They also have a great Reishi hot cocoa that so many people are a huge fan of sipping on that in the evening, so when there's benefits there with that cacao as well, with the magnesium and tryptophan and other things that we're gonna talk a little bit more about soon, but all combined into one incredible beverage. Now, keep in mind, if we're doing the Reishi elixir straight on its own, this is earthy. It's an earthy tea, alright. Nobody said it's delicious. Alright, but you could jazz it up a little bit, maybe adding some high quality fats of your choice, some Stevia, whatever the case might be, you could find a way or if you're just into, oh, this is a earthy kind of herbal tea that deeply improves my sleep quality and also my health overall, that's what you're gonna find by sipping on Reishi, and you will always find the Reishi elixir in my cabinet. So go to foursigmatic.com/model for 10% off store-wide, and now it's let's move on to number four on our list of five ways to have a silent night and improve our sleep quality. This episode is brought to you by PaleoValley. Another one of these important good sleep nutrients is featured in the journal appetite and also the journal PLoS One, Public Library of Science One, demonstrating that insufficient intake of vitamin C increases the likelihood of sleep disturbances and shortens the duration of overall sleep time. There are other studies affirming that vitamin C could actually help to support and reduce the frequency of sleep apnea as well, and several other aspects of improving our sleep quality and helping the body to modulate and reduce stress. That's really the key. And so I'm a huge advocate of making sure that we're getting plenty of food-based vitamin C, especially during this time of year, but it's important for people to realize that all vitamin C is not the same, synthetic vitamin C simply does not function in the same way, that food-based vitamin C does. A study that was published in the Journal of Cardiology had test subjects that were exposing themselves to a pretty strong stressor, in this case, it was smoking to utilize food-based vitamin C versus a synthetic form of vitamin C that you'll find in all these supplements out there on store shelves. And the researchers, after compiling the data, they found that by utilizing food-based vitamin C specifically, it was from this vitamin C dense super fruit called camu camu berry, that the test subjects had a significant reduction in inflammatory biomarkers while taking the synthetic vitamin C led to no changes, there was no protective benefit from taking that synthetic vitamin C. Now, not to say that there's no benefit at all for synthetic forms, but why not get the good stuff, the real stuff, and we can obviously go for these superfoods like camu camu berry, amla berry, acerola cherry. These are superstars when it comes to vitamin C, but everyday foods like bell peppers, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, kiwi, strawberries, citrus, papaya and more, have notable sources of vitamin C, But the soil quality that these things are grown in is important, making sure that we're getting organic versions of these things because dealing with these pesticides and all these other things. This is zapping, this is zapping the vitamins from our bodies truly. Are adrenal glands when under stress, and this includes diet stress, toxin exposure is just dumping out copious amounts of vitamin C to help to buffer these stressors, it's so important in helping our bodies to manage stress. And so, with this being said, this is why for me, one of the few supplements that I especially if I'm traveling dealing with a lot of stress, one of my favorite supplements is the essential C complex from PaleoValley, this has camu camu berry as noted in that study, this has as acerola cherry, this has amla berry, the three most nutrient-dense vitamin C dense super fruits in the world with no binders, fillers, it's all organic. It's done in the right way. I really, really love this incredible product, I love PaleoValley, these folks are amazing, they've been amazing, incredible people and very supportive of my work. Highly encourage you to check them out. If You're gonna get a vitamin C supplement, this is the one you need to have in your cabinet. Go to paleovalley.com/model, you're going to get 15% off their essential C complex, and also they're giving me 15% off store-wide, that's PALEOVALLEY.com/model. Paleovalley.com/model for 15% off. Definitely, especially during this time of year. Check out their essential C complex.
Direct download: TMHS_749_-_5_Ways_To_Have_A_Silent_Night__Improve_Your_Sleep_Quality.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Sun, 17 December 2023
One of my missions is to help folks create a culture of health and wellness in their own families. Habits like eating packaged ultra-processed foods and consuming meals in front of screens have become normalized. But if we want to create true health for ourselves and our children, it’s critical that we have an understanding of how nutrient dense foods, creativity, and connection can help us live healthier, longer, more fulfilled lives. Today’s guest, Ben Greenfield, is a New York Times bestselling author, a health consultant, and an expert on all things longevity and anti-aging. His new book, Boundless Kitchen, is full of creative recipes that will help you improve your health, promote longevity, and enjoy your meals. In this interview, Ben is back on The Model Health Show to share important insights on creating a healthy culture in your home, including getting your kids engaged in food preparation, how to eat for longevity, and which lifestyle factors can help you digest your food better and optimize your health. I hope you enjoy this interview with the one and only, Ben Greenfield! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Thanks to our Sponsors! This episode is brought to you by Organifi. One of the most recent longitudinal studies on human longevity found that it is not just our lifestyle practices, but it is our beliefs about aging that deeply impact our cellular expression all the way down to the level of our genes. Yes, our thoughts influence our gene expression. Every thought that we think has correlating chemistry that's released into our bodies, and it's a primary controller, an epigenetic controller of what our cells are doing. Now with this being said, there are certain cultures around the world that have automated conditions, cultural conditions that make their beliefs about aging healthy, that make their lifestyle practices correlated with healthy aging healthy, and also their relationships and how they relate with one another in these healthier cultures. That's really the secret that shouldn't be a secret. And on this episode, we're going to be talking about all of this because we're looking at first and foremost, what are some of these lifestyle factors and relationship ingredients? What are some new things for us to take on as far as our beliefs about aging and how we're relating with the world around us that are going to help us to age more healthfully? Because aging is just going to happen. All right, it's a part of the package when we signed up for this earth experience. But right now, we have the opportunity to choose how we go through this process. And there are incredible demonstrations about what's possible. And also we have many, many demonstrations about the potential downsides and degradation that today more than ever, so much of it is largely unnecessary. There's so much unnecessary suffering, but we have to take our power into our hands and do the best that we can to stack conditions in our favor. And so when you hear about these places like these blue zones, where they have the most centenarians living over 100 years and looking at their lifestyle, it's not just the food. There are other components to this, but the food absolutely does matter. We're going to talk about that today. But there are other factors in this equation that need to be talked about because again, it's not just about living a long life, it's living a long, healthy life. It's not just increasing our lifespan, but increasing our health span. And in this episode, we've got one of the top nutrition and fitness experts in the world to help us to understand what's really going on in these blue zones. In addition, we're going to be talking about why longevity starts at a young age. It doesn't just happen. Our focus on longevity once we get a little bit longer in the tooth or a little bit longer along that chronological age, it starts with the choices and the environment that we grow up in. And while getting kids involved with food and food preparation is so important right now, today, more than ever, which categories of nutrient dense foods have been overlooked and often cooked in unsavory ways and what you can do to add them in and to make them delicious. We're going to be talking about so many incredible things. So this one is definitely very special. Now, if you're really wanting to improve your health and fitness this year, I've got something really, really special for you. The folks at Organifi reached out to me and they bought a huge amount of the Eat Smarter Family Cookbook to give away. That's right. I couldn't believe it when they let me know about this. And they were putting this together as a bonus along with one of their most remarkable bundles with their superfoods that you're going to find. They've called it the Eat Smarter Cookbook Companion Kit. And this includes their incredible gold formula, which is based on the powers of turmeric and this delicious turmeric latte. I talked about turmeric at length in the Eat Smarter Family Cookbook and different ways to utilize it. And part of the reason this was published in the European Journal of Nutrition and covered that compounds in turmeric can down-regulate inflammatory cytokines and upregulate the activity of adiponectin and other satiety related hormones, helping us to feel more satiated and helping us to burn fat more efficiently. In addition, turmeric has been found to improve insulin sensitivity, reduce blood fats, and directly act upon fat cells. Alright, and to top it off, there's so many different benefits here, but also it's one of the most remarkable foods that fits into this category of having anti angiogenic properties, meaning that it's been found to cut off the blood supply to cancer cells. It's special, truly it's a whole body nourishment, and that's the basis of the Organifi Gold Blend all organic. And it also has these complimentary bio potentiators like cinnamon, like ginger, and also like reishi mushroom medicinal mushroom that is been found in multiple studies to improve our sleep quality and a lot more improve the health of our immune system. So they've got the gold blend in this kit. They've also got the red juice blend, and this has these incredible super-fruits, these concentrates are all organic that have been found to improve the health of our microbiome, our metabolic health, and even improve things like our energy and stamina, all backed by science. And to top it off, the trifecta in this kit is Organifi's Collagen. It supports metabolic health, skin health to help to prevent fine lines and wrinkles. And unlike most collagen products, Organifi's Collagen utilizes multiple forms of collagen. So this incredible kit, when you purchase this kit at 20% off by the way, you're going to get a free copy of the Eat Smarter Family Cookbook sent directly to your door. Go to organifi.com/smarterkit right now and take advantage of this incredible Eat Smarter Cookbook Companion kit. You're going to get 20% off this incredible bundle of superfoods and also a free copy of the Eat Smarter Family Cookbook. This is amazing. So very special head over there, check them out. It's organifi.com/smarterkit. That's organifi.com/smarterkit right now and take advantage of this incredible bundle just in time for the new year and the holidays and getting a fresh start of empowerment, good nutrition and education because as you know, there are over 250 scientific references in the Eat Smarter Family Cookbook, along with 100 delicious recipes, and it's a USA Today national bestseller. Very, very special book. And you're going to get that hookup for free. What a wonderful gift from the folks at Organifi. This episode is brought to you by Onnit. No lifts, no gifts. Here are just a few benefits of building muscle seen in peer review studies. Building some muscle mass can significantly improve your insulin sensitivity, improve your overall hormone health, improve your cognitive performance, improve your immune system, protect you against injuries and speed recovery and defend your body against age related degradation. This is just a small slice of what a little bit more muscle can do. Now the barrier of entry to building more healthy muscle and reaching a state of physical fitness is easier than ever. Having a few key pieces of equipment at your house can absolutely change the game for you. Kettlebells, steel clubs, maces, battle ropes, all of these phenomenal multifaceted pieces of equipment are readily available to ship directly to your door. Go to Onnit.com/model and you're going to receive 10% off some of the most premier training equipment in the world. Simple piece of equipment that you can do dozens, if not hundreds of different exercises with. Plus they've got incredible programs as well to teach you different techniques or unconventional training to truly create more functionality in your health and fitness. On top of all that, Onnit is also one of the world leaders in human performance nutrition. It got the most remarkable pre-workout supplements and post-workout protein that you're going to find all sourced from earth-grown ingredients, nothing synthetic. And they also have put their own products into real world clinical trials to affirm their efficacy. Again, go to onnit.com/model, that's onnit.com/model for 10% off everything they carry.
Direct download: TMHS_748_-_How_to_Have_Boundless_Energy_Health__Longevity__with_Ben_Greenfield.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Tue, 12 December 2023
When most people think about the gut, they primarily think about digestion and nutrient assimilation. But the humble gut plays a pivotal role in your overall health. In fact, having a healthy gut is one of the most essential pieces of human health. It serves as the foundation for many critical functions and processes in the body, including immune health, modulating inflammation, brain health, and so much more. Today’s guest, Dr. Emeran Mayer, is a renowned gastroenterologist, acclaimed author, and one of the world’s leading experts on the brain-gut connection. He’s back on The Model Health Show to discuss the all-encompassing role of the gut, and how it can impact everything from body composition to susceptibility to diseases. This interview is jam-packed with information on how your gut health impacts your metabolic health, why microbes are a powerful impact on human wellness, and why nutrition is an influential factor on your gut health, microbial health, and overall well-being. Arming yourself with knowledge about gut health is an important strategy we can all utilize, and there’s no one better to learn from than Dr. Emeran Mayer. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Thanks to our Sponsors. This episode is brought to you by Pique Teas. Our microbiome plays a huge role in the health of our immune system, brain health, metabolic health, and so much more. And there's one beverage that has been proven to support the health of our microbiome. A recent study published in the peer review journal, Nature Communications uncovered that a unique compound called Theabrownin found in traditional fermented tea called Pu-erh, has some remarkable effects on our microbiome. The researchers found that Theabrownin can positively alter our gut microbiota and directly lead to a reduction in something called lipogenesis or the creation of new fat. Another study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry found that Pu-erh may be able to reverse gut dysbiosis by dramatically reducing ratios of potentially harmful bacteria and increasing ratios of beneficial bacteria. What's so remarkable about Pu-erh is its concentration of polyphenols that are incredibly important for healthy gut flora. The only Pu-erh that I drink is a fermented Pu-erh that's wild harvested, making it even more concentrated in polyphenols, and it's also triple toxin screened for one of the highest levels of purity. Not many folks realize that a lot of conventional teas, even organic teas, contained heavy metals and toxic molds. This is the only company that is going above and beyond to make sure that this is the highest quality tea available. And I'm talking about the folks at PIQUE LIFE. Go to Piquelife.com/model. That's piquelife.com/model and use the code model at checkout, and you're going to receive up to 15% off free US shipping. And you can even get a free sample pack of 12 teas along with their wonderful Pu-erh bundles. You're gonna get access to over 20 delicious award-winning flavors, and of course, their amazing Pu-erh and Pu-erh blends. Go to piquelife.com/model. Again, that's piquelife.com/model. Use the code model at checkout for up to 15% off, plus many other bonuses. This episode is brought to you by Beekeepers Naturals. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine stated that all disease begins in the gut. We often think of this in terms of chronic diseases, but this holds true for infectious diseases as well, he had a plethora of nutritional treatments for his patients and according to a study cited in the journal frontiers and pharmacology, one of his most notable treatments for preventing infections was propolis. Propolis is time-tested immune support from the world of bees and today numerous peer-reviewed studies are affirming its benefits. One study published in the peer-reviewed journal Antiviral chemistry and chemotherapy revealed that propolis has significant antiviral effects specifically in reducing viral lung infections. Now a little fun fact is that Hippocrates used propolis both internally and externally for his patients. And again today The external benefits are being highlighted in new studies as well. This study published in Phytotherapy research found that topical propolis that was applied a few times a day. It was three times a day in this study accelerated the healing of cold sores faster than the placebo group. The researchers found that topical propolis not only reduced the amount of herpes virus present in a person's body but it also protected the body against future cold sore outbreaks, one other study and again, there's so many, this is a meta analysis of multiple studies published in the evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine and it found that propolis has antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and anti-tumor properties. It is well noted to be an immunomodulator that increases the body's resistance to infection. This is one of the most supportive things that you can do for your immune system and it's one of my favorite go-tos that I use on a regular basis. And I'm talking about the propolis immune spray from Beekeeper's Naturals, go to beekeepersnaturals.com/model and you're going to get 20% off their propolis immune spray and also store-wide on their other incredible bee products including their superfood honey and their royal jelly supplement that is incredible for our cognitive function. Go to beekeepersnaturals.com/model for 20% off. Get yourself hooked up right now with their incredible Propolis Immune Spray. It is something that I always have on hand. I travel with it. It's actually in my bag right now for whenever I'm traveling and on the road and also just keeping my family healthy proactively, especially during cold and flu season. Hop over there, check 'em out. Beekeepersnaturals.com/model for 20% off.
Direct download: The_Gut_Connection_to_Allergies_Asthma_Obesity__More__with_Dr._Emeran_Mayer.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Sun, 10 December 2023
For hundreds of years, humans naturally fasted during the nighttime hours. Our bodies function in accordance with the circadian rhythm in every way, including our hormones, digestion, neurotransmitters, and so much more. But in our modern society, we have access to food, light, and technology around the clock. We’ve lost touch with an essential pattern that our genes have come to expect. On this compilation episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to hear the best moments from my past interviews with the amazing Dr. Amy Shah. She is a double-board certified physician who specializes in circadian medicine, fasting, and gut health. You’re going to learn about how your circadian timing system works, how it influences your genes, hormones, brain, and overall health. You’ll hear powerful insights on how to optimize your health through aligning with the circadian rhythm. Understanding this information can help boost your energy levels, reduce your risk for diseases, improve your body composition, and so much more. So click play, listen in, and enjoy the show! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Thanks to our Sponsors. This episode is brought to you by Ettitude. One of the primary influential factors on the circadian clocks and being in alignment with that has a lot to do with our sleep quality and adhering to certain practices that support healthy sleep. Now, if we're living in natural conditions, there's going to be a natural drop in our core body temperature at night as we shift from day to evening, no matter where we are on the planet, no matter how cold it is during the day or how it is during the day, it's going to be cooler in the evening. And our bodies evolved to drop in temperature along with that. And this activates certain hormones, neurotransmitters, certain enzymes that support our sleep quality. But today, again, living in abnormal conditions and a lot of times fighting with our biology by doing certain things, we can cause a disruption to this. And a growing data of body has shown that insomniacs and this is folks who have clinically diagnosed chronic sleep issues, they tend to have a significantly warmer core body temperature than normal right before bed. To help combat this, a study was published in the peer-reviewed journal, Brain, and the scientists had these folks with sleep struggles to wear these thermo suits that lowered their skin temperature less than 1°C to measure its impact on their sleep quality. The study results show that participants didn't wake up as much during the night and their amount of time spent in stages three and four, deep sleep had actually increased. Now, we don't need to get a thermal body suit to sleep at night to support this. This is something we could simply do by addressing our bedding and not having bedding that overheats our bodies. In a recent study, this was a three-week clinical trial, looked at folks using conventional sheets, just the regular run-of-the-mill cotton sheets, and this was a randomized trial. Other participants were sleeping on organic bamboo lyocell sheets from Ettitude. At the end of the study period, the researchers found subjectively and objectively study participants were sleeping much better and feeling better sleeping on organic bamboo lyocell sheets. The study found objectively using sleep tracking technology, study participants had a 1.5% improvement in sleep efficiency, meaning they're going through their sleep cycles more efficiently and getting more from the time that they're actually asleep. Now that might not sound like a lot. That's about 7-8 more minutes of restorative sleep per night. But you add that up, that's about 43 extra hours of sleep per year with the same amount of time in bed. Incredible. Subjectively, participants found that their mental alertness during the day improved upwards of 25% and 94% of people preferred sleeping on ettitude sheets. These are the only sheets that I've been sleeping on for years unless I'm traveling. It is a true lovely, I can't even put into words, experience. You have to try it for yourself. Sleeping into ettitude sheets is like nothing else. I didn't know that it could feel that good slipping into bed. Now these sheets are antimicrobial, self-deodorizing, they're breathable, moisture-wicking, and they support natural thermal regulation. Get yourself this incredible gift of wellness. This is a great time to get a gift for somebody that you care about. Give them this gift. This is going to knock their socks off. It's a gift that is truly unique and it's going to feel good. They're just going to be raving about it when they actually sleep on these sheets. And also this is a good gift to give for yourself as well during this time of year. Go to ettitude.com/model. Use the code MODEL15 at checkout and you're going to get 15% off. That's ettitude.com/mode. Again, you get 15% off plus they have a 30-night sleep trial. You get to sleep on them, think on them, dream on them. If you don't absolutely love them, you can send them back for a full refund. Go to ettitude.com/model today. This episode is brought to you by LMNT. All of these different cellular structures, whether it's the supra cosmetic nucleus, whether it's our mitochondria, whether it's ghrelin, whatever the case might be with our different hormones, neurotransmitters, and tissues, they're all made from the food that we eat, and they're all run off the fuel that we provide ourselves. And one of the most important nutrients for helping that cellular communication is this category called electrolytes. These are minerals that carry an electric charge and enable our body to do all the cool things that it does. In particular with energy transfer, it's not just ATP as this energy exchange or energy currency in our bodies. As I was taught in my very expensive private university that I went to, it's not just ATP. The active form is bonded with magnesium. That is the key. Magnesium is responsible for over 650 biochemical processes that we're aware of, probably many more. But that's just for starters. And many of them involve energy. As a matter of fact, magnesium is literally required to make new mitochondria, which these are the glorified energy power plants of our cells making ATP. But keep this in mind though, magnesium is the number one mineral deficiency noted in peer-reviewed data today, close to 60% of our citizens are deficient in magnesium. Now you combine this electrolyte with another critical electrolyte, sodium and potassium as well. These three are top tier in importance and high quality forms of these electrolytes are severely lacking in our diet today. This is why I'm such a huge fan of element, the incredible science-based electrolyte supplement free from unnecessary sugars and food dyes, just high quality electrolytes that our bodies need and really thrive on. You notice a difference, you notice a difference when you're utilizing element. Go to drinklmnt.com/model and you're going to get a free gift pack with every purchase of electrolytes. So they're gonna send you a free sample pack of all the different types of electrolytes for free whenever you purchase any electrolyte products at all. It's really awesome of them to provide this incredible gift to us. But the most important thing is for us to provide ourselves this cellular gift of better communication. Go to drinklmnt.com/model. Get the very best electrolytes in the world.
Direct download: TMHS_746-_How_Time_Controls_Your_Brain_Body__Health.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Tue, 5 December 2023
Food is an integral part of our existence as human beings. In our daily lives, food plays an important role in our rituals, traditions, and celebrations. It also makes up the cells in our body and is a powerful influence over our health, lifespan, and risk for disease. On this episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to hear a deep dive on nutrition and how it impacts every single facet of our lives. This episode is my interview from the Ed Mylett Show, where I shared insights about how food impacts our biology, our relationships, and overall health. You’re going to learn about the transformative power of a shared family meal, what to look for in supplements, and how ultra-processed foods and oils can harm your health. You’re also going to hear my personal story of overcoming health struggles, how I came to love science, and my personal food philosophy. This episode is packed with powerful information you can use to upgrade your kitchen, improve your nutrient intake, and bring an awareness and intentionality to the way you eat. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Thanks to our Sponsors. This episode is brought to you by Four Sigmatic. t's a really good time right now to be aware of supporting our immune system. In particular, looking at nutritive inputs known as immunomodulators. So these are nutrients and nutrient sources that can help our immune system to adapt. Not going too high or too low, but being able to adapt and mount an appropriate response to any pathogen we might be faced with. Now research published in the Journal of Pharmacological Sciences found that the polysaccharides in reishi, this renowned medicinal mushroom, have extensive immunomodulating effects, including supporting the function of humoral immunity and cellular immunity as well. Another study published in the journal, Mediators of Inflammation showed that these polysaccharides in reishi were found to enhance the proliferation of our B-cells and T-cells. Alright, so directly improving the function of our immune system. This is really special. But also an important ingredient for supporting our immune system is our sleep quality. That's one of the things that if that is disturbed, especially consistently disturbed, it can suppress our immune system and make us more susceptible to things like colds and flus. But this is another powerful place for reishi because a study published in the Journal of Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior found that the renowned medicinal mushroom reishi was able to significantly decrease sleep latency. Meaning that it helped study participants to fall asleep faster, it increased overall sleep time and increased non-REM deep sleep time and REM sleep time as well. That's really, really special. It is a whole body supportive source of nutrition. But the quality, this is the key, the quality matters so very much. I don't want you to run out and just get any random reishi because this is a recent study reported this, the majority of medicinal mushroom products on the market have a little, if any, medicinal mushroom, the viable parts of the medicinal mushroom in it. One company that you can trust that goes above and beyond that does a dual extraction of these medicinal mushrooms to give you the real nutrition that you're looking for is Four Sigmatic. Go to foursigmatic.com/model. That's foursigmatic.com/model. You're going to get 10% off their incredible reishi elixir. And they also have a delicious reishi hot cocoa as well that I actually just made for my son today. This is one of his favorite things to sip on. And so these are really cool ways that we can get these powerful nutrients into our bodies. And they've got incredible, again, this is all organic. They've got the reishi hot cocoa, the reishi elixir, and also lion's mane. They've got organic mushroom coffee blends as well. So many different ways to get these incredible inputs. Go to foursigmatic.com/model. You're gonna get 10% off store wide.
This episode is brought to you by PaleoValey. As I'm sharing with Ed in this conversation, vitamin C isn't just crucial for your immune system, it's also critical in helping our bodies to manage stress. According to data published in the Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, both emotional and physical stress can affect a person's vitamin C status. It can actually increase the requirement for vitamin C to maintain normal blood levels, and when stress depletes vitamin C levels in the body, it reduces the person's resistance to infections and disease and increases the likelihood of further stress. When vitamin C intake is increased, according to these researchers, the negative effects of excessive stress hormones are reduced and the body's ability to cope with stress improves. Being able to manage stress is a key to staying healthy and resilient. And as I shared with Ed, one of my favorite sources for high quality food-based vitamin C is from camu camu berry. For years I've been utilizing a concentrate of camu camu berry, amla berry and acerola cherry. These are all vitamin C dense super fruits with no synthetic ingredients, no binders, no fillers. And I'm talking about the Essential C Complex from Paleovalley. Go to paleovalley.com/model and you're going to get 15% off their incredible Essential C Complex. This is all organic plus it has a 60-day, 100% money back guarantee. So if you're not absolutely thrilled about it, you can receive a full refund, no questions asked. They're really standing behind their product because it is that good. And again, it is the Essential C Complex from Paleovalley. Go to paleovalley.com/model right now. And again, you're going to get 15% off from your order automatically at check out plus 15% off store wide. Go to paleovalley.com/model.
Direct download: TMHS_745_-_The_Ultimate_Guide_to_Nutrition_-_From_Your_Plate_to_the_World_Around_You.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Sun, 3 December 2023
TMHS 744: Use This Morning Routine For More Energy, Better Health, & Bigger Success - With Hal Elrod
The way you begin your morning not only sets the tone for your entire day, but it can also dictate your health outcomes and level of success. The science-backed benefits of having a solid morning routine include better energy levels, enhanced productivity, higher sleep quality, and lower stress levels. On today’s show, you’re going to learn about one of the most powerful and effective morning routines that can change your health, help you reach your goals, and so much more. Today’s guest, Hal Elrod, is an international speaker, personal development expert, and author of the bestselling book, The Miracle Morning. Hal joins this episode of The Model Health Show to share the powerful science behind morning routines, and practical and effective strategies you can use to transform your life. You’re going to learn about the morning routines of the most successful people in the world, practices you can implement to improve your life, and how to craft a morning routine that works for you. If you’re ready to unlock your potential, creating an intentional morning ritual is a powerful starting point. So listen in, implement what resonates with you, and enjoy this interview with the one and only, Hal Elrod! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Thanks to our Sponsors. This episode is brought to you by Beekeeper’s Naturals. Right now, we're in the midst of cold and flu season, alright. Cold and flus for some reason, because of marketing, they get a whole season dedicated to colds and flus. But the bottom line is, we do wanna make sure that we are taking care of our immune system, fortifying things, and making sure that our bodies are resilient in the face of anything that we might be exposed to. Now, as the statement says, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. So we wanna make sure that we're being proactive and focus on prevention. One of the things that I do proactively, especially during this time of year, is utilize one of the most renowned products for fortifying the immune system from bees called propolis. A study published in the peer reviewed journal, Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy, revealed that propolis has significant anti-viral effects, specifically in reducing viral lung infections. Now, quality is everything when it comes to propolis, and the propolis that I utilize is the Propolis Throat Spray from Beekeeper's Naturals, go to beekeepersnaturals.com/ model. That's beekeepersnaturals.com/model, you get 20% off their incredible propolis immune spray. Now again, this is something that I use on a regular basis. I also make sure that my family is getting their sprays in, and it's backed by really solid science, and the proof is in the pudding, I'm not one of those guys that's just out here getting sicky sick all the time. And I definitely attribute proactive use of this propolis immune spray, it's just really taken things to another level. And if you look at some of the background on this, this is really the immune system for the hive itself. And there's been a resonance for thousands of years, humans have been utilizing this, but the key is also supporting, regenerative beekeeping. Because our bees are being hit hard by all of these different environmental pollutants that have recently, just especially in the last few decades, have been integrating themselves into our environment. And we're talking billions of tons of newly invented toxicants are added to our environment each year. And this is coming from data from the EPA, the Environmental Protection Agency, about three billion tons of these toxins from "normal business practices". We're not talking about those big events you might see on the news, we're just talking about day-to-day run-of-the mill, literally events that are impacting our environment and deeply impacting populations of bees. And so investing in companies like Beekeeper's Naturals is something really special because not only are we getting something special for our own health, but we're supporting regenerative beekeeping in a huge, huge way. And by the way, when it comes down to it, especially when we're looking at, okay, we've got a sick kid or maybe we're coming down with something. Typically in our culture, we're turning to these ridiculous, highly refined, all these different chemicals, newly invented compounds, not to mention the drug agents that are a lot of times, not even necessary. And so one of the most popular conventional cough syrups out there on store shelves, you know the one, alright, there's several of them. There's Benadryl, there's NyQuil. I don't even wanna say their names. But they contain things like FD&C Blue number 1, FD&C Red number 40, high fructose corn syrup, propylene glycol, saccharin sodium. Like multiple forms of refined sugars and sweeteners and all of these again synthetic chemicals that are anti-health. And there are certain things that have been proven. These are backed by science to be equally as beneficial, but far less toxic. The combination of first and foremost, honey... Let's talk about that. A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study revealed that raw honey, that's the key, was able to outperform placebo and significantly reduce cough frequency and severity at night and improve sleep quality. The cough syrup from Beekeeper's Naturals should be a staple in your cabinet because it also contains several other science-backed nutritional sources, including elderberry. A double blind placebo-controlled study, published in the peer reviewed journal, Advances in Traditional Medicine found that after 48 hours of treatment with elderberry coughing was relieved in 31% of patients versus the placebo. It works, it works if you work it. So highly recommend getting yourself some of these resources. You don't wanna wait around until you need it, make sure that you have it on hand. And also they have some incredible lozenges for you as well without all those highly refined sugars and chemicals. They're doing so many good things. Go to beekeepersnaturals.com/model, that's beekeepersnaturals.com./model for 20% off store-wide.
This episode is brought to you by HVMN. I wanna share something with you that has been fueling my workouts recently. Numerous studies, including a study published by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, aka, the FASEB Journal have found that exogenous ketones can be up to 28% more efficient in generating energy than glucose alone. And because of this something that, listen, there are so many different supplements that are out there on the market, very few things do you experience a change the first day. Now this isn't true for everybody, but for me, this was the case. I was shocked. I actually took time stepping away from everything else that I was doing as far as supplementation around training. Gave myself a break, and then did this with a lot of focus and intention to see, hey, what are the kind of results that I could see by utilizing Ketone-IQ? And I was really just blown away. My stamina was significantly increased, but more so my recovery afterwards, it was really impressive. I just felt like I could do so much more than I normally do. And I'm somebody who really prides myself on being a high performer and being able to really challenge my limits and do exceptional things. And so to do what I was typically doing and didn't have energy left in the tank, I was just like, wow, this is something special. I need to tell more people about this. So right now, you can head over to hvmn.com/model, and they're going to give you 30% off of your first subscription order. It'll be taken off automatically at checkout. And I'm telling you, this is the real deal. Go to hvmn.com/model checkout Ketone IQ today.
Direct download: TMHS_744-_Use_This_Morning_Routine_For_More_Energy_Better_Health__Bigger_Success_-_With_Hal_Elrod.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Tue, 28 November 2023
The winter months are known to be time when we’re more likely to come down with illnesses like the cold and the flu. On today’s show, you’re going to learn how our biology and our immune systems fluctuate with the seasons, and why infectious illnesses are more common during the winter. We’re going to explore three science-backed habits you can implement to fortify your immune system, build resilience, and fight off illnesses this winter. You’re going to learn why regulated blood sugar is an essential ingredient for immune health, how connection can keep you healthy, and the critical role exercise plays in your risk for contracting illnesses. As always, this episode of The Model Health Show is packed with science, as well as actionable tips you can implement today. Immune health is an area of our health we can influence more than most folks realize, and I hope this episode empowers you to take control, build resiliency, and stay healthy all winter long! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Thanks to our Sponsors This episode is brought to you by Levels. A Study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition uncovered that one of the ways that the consumption of sugar suppresses the immune system, is by directly decreasing the capacity of Neutrophils, this is an aspect of your immune system, to be able to engulf pathogenic bacteria, so it suppresses or diminishes the capacity of these Neutrophils to engulf pathogenic bacteria for them to be neutralized and moved out of our system. Sources like refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup and even pasteurized orange juice were noted in the study to cause this derangement. The greatest effects occurred between one and two hours after consuming the sugar, but the values were still significantly depressed for up to five hours after eating these refined sugars. So it really does a number on our immune cells ability to respond to foreign invaders All right. So keep that in mind. This isn't just hearsay, we wanna make sure that we're minding our blood glucose, and understanding that our response to certain foods is gonna depend on us. We all have a unique Metabolic fingerprint. And so, this is why I'm such a huge fan of folks at least having a stint, just track it for a week or two, at least once to utilize a continuous glucose monitor to be able to know firsthand, how certain foods affect you versus other people. I've seen my wife and I respond very differently to certain foods, and also her baseline blood glucose is different from mine. And it's so crazy because again, we might think that a food is "healthy" and it might be but it might impact our blood sugar in a negative way that makes that food probably something that we don't wanna eat on a regular basis, and it could be something that's holding us back from achieving our health goals, whether it's weight loss, whether it's improving our cognitive function because blood sugar derangement has a huge role in our cognitive performance. But the continuous glucose monitor that we use, my wife is actually... She has one on right now, is from Levels. And Levels shows you in real time utilizing continuous glucose monitors how different foods affect you. Levels provides access to continuous glucose monitors and the incredible Levels app that pairs with the CGM's to provide your own personalized data. It is so easy and easy to understand. And the scientists there at Levels, just absolutely amazing. They're providing and accessing all these different data points and sharing them with you to point you in the right direction of goods that can be helpful for you and also guiding you away from things that could be hurting you that you might not realize. And also because of all their data inputs from all of these incredible people out there that are utilizing Levels, they've collected all these data points and being able to target certain foods that for the majority of people that they might think are healthy, are actually problematic. And also other foods that might be villainized are actually quite healthy when it comes from specifically that blood glucose perspective. And right now, Levels is providing listeners of The Model Health Show a very, very special offer, when you go to levels.link/model. Go there right now, when you get their annual membership, they're going to give you two months for free. So check it out ASAP, that's levels.link/model. That's, levels.com/model. Go there right now levels.link/model. Two months free when you get their annual membership. This is a huge, huge resource in being able to track your unique Metabolic health. Find out what foods are best for you. Levels.link/model.
This episode is brought to you by Organifi. If you're going to get a little closer, then you might as well sip on this. Snuggle up with some fat burning nutrition this holiday season. You know what time of the year it is. It's that time to get cozy. It's that time to snuggle up. It's that time for a nice pumpkin spice, everything. But truly some of the most potent nutrition can be found right in our spice cabinet. And this particular spice that you need to know about has been used traditionally in cooking, medicine, and rituals for thousands of years. And what I'm talking about is turmeric. Turmeric, in one of its most renowned micronutrients, curcumin have well-noted anti-inflammatory effects, but what isn't commonly known is its surprising anti-obesity effects. A study published in the European Journal of Nutrition uncovered that in addition to down regulating inflammatory cytokines, curcumin in turmeric also up regulates the activity of adiponectin and other satiety related hormones. Turmeric has been found to actually improve insulin sensitivity, reduce blood fats, and directly act upon fat cells. Another really interesting thing about turmeric is that it has anti-angiogenesis properties. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that curcumin in turmeric is able to reduce angiogenesis in adipose tissue, which is fat tissue. And angiogenesis is the process of decreasing the blood supply and nutrient supply to those pesky fat cells and also to cancer cells as well. And turmeric has been found to have an intelligent selective capacity to target rogue cells and reduce their ability to grow. Really, really fascinating stuff. And it's one of my favorite things that's in the gold blend from Organifi. This blend highlights a super critical extract of organic turmeric, plus other metabolism enhancing spices like cinnamon and ginger. And it also has Reishi, which is clinically proven to support your sleep quality. It's a great vibe, great way to relax, and a great time to enjoy this season. Head over and check them out. It's organifi.com/model. That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com/model for 20% off your gold latte. Check it out. Organifi Gold Pumpkin Spice latte is available for a limited time, so make sure to check them out. Again, 20% off when you go to organifi.com/model.
This episode is brought to you by Pique Tea. Now it's well documented that green tea has a huge benefit for our metabolic health, but what makes green tea so special is that it improves our immune system health as well, even dramatically reducing the risk of various cancers, which one of the hallmarks of cancer is dysfunction of the immune system. And a study published in the journal, breast Cancer Research and Treatment found that women who drank the most green tea had an approximately 20% to 30% lower risk of developing breast cancer. A meta-analysis of 29 studies published in the peer-reviewed journal, Oncotarget found that people who drink green tea daily were around 42% less likely to develop colorectal cancer. Now this is something very simple that we can do and we can also do this together, have some tea together, but one of the most storied and densest sources of something called L-Theanine, that shows up in benefiting our cognitive function and also these other phytonutrients that help again to support our immune system, to improve our metabolic health. This form of green tea is called Matcha Green Tea. And what I drink is called Sun Goddess Matcha Green Tea from Pique Life. Go to piquelife.com/shawn right now, and you're gonna get the first matcha that's quadruple toxin screen for purity. No added preservatives, sugar, artificial sweeteners, none of that nonsense, just the highest quality Matcha green tea in the world. It is crafted by a Japanese Tea master and there are less than 15 in the world. It's shaded 35% longer for extra L-Theanine to support our cognitive function. And right now, when you go to piquelife.com/shawn, you're gonna get free shipping up to 15% off their tea bundles and a 90 day money back guarantee. Go to piquelife.com/shawn, that's P-I-Q-U-E-L-I-F-E.com/S-H-A-W-N to get hooked up with all these incredible bonuses. Again, 90 day satisfaction guarantee, all right? Nothing to lose better health to gain, more improvement in support of our immune system, our metabolic health, cognitive function, and more. Check them out. Sun Goddess Matcha Green Tea is one of my favorites. You can make yourself a macha latte. This is something again to enjoy with friends and family and we can do this all getting healthier together.
Direct download: TMHS_743_-_Do_These_3_Things_To_Stay_Healthy_All_Winter.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Sun, 26 November 2023
TMHS 742: The Secret to Healing from Your Past & Creating the Life You Want – with Christine Hassler
Relationships are one of the most profound, life-giving aspects of being human. But on the other side of the coin, our relationships can often leave us feeling disappointed, frustrated, and stressed. Many times, improving our relationships comes down to shifting our own perspectives and expectations. On today’s show, you’re going to hear about the root cause of relationship struggles. Our guest, Christine Hassler is a bestselling author, Master coach, and speaker. Her work is focused on improving relationships, inner child healing, and overcoming past traumas. Christine is back on The Model Health Show to talk about expectation hangovers, how to heal your inner child, and the secret to overcoming resentment in relationships. This episode is jam-packed with empowering tips for improving your relationships and creating the life you want. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Thanks to our Sponsors! This episode is brought to you by HVMN. I want you to also keep in mind that our decisions that we make, whether it's in the context of our relationships, whether it's in the context of decision that we make for our health and our fitness, this really does boil down very logically to our energy and to our energy reserves and our energy output. There's this new phenomenon being detailed, this existed forever, but it's being documented in peer view data called Decision fatigue. Because every decision that we make, we're using energy, we're literally using brain glucose and it's draining our battery essentially, and before long, for many of us, once we get to the end of the day, we don't care. You ask us something, whatever. I don't care. What you wanna eat or whatever, what do you wanna eat, I don't care. Our decision fatigue starts to take place, but for many of us, this can happen before the day really even starts, once the day gets rolling, we're already in that state of deprived energy making it difficult to make the decisions that we want to make, and so we wanna make sure, obviously, that we're focusing on a healthy real food diet protocol, that we're moving our bodies on a regular basis, doing our best to stack conditions with our sleep, but what about that little extra? What about that go to when you want that sustainable, healthy, clean, high quality energy without the side effects of these "Energy drinks or abhorrent amounts of caffeine over and over throughout the day?" Well, there's finally a solution that is taking over the world right now, and I'm talking about ketone IQ. Numerous studies, including a study published by the Federation of American societies for Experimental Biology, found that exogenous ketones can be up to 28% more efficient in generating energy than glucose alone, plus numerous studies have found up to a 15% increased mean power output when utilizing ketones, more energy and being able to get more done, recover faster. And the key here is there's been a recent innovation where we've had ketone esters and lots of folks have utilized those to some positive benefit, but the on-ramp was not that nice because those ketone esters tasted unpleasant to put it lightly. And now with these recent innovations and utilizing this kind of fermentation process to finally have a ketone product that has a decent taste, I'm not saying this is delicious, but it is much more palatable and much more powerful. And that's what you're getting with Ketone IQ. Go to HVMN.com/model to get hooked up with their incredible ketone IQ, they've got these great ketone IQ shots that I actually keep in my refrigerator that even gives it another boost of probability by having a cold fresh out of the refrigerator and a lot of times I utilize them right before a workout or something with a big cognitive load, and it's just really, really remarkable for many people they notice the benefits the first day that they use it. Go to HVMN.com/model for 30% off your first subscription order automatically applied at check out, and also you can get hooked up with free shipping there as well. So again, pop over there, check 'em out. Ketone IQ from HVMN. Go to HVMN.com/mode
This episode is brought to you by Onnit. No lifts, no gifts. Here are just a few benefits of building muscle seen in peer review studies. Building some muscle mass can significantly improve your insulin sensitivity, improve your overall hormone health, improve your cognitive performance, improve your immune system, protect you against injuries and speed recovery and defend your body against age related degradation, this is just a small slice of what a little bit more muscle can do. Now, the barrier of entry to building more healthy muscle and reaching a state of physical fitness, is easier than ever. Having a few key pieces of equipment at your house can absolutely change the game for you. Kettlebells, steel clubs, maces, battle robes, all of these phenomenal multi-faceted pieces of equipment are readily available to ship directly to your door. Go to onnit.com/model and you're going to receive 10% off some of the most premier training equipment in the world. A simple piece of equipment that you can do, dozens, if not 100s of different exercises with, plus they've got incredible programs as well. They teach you different techniques for unconventional training to truly create more functionality in your health and fitness. On top of all that Onnit is also one of the world leaders in human performance nutrition, it got the most remarkable pre-workout supplements and post-workout protein, that you're going to find. All sourced from earth grown ingredients, nothing synthetic, and they have also have put their own products into real world clinical trials to affirm their advocacy. Again go to onnit.com/model. That's Onnit.com/model for 10% off everything they carry. Bestselling author and Master Coach, Christine Hassler, is back on The Model Health Show for an enlightening conversation on relationships. You’re going to learn about expectation hangovers, healing your inner child, parenting, and so much more.
Direct download: TMHS_742_-_The_Secret_To_Healing_From_Your_Past__Creating_The_Life_You_Want_-_With_Christine_Hassler.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Tue, 21 November 2023
Not only does gratitude feel good, but a growing body of evidence shows that regularly expressing gratitude has measurable benefits on our health and well-being. Practicing gratitude can lower inflammation levels, improve sleep quality, and boost the function of your immune system. Today’s episode is a masterclass on the science of gratitude. On this episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to hear a compilation on gratitude from some of the smartest and most successful people. Guests like Ed Mylett, Dr. Elissa Epel, and Dr. Michael Beckwith are sharing the science and the strategies behind improving your life through the practice of gratitude. You’re going to learn about the health benefits of gratitude, and different ways to incorporate a gratitude practice into your daily life. This episode is full of tips that can make you healthier, happier, more resilient, and more grateful. So click play, listen in, and enjoy the show! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Thanks to our Sponsors! This episode is brought to you by Beekeepers Naturals. During this time of gratitude and giving, this is also synonymously the time of "cold and flu season." We wanna make sure that we're doing our best to fortify our immune system, utilizing science and time-tested solutions. One of my favorite most science-backed strategies for keeping my immune system resilient for immunomodulation, being able to ramp up or to lower my immune response based on any particular exposures. That is really the key to a healthy immune system, is being able to have an appropriate response to any pathogens. And one of my favorite things to do that is based on a peer-reviewed study that was published in the journal Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy. And it revealed that propolis from bees has significant antiviral effects, specifically in reducing viral lung infections, cold and flu season. This is one of the things to really look to proactively to fortify our immune system. Another meta-analysis published in the journal Evidence-based complimentary and alternative medicine found that propolis has antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-tumor properties. You might've wondered why this was featured in a journal that was focused on chemotherapy. It's also been found to be effective against cancer cells. So when we're talking about supporting our immune system on multiple levels, propolis is really, really special. And I utilize on a regular basis multiple times a week, I've got this really remarkable propolis immune spray from Beekeeper's Naturals. Go to beekeepersnaturals.com/model right now, and you're going to get connected with a very, very special limited time discount. This is a special for this time of year right now for Black Friday and a little bit after, but you gotta take action on this right now because for a limited time, they're giving you 30% off storewide, 30% off storewide. So this includes their incredible propolis spray, their Superfood honey, their nootropic brain fuel that's based on Royal jelly, their remarkable science-based B.Better cough syrup as well. As a matter of fact, this one is especially important right now just to have on hand in our medicine cabinet because the ingredients in, we'll just call out one of the most popular conventional cough medicines out there. You know the one that people go to. Some of those ingredients in there include FD and C Blue No. 1. What the F? What is that? F, D, and C. RED number 40 "flavor" high fructose corn syrup, propylene glycol, saccharine sodium. The list goes on and on with all these newly invented synthetic chemicals. Not to mention the high fructose corn syrup, which is clearly not good for our immune system versus something that is more time tested and safe. A randomized double-blind placebo controlled study revealed that honey, raw honey was able to outperform a placebo and significantly reduce cough frequency and severity at night and improve sleep quality. The cough syrup that is in our cabinet is from Beekeeper's Naturals. Not only does their propolis cough syrup have the very best honey in the world from farmers who are dedicated to regenerative beekeeping, but it also includes this other very, very special science-backed component, which is elderberry. A double-blind placebo controlled study published in their the peer-reviewed journal. Advances in traditional medicine found that after just 48 hours of treatment with elderberry, coughing was relieved in 31% of patients versus the placebo. The study also noted significantly reduced fever, headache, muscle aches, and nasal congestion within 24 hours of treatment with elderberry. This incredible cough syrup contains no drugs, dyes, dirty chemicals, or refined sugar. They're creating incredibly beneficial, safe, smart products at Beekeeper's Naturals. Head over there right now. Take advantage of this huge limited time discount for Black Friday and a little bit longer through Cyber Monday. Go to beekeepersnaturals.com/model for 30% off storewide right now. Take advantage. That's beekeepersnaturals.com/model for 30% off for a limited time.
This episode is brought to you by Organifi. One of my favorite specific resources as far as nutrition for helping to stack conditions in our bodies' favor for helping to reduce things like anxiety, for helping to reduce inflammation. And this is again, based on science. As a matter of fact, a study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology points to turmeric's potential in reducing the severity of both anxiety and depression. While another study that was published in the European Journal of Nutrition uncovered that compounds in turmeric can down regulate inflammatory cytokines and upregulate the activity of adiponectin and other satiety related hormones. Again, just putting our bodies in a better position. Now, if you're not doing this already, this is a great time of year to enjoy a turmeric latte. And my favorite turmeric latte, not only does it feature the highest quality organic turmeric, but it also features Reishi Medicinal Mushroom, which has been proven in multiple studies to support relaxation and even to improve our sleep quality. And I'm talking about the turmeric latte called Gold from Organifi. And right now through Black Friday and Cyber Monday, only when you head over to organifi.com/model, not only are you going to get 20% off, but you're also going to get free shipping when you spend just $100. And listen to this, if you spend $150, you're gonna get 20% off check, free shipping check. But you're also going to get for free, they're incredible digest product, which is enzymes and Digestive support, their Turmeric Plus product, and their focus product, which is their nootropic for cognitive performance. Alright, a lot of free goodies. Head over to organifi.com/model right now and take advantage of this again, through Black Friday and Cyber Monday only, you're gonna get this special hookup. Go to organifi.com/model, that's organifi.com/model. And take advantage of these wonderful, wonderful, organic high quality products from Organifi. And also being that it's that time of year to snuggle up, some say it's cuffing season, they've got their pumpkin spice gold is available for a limited time right now as well. So you get the hookup on that too. 20% off storewide. So gold pumpkin spice. So the turmeric latte with the pumpkin spice twist. Perfect for cuffing season. Head over there, check them out. Organifi.com/model.
Direct download: TMHS_741_-_Beat_Negativity__Achieve_Your_Goals_Faster_With_The_Mind-Blowing_Science_Of_Gratitude.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Sun, 19 November 2023
If you want to get healthier, stronger, and more resilient, one of the best things you can do is build muscle. Regular strength training can contribute to your longevity, improve your brain health, optimize your metabolism, and so much more. But unfortunately, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there about what it takes to put on muscle. My friend Jay Ferrugia is an elite fitness and mindset coach. His client base spans from professional athletes to everyday folks. Jay is so successful because he makes training simple and realistic. He’s back on The Model Health Show to share the five biggest mistakes people make when they’re trying to build muscle. You’ll learn about selecting the right exercises, the right weights, and other habits and behaviors that can help you get better results. We’re diving into topics like progressive overload, recovery, and nutrition. Jay is a seasoned expert in the realm of fitness, and I know his insights are going to empower you to build muscle as effectively as possible. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Thanks to our Sponsors! This episode is brought to you by LMNT. we're looking at what is the key to maintaining longevity, functional longevity with our body, with our muscles and also with our brain and cognitive performance as well? Well, the latest data is confirming that it is through resistance training that we're seeing a gigantic leap in functional longevity, in not just our lifespan, but our health span. And so it's not just muscle strength. And this is the key. The latest data is affirming it's also building and maintaining muscle mass. Now, this does not mean that we need to walk around with Hawking amounts of muscle on our frame. If you're into that, that's cool. But for all of us, for every walk of life, for every demographic, for every sex, we need to build and maintain muscle mass. It is one of the greatest gifts that we have as human beings, to choose to put more muscle on our frame, but to create and build muscle that feels good on us, that also, dare I say, looks good on us as well, but most importantly allows us to live a long healthy life. And so here's the key and what this episode is all about, is practical, real world science on building and maintaining your muscle. And we're gonna look at this through the lens of the biggest mistakes that people make when working to build muscle. In fact, we're gonna go through the five biggest mistakes that people make when working to build and maintain their muscle, and we're gonna learn from somebody who is, I'm talking about, elite when it comes to understanding how to build muscle. And I think that this is going to be one of those episodes that impacts your life for many, many years to come. Now, it's really important to understand that it isn't just about the stressors or the environmental inputs. The strength training that enables us to build muscle, there are key elements that are driving our muscle contractions, and also the recovery and healing of our muscles as well to build back stronger. And so protein is obviously of critical importance because these are truly the building blocks, these amino acids are the building blocks that are making up these tissues. But also, there are key minerals that are critical in order for our muscles to function in the first place, the most important minerals being electrolytes. These are minerals that carry an electric charge that enable muscle contraction in the first place. And so if we're deficient in these things, we simply cannot fire or recruit muscles in the same way. And also, this can lead to unnecessary fatigue, this can lead to muscle cramping and also lack or slowing, degrading in the ability to have our muscles to be repaired. And so electrolytes are truly important. And actually, it was at my special guest house, I was just over there doing a show years ago, and he gave me these electrolytes, and honestly, I took them and then they just sat in my cabinet for like three months. And then my wife went to do yoga, she went to a hot yoga class and she came back and she was just kind of feeling depleted and just kind of low energy. And I was like, "You probably need some electrolytes, so let me grab you some." I'm like, "I've got some in here," and I grabbed them, added them to water, gave them to her, and then I went to my office. I came back like 20 minutes later and she's bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, and working. I'm just like, "What the... What happened to you?" And I realized like, okay, I gave her some electrolytes, but this kind of change in her energy was very notable and very strange, and I was like, "This is interesting." And so I utilized them the next day. And usually, sometimes if I got a long day and if I'm recording a lot and doing multiple shows and doing interviews and media and all this stuff, around 4 or 5 o'clock, I might not really wanna be Chatty Cathy at that point. I might just wanna be a little bit more reserved. But it was like 4 or 5 o'clock and I was walking around in my backyard, and I'm just thinking about, "I haven't called such and such back yet," or like I've got... "I need to leave this voice text for such and such. I said I'd get back to him," whatever. I was just like thinking up people for me to get in contact with, which is not my personality, especially at the end of the day. And I was just like, "What is going on?" Maybe it's just I'm having a great day, but I had those electrolytes that day as well. It's just like I'm putting two and two together, I'm like, this might be something special here. And so I start to look into the science and contacting the creator as well, and one of the creators is actually somebody who's, for me, been such an inspiration and mentor. And I was shocked that I hadn't utilized or looked into these electrolytes sooner because of my level of respect for him. And I'm talking about New York Times best-selling author, Robb Wolf who's become a really good friend. And so having the science and having this connection and understanding the integrity, that's why I decided to really get on board with the incredible electrolytes from LMNT. Go to drinklmnt.com/model. And not only are you going to get the best electrolyte formulation based on hundreds of thousands of data points from different people, we're talking about high-level athletes to everyday folks on the optimal ratio and the most important electrolytes for performance, cognitive performance and physical activity as well, and no unnecessary sugars, no artificial colors, none of the nefarious stuff that we typically find in these "electrolyte drinks" that have become popularized in recent history, in particular through the lens of sport. Again, go to drinklmnt.com/model, get yourself hooked up with their incredible electrolytes. And when you go to that link, you're going to get a free gift, a free sample pack of electrolytes with multiple flavors with every purchase. Alright? So they're giving you a free gift right now, when you go to drinklmnt.com/model. Get hooked up with the best electrolytes in the world.
This episode is brought to you by Onnit. No list, no gifts. Here are just a few benefits of building muscles seen in peer-reviewed studies. Building some muscle mass can significantly improve your insulin sensitivity, improve your overall hormone health, improve your cognitive performance, improve your immune system, protect you against injuries and speed recovery, and defend your body against age-related degradation. This is just a small slice of what a little bit more muscle can do. Now the barrier of entry to building more healthy muscle and reaching a state of physical fitness is easier than ever. Having a few key pieces of equipment at your house can absolutely change the game for you. Kettlebells, steel clubs, maces, battle ropes, all of these phenomenal, multifaceted pieces of equipment are readily available to ship directly to your door. Go to onnit.com/model, and you're going to receive 10% off some of the most premier training equipment in the world. Simple piece of equipment that you can do dozens, if not hundreds of different exercises with. Plus, they've got incredible programs as well to teach you different techniques for unconventional training to truly create more functionality in your health and fitness. On top of all that, Onnit is also one of the world leaders in human performance nutrition. They've got the most remarkable pre-workout supplements and post-workout protein that you're going to find, all sourced from Earth-grown ingredients, nothing synthetic. They also have put their own products into real world clinical trials to affirm their efficacy. Again, go to onnit.com/model. That's onnit.com/model for 10% off everything they carry.
Direct download: TMHS_740_-_The_5_Biggest_Muscle-Building_Mistakes_-_With_Jay_Ferruggia.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Tue, 14 November 2023
Have you ever wished you were better at remembering names? The ability to recall information isn’t just a matter of good memory or bad memory—it’s actually a skill we all have the ability to harness. My friend Jim Kwik is a world-renowned brain coach, speed reading expert, and an absolute powerhouse in the realm of accelerated learning and memory. In his updated edition of Limitless, he unpacks how to increase your productivity, eliminate distraction, and master your habits in a post-pandemic world. He’s back on The Model Health Show to share powerful insights on how to enhance the power of your brain. You’re going to discover powerful tools becoming limitless in the capacity of your mind. In this interview, you’re going to learn specific strategies to read faster, focus better, and reach your potential. As always, Jim is bringing knowledge and tips you can apply today to begin making improvements in your brain power immediately. Honored and excited to share this interview with the incredible Jim Kwik! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Thanks to our Sponsors This episode is brought to you by Paleovalley. During the episode, I mentioned some research coming from UCLA and indicating that turmeric, namely one of the compounds in turmeric that's been identified called curcumin, has a potential to improve our memory. But to dig even a little bit deeper, there's a study that was published in the journal Ethnopharmacology, and it points to turmeric's potential in reducing the severity of both anxiety and depression. So we're not just talking about cognitive function, we're talking about mental health as well. Now, absolutely, we can add turmeric into different dishes. A curry, when you're in a hurry, can help to make you more present. And it's just one of those kind of home cooked, soothing things that we can get access to. But also, sometimes the dose makes the difference. So getting a more concentrated version, which is what's used in a lot of these studies, it's a concentrate of curcumin, or my preferred way is a concentrate of turmeric itself. Number one, it has to be organic, and also having the bio-potentiators that helps our cells to absorb it better. Why do I say turmeric over curcumin alone? It's because turmeric has thousands of other compounds. Dozens have now been identified that have remarkable benefits for the human mind and body. One of those is Ar-turmerone. And Ar-turmerone has been found, according to a study published in Stem Cell Research, has been found to increase neural stem cell proliferation by upwards of 80%. So we're talking about stem cells that actually help to create new cells. This process of neurogenesis, the creation of new brain cells, is something that's only recently been understood in science. And to be able to find specific foods and nutrients that can help this process to keep your brain youthful and your cognitive function at a high level, that's what makes turmeric so special. And the turmeric that I use is Turmeric Complex from Paleo Valley. Go to paleovalley.com/model, and you're going to get 15% off their phenomenal Turmeric Complex. Again, all organic, done the right way. And this is one of my supplements that I literally, I use this on a weekly basis, especially if I'm wanting to give my immune system a little bit of support, helping to reduce inflammation, to recover from workouts, and also, of course, helping to support my brain health. This is one of the things that I turn to on a regular basis, the Turmeric Complex from Paleo Valley. Go to paleovalley.com/model for 15% off.
This episode is brought to you by HVMN. One of the major reasons that people give for not being able to cook home cook meals on a consistent basis is not having the energy to do it. Energy can be one of our greatest assets and it can also be one of our greatest deficiencies. Obviously, our lifestyle factors play a huge role in the availability that we have to access energy. But there are a few recent discoveries that are adding to the energy equation like a few things ever have. Numerous studies, including a study published by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, or the FASEB Journal, found that exogenous ketones can be up to 28% more efficient in generating energy than glucose alone. If this is about cognitive function, if this is about energy, you've got to utilize these ketones. But not just any run of the mill ketone esters that had its time in the sun, but something far better has been brought to the world by HVMN. Go to hvmn.com/model and you're going to get 30% off your first subscription order of Ketone-IQ. Ketone-IQ is now clinically proven to improve our cognitive performance and also bolster our energy for sports performance. In fact, studies have found up to 15% increased mean power output after recovery by utilizing ketones. And the bioavailability of Ketone-IQ is in a league of its own. Check out Ketone-IQ today. Go to hvmn.com/model for 30% off your first subscription order.
Direct download: TMHS_739_-_Supercharge_Your_Memory_Learn_FASTER_And_Become_LIMITLESS_-_With_Jim_Kwik.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Sun, 12 November 2023
Life’s stressors are a normal part of human existence. In fact, your body’s stress response system is a critical survival mechanism that allows you to respond in the event of a threat. And while we can never entirely eliminate stressors in our lives, we can improve the way we respond to stress. On this episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to learn powerful strategies on how to improve your body’s natural stress responses. This compilation episode features three world leading experts on the topics of stress, adrenal health, and rewiring your brain. You’ll hear how habits like sleep, exercise, and nutrition can increase your resilience, and specific practices you can implement to optimally respond to stress. Building your resilience to stressful circumstances is an impactful life skill we can all implement. This episode is bringing you powerful insights on how to decompress, heal, and become a healthier, happier version of yourself. So click play, listen in, and enjoy the show! In this episode you’ll discover:
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This episode is brought to you by Pique. if there was one beverage that is most correlated with reducing stress, it's tea. Now, the only tea that I knew about growing up was sweet tea. Alright, my grandmother would make sweet tea or I would go to different restaurants and order the sweet tea, matter of fact, when Lipton Brisk hit the scene, so this is sweet tea that was in bottles that you could buy from the vending machine, it was so full of sugar that it had this frosted appearance, it was like frosted tea, so I'm not talking about that abomination of tea. I'm talking about the storied traditional teas that have been utilized for thousands of years to support human health. Now, one of the most well-known and well-researched teas that help to manage and reduce stress is green tea, green tea contains a unique amino acid called L-theanine, this is one of the rare nutrients that's able to cross the blood-brain barrier with relative ease and impact the activity of a neurotransmitter called GABA, which helps to reduce anxiety and makes us to feel more centered and relaxed. Now, some teas like green tea might have a small amount of caffeine, but because of L-theanine, not only does it not have that stimulating effect, it actually helps to reduce and calm the nervous system, it's really a cool combination that's found naturally in green tea. Another way that L-theanine works to improve our focus specifically, which lack of focus can lead to more stress as well, if we're not able to focus on the things that we need to get done and just get overwhelmed, but a peer-reviewed study published in the journal, Brain Topography, found that L-theanine intake increases the frequency of our alpha brain waves indicating reduced stress, enhanced focus and even increases creativity. Now, this is the most important distinction about this conversation when talking about green tea, not all green tea is created equal, not in the slightest, quality matters immensely here more than ever, because not a lot of folks realize that even some organic teas are contaminated with heavy metals and microplastics, we wanna make sure that we're getting teas from the best source possible, and the green tea that I drink is a Matcha green tea, that's actually shaded 35% longer for extra L-theanine. It's the first quadruple toxin screened Matcha, and there's no preservatives, sugar, artificial flavors, none of that stuff, just the highest quality Matcha green tea in the world from Pique Life. Go to piquelife.com/shawn, that's piquelife.com/shawn. And you're gonna get access to some of their incredible bonuses for their different bundles, like free shipping, and also an exclusive 90-day risk-free guarantee, if you don't love their Matcha green tea or any of the products from Pique Life, you can send them back for a full refund. So they're really standing behind their tea quality, they go above and beyond, and highly recommend checking them out. It's piquelife.com/shawn, that's piquelife.com/shawn.
This episode is brought to you by Ettitude. As Dr. Wentz was closing with the importance of managing our sleep quality in order to help our bodies to manage stress effectively, it can be one of the biggest hangups causing excessive stress and an inability to adapt from stress if we're not sleeping well. It is a top tier concern, and we're gonna talk more about that with our next expert, which is going to blow your mind. Now, with that being said, what is one of the common things that's causing disruption with our sleep quality? Well, a growing body of data has shown that people with confirmed chronic sleep issues like insomniacs and other people in general population, but these folks tend to have a significantly warmer core body temperature at night when their body temperature is supposed to be going down. To help combat this issue, in this study, this was published in the journal, Brain, the scientists had participants wear thermo suits to lower their skin temperature less than one degree Celsius. This was so little that it didn't necessarily affect their core body temperature, but just the skin temperature. And they measured their impact objectively on their sleep quality. The study results found that participants didn't wake up as much during the night, and they actually spent more time in stages three and four deep sleep. And effectively, these folks were now having their sleep equivalent to people who didn't have notable sleep issues just by reducing the temperature a little bit on their skin surface. Now, what you wanna be aware of is not overheating your body with your bedding, and that's one of the common culprits. And in a new study, test subjects were randomly placed into one of two groups. One sleeping on conventional sheets, just the run of the mill stuff. And another group was sleeping on organic bamboo lyocell sheets from Ettitude. After compiling the data, the researchers found that, and they were actually objectively tracking their sleep quality, there was a 1.5% improvement in sleep efficiency for folks that were sleeping on the Ettitude sheets, which equated to an additional 7.2 more minutes of restorative sleep per night. Now, that might not sound like a lot, but you add that up, that's 43 extra hours of sleep per year doing the same thing they would've been doing, but their sleep efficiency, sleep quality was improved by sleeping on these sheets. And subjectively, after sleeping on these sheets, participants found that their mental alertness during the next day improved by upwards of 25% and 94% of people preferred sleeping on Ettitude Organic Bamboo lyocell Sheets. These are the sheets that I've been sleeping on for years and I can't tell you how much I love them. Check them out at ettitude.com/model. That's ettitude.com/model. Use the code MODEL15 at checkout, and you're gonna get 15% off of these incredible sheets. They're antimicrobial, self deodorizing, they're breathable, moisture wicking, and they also support thermo regulation. All right, so these sheets are something truly special. Head over there, check 'em out, ettitude.com/model.
Direct download: TMHS_738_-_Boost_Fat_Loss__Upgrade_Your_Health_With_Science-Backed_Tools_For_Beating_Stress.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Tue, 7 November 2023
Having a larger waistline is linked to a whole host of risks, including higher propensity for heart disease and diabetes. And while it isn’t possible to directly target belly fat through exercise and diet, there are some steps you can take to facilitate overall fat loss, resulting in a reduction of dangerous visceral fat. Today’s guest, Thomas DeLauer, is an expert in the realm of diet and nutrition. His popular YouTube channel has amassed millions of subscribers with the mission of helping folks implement realistic and sustainable habits to optimize their health. On this episode of The Model Health Show, he’s diving into the science behind losing belly fat. You’re going to learn the critical mechanisms behind belly fat, including the role of hormones, calories, macronutrients, and more. You’ll hear about the best types of exercise for reducing fat, how to simplify your diet for better body composition, and a whole lot more. Thomas has a wealth of knowledge in this space, and I hope you enjoy this interview. In this episode you’ll discover:
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This episode is brought to you by LMNT. Now, one of the most essential things that enables our cells to literally talk to each other, that enables signal transduction are electrolytes. Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electric charge. Now, there's a certain electrolyte that has gotten drag through the media, through popular culture and really framed as a villain, and that electrolyte is sodium. Now, according to the FDA, over 70% of the sodium in the average American's diet is coming from ultra-processed fake foods. It's coming from ultra-processed foods, from things like Pop-Tarts and potato chips, and the list goes on and on, fast foods. This is where we're getting the bulk of our sodium intake, very low quality sodium and really a one-trick pony because there isn't just one type of electrolyte or one type of sodium. Sodium is one form of a salt. There's also potassium salts, there's also magnesium salts. There's many forms of magnesium, many forms of sodium. That highly refined sodium found in ultra-processed foods, that can be problematic, absolutely. But what happens when we start to shift away from having a diet largely made up of these ultra-processed foods and we're eating more real foods? Are we certain that we're getting the sodium that our cells really need to have a high level of communication and also to protect our metabolic health? Because a meta-analysis published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews uncovered that study participants placed on a low sodium diet did have slightly lower blood pressure in the short-term because that's what we often think about when reducing the sodium, is because of hypertension. So they found that lowering sodium intake did slightly lower blood pressure in the short-term, but they found that restricted sodium also led in the more medium to longer-term, eventually led to elevated triglycerides or blood fats, elevated stress hormones, and accordingly elevated blood pressure. So short-term, reducing sodium, reduces blood pressure, but if you do that for too long, blood pressure is going to be elevated. So there's a balance here. We need sodium. It is a critical nutrient to human health, but we don't want it coming in in that one-trick pony version from ultra-processed foods predominantly. And also a study that was published in the Journal Metabolism that was done by researchers at Harvard Medical School found that low salt intake directly increases insulin resistance in healthy test subjects. So with that being said, make sure that we're eating foods that are naturally rich in sodium, but also what I saw at my special guest recording studio, what we have here at our studio is the electrolytes from LMNT. Go to drinklmnt.com/model and you're going to get the highest quality electrolyte supplement in the world. And they're also, by the way, with every electrolyte purchase, they're going to send you a free bonus pack, a free gift as well. Now, a fascinating study published in the journal Neuron found that magnesium, which is one of the other electrolytes in LMNT, incredible ratios, magnesium is able to restore critical brain plasticity and improve our cognitive function, right? So our brain is critically dependent on sodium, magnesium, and potassium is the other key electrolyte in this equation. And LMNT has hundreds of thousands of data points on the optimal ratio of these electrolytes. And by the way, professional sports teams and all professional sports are utilizing LMNT now. Just because contractually they got to have Gatorade on the outside of that container on the sidelines. I'm telling you right now, I've got the inside information here. Many professional teams are now utilizing LMNT, and I know this because these high level athletes and teams are now partnering with LMNT. So again, it's something really special. It's getting away from all the highly refined sugar that's unnecessary to have in our electrolyte supplements and just delivering the high quality electrolytes that our bodies need to perform. Go to drinklmnt.com/model for a special gift of electrolytes with every purchase.
This episode is brought to you by HVMN. One of the major reasons that people give for not being able to cook home-cooked meals on a consistent basis, is not having the energy to do it. Energy can be one of our greatest assets, and it can also be one of our greatest deficiencies. Obviously, our lifestyle factors play a huge role in the availability that we have to access energy, but there are a few recent discoveries that are adding to energy equation, like a few things ever have. Numerous studies, including a study published by the Federation of American societies for Experimental Biology or the FASEB journal, found that exogenous ketones can be up to 28% more efficient in generating energy than glucose alone. If this is about cognitive function, if this is about energy, you've got to utilize these ketones, but not just any run-of-the-mill ketone esters that had its time in the sun, but something far better has been brought to the world by HVMN. Go to hvmn.com/model, and you're going to get 30% off your first subscription order of ketone-IQ. Ketone-IQ is now clinically proven to improve our cognitive performance and also bolster our energy for sports performance. In fact, studies have found up to 15% increased mean power output after recovery by utilizing ketones. And the bio-availability of ketone IQ is in a league of its own. Check out ketone-IQ today. Go to hvmn.com/model for 30% off your first subscription order.
Direct download: TMHS_737_-_The_Truth_About_Belly_Fat_-_With_Thomas_DeLauer.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Sun, 5 November 2023
When you think about improving your health, you probably consider implementing daily habits like preparing nutritious meals, adding more movement to your routine, and getting quality sleep. But before you can make lasting changes in those areas, you’ll have to cultivate the mindset and the environment that makes those healthy changes not only possible, but natural. On this episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to hear my interview on Sway in the Morning to promote the launch of The Eat Smarter Cookbook. You’ll hear how changing your mindset can upgrade your health and why changing your environment is the best way to make healthy choices automatic. You’re also going to hear some of my personal story, including the evolution of my career and my own health journey. This interview contains powerful conversations on transforming your mindset, how ultra-processed foods are harming our health, how to approach health in a balanced way, and the important role that connection plays in dictating our health outcomes. I’m honored and excited to share this interview with you. In this episode you’ll discover:
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This episode is brought to you by Four Sigmatic. Even when I'm traveling, I always bring along my four Sigmatic think coffee blend of organic coffee and dual extracted chaga and lion's mane mushrooms. I travel with their little travel packs and at home I'm making the full coffee grounds and the drip, it's a whole vibe that I do each morning for my wife and I. Especially when I'm traveling, I wanna make sure that my cognitive function and my immune system is on point. But it's really about immunomodulation and that's the power of these dual extracted medicinal mushrooms. They're clinically proven. We're talking mountains of peer-reviewed data affirming that they have immunomodulating capacity to help to uplevel or increase the activity of our immune system if needed, or to help bring down our immune system activity to make sure that it's not hyperactive. And in particular, Chaga mushroom has been shown to increase the production of something called superoxide dismutase, a super antioxidant in the human body that's really influential on the health and performance of our immune system. But also for that cognitive performance, lion's mane is pointed out by researchers at the University of Malaya where they discovered that it is able to increase the activity of something called nerve growth factor in our brain. Nerve growth factor is essential in the regulation of growth, maintenance, proliferation, and survival of various brain cells. That is powerful stuff. In a study published in biomedical research test subjects with a variety of health complaints, including anxiety and poor sleep quality, were given lion's mane or a placebo for four weeks. The participants who use lion's mane significantly reduced levels of irritation and anxiety than those in the placebo group. The researchers stated, "Our findings show that lion's mane intake has the possibility to reduce depression and anxiety." There are solutions out there. But again, we don't know, we don't know. It's all about education. It's all about empowerment. Head over there, check them out. It's foursigmatic.com/model. That's foursigmatic.com/model. Check out their incredible think blend. You get 10% off storewide, by the way. And in addition to their coffee blends, they also have a wonderful hot cacao or hot cocoa blend that has reishi mushroom in there. They also have elixirs themselves. So if you're not a big fan of coffee, you can get the lion's mane itself, cordyceps, chaga, and many other wonderful things. So again, head over there, check them out, foursigmatic.com/model for 10% off.
This episode is. Brought to you by PaleoValley. I've got some very bad news for you about vitamin C supplements. Most people have no idea that typical vitamin C supplements are made from corn syrup or corn starch derived from GMO crops. The synthetic ascorbic acid found in most vitamin C supplements is structurally similar to naturally derived whole food sources of vitamin C, but they are not the same thing. Whole food and whole food concentrates of vitamin C have hundreds of other bioactive cofactors that make vitamin C work miraculously in our bodies. While synthetic vitamin C is the very definition of a one-trick pony. In fact by being devoid of essential cofactors Synthetic vitamin C supplements can be outright harmful to your health. For instance, a 2013 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Internal medicine found that participants taking synthetic vitamin C supplements had twice the risk of developing kidney stones. Another study from researchers at USC found that a daily dose of synthetic vitamin C thickened the walls of participants arteries two and a half times faster than those not taking the synthetic supplement. This is absolutely insane because, number one, it's one of the most popular standalone supplements in the world and commonly found in most multi-vitamins. Number two, whole food based, whole food concentrates of real Vitamin C are remarkably effective in lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease even in people engaged in high-risk behaviors like smoking. A randomized placebo-controlled study published in the Journal of Cardiology had 20 smokers Consume a whole food concentrate of vitamin C in the form of camu camu berry daily over the course of a one-week study. And it led to significantly lowered oxidative stress and lowered inflammatory biomarkers. What's more there were no changes in these markers in the placebo group who received an ordinary Synthetic vitamin C supplement. Because of the damage humans have done to the soil microbiome Levels of vitamin C are notably lower in typical foods. That's why I've been utilizing a whole food vitamin C concentrate blend of camu camu berry, Acerola cherry, and amla berry for years. And I'm on a mission to spread awareness about this and get people off Synthetic vitamin C supplements. The essential C complex from Paleovalley is all organic, no synthetic ingredients, and no fillers. Plus it has a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee, so if you aren't absolutely thrilled with it, you'll receive a full refund. No questions asked. Go to paleovalley.com/model right now, and you'll automatically receive 15% off of your order at checkout. Vitamin C is critical for our immune system health, but also the health of our heart, our brain, our skin and so much more. Target organic whole food sources of vitamin C, and if you're going to supplement, make sure it's a whole food concentrate and not synthetic vitamin C. Go to paleovalley.com/model. That's paleovalley.com/model right now for 15% off. And now back to the show.
Direct download: TMHS_736_-_The_1_Toxin_in_the_U.S._Food_System__How_To_Protect_Your_Familys_Health.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm PST |
Tue, 31 October 2023
What is the underlying factor that drives humans to engage in behaviors that are damaging? Whether it’s gambling, drinking, or eating to excess, it’s not uncommon in our society for folks to get sucked into repetitive, detrimental habits. It turns out, there’s an evolutionary foundation behind this behavior, and it’s the topic of the new book, The Scarcity Brain. Today’s guest, Michael Easter is a professor and the author of The Comfort Crisis and The Scarcity Brain. His work encompasses the idea of utilizing modern science and evolutionary wisdom in order to lead healthier, more fulfilled lives. He joins this episode of The Model Health Show to share the fascinating science of scarcity, moderation, fixation, and happiness. You’re going to learn about the scarcity loop and how it drives us to repeat unhealthy habits. We’ll talk about the psychology of gambling, overeating, excessive screen time, and so much more. If you want to break the cycle of constantly craving more, this interview will help you create meaningful change. I hope you enjoy this interview with Michael Easter! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Thanks to our Sponsors! This episode is brought to you by Organifi. Today, more than ever, because of all the stress inputs and how our bodies are processing the data that we're being exposed to, we very often need a little bit of a support. That's where the term supplement should come in at. Supplements should not replace an already healthy diet. It should supplement, it should fill in minor gaps. It should help us to be able to go above and beyond so that we're running on all cylinders. Now, we've existed recently in recent generations in the paradigm of the "multivitamin", and the data is now pointing to the fact that there is a very big difference in synthetic versions of vitamins versus real whole food versions of those same vitamins. Just because the the chemical equation is the same does not mean that it's impacting our health the same way. Take for example, essential nutrient vitamin E. This nutrient is important for healthy function of your cardiovascular system, cognitive performance, and even the health of your skin. Well, the study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition determined that natural food-based vitamin E, has nearly twice the bioavailability of synthetic vitamin E. So again, the data is now becoming more and more clear. Just because we get a "multivitamin" that has these synthetic versions of these essential nutrients, does not mean that our cells can actually utilize it. So when we're looking at fortifying our nutrition, providing ourselves with an abundance of essential nutrients, we wanna do this with number one, real whole foods. And number two, real food concentrates. Superfood concentrates. This is why I'm such a huge fan of Organifi. Organifi provides organic whole food-based superfood concentrates superfoods like chlorella, for example, which is incredibly rich in Chlorophyll, which a study published in the Journal Appetite found that chlorophyll can aid in weight loss and reduce the urge to eat hyper-palatable foods. But it also has remarkable micronutrients like Lutein and Zeaxanthin that helps with our cardiovascular system, with our vision and much more. These foods go above and beyond with their nutrient density. And on top of that, a double-blind placebo controlled study published in the journal Clinical and Experimental Hypertension found that Chlorella was able to normalize blood pressure of test subjects with hypertension. So when I'm saying these foods are superfoods, I'm not exaggerating. We're talking about science backed, we're talking about real. If we're talking about a multivitamin, this is where you need to turn, Whole Food concentrates. Organifi's Green Juice contains chlorella, spirulina, ashwagandha, coconut, and it comes together in this really refreshing beverage that's easy to make, easy to travel with as well. They have these great go packs and providing our families with real whole food-based complimentary nutrition. Go to organifi.com/model. You get 20% off their incredible Green Juice Blend. They also have a great Red Juice Formula Gold highlighting organic turmeric as the foundational ingredient in that formula. And so much more. Organifi is doing stuff the right way, organic, cold processing, organic whole food-based nutrition at organifi.com/model. That's organifi.com/model for 20% off storewide. This episode is brought to you by Four Sigmatic. The human brain is the most powerful pharmacy in the universe. And I'm saying that because every single thought that we think creates correlating chemistry in our bodies and that biochemistry is designed uniquely for you. It's beyond bio identical hormones or neurotransmitters. These are designed specifically for your own receptor site. So what you're making within your own body based on your thoughts, your perception of reality, is of the utmost importance. And obviously, thoughts of stress and anxiety, and worry and fear, these are going to create cascades that make us feel a certain way. The same with more positive and affirmative feelings and thoughts of joy, of love, of connection. But all of our emotions matter. Now, the thing is, if we're talking about health and longevity, we want to make sure that we're stacking conditions to have more positive, affirmative thoughts and buffer us from the stressful thoughts that we are inevitably going to have. Now, our sleep hygiene, our movement practices, and also our nutrition are of the utmost importance in helping to modulate these things. And when it comes to managing stress, there is one particular story, tea that has been utilized for thousands of years that stands head and shoulders above the rest. A study published in Biomedical Research found that test subjects with a variety of health complaints, including anxiety and poor sleep quality, were given lion's main medicinal mushroom or a placebo for four weeks to monitor their metabolic and psychological impact. The participants who utilize lion's mane had significantly reduced levels of anxiety and irritation than those in the placebo group. The researcher stated, quote, our results show that lion's main intake has the possibility to reduce depression and anxiety unquote. Not only that, scientists at the University of Malaya discovered that compounds in lion's mane are able to significantly improve the activity of a nerve growth factor in the brain. Nerve growth factor is essential in the regulation of growth, maintenance, proliferation and survival of various brain cells. If we want to have a healthy brain and protect our brain cells, which we don't have, the regenerative activity of brain cells like we do other cells in our bodies, we've got to take care of our brain cells. This is one of the few things ever discovered that has that protective capacity for me and my family. We want to make sure that the medicinal mushrooms that we're utilizing lions mane, chaga, rishi, and the like are all done via a dual extraction to make sure that we're getting these bio active compounds in a more full fashion. So via a hot water extract and an alcohol extract, there's one company that's doing that and infusing these incredible medicinal mushrooms into things like organic coffee, organic hot cocoa, and I'm talking about the folks at Four Sigmatic. Go to foursigmatic.com//model you get 10% off store wide of all of their incredible medicinal mushroom elixirs, cocos, and their organic coffee blends as well. Today I actually had the lions main and chaga organic coffee blend. This is one of those things, of course, it puts you on ten, but it helps you to modulate and manage your energy. It's not one of those things where you get this jolt of energy and then it leaves you lagging later on. It's very steady, mild mannered behavior and also helping to really activate the cognitive function that we're looking at when we're talking about things like lion's main, medicinal mushroom. Can get 10% off store wide plus more. They got some incredible packages that you've got to check out in specials over at foursigmatic.com//model. Go to foursigmatic.com//model for 10% off store wide and more.
Direct download: TMHS_735_-_The_Truth_About_Overeating_Addiction__The_Scarcity_Brain_-_With_Michael_Easter.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Sun, 29 October 2023
There are a variety of smart lifestyle strategies you can use to lower your stress levels, including practicing meditation and deep breathing, getting adequate sleep, and exercise. But did you know that the food you eat has the potential to both reduce stress and cause stress? Food is a critical, yet often overlooked, piece of stress management. If you’re looking for strategies to reduce your overall stress load, it’s important to understand how nutrition impacts stress, and vice versa. On this episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to hear the science of how food can reduce stress and cause stress. You’re also going to learn actionable steps you can take to ensure a healthier overall stress load with specific foods and behaviors. Learning strategies to modulate our stress responses is something we can all benefit from, so I hope this episode provides a ton of value to you. The bidirectional relationship between food and stress is a fascinating one, so click play, listen in, and enjoy the show! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Thanks to our Sponsors! This episode is brought to you by Foursigmatic. What's another science backed food that can help to support the reduction of stress? Well, this one is actually traditionally used as a beverage, but it also is used culinary ways today in different food preparations. And I'm talking about Lion's Mane medicinal mushroom. I just went to a farmer's market the other day and there was a table there that had this wide variety of different medicinal mushrooms and Lion's Mane was there as well, and some folks who were getting the Lion's Mane to use it in different dishes. But traditionally it's gonna be a decoction or hot water extraction to kind of break down and extract these compounds that I'm about to share with you because within Lion's Mane, a study published in biomedical research found that test subjects with a variety of health complaints, including anxiety and poor sleep quality, were given Lion's Mane or a placebo for four weeks. The participants who use the Lion's Mane significantly reduce levels of irritation and anxiety than those in the placebo group. Alright, so we're talking about a reduction of agitation, a reduction of stress. The researchers stated "Our results show that Lion's Mane intake has the possibility to reduce depression and anxiety." That's special, man, that is really special. And as mentioned, you wanna make sure that this is a dual extraction to really get all the compounds from the mushrooms. This is why I'm such a huge fan of Four Sigmatic. I have Lion's Mane almost every day. So whether it's in the Lion's Mane Organic Coffee along with Chaga medicinal mushroom, or it's the Lion's Mane Elixir itself, this is one of those staples in my household for sure. Huge fan of Lion's Mane, and you could check them out. Go to foursigmatic.com/model, that's foursigmatic.com/model. You get 10% off storewide. Four Sigmatic really is the best. They've been such a huge supporter. We're a big supporter also of the movement with Eat Smarter and Eat Smarter Family Cookbook as well and just providing great gifts and things for giveaways and support just to really help with this movement with family wellness. So definitely appreciate Four Sigmatic. Go to foursigmatic.com/model for 10% off. This episode is brought to you by Organifi. For this one, we're gonna look at a spice. This one is turmeric. Turmeric has been found to improve insulin sensitivity, reduce blood fats, and directly act upon fat cells. Plus research published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology points to turmeric's potential in reducing the severity of both anxiety and depression. Yes, we can add some turmeric to different recipes. However, to get a truly therapeutic amount of it, I'm a huge fan of making a turmeric latte. And for that, my favorite turmeric latte is from Organifi Gold. Organifi Gold not only has an incredible source of organic turmeric, but also combines magnesium, Rishi, and other incredible ingredients that really help to reduce stress in the human body. They made that product so intentionally utilizing the highest quality ingredients and just making it easy to enjoy the process of getting well and getting these powerful nutrients into our bodies. For the Organifi Gold, go to organifi.com/model. That's organifi.com/model. You get 20% off storewide, so they're gold formula, they're Organifi green juice, which I mentioned spirulina a little bit earlier. It's one of the highlighted ingredients in the Organifi green juice. But in this particular instance, if we're talking about reducing stress, Organifi Gold is my favorite. This episode is brought to you by LMNT. Part of the response of the human body where we're not satiated and we're wanting to eat more and more and more is that we're not getting in the nutrients that our bodies are screaming for. Now with that lack of nutrients, by the way, this is where it's about being intentional when we're making our food choices to make sure that we're eating nutrient rich foods as much as possible. And to compliment with that in particular, there's a certain category of nutrients that are really important in helping to modulate stress. And this is where electrolytes can be valuable for everybody, especially those who are not getting copious amounts of these stress modulating electrolytes in their diet. A plethora of studies have proven the benefits of electrolytes on mental health and stress management. For example, a study cited in the journal of physiological reports titled Sodium and Potassium Excretion Predict Increased Depression in Urban Adolescents uncovered the overlooked role of electrolytes and mental health, in particular low potassium. And the sodium intake that's largely coming from ultra-processed foods is creating more mental health issues in our citizens. And of course, by the way, don't forget about magnesium when we're talking about this interplay with electrolytes. Magnesium has too many studies on reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression and releasing abnormal amounts of stress, helping us to metabolize stress. Then we can even mention, there are mountains of studies on the benefits of magnesium and so keep that in mind. This is why I'm a huge fan of course, of getting in our electrolytes in our food, but also supplementing with high quality electrolytes. I'm not talking about Gatorade, I'm not talking about Powerade, I'm not talking about any of that garbage. I'm talking about high quality electrolytes with science-backed data points that is not containing unnecessary sugars and food dyes for me and my family. This is something that I travel with this as well. It was really helpful. These are those small things you pick up traveling coast to coast to New York City, really helping me to adjust. I'm always traveling with my element electrolytes. Go to drinklmnt.com/model. That's drinklmnt.com/model and they're going to send you a free electrolyte sample pack with every purchase. So whatever electrolytes that you get, they're gonna send you a sample pack to try out their other varieties of electrolytes as well. So such a cool gift that they're giving for folks. Go to drinklmnt.com/model. Truly element is in a league of their own when it comes to electrolytes.
Direct download: TMHS_734_-_How_Food_Reduces_And_Causes_Stress.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Tue, 24 October 2023
Cooking meals together in the kitchen with your kids and family creates long-lasting memories. Sometimes starting small with making your own meals alongside others can help others build strong eating habits. Cynthia was inspired after seeing a study that the future generation may not live past their parents and it all leads to how we eat. Cynthia Garcia is the founder of the Institute of Transformational Nutrition and Modern Life Coach School. She has been featured on The Dr. Phil Show, The Doctors, and the TODAY show. She shares her knowledge of the best techniques, tips, and methods of transforming the way you eat and your overall health habits through the Institute of Transformational Nutrition. In this interview, she speaks with Shawn on how to grow good eating habits with your children so they may live a long healthy life. It’s all based on the culture in your home or based on the culture you are exposed to around you. Cynthia Garcia shares her 3 pillars of transformational nutrition and how to change the culture in your home to stronger, healthier relationships in your home, family, and friends. In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 733_-_How_To_Keep_Your_Family_Healthy__More_Connected_-_With_Cynthia_Garcia.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:21pm PST |
Sun, 22 October 2023
TMHS 732: Study Reveals A Hidden Secret To Longevity & Shocking New Facts About Ozempic - With Mike Mutzel
“Negative perception of aging was the strongest correlation to accelerated biological aging” ~ Mike Mutzel A new 40-year study gives new life to— “The older the violin, the sweeter the music.” Believing that is true, having a positive outlook on aging, has been proven to slow the biological aging process. Small changes are the starting point for longevity and those changes begin inside our minds. My guest and I break down the details and give you a ton of actionable steps to take toward longevity. Mike Mutzel, aka Metabolic Mike, is a four-time guest who holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Western Washington University. Also has a Masters in Clinical Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport, is an Institute for Functional Medicine graduate, and he’s a legend in the health and fitness arena. Mike is also a successful author, and founder of MYOXCIENCE Nutrition. Listen as Mike and I dig into the ongoing Dunedin Study that has spanned 40 years. Learn how you can use the findings to slow the aging process without sweeping lifestyle changes. Simply making up your mind that you have control over your biological age has been proven to get the ball rolling on longevity. Get ready to take notes because this episode is full of science-backed steps anyone can take to fight off Father Time and avoid total dependence on pharma-fixes, while feeling better mentally and physically. In this episode you’ll discover:
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Thanks to our Sponsors! This episode is brought to you by Onnit. I wanted to share something with you that's the result of a couple of studies looking at how a certain fat can actually help to burn fat. A randomized double-blind study published in the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders placed participants on a reduced calorie diet that included either supplemental MCTs, medium chain triglycerides, or supplemental long-chain triglycerides, or LCTs. After the data was compiled, it was revealed that the group who included MCT oil lost more weight, eliminated more body fat, and experienced higher levels of satiety. Again, same calorie-restricted diet, but adding in the MCTs led to more fat loss. Another study, this was cited in the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders as well as a separate study. And this revealed that MCTs are able to boost oxidation of stored fat while increasing our satiety at the same time, so burning fat while we're still feeling satisfied. Now here's why this matters. The study also noted that MCTs enabled study participants to retain more of their muscle mass during the weight loss process. So this was supportive of not just weight loss but actual fat loss and retention of our lean tissue. There's something special about MCT oil, but as with everything today, the sourcing is critically important. This is pretty much a daily thing for me, having some MCT oil included somewhere in my nutrition protocol, whether it's blended into a tea or coffee or a smoothie or a salad dressing, there are so many different ways to utilize MCTs, but where you get it from truly does matter. We have to make sure that we're getting our MCT oil from companies that have integrity, that have high-quality sourcing, and also avoiding a lot of toxicants that come along with a lot of supplements today. For my MCT oil, I'm getting it from Onnit. Onnit is a premier human-performance company. And when you go to onnit.com/model, you get 10% off their incredible MCT oil. That's onnit.com/model, you get 10% off their MCT oil and all of their health and human-performance supplements and foods. All right? Huge fan of Onnit, it's a staple in my superfood cabinet. Head over there, check them out, onnit.com/model for 10% off. This episode is brought to you by HVMN. I wanna share something with you that has been fueling my workouts recently. Numerous studies, including a study published by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, AKA, the FASEB Journal, have found that exogenous ketones can be up to 28% more efficient in generating energy than glucose alone, and because of this, something that... Listen, there are so many different supplements that are out there on the market, very few things do you experience a change the first day. Now, this isn't true for everybody, but for me, this was the case, I was shocked. I actually took time stepping away from everything else that I was doing as far as supplementation around training, gave myself a break, and then did this with a lot of focus and intention to see, Hey, what are the kind of results that I could see by utilizing Ketone-IQ? And I was really just blown away. My stamina was significantly increased, but more so, my recovery afterwards, it was really impressive. I just felt like I could do so much more than I normally do. And I'm somebody who really prides myself on being a high performer and being able to really challenge my limits and do exceptional things. And so to do what I was typically doing and then have energy left in the tank, I was just like, "Wow, this is something special, I need to tell more people about this." So right now, you can head over to hvmn.com/model, and they're going to give you 30% off of your first subscription order, it'll be taken off automatically at checkout. And I'm telling you, this is the real deal. Go to hvmn.com/model, check out Ketone-IQ today. This episode is brought to you by Paleovalley. I've got some very bad news for you about vitamin C supplements. Most people have no idea that typical vitamin C supplements are made from corn syrup or corn starch derived from GMO crops. The synthetic ascorbic acid found in most vitamin C supplements is structurally similar to naturally-derived whole-food sources of vitamin C, but they are not the same thing. Whole food and whole-food concentrates of vitamin C have hundreds of other bioactive cofactors that make vitamin C work miraculously in our bodies, while synthetic vitamin C is the very definition of a one-trick pony. In fact, by being devoid of essential cofactors, synthetic vitamin C supplements can be outright harmful to your health. For instance, a 2013 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine found that participants taking synthetic vitamin C supplements had twice the risk of developing kidney stones. Another study, the researchers at USC found that a daily dose of synthetic vitamin C thickened the walls of participants' arteries two and a half times faster than those not taking the synthetic supplement. This is absolutely insane because, number one, it's one of the most popular standalone supplements in the world and commonly found in most multivitamins. Number two, whole-food based, whole-food concentrates of real vitamin C are remarkably effective in lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease, even in people engaged in high-risk behaviors like smoking. A randomized placebo-controlled study published in the Journal of Cardiology had 20 smokers consume a whole-food concentrated vitamin C in the form of camu camu berry over the course of a one-week study. And it led to significantly lowered oxidative stress and lowered inflammatory biomarkers. What's more? There were no changes in these markers in the placebo group who received an ordinary synthetic vitamin C supplement. Because of the damage humans have done to the soil microbiome, levels of vitamin C are notably lower in typical foods. That's why I have been utilizing a whole-food vitamin C concentrate blend of camu camu berry, acerola cherry, and amla berry for years, and I'm on a mission to spread awareness about this and get people off synthetic vitamin C supplements. The essential C complex from Paleovalley is all organic, no synthetic ingredients and no fillers, plus it has a 60-day 100% moneyback guarantee, so if you aren't absolutely thrilled with it, you'll receive a full refund, no questions asked. Go to paleovalley.com/model right now and you'll automatically receive 15% off of your order at checkout. Vitamin C is critical for our immune system health but also the health of our heart, our brain, our skin and so much more. Target organic whole-food sources of vitamin C, and if you're going to supplement, make sure it's a whole food concentrate and not synthetic vitamin C. Go to paleovalley.com/model, that's paleovalley.com/model right now for 15% off.
Direct download: TMHS_732_-_Study_Reveals_A_Hidden_Secret_To_Longevity__Shocking_New_Facts_About_Ozempic_-_With_Mike_Mutzel.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Tue, 17 October 2023
TMHS 731: The Secret to a Healthy Metabolism, Strong Immune System, & Aging Well - with Dr. Gabrielle Lyon
Building and maintaining muscle mass is one of the most important (yet underappreciated) components of overall health and longevity. Having sufficient muscle mass plays a critical role in immune function, metabolism, resiliency and recovery, and so much more. On this episode of The Model Health Show, Dr. Gabrielle Lyon is back to discuss the amazing benefits of having adequate muscle mass on your frame. In this interview, Dr. Lyon is sharing the science behind how building muscle influences our health outcomes. You’re going to learn how skeletal muscle impacts everything from your metabolism to your immune system and your longevity. We’re also having powerful conversations about teaching your children to take care of their bodies, simple ways to optimize muscle mass, and the empowering truth about earning muscle. Dr. Gabrielle Lyon is passionate about sharing the value of building muscle for long-term health, and I hope this interview inspires you to reap the benefits of earning muscle! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Thank You to our Sponsors This episode is brought to you by Onnit. Obviously real food sources, dense protein sources of real food are critical, but sometimes we're not getting in the adequate amount of protein that our bodies need to get the results that we want. And so a lot of folks look to protein supplements, and there are a ton of protein supplements available on the market today, from plant source to animal source. But the vast majority of clinical evidence supporting the benefits of using a protein supplement are from studies done on whey protein. A randomized double-blind study published in the Journal of Nutrition, found that overweight test subjects who are instructed to consume whey protein daily for 23 weeks, lost more body fat, had greater loss in waist circumference and had a greater reduction of circulating ghrelin levels. That is our major hunger hormone, compared to test subjects who were taking soy protein or an isogenic carbohydrate drink. What's really interesting about this study is that the test subjects were not instructed to make any other dietary or lifestyle changes, they just started losing more belly fat by adding in whey protein. That's really something remarkable to pay attention to, and by the way whey protein is not a new invention, Socrates the father of modern medicine utilized whey protein, it was called serum, in their particular dialect, of course, but effectively that's what the translation is. So this has been around for a very long time and it's the most science-backed form of protein, so whatever protein you subscribe to, just make sure you get the best quality possible. And you're gonna find the best quality possible whether it's grass-fed whey protein or a plant-based protein from Onnit, go to onnit.com/model, that's onnit.com/model. And you will find the highest quality protein supplements in the world. Onnit is a health and human performance focused company that even puts their supplements through clinical trials, through randomized controlled trials to see their efficacy. So they're going above and beyond, go to onnit.com/model, check out their grass-fed whey protein, it's amazing and of course, if you're subscribed to a plant-based protocol their plant-based protein is just the best, it just is. My oldest son actually he utilizes it, it's his favorite protein when he's doing a plant-based protocol, some people just their body jives better with certain things and we have to honor that. But we wanna have delicious experiences and we wanna have things that taste good and also feel good in our bodies. So Onnit is that deal check them out, go to onnit.com/model This episode is brought to you by LMNT. Neuroplasticity, the ability of the human brain to grow and adapt and evolve and really to unlock our superhuman capacity is driven by our experiences, our practices, our activities, but also our nutrition. Fascinating new research published in the journal Neuron found that magnesium, this key electrolyte is able to restore critical brain plasticity and improve overall cognitive function. Again, neuroplasticity is the ability of our brain to change and adapt. Now, this is one key electrolyte, but it works in tandem with other electrolytes like sodium. Sodium is critical for maintaining proper hydration of the human brain. If you didn't know this, the human brain is primarily made of water. We're talking somewhere in the ballpark of 75, upwards of 80% water. It's so important because just a small decrease in our body's optimal hydration level, what's noted in the data, just a 2% decrease in our baseline hydration level can lead to dramatic cognitive decline, helping to sustain and maintain proper hydration levels in the brain. Sodium is critical in that. And also researchers at McGill University found that sodium functions as a "off on switch" for specific neurotransmitters that support our cognitive function and protect our brains from numerous degenerative diseases. Right now, the number one electrolyte company in the world is delivering a gift for new and returning customers with each purchase of LMNT. That's LMNT, the number one electrolyte in the market. No binders, no fillers, no artificial ingredients, no crazy sugar and sweeteners. My friend's son was just over at our house and my son, my oldest son Jordan, was training them, taking his teammates through some workouts. And we opened the freezer and there's a bottle of Gatorade, that's a bottle of Gatorade in our freezer. And my wife's like, whose is this? 'Cause we know we don't roll like that. We don't mess with the gators. All right. We don't mess with the Gatorades. And we knew who it was, it was one of his friends. And he came in, he's like, well, at least this is the no sugar kind. And then I go through some of the ingredients with him and I find those curve balls of like, here's where they're sneaking in these artificial ingredients and things that the human body has no association with. But you know, he's taken a step in the right direction by, by being in our environment. So, you know what I did? I put the LMNT in his hand. Alright, make sure that he's got the good stuff, the very best stuff. And also this is backed by peer-reviewed data in a huge body of evidence. When we're talking about the folks at LMNT, that's LMNT. Go to drinklmnt.com/model and you're going to get a special gift pack with every purchase, whether you're a new or previous customer to LMNT. So again, this is a brand new opportunity, free gift pack with every purchase over at LMNT. Go to drinklmnt.com/model.
Direct download: TMHS_731_-_The_Secret_to_a_Healthy_Metabolism_Strong_Immune_System__Aging_Well_-_with_Dr._Gabrielle_Lyon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Sun, 15 October 2023
Having strong, healthy relationships can positively impact your health in a myriad of ways. And since the beginning of human existence, we have connected with each other over the experience of food. Food has the power to cultivate strong bonds, encourage unity over shared interests and values, and bring families and communities together. On this episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to learn about how relationships impact your health and longevity. You’ll hear the data behind the numerous benefits of a shared family meal and how to implement this practice into your routine. You’ll also learn five practical strategies for creating intentional connections around food. Our relationships are at the foundation of our health and well-being, and creating connections around food can create a ripple effect of benefits. Click play to hear the fascinating science behind the #1 controller of your health and fitness! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Thanks to our Sponsors This episode is brought to you by Four Sigmatic. So even getting together with your friends or a friend of yours for lunch or for a cup of coffee, all of these things count. All right? All of these things count, and you can even invite them over for some really good coffee. All right? And you already know we're about, we're about organic and medicinal mushroom infused, like Chaga, one of the most remarkable sources of antioxidants ever discovered, noted in purview data to be very effective at reducing the impact of cancer. We also see Chaga being one of the natural elements that helps to produce or induce more production of something called Superoxide dismutase, a really powerful master antioxidant in the human body that is part of the reason why it's so effective at targeting cancer cells. So Chaga, Lion's Mane noted in multiple studies to help to reduce anxiety and even to stimulate the production of new brain cells. And this is from researchers at the University of Malaya, and they're studying it for its neuroprotective benefits. And so, am I just randomly picking two powerful medicinal mushrooms and organic coffee together? No, that's what I had today. That's what I had today from the incredible folks at Four Sigmatic. All right, go to foursigmatic.com/model, and you get 10% off their incredible think blend. That's their think blend, because it's targeting cognitive function. All right? So you can get the ground coffee, make it yourself. I'm into that life now. The drip life, I'm into it. Or they have instant coffee as well. And that's what I actually, I bring that along when I travel. And you know, again, this is something that I love making coffee. Don't tell my wife this, but I love making coffee for her in the morning. It's just part of what we do. I don't like sometimes when she rushes me, all right, because sometimes she's like, just get my coffee and then we could talk, all right? Sometimes she do hit me with that, but I love it. I love doing that for her. And this is something you would love as well. Definitely check them out. Four Sigmatic is truly an elite of their own when it comes to coffee. That's foursigmatic.com/model for 10% off all their incredible coffees. They've got some remarkable, if you're not into coffee, there are teas, there're incredible elixirs that are, you know, you can get lion's mane you can get Reishi, you can get Cordyceps, all dual extracted. So you actually get all of these vital nutrients that we've been talking about. Foursigmatic.com/model.
Direct download: TMHS_730_-_This_Is_The_1_Controller_Of_Your_Health__Fitness.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Tue, 10 October 2023
Food has an incredible ability to nourish our bodies, act as an important foundation of our traditions, and bond us with others. And depending on what your personal wellness goals are, food can be a powerful tool to help you improve your health. If you want to lose fat, there are some specific foods that can support your metabolism and make fat loss easier. On this episode of The Model Health Show, we’re going to dive into 10 foods that promote a healthy metabolism, optimize satiety hormones, reduce inflammation, and ultimately aid in fat loss. You’re going to hear the science behind each food, as featured in my new book, Eat Smarter Family Cookbook. You’ll also going to learn how each of these foods is utilized in the cookbook, and which recipes you can use to add these powerhouse foods into your diet. My mission with the Eat Smarter Family Cookbook and this episode is to help transform family culture and help make healthy eating more automatic. I hope this episode can give you the awareness, knowledge, and empowerment you need to upgrade your food choices and improve the health of your family. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Thanks to our sponsors! This episode is brought to you by Paleovalley. A couple of the recipes that include turmeric in the Eat Smarter Family Cookbook, a couple of my favorites are the turmeric sheet-pan chicken with sweet potatoes and chickpeas. All right. Beautiful dish. And also, the sauteed curried cabbage, the slow cooker chicken curry. If you're in a hurry, slow down and have some chicken curry. All right. So wholesome. So delicious. One of the staples in my family's kitchen. We love the slow cooker chicken curry, and I know you will as well. So lots of cool ways that we can integrate and add in some turmeric. But also, sometimes the concentration makes all the difference. So if you're really wanting to target some of these metabolic benefits, and in particular helping to reduce inflammation, this is a place where you might want to supplement as well. And I'm a big fan of the Turmeric Complex, the Organic Turmeric Complex that has all these other incredible bio-potentiators, so your cells can use it better, that is carried by the incredible folks at Paleo Valley. Paleo Valley goes above and beyond. They've been a huge supporter of the Eat Smarter Family Cookbook as well, and doing some incredible giveaways for folks, and just incredible people. Truly do appreciate them. Check out their Turmeric Complex. And by the way, you get 15% off when you go to paleovalley.com/model. That's paleovalley.com/model. You get 15% off storewide. Highly recommend checking out their Turmeric Complex. This is one of the things, at least on a weekly basis, I'm utilizing the Turmeric Complex. So, big fan of that. Check them out, paleovalley.com/model.
Direct download: TMHS_729_-_10_Fat_Burning_Foods__How_to_Use_Them.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Sun, 8 October 2023
What are the key components of a healthy family? Today we’re going to zoom out beyond diet and exercise to examine the cultural and environmental factors that play a role in influencing our habits. When we can create a healthy, connected, and upgraded environment, habits like eating well become automatic. On today’s show, you’re going to hear my interview with Chalene Johnson on The Chalene Show. We’re going to explore the fascinating intersection between family, connection, and health outcomes. You’ll learn about the transformative power of a shared family meal and how your environment influences your habits. This episode also contains conversations on the cultural context of cravings, how to approach shifting the habits of a picky eater, the science and marketing of processed food, and so much more. We all have the power to affect change, and that authority begins in our own homes. This episode will give you the tools and science you need to begin transforming your own family culture. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Join TMHS Facebook community - Model Nation Be sure you are subscribed to this podcast to automatically receive your episodes: Thanks to our Sponsors This episode is brought to you by HVMN. One of the major reasons that people give for not being able to cook home-cooked meals on a consistent basis is not having the energy to do it. Energy can be one of our greatest assets, and it can also be one of our greatest deficiencies. Obviously our lifestyle factors play a huge role in the availability that we have to access energy. But there are a few recent discoveries that are adding to the energy equation. Like a few things ever have numerous studies, including a study published by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, or the FASEB Journal, found that exogenous ketones can be up to 28% more efficient in generating energy than glucose alone. This is about cognitive function, if this is about energy, you've got to utilize these ketones. But not just any run of the mill ketone esters that had its time in the sun, but something far better has been brought to the world by HVMN. Go to hvmn.com/model and you're going to get 30% off your first subscription order of Ketone-IQ. Ketone-IQ is now clinically proven to improve our cognitive performance and also bolster our energy for sports performance. In fact, studies have found up to 15% increased mean power output after recovery by utilizing ketones. And the bioavailability of Ketone-IQ is in a league of its own. Check out Ketone-IQ today. Go to hvmn.com/model for 30% off your first subscription order. This episode is brought to you by Organifi. All of my family, my kids in particular, I make sure that they're getting in a concentration of whole food-based micronutrients several times a week at minimum, most of the time every day. And for me, especially for my kids, and in particular with my youngest, I love the formulation of red juice and these kind of red, blended red and blue hued super foods and the Organifi red juice, because he loves the way that it tastes and it's just packed with real food nutrition. So in particular, we've got açaí that's in there. In the Journal of agriculture and food chemistry found that açaí actually... Not just theoretically, it actually raises participants' anti-oxidant levels demonstrating how effectively it's absorbed by our gut. By the human digestive system, we actually do absorb the anti-oxidants, it's not theoretical. There's a resonance here, and açaí actually has an ORAC value of 103,000, this means that it's about 10 times the antioxidants of most fruits that you're gonna see in your produce aisle, so it's again, getting our kids' growing bodies the anti-oxidants in their concentrated source, but it's kid-tested. Parent-approved tasty, another ingredient in that red juice blend is actually blueberry. And researchers at the University of Michigan published data finding that blueberry intake can potentially affect genes related to fat-burning, again, stacking conditions for healthy metabolism. Head over to organifi.com/model, and get 20% off their red juice blend and also their green juice blend, their incredible gold, everything they carry actually, it's a really, really special thing that they have going on. Go to organifi.com/model, that's organifi.com/model, to get 20% off. Again, kid-tested, parent-approved. Definitely for our kids, red juice is a huge winner.
Direct download: TMHS_728_-_The_Surprising_Truth_About_Family_Health.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Tue, 3 October 2023
Every day, we’re exposed to thousands of chemicals in our environment. Everything from the air we breathe, cleaning products, and even furniture can contain dangerous toxins that over time, can pose a risk to your health. The good news is, the more you understand about the realities of toxins, the more empowered choices you can make for yourself and your family. That’s why I’m excited to share this interview with Dr. Yvonne Burkart. Dr. Burkart is a board-certified toxicologist and a chemical and ingredient safety expert. Her mission is to arm folks with the knowledge they need to make more informed choices, reduce their toxic burdens, and thrive. On this interview, you’re going to hear a deep dive into the world of toxins. We’ll discuss the prevalence of plastics in our society and their effects on human health. You’re going to learn about how to improve your air quality, enhance your body’s natural detoxification pathways, and how to source personal care products like shampoo, lip balm, lotion, and more. Reducing your exposure to harmful chemicals is an attainable way to improve your health, and I know Dr. Burkart’s expertise is going to help you expand your knowledge base in this area. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: TMHS_727_-_Toxicologist_Shares_Why_You_Should_STOP_Using_These_Products.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Sun, 1 October 2023
Symptoms like weight gain, brain fog, and low energy have long been associated with the so-called inevitable decline of aging. The truth is, we don’t have to accept the physical challenges that are commonly associated with aging. With the correct strategies in place, we can achieve or maintain vitality for decades to come. Today’s guest, Dr. Florence Comite, is a clinician-scientist and true innovator in the field of precision medicine. Dr. Comite is the founder of the Center for Precision Medicine & Health in New York City, and the author of Keep It Up: The Power of Precision Medicine to Conquer Low T and Revitalize Your Life. Her work is dedicated to helping folks reverse diseases of aging to achieve optimal health, longevity, and vitality. On this episode of The Model Health Show, Dr. Comite is sharing her expertise on anti-aging medicine, including the top five biomarkers that can predict your health outcomes and what your sex drive can tell you about your overall health. You’re going to learn the difference between chronological age and biological age, the role that sleep plays in hormonal function, and whole lot more. So listen in, and enjoy this episode on sexual health and longevity with Dr. Florence Comite! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: TMHS_726_-_Track_These_Biomarkers_For_Sexual_Health__Longevity_-_With_Dr._Florence_Comite.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Tue, 26 September 2023
Anxiety is a natural human mechanism designed to protect us from harm. Experiencing anxiety can help optimize your reactions in dangerous situations, but today more than ever, folks are experiencing excessive anxiety in response to everyday responsibilities and activities. Millions of American suffer from anxiety, and its prevalence continues to rise. What can we do to turn down the dial on anxiety and allow our bodies to have a more balanced reaction to everyday occurrences? That’s exactly what you’re going to learn on today’s show. Our guest, Dr. Ellen Vora, is a board-certified psychiatrist and the author of the best-selling book, The Anatomy of Anxiety. Her approach to mental health is holistic and based in functional medicine. On this episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to learn what anxiety actually is, some of its root causes, plus effective, applicable tips you can use to reduce symptoms of anxiety. Anxiety is one of the leading mental health issues plaguing our society today, and I know this conversation can help facilitate a better understanding and promote healing. I hope you enjoy this interview with Dr. Ellen Vora! In this episode you’ll discover:
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This episode was brought to you by PaleoValley, HVMN, and Organifi.
Direct download: 725_-_The_Truth_About_Anxiety__Lasting_Solutions_For_Mental_Wellness_-_With_Dr._Ellen_Vora.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Sun, 24 September 2023
“When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.” – Confucius What does it take to go from good to great? We often think about achieving more as a long, incremental process. But what if you could grow exponentially and achieve more by doing less? On today’s show, you’re going to learn about how to achieve 10x growth. Our guest today is Dr. Benjamin Hardy. He is an organizational psychologist, keynote speaker and best-selling author who focuses on the psychology of exponential growth and transformation, future self science, and entrepreneurship. He co-authored the book, 10x Is Easier Than 2x, with Dan Sullivan. On this episode of The Model Health Show, Dr. Hardy is sharing high-level principles from his new book, including how to reframe your identity, the power of setting big goals, and how to focus on creating results in your specific priorities. This interview is full of powerful insights on achievement, confidence, and creating the life that you want. So tune in and enjoy this conversation with the one and only, Dr. Benjamin Hardy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 724_-_Get_Better_Faster_Bigger_Results_With_This_10X_Strategy_-_With_Dr._Benjamin_Hardy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Tue, 19 September 2023
Every family has its own microculture: a set of beliefs, habits, values, and traditions. Among the numerous external factors that can influence your health and wellbeing, the culture in your household can have a monumental impact on your daily habits. But unlike many other environmental influences, you have the power to intentionally mold your family’s culture. This episode is my interview on Ever Forward Radio with Chase Chewning. I’m diving into topics like how your environment shapes your behaviors, and the power we each have to create a culture of health in our families. You’ll hear about the importance of contribution and serving others and the innate connection between relationships, food, and health outcomes. The best way to begin shifting our culture at large is to start with what we can control: ourselves and our own homes. I hope this episode empowers you to cultivate a family culture of wellness, and arms you with the information and tools you need to positively impact the world around you. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 723_-_How_To_Create_A_New_Culture_Of_Health_For_Your_Family.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Sun, 17 September 2023
TMHS 722: The Truth About Weight Gain As We Age & New Insights On Weight Loss Drugs - With Chalene Johnson
Just like many other aspects of your life, your health and fitness routines are bound to change throughout different phases. On today’s show, you’re going to hear about how to find balance with your diet and exercise as you age. Our guest, Chalene Johnson, is a fitness icon, entrepreneur, and New York Times bestselling author. Chalene returns to The Model Health Show for a discussion on finding balance during menopause, how stress can impact your weight, and how your thoughts influence your outcomes. This episode contains conversations on the pros and cons of weight loss drugs, and how to create new routines that serve you and your family. Chalene is sharing her best tips for evolving your routines and how to create a healthier relationship with your body image. As always, Chalene is bringing her incredible wisdom and insights; I hope you enjoy this interview! In this episode you’ll discover:
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This episode was brought to you by HVMN and Paleovalley.
Direct download: 722_-_The_Truth_About_Weight_Gain_As_We_Age__New_Insights_On_Weight_Loss_Drugs_-_With_Chalene_Johnson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:49pm PST |
Tue, 12 September 2023
What drives us to have cravings toward certain foods? And what can we learn from our cravings? On this episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to learn about what cravings actually are, what causes them, and five specific strategies to stop craving unhealthy foods. You’re going to learn the evolution of cravings throughout human history, how environmental inputs like stress and sleep can affect your desire for certain foods, and which hormones help regulate your food intake. We’ll dive into the body’s constant search for homeostasis and how cravings factor into that equation. And once you have a strong foundation of how cravings occur, we’re going to discuss five ways to stop cravings for healthy food. These strategies include regulating your blood sugar, implementing stress relief practices, and a whole lot more. This episode is full of practical tips you can use to reduce cravings – so click play, listen in, and enjoy the show! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 5_Ways_To_Stop_Cravings_For_Unhealthy_Foods.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Sun, 10 September 2023
TMHS 720: Improve Your Focus, Promote Neuroplasticity, & Increase Your Attention Span - with Dr. Adam Gazzaley
In our fast-paced, technology-centric society, it’s easy to focus on the ways in which our devices are making us more distracted and disconnected. But what if we harnessed the power of technology for good? What if we could utilize technology in a way that could promote neuroplasticity and improve cognition? Today’s guest, Dr. Adam Gazzaley, is the founding director of Neuroscape at University of California, San Francisco and a professor in neurology, physiology, and psychiatry. He is also the chief scientific advisor and board member at Akili, a company that is dedicated to changing the landscape of cognitive medicine. In this interview, Dr. Gazzaley is sharing the details behind the first-of-its-kind treatment for ADHD—a video game experience. In this interview, we’re going to talk about the importance of harnessing your attention and how technology can impact your attention span. You’ll learn about the future of experiential medicine, how to improve cognition and neuroplasticity, and so much more. I hope you enjoy this interview with the incredible Dr. Adam Gazzaley! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: TMHS_720_-_Improve_Your_Focus_Promote_Neuroplasticity__Increase_Your_Attention_Span_-_with_Dr._Adam_Gazzaley.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Tue, 5 September 2023
We know that heart disease is the number one killer in the US, claiming one life every 33 seconds. By association, cholesterol has become a dirty word in conventional medicine and in the media. But cholesterol itself is not inherently bad—in fact, cholesterol is a critical compound for human health, responsible for immune health, fetal development, hormone production, and so much more. The rampant demonization of cholesterol has led to numerous problems like pervasive nutrition myths about healthy foods and the overprescription of statin drugs. On this cholesterol masterclass, you’re going to hear powerful insights from Dr. Jonny Bowden on the topic of cholesterol and heart disease. Dr. Jonny Bowden is a board-certified nutritionist, a best-selling author, and a nationally recognized expert in the field of longevity. You’ll learn the truth about cholesterol, heart disease, and statin drug usage. This episode contains the best information about cholesterol, including its roles in the body, the problem with current testing methods, in which situations statins are an appropriate treatment, and so much more. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: The_Surprising_Benefits_of_Cholesterol__Dangers_of_Statin_Drugs.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Sun, 3 September 2023
Plastic has become one of the most common and convenient substances in our modern world. Especially when it comes to food packaging and food storage, plastic has infiltrated the market, frequently used for everyday items like storing leftovers, bottled water, and baby bottles. However, plastic contains thousands of harmful compounds that have the potential to disrupt your hormones, metabolism, and brain. On today’s show, you’re going to learn the truth about how plastic usage can impact human health. You’ll hear the studies on how plastic containers can release particles into food, the truth behind plastic regulation in the food system, and the proven detrimental effects of frequent plastic usage. Most importantly, we’re going to discuss realistic ways to reduce your plastic exposure and tips for enhancing your body’s ability to eliminate toxins. Making a positive impact on your health can be as simple as making practical tweaks to your existing routine. I hope this episode inspires you to reduce your plastic usage in a way that works for your lifestyle and family. Click play to learn more about how plastics are changing human health!
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Direct download: How_Plastics_Are_Changing_Human_Health.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Tue, 29 August 2023
“Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.”–Jim Rohn Our fast-paced culture not only encourages busyness, but in some ways, it mandates it. Most folks have jam-packed schedules consisting of work obligations, commutes, family commitments, and more. But there’s a huge difference between being busy and being productive. Now more than ever, achieving your goals requires you to be intentional with your time. On today’s show, you’re going to learn strategies for effectively managing your time. This compilation episode will teach you how to improve your focus and time management skills, how to gain clarity and invest your time wisely, and how to create systems that encourage productivity. You’ll hear from thought leaders like Jesse Itzler, Cal Newport, and Jim Kwik. Your time is a critical and limited resource, but fortunately, time management is a skill that can constantly be sharpened. I hope this episode brings you inspiration and value. So listen in and enjoy this episode of The Model Health Show! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Sun, 27 August 2023
Eating well has the potential to manifest a variety of changes in your body, including improving your brain function. And at a time when progressive neurodegenerative diseases are at an all-time high, protecting the function of your brain is one of the best things you can do to ensure health and longevity. Today you’re going to learn about ten specific foods that have been proven to boost memory, improve focus, and contribute to overall brain health. You’ll hear the studies backing up each food, what you need to consider when sourcing your groceries, plus the best ways to incorporate these nutritional powerhouses into your diet. These ten foods are featured in my newest book, Eat Smarter Cookbook. I’m going to share what you can expect from the book, how to incorporate these ten brain-boosting foods into your family’s regular meals, and the best ways to upgrade your plate without sacrificing taste, tradition, or enjoyment. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 716-10_Foods_to_Improve_Your_Memory_Focus__Overall_Brain_Health.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Tue, 22 August 2023
TMHS 715: How To Fix Your “Bad” Genes & Why The Healthcare Industry Is Bankrupting Americans - With Kashif Khan
There’s a pervasive myth surrounding chronic illnesses. Far too many folks have fallen victim to the disempowering idea that our genes dictate our health outcomes. While variants of certain genes can be a risk factor for developing some conditions, genes alone cannot cause disease. The most important factor in determining your health is the choices that you make on a daily basis, because genetic expression is directly impacted by environmental factors like diet, stress, toxic load, and sleep. Today’s guest, Kashif Khan, is the CEO and founder of The DNA Company and the author of The DNA Way. His work is dedicated to helping folks utilize functional genomics, using insights about their personal genome to optimize their health. In this interview, you’re going to hear the fascinating science on how to prevent disease and age healthfully through lifestyle choices. You’ll learn the underlying principles of functional genomics, and lifestyle changes you can implement to improve your genetic expression and overall quality of life. This episode contains conversations on how the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry impact our collective health, the role of inflammation in chronic disease, and simple dietary changes that can improve your health. Understanding the ability you have to influence your gene expression can be incredibly empowering, and I know you’re going to enjoy Kashif’s insights on this episode of The Model Health Show! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 715_-_How_To_Fix_Your_Bad_Genes__Why_The_Healthcare_Industry_Is_Bankrupting_Americans_-_With_Kashif_Khan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:33pm PST |
Sun, 20 August 2023
“If you don’t find the time, if you don’t do the work, you don’t get the results.” -Arnold Schwarzenegger Almost everyone struggles on some level with incorporating exercise into their routine. Exercise is super important for your total body health, so implementing a routine can help improve your lifespan, boost your metabolism, decrease your BMI, and help you lose weight. Exercise can get you fitter, healthier, and more resilient - and there are quick and easy exercises that are often overlooked that can help you transform your body. In today’s episode, you’ll learn exercises that are easy to implement and that you could do anywhere - and you’ll discover easy tools to help you add these exercises to your routine and build up to a level you’re comfortable with. I also share some of my favorite tips and aids that will bring your workouts to the next level. No more excuses - it’s time to tune in, and master ways to build a better body and better health! In this episode, you’ll discover:
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This episode was brought to you by LMNT, Onnit, and HVMN.
Direct download: 714_-_4_Overlooked_Exercises_That_Will_Make_You_Fitter_Healthier__More_Resilient.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:35pm PST |
Tue, 15 August 2023
“Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.” -Maya Angelou What is one thing that all successful people have that helps them stand out from the rest, and helps them be successful? The answer is simple: Every aspect of our lives is impacted by our mindset and our mental health … and a healthy understanding of the power within is what makes famous people like Tom Brady and Michael Phelps become successful. How do you get to where you want to be in life? What do you need to let go of? What new attitudes and behaviors do you need to learn? How can you reach true self-love and self-appreciation? World-famous peak performance coach, Greg Harden, has helped countless people - including Tom Brady, Michael Phelps, and Desmond Howard - overcome their personal obstacles and change their mindsets. He joins us today to explain how to be successful in life by reinventing your mindset. You’ll learn how to become empowered and change your perspective. Listen in to gain all the tools you’ll need to change your mindset - and become the main character in your life’s story. In this episode, you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 713_-_How_To_Build_Your_Mental_Fitness__Stay_Sane_In_An_Insane_World__With_Greg_Harden.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:44pm PST |
Sun, 13 August 2023
“Treasure your relationships, not your possessions.” -Anthony J. D’Angelo Relationships are the most influential factor in our health, and healthy relationships can literally transform our lives. But how do we know which relationships will be successful? Why is it so important to invest our time and energy in making them work? Today’s episode is jam-packed with relationship experts who will teach you all about relationships with your friends, family, spouse, and even with yourself. New York Times bestselling author and viral content creator Jay Shetty knows all about the benefits of close relationships. He’s going to share the true meaning behind the “spark” in relationships and the tools you’ll need to form meaningful connections. Christine Hassler - expert psychologist, best-selling author, podcast, and television host - will share the truth behind toxic relationships and the reasons why a relationship with yourself is most important. Jairek Robbins, bestselling author and master coach, explains all the things to avoid in relationships and will teach you the three vital parts of every healthy connection. Dhru Purohit, bestselling author and host of a major health and wellness podcast, details the types of friendships and how they can influence our quality of life. Learn how to create intentional friendships and how community is the ultimate biohack. Founder of Rising Woman, one of the biggest online communities with over 3 million readers, Sheleana Aiyana will explain the impact our culture has on relationships and how to qualify people when choosing relationships. Harvard expert in psychology, Dr. Robert Waldinger, will explain how an 85-year-long study uncovered the surprising truth that people who lived the longest were those who had the warmest relationships with others. You won’t want to miss this all-inclusive guide to building meaningful relationships! In this episode, you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 712_-_Use_These_Secrets_For_Better_Relationships_More_Happiness__Deeper_Connections.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:54pm PST |
Tue, 8 August 2023
“A daily mind-body practice is non-negotiable.” ~Dr. Sara Gottfried Hard to imagine something worse than busting your tail to improve your health and seeing no progress. But being confronted with new research that seemingly erects additional hurdles can feel even more defeating. Doing battle with your genetic makeup sounds like a losing fight, right? Luckily, today’s guest brings expert insights that offer solid hope and ways to utilize new research to our advantage. Dr. Sara Gottfried is not only a leading researcher, physician, NYT best-selling author, and MIT and Harvard graduate… she’s also one of my favorite human beings on the planet. Her patients benefit from her 25 years of medical experience, expertise on hormones, and sensible approach that puts lifestyle changes above sole dependence on pharmaceutical solutions. Dr. Gottfried is the Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Integrative Medicine and Nutritional Sciences at Thomas Jefferson University, also Director of Precision Medicine at the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health. This interview’s packed with the latest information on hormones and their effects on our overall health. Plus, proven research that will empower you to notice and deal with invisible stress and ‘normalized’ trauma. Don’t miss Dr. Gottfried’s actionable advice for managing Partial PTSD and toxic stress that gets lodged in your system. Take a listen so you can utilize the powerful trauma remedies we discuss! In this episode you’ll discover: ● The crucial factor getting ignored on most health journeys ● How past trauma affects our stress response system ● What soul wounds are and their ripple effect on families ● The 2 bodily systems most vulnerable to toxic stress ● Big T & Little t trauma nuances ● Insulin myths ● What hormones are and the highest-priority hormone ● Why nearly 100% of Dr. Gottfried’s patients have cortisol issues ● 40+ different adult chronic diseases’ common denominator ● Why many weight loss efforts are doomed ● Ideal ways to test your cortisol levels ● A test to score your adverse childhood experiences ● Your natural ability to process stress effectively ● How buried PTSD can rob you of bone strength ● The power that enriching experiences have over your past ● When self-reliant adults can expect to feel childhood wounds ● How creating space helps reframe events ● Surprising limitations genetics have even on elite NBA athletes
Items mentioned in this episode include: ● Organifi.com/model— Use the coupon code MODEL for 20% off + free shipping! ● EatSmarterCookbook.com — Preorder the cookbook today & claim your bonuses! ● Project Ice Storm Study (prenatal maternal stress) ● Dr. Sara Gottfried on Instagram / Dr. Gottfried’s Website ● Women Food & Hormones— Dr. Sara Gottfried’s latest book ● Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Questionnaire ● Potential of Environmental Enrichment to Prevent Transgenerational Effects of Paternal Trauma Join TMHS Facebook community - Model Nation Be sure you are subscribed to this podcast to automatically receive your episodes:
Direct download: 711_-_The_Truth_About_Hormones_-_Weight_Loss_Stress__Individuality_-_With_Dr._Sara_Gottfried.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:15pm PST |
Sun, 6 August 2023
TMHS 710: Obesity Vs. Genetics & How Ketones Impact Your Heart, Brain, & Metabolism – With Dr. Latt Mansor
Genes play a part in every aspect of our health … but do our genes cause obesity and weight gain? What really fuels our metabolism and impacts our health? Is there any “alternative fuel” option that can make our bodies run smoothly - without side effects? Dr. Latt Mansor is a renowned world expert on cardiovascular health, metabolism, and ketogenic research. He dedicated his work towards finding that “alternative fuel” - and has successfully developed a way to use ketones as an energy source for the body. In today’s episode, you’ll hear from Dr. Latt Mansor himself who will reveal that genes don’t cause obesity - and that there are many ways to jump-start your journey toward better health. Dr. Mansor will bring to light the benefits of ketones, how they can affect the different parts of your body, and how to use them as a tool to guide your own lifestyle habits onto a healthier pattern. You’ll learn some valuable tips to make the most out of ketones and some of the best tools to use on your journey! In this episode, you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 710_-_Obesity_Vs._Genetics__How_Ketones_Impact_Your_Heart_Brain__Metabolism__With_Dr._Latt_Mansor.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:58pm PST |
Tue, 1 August 2023
There is a myriad of ways in which our Western diet and lifestyle are depleting our health, including their impact on gut health. Both your gut microbiome and the integrity of your gut lining are key components of your overall health, affecting your immune function, inflammation levels, and risk for chronic diseases. On today’s show, you’re going to hear a wealth of insights on how (& why) to improve your gut health. On this compilation episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to hear three of the most profound messages from my past interviews with integrative gastroenterologist, Dr. Robynne Chutkan. She is the author of multiple digestive wellness books, including Gutbliss, The Microbiome Solution, & The Anti-Viral Gut. Dr. Chutkan is one of the most influential figures in the gut health space for her practical and effective approach to combating common digestive symptoms naturally, replenishing the microbiome, and building resiliency. You’re going to hear the cutting-edge science on optimizing gut bacteria, the problem with some of the most commonly prescribed drugs in the US, how to quickly improve the health of your gut, and so much more! I hope you enjoy this knowledge and practical tips from the one and only, Dr. Robynne Chutkan! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 709_-_The_Truth_About_Indigestion_Acid-Blockers__Antibiotics__With_Dr._Robynne_Chutkan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:21pm PST |
Sun, 30 July 2023
Blood glucose, or blood sugar, is your body’s main energy source. Although blood sugar is a critical part of your physiology, more is not better. Elevated blood sugar is a component of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, conditions that affect millions of Americans. But even if you have normal blood sugar, keeping your levels in check is a powerful way to ensure optimal health both today and in the future. Today you’re going to learn from the most renowned experts in the world on how your blood glucose levels impact nearly every aspect of your health, including risk for chronic diseases, your daily quality of life, inflammation levels, and metabolism. You’ll also learn the science of balancing your blood sugar through nutrition, exercise, and research-backed hacks. This powerful compilation features some of the brightest minds in the space of optimizing glucose levels, including Dr. Casey Means, Jessie Inchauspé, and more. You’re going to learn about the link between frequent glucose spikes and diseases like dementia and heart disease. You’ll hear about the importance of glucose stability for the aging process, mitochondrial function, and many other processes in the body. Taking charge of your blood sugar levels is one of the most impactful things you can do for your health, and I hope this episode arms you with the information you need to feel empowered. In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 708_-_Use_This_For_Smarter_Weight_Loss_Appetite_Control__Better_Brain_Health.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:10pm PST |
Tue, 25 July 2023
Our mindset is a culmination of our perceptions, and expectations, and experiences. Every area of our lives is impacted by this lens through which we view the world. Our habits, relationships, decisions, and outcomes are all influenced by the way we view ourselves and the environment around us. If you want to achieve new goals, improve your relationships, or uplevel your health, building a stronger mindset is key. Today’s guest, Jon Gordon, is a 14x bestselling author, keynote speaker, and mindset and leadership expert. He’s joining us on this episode of The Model Health Show to share practical strategies and mindset shifts from his new book, The One Truth. These profound insights will help you elevate your mindset, build resilience, and better navigate obstacles. You’re going to hear about cultivating a more balanced mindset throughout life’s stressors, how practicing gratitude can help you accumulate more positivity on a regular basis, and how to overcome negative thoughts. We’ll also talk about the role that nutrition, exercise, and mindfulness play in our mental health. Jon Gordon has a wealth of both personal and professional experience in the realm of building a positive mindset, and I hope his insights resonate with you. In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 707_-_Solve_Any_Problem__Overcome_Obstacles_FASTER_With_The_One_Truth_-_With_Jon_Gordon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30pm PST |
Sun, 23 July 2023
“When you drop any new idea in the pond of the world, you get a ripple effect. You have to be aware that you will be creating a cascade of change.” – Joel A. Barker American culture is built on the foundation of busy schedules, desk jobs, screen time, and a myriad of factors that contribute to sedentary lifestyle. The health consequences of not getting enough physical activity include increased rates of diseases like type 2 diabetes and obesity. If we want to change the rising rates of disease and illness in our society, we have to begin in our own homes. Today you’re going to learn five science-backed ways to create a culture of health and wellness in your family. This episode contains valuable insights on intentionally crafting a culture of health, the power of modeling behaviors for your children, and how to view your family structure as a team. You’ll hear specific strategies you can use to empower your family members and encourage healthy behaviors that will become second nature. One of the most influential gifts we can give our families is a healthy lifestyle that allows them to thrive in all areas of life. I hope this episode inspires you to arm your family with the tools and behaviors they need to tap into the benefits and joy of a healthy lifestyle. So click play and enjoy the show! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 706_-_5_Keys_to_Unstoppable_Family_Fitness.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:56pm PST |
Tue, 18 July 2023
TMHS 705: How Your Thoughts Create Your Brain & The Key To Helping Kids Improve Their Mental Health - With Dr. Caroline Leaf
Mental health issues aren’t just reserved for adults. Unfortunately, the rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide have increased across the board in our youth. Protecting the health and well-being of our children is of upmost importance, and today’s episode highlights the urgency of using science-based principles to address the growing epidemic of mental health issues in children. Dr. Caroline Leaf is a brilliant cognitive neuroscientist, best-selling author, and mind expert with decades of experience in helping folks harness the power of their minds to live their best lives. Today, she’s back on The Model Health Show to share important and timely insights on helping our children develop their resiliency, manage their emotions, and improve their mental health. This interview contains necessary conversations on modeling mind management to our children and how to approach mental health as a parent. You’ll learn how to redefine the way you think about thoughts, emotions, and even diagnostic labels. Dr. Leaf is an incredible resource in the field of mental health, and I know her insights and research will resonate with you. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 705_-_How_Your_Thoughts_Create_Your_Brain__The_Key_To_Helping_Kids_Improve_Their_Mental_Health__-_With_Dr._Caroline_Leaf.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:36pm PST |
Sun, 16 July 2023
The concept of minimalism has gained popularity in recent years for its simplicity and the idea of less as more. Most folks who practice minimalism tend to apply it to their belongings and home, but what if we decided to apply the concepts of minimalism to all areas of our lives? That’s exactly what my friend Light Watkins did when he adopted a nomadic lifestyle in 2018. Light Watkins is a bestselling author, world-renowned meditation teacher, and speaker. In his new book, Travel Light, he details how to simplify complex topics like meditation, following your inner guidance, and finding your purpose. Today, you’re going to hear seven of these principles that can help you create more streamlined routines, find inner peace, and cultivate happiness. You’ll learn how to take a minimalist approach to diet and exercise, how to prioritize your happiness, and what it actually takes to find your life’s purpose. This episode is full of insights on how to connect with your inner guidance, how to live a more fulfilled life, and how to make better, more aligned decisions. I hope you enjoy this episode with the one and only, Light Watkins! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 704_-_Use_These_7_Tips_For_More_Inner_Peace__Outer_Success_-_With_Light_Watkins.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:26pm PST |
Tue, 11 July 2023
“The mind is just like a muscle – the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets and the more it can expand.” – Idowu Koyenikan Our mindset has a profound impact on our lives and the types of outcomes we are able to achieve. Building a strong mindset is a key component of accomplishing any goal, because it’s your mindset that allows you to stay focused, overcome negative thoughts, and effectively handle challenges. On this compilation episode, you’re going to hear seven powerful insights from inspiring guests about building mental strength and resilience. These insights will remind you of your power, help you build confidence, and transform your mindset. You’re going to learn from some of the most successful, inspiring minds, including Dr. Eric Thomas, Mel Robbins, Prince Ea, and more. No matter what you’re trying to achieve or what types of challenges you’re facing, building a strong mindset will help you build confidence and perform at your highest capacity. This episode will help you take responsibility, reframe negative thoughts, redefine failure, and cultivate self-love. I hope you enjoy this compilation episode of The Model Health Show! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 703_-_Use_These_Mental_Meals_to_Build_More_Confidence__Strengthen_Your_Mindset.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:20pm PST |
Sun, 9 July 2023
Building a healthy lifestyle is accomplished by creating new habits, brick by brick, until you have a solid foundation in place. Sometimes implementing new habits can be challenging and uncomfortable, but once you find a routine that is enjoyable, that’s when you really hit your stride. Today’s guest, Gabby Reece, knows a thing or two about creating a fulfilling life that is centered around fitness and wellness. Gabby Reece is a volleyball legend, a New York Times bestselling author, and speaker. Her career accomplishments are vast, spanning from becoming the first female athlete to design a shoe with Nike, to gracing the cover of numerous prominent magazines. Gabby is also a podcast host, trainer, and a dedicated mother and wife. In this interview, Gabby is sharing powerful insights she’s learned throughout her life and career. You’re going to learn about how to make your health a priority, the importance of building adaptability and resilience, and how to create a healthy lifestyle that feels authentic. Gabby’s tips will help you change the way you think about training, and help you identify habits that allow you to be your best self in every area of your life. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 702_-_Prioritize_Your_Health_Build_Resilience__Show_Up_As_Your_Best_Self_-_With_Gabby_Reece.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:02pm PST |
Tue, 4 July 2023
TMHS 701: The Microbiome-Immune System Connection & The Truth About Ultra-Processed Foods - with Will Bulsiewicz
Our bodies are home to trillions of microorganisms, known as the microbiome. Specifically, the science of the gut microbiome has exploded in recent years. Our understanding of our gut, what contributes to its health, and the implications of the gut microbiome are constantly expanding. Your gut health is closely linked to a myriad of health topics such as immune health, metabolism, and risk for diseases. One of the pioneers in the space of gut health is award-winning gastroenterologist and best-selling author, Dr. Will Bulisiewicz. He is an expert in gut health, microbial health, and nutrition. On today’s show, you’re going to hear a compilation of his top insights from past interviews on The Model Health Show. You’re going to learn essential and powerful information on the link between immune health and the microbiome, what your poop can tell you about your health, and bio-individuality and the microbiome. We’re also going to talk about the important role that nutrition plays when it comes to gut health, some major issues in our food system that are harmful to our microbes, and how improving your gut health can alleviate a wide variety of symptoms and reduce health risks. I hope you enjoy this compilation with gut health expert, Dr. B! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 701_-_The_Microbiome-Immune_System_Connection__The_Truth_About_Ultra-Processed_Foods_-_with_Will_Bulsiewicz.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:20pm PST |
Sun, 2 July 2023
Your life today is the culmination of your daily habits. Whether your goal is to improve your fitness, become more productive, or cultivate stronger relationships, it’s important to take a good look at your habits. When you transform your habits, that’s when you can begin to transform your life. On today’s show, you’re going to learn about seven accessible and impactful daily habits you can implement to uplevel your body, mind, and spirit. You’re going to hear the science behind how habits like walking, reading, and connecting with others can improve your health and longevity, enhance the power of your mind, and boost your spiritual wellness. All seven of these habits are effective, free, and most importantly, have a multitude of benefits for your body, mind, and spirit. I hope you enjoy this episode, and I hope you’ll consider applying these habits into your routine. So click play, listen in, and enjoy the show! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 700_-_7_Daily_Habits_to_Improve_Your_Body_Mind__Spirit.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:51pm PST |
Tue, 27 June 2023
Rates of mental health disorders across the board have skyrocketed in recent years. And like most conditions that plague our society, there’s a lot of talk about treatment options without getting to the root cause of the problem. On this compilation episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to hear ten empowering insights from top experts in mental health and brain health. This episode addresses the underlying contributing factors that are influencing our declining rates of mental health—and more importantly, what we can do to fix it. You’ll learn about the connection between metabolic health and mental health, the neuroscience behind happiness, how gut health and inflammation can impact your mental well-being, and nutrition tips to enhance cognitive function. You’re going to hear from brilliant experts in their respective fields, like Dr. Susan David, Dr. Caroline Leaf, and Dr. Christopher Palmer. Mental health is a vital component of our overall health that impacts every part of our lives, both individually and as a collective society. This episode is full of information and tools you can implement to improve your mental health today. Get ready to take notes, click play, and enjoy the show! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 699_-_10_Ways_to_Improve_Your_Mental_Health_TODAY.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:43pm PST |
Sun, 25 June 2023
TMHS 698: The #1 Way To Activate Fat Loss & The Key Metabolic Difference Between Men & Women - With Dr. Mindy Pelz
There are a variety of approaches to fasting, whether it be for weight loss, mental clarity, or for decreased inflammation. But like many other dieting strategies, these frameworks often leave little room for bio-individuality. Finding a health and nutrition approach that works for you requires considering your personality, preferences, routines, and personal health needs. Our guest, Dr. Mindy Pelz, is a fasting and hormone expert who is passionate about helping empower folks to take control of their health. Specifically, she is on a mission to educate women about their bodies and how to sync fasting with their hormones for optimal results. Today, she’s on The Model Health Show to share how fasting can aid in fat loss and enhanced brain function, and the specifics behind fasting for women. You’re going to learn about how the human metabolism works, and why fasting is a powerful tool for optimizing your body’s natural functions. We’re going to discuss how external factors like stress can block weight loss, how fasting impacts hormones, and how your metabolic health affects every aspect of your life. If you’ve ever considered incorporating fasting into your routine, these tips are going to help you take it to the next level. So listen in and enjoy this interview with Dr. Mindy Pelz! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 698_-_The_1_Way_To_Activate_Fat_Loss__The_Key_Metabolic_Difference_Between_Men__Women_-_With_Dr._Mindy_Pelz.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:55pm PST |
Tue, 20 June 2023
TMHS 697: Master Your Blood Glucose To Enhance Immunity, Sexual Function, & Longevity - With Dr. Casey Means
You might think that keeping tabs on your blood sugar levels is only important for folks who have been diagnosed with diabetes. But the truth is, metabolic health is important for all humans. Our metabolic health can have far-reaching impacts on our fertility, body composition, immunity, and so much more. The good news is, there are a lot of effective, accessible tools and strategies you can use to make a positive impact on your metabolic health. Simple behaviors like creating a balanced meal, utilizing your muscles, and getting adequate rest can significantly move the needle when it comes to stabilizing blood sugar. On today’s show, you’re going to learn about the effects your blood sugar levels have on your overall health, plus realistic tips to stabilize them. On this compilation episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to hear some of the best insights from Dr. Casey Means. She is a Stanford-trained physician and the cofounder of Levels. Dr. Means is a wealth of resources in the realm of metabolic health, and in this episode, you’re going to hear her best tips for optimizing blood sugar levels. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Category:general -- posted at: 6:21pm PST |
Sun, 18 June 2023
Your metabolism plays an indispensable role in a multitude of your body’s functions and processes, yet our society tends to reduce metabolism down to a simple piece of the weight loss equation. Today you’re going to learn about the critical role your metabolism has in regulating immune function, inflammation, cognitive function and so much more. On this episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to hear snippets of my interview from On Purpose with Jay Shetty. We’re going to dive into the science of metabolism and fat loss, including the epicaloric controllers that influence your health. This interview covers topics like how stress impacts your body, the best foods for reducing inflammation, and the crucial role blood sugar plays in regulating your mood. You’re also going to hear realistic nutrition swaps and tips you can use to improve your health today. I’m sharing the best fats for brain function, how your diet can impact your relationships, and important mindset shifts that are necessary for up-leveling your health. I hope you find this interview to be both motivating and empowering on your personal wellness journey. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 696_-_How_Metabolism_Works__The_Truth_About_Inflammation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:50pm PST |
Tue, 13 June 2023
The science of longevity and aging affirms that our behaviors and environmental factors have a profound impact on our quality of life as we age. Though growing older is a natural and inevitable process, we have an immense amount of power in our hands to encourage healthy aging of both our bodies and minds. On this compilation episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to hear incredible insights on longevity from some of the best experts on human aging and lifespan. You’re going to learn about the science of telomeres and epigenetics, plus practical tips in areas like diet and exercise. You’ll also hear about how your relationships impact your lifespan, the critical role of having muscle as you age, and the role of stress reduction in longevity. This episode features world-renowned experts in their respective fields, like Dr. Robert Waldinger, Dr. Gabrielle, Lyon, Dr. Elissa Epel, and more. Aging healthfully should be a goal for all humans, and I know this episode is going to arm you with the tools you need to increase your healthspan, durability, and overall health. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 695_-_Use_These_Daily_Hacks_To_Increase_Your_Lifespan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:23pm PST |
Sun, 11 June 2023
In the US, rising rates of obesity have become a public health crisis, and epidemic, and a threat to our collective health and quality of life. Despite this knowledge, rates of obesity continue to climb, and most popular solutions leave much to be desired in terms of long-term efficacy. On today’s show, we’re going to dive into the truth about obesity. We’re going to talk about the science of fat cells, how they work, and the role of inflammation in obesity. You’re going to learn what’s behind surging obesity rates, and the connection between obesity and the leading causes of death. This episode also contains science-backed information about popular prescription weight loss drugs, and alternative, proven therapies for treating obesity. This episode will arm you with key information on human health, immunometabolism, inflammation, and a whole lot more. Part of the solution to the obesity epidemic entails empowerment and education, and that’s what you’re going to hear today. I hope you enjoy this episode on the science of obesity! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Tue, 6 June 2023
Whether your goal is to be successful in your career, fitness, or relationships, there are a few key principles that you can use to create results. On this compilation episode of The Model Health Show, I’m excited to share powerful insights from my interviews with bestselling author, Tim Grover. Tim Grover is a proven elite performance coach who has worked with champions like Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and Dwayne Wade. Tim has been instrumental in the success of numerous top performers in both athletics and business. If you’ve ever wanted to learn more about achieving excellence, there’s no better expert to learn from. This episode covers topics like creating a winning mindset, what it takes to be successful, and the truth about failure, ego, and fear. Having the opportunity to learn from someone like Tim is an incredible gift, and I’m excited to share that with you today. Tim has a huge wealth of knowledge on the topics of success, winning, drive, and mental toughness. No matter your goals, Tim’s expert insights can help you improve your mindset and create excellence. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 693_-_How_To_Build_An_Unshakable_Mindset_-_With_Tim_Grover.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:11pm PST |
Sun, 4 June 2023
TMHS 692: How to Heal Faster from Injuries, Eliminate Pain, & Master Rehab Science – with Dr. Tom Walters
No one is immune from pain and injuries; they’re an inevitable part of life. Luckily, our bodies are incredible in their capacity to heal and recover. But if you want to heal faster and more effectively, having a foundational understanding of pain science can yield incredible results. Today’s guest, Dr. Tom Walters, is a board-certified orthopedic physical therapist and strength and conditioning specialist. In this interview, he’s sharing principles from his new book, Rehab Science. We’re going to cover exactly how pain is created in the body, how to heal from injuries faster, and the role of the brain and nervous system in managing pain. You’re going to learn the science behind pain, tips for faster recovery, and the basics of wound healing. Dr. Tom Walters is a true expert in all things physical therapy, and I know you’re going to find his insights valuable. So click play, listen in, and enjoy the show! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 692_-_How_to_Heal_Faster_from_Injuries_Eliminate_Pain__Master_Rehab_Science__with_Dr._Tom_Walters.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:40pm PST |
Tue, 30 May 2023
TMHS 691: The Shocking Truth About U.S. Psychiatry, Addiction, & True Mental Wellness - With Dr. Joseph Yi
Millions of Americans are affected by mental health issues every year. Conditions like depression and generalized anxiety can severely impact relationships, finances, health, and so much more. And when it comes to effectiveness and true healing, our standard conventional treatments leave much to be desired. On today’s show, you’re going to learn about alternative and holistic treatments for mental health. On this episode of The Model Health Show, Board Certified Addiction Psychiatrist Dr. Joseph Yi is joining us to share his expertise in holistic psychiatry. We’re going to discuss alternative therapies for mental health treatment, the state of the US healthcare system, and basic pillars of mental health that we should all aim to achieve. We’re covering a wide variety of topics, including how the pharmaceutical industry influences medical doctors, how ketamine therapy impacts the brain, and the powerful impact technology has on our mental health. We’re also having important conversations about the overwhelming dogmatic messages in the wellness space, how conventional treatments can override your body’s important signals, and so much more. Dr. Yi possesses a wealth of information on the topic of mental health treatments, and I think you’re going to appreciate his perspective. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 691_-_The_Shocking_Truth_About_U.S._Psychiatry_Addiction__True_Mental_Wellness_-_With_Dr._Joseph_Yi.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:44pm PST |
Sun, 28 May 2023
In ten years of hosting The Model Health Show, I’ve been honored to interview some of the best experts on the planet in their respective fields. Today, I want to celebrate this milestone by sharing ten of the memorable moments from the past ten years. This compilation encompasses a wide variety of topics, from exercise and epigenetics to cultivating a strong sense of confidence and self-worth. It's been my mission for a decade to provide a model to remind you of your greatness, and these ten guests deliver! You’re going to hear from some of the most intelligent, inspiring folks in the world, including Bob Proctor, Michael Beckwith, Tony Robbins, and more. You’re going to learn about the power of your mind, the incredible yield that can happen when you take responsibility for your life, and how to shift your identity. We’re covering a wide range of topics that you can apply to change your perception, become more empowered, and reach your goals. So click play and enjoy the show! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 690_-__10_Tips_to_Help_You_Take_Control_of_Your_Health_Overcome_Fear__Demolish_Self-Doubt.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30pm PST |
Tue, 23 May 2023
TMHS 689: The #1 Stretch To Do Daily, Preventing Tech Neck, & Upgrading Everyday Movements - With Katy Bowman
Movement encompasses so much more than just exercise. Movement involves our anatomy, alignment, functionality, and even our quality of life. Even if you’re not someone who loves practices like running or going to the gym, quality, intentional movement is essential for your body’s overall function. On today’s show, biomechanist and bestselling author Katy Bowman is back to share principles from her new book, Rethink Your Position. You’re going to hear how to transform your daily movement practices in a way that improves your functionality and enriches your life. Katy is a proponent for intentional movement, and a strong believer that movement is for every body. You’re going to hear about how our sedentary lifestyles and technology-heavy culture impacts our bodies, and simple habits you can implement to improve your functionality. We’ll talk about how movement can improve your resiliency, enhance your relationships, and so much more. As always, Katy’s insights are both enlightening and inspiring. Excited and honored to share this conversation with you! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 689_-_The_1_Stretch_To_Do_Daily_Preventing_Tech_Neck__Upgrading_Everyday_Movements_-_With_Katy_Bowman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:23pm PST |
Sun, 21 May 2023
When you think about the benefits of regular physical activity, what comes to mind first? While many folks might exercise to drop a pants size or grow bigger biceps, the true benefits of being physically active extend far beyond vanity metrics. Exercising regularly can improve your immune function, reduce the risk of multiple diseases, improve your brain health, and so much more. On this episode of The Model Health Show, we’re going to dive into the real, science-backed benefits of engaging in regular exercise, beyond the physical side effects like weight loss. You’re going to learn more about the multitude of ways that exercise can impact your health and well-being, including how exercise is protective against the top causes of absenteeism in the workplace, and how movement impacts longevity and cognitive ability. If you want to change your relationship with exercise, you have to understand its inherent value. No matter what your physical body looks like, regular activity can help you improve your functionality, mental health, and overall quality of life. I hope you enjoy this episode on the comprehensive benefits of exercise! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 688_-_The_Truth_About_Exercise_This_Is_What_It_REALLY_Does.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:41pm PST |
Tue, 16 May 2023
TMHS 687: Mind Fasting, Dealing With Conflict, & The Overlooked Root Of Depression - With Dr. Michael Beckwith
It’s never been easier to access information than it is today. Most of us have access to multiple devices with endless apps and notifications. While in some ways, having a wealth of information at our fingertips can be beneficial, it can also lead to overstimulation, distraction, and disconnection. On today’s show, you’re going to learn about the importance of tapping into your own mind and intuition. No matter your personal relationship with technology, we can all use practical ways to experience more clarity and to clear away the mental pollution that is so prevalent in our society today. And there’s no one more qualified to speak on this topic than my friend, Dr. Michael Beckwith. Dr. Michael Beckwith is one of the most influential thought leaders in personal development and meditation. He is a bestselling author, speaker, and the founder of Agape International Spiritual Center. Today he’s back on The Model Health Show to share the important principles of mind fasting, how to tap into authentic modes of thinking, the power of leading a life with intention, and so much more. In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 687_-_Mind_Fasting_Dealing_With_Conflict__The_Overlooked_Root_Of_Depression_-_With_Dr._Michael_Beckwith.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:07pm PST |
Sun, 14 May 2023
TMHS 686: The Shocking Truth About “Forever Chemicals” And The Conveniences That Are Killing Us - With Darin Olien
The human endocrine system is comprised of an entire network of organs and glands that control a myriad of processes in the body. Your endocrine system creates and releases hormones that control everything from your metabolism to your sexual function. And while the body is designed to filter out exposure to chemicals, our modern society is constantly bombarding us with plastics and fragrances that can disrupt the way our endocrine system is designed to function. New York Times bestselling author Darin Olien has dedicated a large portion of his career to researching fatal conveniences—common products and ways of living that are slowly and cumulatively disrupting our hormones and diminishing our health. In his new book, Fatal Conveniences, Darin writes about how common household objects like dental floss, laundry detergent, and mattresses often contain environmental toxins that are wreaking havoc on our bodies. On today’s show, he’s sharing some of the common fatal conveniences that you might be regularly exposed to, including herbicides and pesticides, plastic, fragrance, EMFs, and much more. You’re going to learn how to reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals and how to become more empowered and conscious about your food, water, and household products. I hope you enjoy this interview with Darin Olien! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 686_-_The_Shocking_Truth_About_Forever_Chemicals_And_The_Conveniences_That_Are_Killing_Us_-_With_Darin_Olien.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:10pm PST |
Tue, 9 May 2023
TMHS 685: 10 Powerful Keys To Growth, Success, & Fulfillment — The Model Health Show 10-Year Anniversary!
“Let the world know why you’re here and do it with passion.” – Wayne Dyer On this special episode, we’re celebrating ten years of The Model Health Show by highlighting ten of the biggest lessons I’ve learned about growth and success along the way. We’re diving into topics like the power of goal setting and accountability, how to use cultivate success through consistent action, and how to elevate through rewarding relationships. You’re going to hear about important topics like authenticity, excellence, and building resilience. I’m sharing some of the biggest hurdles I’ve had to overcome in order to experience growth. I’m also sharing my heart and mission behind starting The Model Health Show, and what has driven me to continue recording for the past decade. My intent is that this episode inspires you to chase after your goals and ambitions, to understand your unique strengths, and empowers you to serve others in a way that brings you the same sense of fulfillment that I’ve been fortunate enough to experience the past ten years. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 685_-_10_Powerful_Keys_To_Growth_Success__Fulfillment__The_Model_Health_Show_10-Year_Anniversary.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:12pm PST |
Sun, 7 May 2023
TMHS 684: Improve Your Hormones, Brain Health & Reduce Risk for Diseases with These Simple Health Principles
The beauty of creating a routine that supports your wellness is that aside from a few basic tenets, you can choose what types of practices fit your preferences and lifestyle. If you have access to a sauna, it can be an efficient means to reduce stress, enhance recovery, and lower inflammation. Although sauna therapy has been a tradition in certain cultures for thousands of years, it’s also a current trend in the wellness space due to its numerous science-backed health benefits. When my friend, Prince EA, had the idea to start a podcast in a sauna, I was happy to have a conversation with him about all things health. On today’s show, you’re going to hear my interview with Prince EA’s new podcast, Sauna Sessions. We’re going to cover a wide variety of health topics like how vitamin D impacts your hormones, how hydration plays a role in brain function, and simple rules for healthy eating. We’ll talk about the studies behind declining fertility rates and what you can do to boost your reproductive health. You’ll also learn about how environmental factors like epicaloric controllers and epigenetic controls can influence your weight and risk for disease. In this interview, I’ll be sharing some of my personal story of regaining my health, my current fitness routine and how it can fluctuate, and my philosophy on supplementation. We’re also going to cover some nutrition basics, the number one exercise for human health, simple biohacks you can incorporate into your routine, and so much more. This episode is packed with tons of insights you can use to take action on your health today! I hope you enjoy my interview from Sauna Sessions with Prince Ea. In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 684_-_Improve_Your_Hormones_Brain_Health__Reduce_Risk_for_Diseases_with_These_Simple_Health_Principles.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:53pm PST |
Tue, 2 May 2023
TMHS 683: The Truth About Gut Bacteria, Parasites, & What Your Pooping Habits Tell You About Your Health - With Dr. Tim Spector
Over the last few decades, the human environment has changed significantly. We’ve introduced new technologies, foods, and inputs into our daily life such as the widespread use of antibiotics, ultra-processed foods, and much more. But what we’ve overlooked is that rapid and extreme changes to our environment have had a negative effect on our microbiome and our overall health. Today’s guest, Tim Spector, is one of the leading experts in the world on the microbiome. Tim Spector is an award-winning scientist and author with an expertise in epidemiology, nutrition, and the microbiome. As the leader of the largest study on identical twins, Tim has a wealth of knowledge on the impact genetics and environment have on human health. On this episode of The Model Health Show, he’s sharing fascinating insights from his newest book, Food for Life. You’re going to hear the latest science on how our nutrition impacts our microbiome ultimately dictates health outcomes. In this interview, Tim is sharing the science behind the human microbiome, including its connection with the immune system, cravings, allergies, and so much more. You’ll learn about how your diet and environment influence your gut health, and tips to support a healthy microbiome. This episode is packed with incredible information on the link between diet and microbial health, and I know you’re going to take away actionable steps to improve your health. In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 683_-_The_Truth_About_Gut_Bacteria_Parasites__What_Your_Pooping_Habits_Tell_You_About_Your_Health_-_With_Dr._Tim_Spector.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:21pm PST |
Sun, 30 April 2023
As we age, there are a multitude of factors that influence our quality of life. Our nutrition, sleep quality, and movement practices all play a role in how our brains and bodies operate into our golden years. But the latest data affirms that the one factor that has the biggest influence on our health as we age is actually our mindset. Today’s guest, Steven Kotler, is a New York Times bestselling author, human performance expert, and the executive director of the Flow Research Collective, a research organization that is dedicated to studying the science behind human peak performance. Not only does Steven Kotler possess a deep understanding of the science of aging, but he also has the willingness to put his theories to the test. In his new book, Gnar Country, Steven details his experience learning how to park ski at the age of 53—a skill that is thought of to be unlearnable past the age of 35. Today, he’s sharing the insights he learned on his journey, including the keys to peak performance aging, flow state, and proven tools for increasing longevity and human potential. If you want to have a meaningful, vibrant, and long life, you’re going to love this interview with Steven Kotler! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 682_-_Improve_Your_Focus_Increase_Longevity__Unlock_Peak_Performance_-_With_Steven_Kotler.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:24pm PST |
Tue, 25 April 2023
TMHS 681: Get Clearer Skin, Less Cravings, & Reduce Body Fat With These Glucose Hacks - With Jessie Inchauspé
Did you know that balancing your blood sugar can impact nearly every aspect of your health? Your skin, mood, inflammation levels, body composition, and much more are influenced by your glucose levels. If you can learn how to eat in a way that consistently supports stable blood sugar, you can transform your health. Today’s guest, Jessie Inchauspé is a biochemist and international bestselling author who is on a mission to share cutting-edge science in an accessible, approachable way to help people gain power over their health. In this interview, she’s sharing her best science-backed blood sugar management hacks from her new book, The Glucose Goddess Method. Jessie is sharing realistic and practical ways to stabilize your blood sugar levels – without completely overhauling your diet. You’re going to learn the science behind blood glucose and how it impacts various functions in the body. You’ll learn the science behind cravings, the connection between mental health and blood sugar, and four scientifically proven glucose management hacks you can implement to begin improving your health today. Jessie is incredibly knowledgeable on the topic of blood sugar control, and I know you’re going to love the accessible way she shares her expertise. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 681_-_Get_Clearer_Skin_Less_Cravings__Reduce_Body_Fat_With_These_Glucose_Hacks_-_With_Jessie_Inchauspe.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:05pm PST |
Sun, 23 April 2023
We all encounter stress regularly in some capacity. Whether you have past traumas, injuries, or the stress of daily routines, our bodies can easily become overwhelmed by absorbing the hits and blows of life. And while stressful events are often avoidable, what we can focus on is building stronger, more resilient bodies that can recover from whatever life throws our way. Today’s guest is world-renowned coach and fascia expert, Jill Miller. Jill has over 30 years of experience studying corrective movement. She’s here to share her expertise on posture and movement, how to recover faster, and how to build a resilient body with principles from her book, Body by Breath. We’re going to cover the anatomy of the diaphragm, the power of breath, and how to tap into true healing by connecting with your body. You’ll learn about connecting with your parasympathetic nervous system, the body’s natural relaxation response, how to optimize your diaphragm, and so much more! So listen in, take some notes, and enjoy the show! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 680_-_How_to_Heal_Faster_Perform_Better__Live_Longer__with_Jill_Miller.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:11pm PST |
Tue, 18 April 2023
TMHS 679: Improve Your Adrenals & Thyroid Health to Improve Your Metabolism – with Dr. Izabella Wentz
In our fast-paced, modern society, it’s not uncommon to experience low energy, high stress, and trouble sleeping. If you struggle with symptoms like poor sleep or stress management, you might be among the thousands of folks who are suffering from adrenal dysfunction. And unfortunately, conventional medicine tends to dismiss symptoms of adrenal fatigue as normal or deny the existence of adrenal fatigue altogether. On today’s show, you’re going to learn about the role and importance of the adrenal glands for overall health and vitality. You’ll hear about the relationship between thyroid health and adrenal health, the causes of adrenal dysfunction, and simple, realistic lifestyle habits you can implement to restore adrenal health. Our guest, Dr. Izabella Wentz, is an integrative pharmacist who is passionate about helping patients find the root cause of symptoms that hold them back from thriving. Dr. Wentz is back on The Model Health Show to share her expertise on adrenal health, thyroid health, and how they impact multiple functions and processes in the body. You’re going to learn what the adrenal glands are, how they can become imbalanced, and the best practices for creating a healthier, more resilient stress response in your body. I hope you enjoy this interview with the brilliant Dr. Izabella Wentz! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 679_-_Improve_Your_Adrenals__Thyroid_Health_to_Improve_Your_Metabolism__with_Dr._Izabella_Wentz.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:22pm PST |
Sun, 16 April 2023
Humans have been consuming various teas for thousands of years for a myriad of reasons. Whether you’re trying to unwind, soothe a scratchy throat, or warm up on a cold day, drinking a cup of hot tea can be a soothing ritual. In many cultures and traditions, tea also serves as a medicinal, health-promoting beverage that can lower inflammation, support your metabolism, prevent diseases, and much more. On this episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to learn about ten specific teas and their health-supporting, science-backed benefits. You’ll learn about the origins and history of multiple varieties of tea, including black tea, green tea, rooibos, and more. You’ll hear the traditions of each tea, plus the evidence supporting their health benefits. You’re going to learn which teas can support your metabolism, microbiome, fertility, mental performance, and more. Whether you’re a tea aficionado or a beginner, I think this episode will inspire you to add more tea into your wellness routine. So click play, and enjoy the show! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 678_-_Burn_Fat_Improve_Mental_Performance__Prevent_Disease_with_These_Science-Backed_Teas.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:03pm PST |
Tue, 11 April 2023
Our hormones are an integral part of our overall health. And while you might hear phrases about mood swings or hormones being “out of whack,” most folks have little understanding about the network of hormones in our body and the critical roles they play. Here to break down the importance of hormones is Dr. Anna Cabeca. Dr. Anna Cabeca is a hormone expert, triple board-certified OBGYN, and the author of The Hormone Fix. She’s back on The Model Health Show to demystify hormones like oxytocin, cortisol, and insulin. We’re diving into how your hormones impact everything from sexual desire to sleep and mood. You’re going to learn about how unbalanced hormones can contribute to weight gain, how to create morning and evening routines that support hormone health, and specific ways to improve your sexual function and drive. We’ll also discuss hormonal shifts like menopause, simple lifestyle habits you can implement to optimize your hormonal health, and so much more. Dr. Cabeca has a wealth of knowledge in the field of hormones, and I know you’re going to have some key takeaways from this episode. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 677_-_The_Connection_Between_Hormone_Health_Sexual_Health__Metabolism_-_With_Dr._Anna_Cabeca.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:27pm PST |
Sun, 9 April 2023
The collective health of our citizens has been progressively declining for decades. Every year, rates of chronic health conditions like obesity, cardiovascular disease, and autoimmune diseases are on the rise. And as our rates of disease rise, our life expectancy is on the decline. On today’s show, you’re going to learn about the root cause of our failing health, and what we can do to create a healthy future for ourselves and the planet. Our guest today is Dr. Zach Bush, is a physician who specializes in internal medicine, endocrinology, and hospice care. He is also the founder of The Journey of Intrinsic Health and Farmer’s Footprint. Dr. Bush is passionate about how our planet’s health impacts human health. He’s back on The Model Health Show to break down the root cause of our chronic health epidemics and how we can restore our health. In this interview, you’re going to learn about how the advent of herbicides and pesticides coincided with skyrocketing rates of disease. Dr. Bush is sharing powerful insights on agriculture in the US, how to eat in a way that supports your gut health, and the important connection between humans and nature. I hope you enjoy this episode with Dr. Zach Bush! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 676_-_The_Root_Cause_of_Obesity_Autoimmunity_and_Cancer_-_With_Dr._Zach_Bush.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:05pm PST |
Tue, 4 April 2023
TMHS 675: Secret Mobility Exercises To Upgrade Your Body & Performance - With Juliet & Kelly Starrett
Longevity is a popular topic in the health and wellness space. But what’s often overlooked is the quality of that lifespan. Living longer can be incredible, but only when the body and mind are healthy, strong, and resilient. That’s why I love the book Built to Move by Kelly and Juliet Starrett. Built to Move is a guide to implementing movement practices that will improve your quality of life, mobility, and overall function. No matter your fitness level or income, Built to Move provides a simple and accessible guide to moving your body better. In this interview, you’re going to hear some of the main mobilization practices from the book and how you can easily add them into your life. You’ll hear about the incredible benefits of sitting on the floor, walking, hip extensions, and so much more. We can all benefit from more mobility and functionality in our daily lives, and I hope this interview inspires you to live a full life doing the things you enjoy with the people you love. Please enjoy this interview with the amazing Kelly and Juliet Starrett! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 675_-_Secret_Mobility_Exercises_To_Upgrade_Your_Body__Performance_-_With_Juliet__Kelly_Starrett.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:30pm PST |
Sun, 2 April 2023
TMHS 674: How to Utilize Cold Therapy to Burn Fat, Reduce Inflammation, & Build Confidence – with Dr. Susanna Søberg
In recent years, whole-body cold therapy, such as cold plunging, has gained popularity in the wellness space. But in many Scandinavian cultures, winter swimming is a time-honored practice and common pastime that has numerous benefits on human health. Today’s guest, Dr. Susanna Søberg, is one of the leading experts in the world on the topic of cold and heat therapy. Dr. Susanna Søberg is a metabolic scientist, bestselling author, and prominent researcher in functional cold and heat exposure for health optimization. Dr. Søberg’s fascinating research is centered around using cold and heat therapy to build resilience, increase metabolism, and strengthen your body and mind. On today’s show, she’s sharing the latest science on cold therapy and its many benefits. In this interview, you’re going to learn about the science of brown fat and how to activate your metabolism through cold therapy. You’ll hear about how cold exposure can have a positive impact on a wide variety of biological functions, including inflammation, dopamine levels, insulin sensitivity, and even boost your mood and confidence. In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 674_-_How_to_Utilize_Cold_Therapy_to_Burn_Fat_Reduce_Inflammation__Build_Confidence__with_Dr._Susanna_Sberg.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:03pm PST |
Tue, 28 March 2023
Humans have utilized the medicinal qualities of mushrooms for thousands of years. In most cultures, medicinal mushrooms have a long history of being used for their anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating, and antimicrobial effects. However, in American culture, supplementing with mushrooms is a growing trend in recent years. On today’s show, you’re going to learn the truth about medicinal mushrooms. We’re going to cover the latest peer-reviewed data on medicinal mushrooms and how they impact human health and well-being. This episode contains the history of fungi, how they work, and their role in our ecosystem. You’ll hear how mushrooms perform against pharmaceutical drugs, the most effective extraction methods, and which specific mushrooms can support your health. You’ll learn the proven healing and regenerative effects of medicinal mushrooms and their impacts on immune function, sexual health, sleep quality, metabolic health, and much more. If you’ve ever been interested in incorporating functional mushrooms into your routine, I hope this episode gives you the data you need to make an informed decision. So click play, listen in, and enjoy the show! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 673_-_The_Truth_About_Medicinal_Mushrooms.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:16pm PST |
Sun, 26 March 2023
It’s well known that chronic inflammation is at the foundation of a myriad of health conditions, including autoimmune diseases and metabolic disorders. But what’s less widely accepted is that the mind-body connection, specifically the gut-brain connection, can have immense impacts on our health and propensity to disease. Today’s guest, Dr. Will Cole is here to share about the intimate connection between physical and emotional health. In his new book, Gut Feelings, Dr. Will Cole unpacks how to heal the connection between mental health and physical health, and how to restore the body through nutrition and self-love practices. Dr. Will Cole is a leading functional-medicine expert, the founder of one of the first functional medicine telehealth centers, and a New York Times bestselling author. He specializes in helping folks find the root causes to autoimmune diseases, thyroid issues, digestive disorders, and much more. Gut Feelings is the culmination of his work helping his clients heal through nutrition and restoring the gut-brain connection. On this episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to learn about how the gut-brain connection works, and how the combination of shame and inflammation might be destroying your best efforts in health and wellness. We’re having important conversations on healing the nervous system, the problem with diet culture, and specific practices you can implement to heal your body and mind. I hope you enjoy this interview with the one and only, Dr. Will Cole! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 672_-_How_Your_Thoughts_And_Emotions_Impact_Your_Physical_Health_-_With_Dr._Will_Cole.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:21pm PST |
Tue, 21 March 2023
Some people can make big sweeping changes and overhaul their health seemingly overnight. But for most folks, real change comes in small incremental steps like drinking more water and getting more steps. Our lifestyle choices have far-reaching impacts on our health, and implementing one small change every day can lead to incredible results over time. This is why I love Dr. Daniel Amen’s new book, Change Your Brain Every Day. With over 40 years of experience in clinical psychiatry and the world’s largest database of brain imaging, Dr. Amen is an unmatched expert on brain health. In Change Your Brain Every Day, he shares practical daily habits you can use to gain a healthier brain one day at a time. On this episode of The Model Health Show, Dr. Amen is back to share effective and realistic daily habits you can implement to improve your brain health and cognitive function. You’re going to hear powerful insights on how quickly the brain responds to lifestyle changes, how focusing on your brain health can improve your relationships, and why making your mental health a daily practice can yield lasting results. Your brain is an indispensable part of your health, your consciousness, and your entire existence. Dr. Amen’s insights and tips are life-changing, and I hope this interview resonates with you! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 671-Use_These_Physical__Mental_Exercises_To_Improve_Your_Brain_TODAY_-_With_Dr._Daniel_Amen.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:33pm PST |
Sun, 19 March 2023
When struggling with their weight, most folks are quick to point a finger at their slow or broken metabolism. But so many of our commonly accepted perceptions about metabolism are not actually rooted in science. The truth is the human metabolism and body fat are designed to work in our favor. They are powerful tools that we can harness to promote immune function, longevity, and vibrancy. Today, I’m excited to share this interview with Dr. William Li about his research on how to eat to support metabolic health. Dr. Li is a world-renowned physician, scientist, a New York Times bestselling author, and the president and medical director of the Angiogenesis Foundation. In his new book, Eat to Beat Your Diet, Dr. Li outlines the exciting new science of body fat, metabolism, and weight loss. On this episode, you’re going to learn about specific foods you can include in your diet to support your metabolism, aid in fat loss, and optimize your health. Dr. Li is sharing fascinating new science on how fat cells operate, the lifespan of the human metabolism, and how eating simple, accessible foods can restore your body. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 670_-_Eat_These_Foods_to_Support_Fat_Loss__with_Dr._William_Li.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Tue, 14 March 2023
TMHS 669: The Orgasm Gap, How Hormones Work, & What You Should Have Learned in Sex Ed Class - With Jolene Brighten
Sex is a normal part of human biology, but in our society, there is a lot of stigma, shame, and secrecy when it comes to talking about sex. Unfortunately, the majority of sexual education in the United States withhold information on important topics like anatomy, hormones, consent, and pleasure. Today’s guest, Dr. Jolene Brighten, is on a mission to change the way we talk about our bodies and sex. Dr. Brighten is a board-certified naturopathic endocrinologist, a pioneer in the field of women’s health, and a fierce proponent of honest, medically accurate sexual education. Her new book, Is This Normal? bridges the gap between what most folks learned in sex ed. classes and the truth about human biology. Is This Normal? is a comprehensive and engaging guide to the human body, including hormones, the menstrual cycle, the orgasm gap, and so much more. Today she’s back on The Model Health Show to have a real conversation about anatomy, human biology, hormones, and sex. This interview covers everything from the anatomy and function of the clitoris, the importance of the vaginal microbiome, the role of hormones, and natural, normal variations of the human body. If you want to learn more about sexual health and hormonal health, Dr. Jolene Brighten is an empowering, honest, and non-judgmental educator. I hope you enjoy this interview! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 669_-_The_Orgasm_Gap_How_Hormones_Work__What_You_Should_Have_Learned_in_Sex_Ed_Class_-_With_Jolene_Brighten.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:09pm PST |
Sun, 12 March 2023
Mortality data in the US shows that the average life expectancy for Americans continues to decline. Even worse, many folks who do reach an old age are plagued with chronic conditions that diminish their quality of life, such as dementia, cancer, and hypertension. But getting older does not automatically equate to poor outcomes, and today’s guest is living proof of that. Mark Sisson is a New York Times bestselling author, a health expert, and the founder of Primal Kitchen. Mark is approaching seven decades of experience in building and maintaining a healthy body, and in this interview, he’s sharing his best tips for overall functionality and longevity. You’re going to learn about the best foods for human health, the importance of metabolic flexibility, and how to incorporate play into your exercise routine. You’ll also learn about the importance of metabolic flexibility and the best ways to burn fat. Mark is sharing his template for a healthy exercise routine, why muscle mass is key to healthy aging and functionality, and so much more. Longevity and lifelong functionality are goals we should all aspire to reach, and Mark has so much wisdom and insight to share on this topic. So listen in and enjoy this episode of The Model Health Show! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 668_-_How_To_Eat_Train_And_Think_To_Be_Fit_And_Function_For_100_Years__with_Mark_Sisson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:03pm PST |
Tue, 7 March 2023
TMHS 667: Exploring The Vegan To Carnivore Spectrum & The Truth About Artificial Sweeteners - With Dr. Paul Saladino
The average American consumes about 17 teaspoons of added sugar on a daily basis, which is well over the ideal amount for optimal health. Consuming empty calories from added sugar can lead to a host of health problems, including obesity, metabolic problems, and heart disease. Because high-calorie, high-sugar products are so prevalent in our society, some folks turn to zero-calorie sweeteners as an alternative. However, artificial sweeteners are a controversial topic in the health and nutrition space. Compared to natural sweeteners like honey, artificial sweeteners are a relatively new input for human biology. On today’s show, you’re going to hear the latest studies on the impact artificial sweeteners have on metabolism, gut health, and much more. Our guest, Dr. Paul Saladino, is a double board-certified MD, a bestselling author, and the host of the Fundamental Health podcast. We’re diving into important conversations on the impact artificial sweeteners have on human health, critical nutritional needs that are often overlooked on a ketogenic diet, the health benefits of consuming organ meat, and corruption in food policy. I hope you enjoy this episode with the Carnivore MD, Dr. Paul Saladino! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 667_-_Exploring_The_Vegan_To_Carnivore_Spectrum__The_Truth_About_Artificial_Sweeteners_-_With_Dr._Paul_Saladino.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:17pm PST |
Sun, 5 March 2023
Every single person on this planet possesses unique gifts, talents, and unlimited potential. But sometimes our circumstances, our past, and our mindset can hold us back from tapping into our greatness. On today’s show, you’re going to learn exactly how to overcome the mindset blocks that are preventing you from living your best life. Lewis Howes is a New York Times bestselling author, engaging podcast host, and entrepreneur. Today, he’s back on The Model Health Show to share powerful insights from his new book, The Greatness Mindset. You’ll learn about creating a meaningful mission, how to reframe your traumas, and how to define and find your own version of greatness. This episode contains empowering conversations on overcoming the obstacles and fears that hold you back, how to make decisions that are in alignment with your purpose, and how we can all learn to love and accept ourselves. Lewis’ story of healing his past and finding success is incredibly inspiring. I hope you enjoy this interview with the one and only, Lewis Howes! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 666_-_Let_Go_Of_Whats_Holding_You_Back__Design_Your_Dream_Life_TODAY_-_With_Lewis_Howes.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:32pm PST |
Tue, 28 February 2023
From our performance and concentration to our mood and decision-making skills, hunger can impact our lives in a myriad of ways. And at a time when the diet industry and processed food manufacturers are profiting billions of dollars per year, the basic human function of hunger has become a commodity. The good news is, there are real, evidence-based tools we can use to take control of our biology, overcome cravings, and stop excessive hunger. My friend Dr. Amy Shah is a double board-certified medical doctor and nutrition expert who takes an integrative and holistic approach to helping folks live healthier lives. She is one of the most knowledgeable experts in the emerging fields of circadian medicine and gut health. In her new book, I’m So Effing Hungry, she outlines how to utilize natural biological processes to combat overeating and food cravings. On this episode of The Model Health Show, Dr. Shah is back to share the latest studies on hunger hormones, how processed food hijacks our natural hunger signals, the role psychobiotics play in driving cravings, and so much more. What I love about Dr. Shah is her ability to convey her deep understanding of science and medicine in a straightforward and approachable way. Please enjoy this interview with the brilliant, Dr. Amy Shah! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 665_-_How_Ultra-Processed_Foods_Are_Hijacking_The_Human_Brain_-_With_Dr._Amy_Shah.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:08pm PST |
Sun, 26 February 2023
For most folks, the relationships we have with our parents or guardians are the first meaningful connections we have. These relationships set the stage for how we communicate, how we see ourselves, and can even dictate our health into adulthood. However, most people enter the complex world of parenting with a certain set of inherited expectations and unconscious paradigms around how a parent-child relationship should function. Today’s guest, Dr. Shefali Tsabary, is a clinical psychologist and New York Times bestselling author who is best known for her expertise in family dynamics, conscious parenting, and personal development. In this interview, Dr. Shefali is sharing groundbreaking paradigm shifts from her new book, The Parenting Map, on how to authentically connect with your children and how to build empowerment and respect into any parent-child relationship. You’ll learn about what conscious parenting is, and how it differs from the traditional parenting paradigm. We’ll talk about how our ego can block us from authentically connecting with our children, and how healing your inner child can help you create a healthy family dynamic. Dr. Shefali’s insights are going to impress you, challenge you, and help you transform your relationships for the better. In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 664_-_Break_Dysfunctional_Patterns__Build_Better_Family_Connection_-_With_Dr._Shefali_Tsabary.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:43pm PST |
Tue, 21 February 2023
What we choose to eat every day has a profound impact on our metabolism, our biology, and our longevity. Every cell in your body is created from the food that you eat. But unfortunately, there’s a ton of conflicting information out there about what types of foods contribute to human health and vibrancy. On this episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to hear an interview I did on Tom Bilyeu’s podcast, Impact Theory. We’re diving into a wide variety of topics, including anti-inflammatory nutrition, the basics of metabolism and the calories-in-calories-out paradigm, how your thoughts impact your biology, and the pharmaceutical industry’s influence on nutrition and health. In this interview, I’ll also share some personal anecdotes from my experience being diagnosed with a chronic illness and the physical and mental healing I underwent. You’re going to learn about the power you possess to take control over your life and your health, and why deciding to stop outsourcing your potential to others is the most powerful step you can take. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 663_-_Impact_Theory-The_Twisted_Landscape_of_Nutrition_Pharmaceutical_Drugs__The_Psychology_of_Eating.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:16pm PST |
Sun, 19 February 2023
We’ve been led to believe that in order to improve your health, you have to take extreme measures. The diet and weight loss industry rakes in billions of dollars, yet most of our citizens are still overweight and struggling with health issues. Instead of following a strict diet regimen or spending hours in the gym, what if you could optimize your biology and get better results with less effort? That’s the premise of Dave Asprey’s new book, Smarter Not Harder. As a long-time biohacker, Dave has uncovered how we can take control of our body’s inherent systems and tendencies by using biohacking strategies to achieve lasting health. Dave Asprey is the founder of Upgrade Labs and a repeat New York Times bestselling science author. In this interview, you’re going to learn exactly how to get maximum results in your physical, metabolic, and cognitive health—with minimum effort. We’re going to discuss specific concepts from Smarter Not Harder, including how we can take advantage of our innate laziness, how to incorporate biohacking techniques like vibration and muscle stimulation, and specific exercises you can incorporate to get better results from your workouts. This episode is packed with insights about maximizing your biology. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 662_-_Biohack_Your_Energy_Levels__Metabolism_-_With_Dave_Asprey.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:38pm PST |
Tue, 14 February 2023
Getting older is a natural part of the human lifespan. But getting older does not have to include common aging-related illnesses like neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular events, or osteoporosis. The key to feeling younger, stronger, and healthier lies in the choices we make every day, like our diet, movement practices, and our connection to others. Dr. Mark Hyman is one of the most influential voices in the field of functional medicine and a proponent for eating for health and longevity. He is the host of The Doctor’s Farmacy Podcast, founder and director of the UltraWellness Center, and a repeat New York Times bestselling author. In his new book, Young Forever, Dr. Hyman outlines the body’s innate healing mechanisms, the true causes of our common causes of death, and actionable steps you can take to prevent disease and promote longevity. Today, Dr. Hyman is back on The Model Health Show to share incredible insights on aging, longevity, and true health. You’re going to learn key principles like the hallmarks of aging, the human body’s natural healing pathways, and how to achieve optimal health through simple and accessible lifestyle changes. As always, Dr. Hyman is sharing the cutting-edge science, along with empowering lifestyle tips you can use to restore your health. In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 661_-_Eat_These_Foods_To_Extend_Your_Lifespan__Stay_Young_Forever_-_With_Dr._Mark_Hyman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:05pm PST |
Sun, 12 February 2023
Humans are social creatures that thrive with social support and community. It’s no surprise that healthy relationships, in any context, can have beneficial effects on our overall health and well-being. Today you’re going to learn five clinically proven ways that love affects your health, including your body composition, stress levels, cardiovascular health, and mental health. We’re going to dive into the research on the link between love and longevity, as well as how your relationships impact your risk for diseases like heart disease and dementia. You’ll learn how healthy relationships can improve your resilience to stress and response to pain. You’re going to hear how love can promote brain health and even support your health goals. You’ll learn how your brain chemistry reacts to love, and how your body composition can be impacted by the evolution of your relationships. No matter your current relationship status, this episode can help you improve your health through your connections with those around you. I hope you enjoy this episode of The Model Health Show! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 660-5_Ways_That_Love_Affects_Your_Health.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:19pm PST |
Tue, 7 February 2023
When most people think about the effects of regularly exercising, they focus purely on the aesthetic results. While you can certainly change the way your body looks through an intentional and consistent exercise routine, the impacts of a regular movement practice extend far beyond what you look like. On this compilation episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to hear from some of the top fitness experts in the world about the comprehensive benefits of exercise. You’re going to learn about the scientifically proven positive impacts exercise can have on your functionality, metabolic health, longevity, and mental health. You’ll hear how movement can protect you from diseases, improve your daily life, and upgrade your sensitivity to pleasure. You’re going to learn from some of the brightest minds in science, including Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, Dr. Andrew Huberman, Dr. Kelly McGonigal, and more. This episode is packed with insights on creating an impactful movement routine that will transform every area of your health and your life. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 659_-_How_Building_Muscle__Boosting_Fitness_Impacts_The_Rest_Of_Your_Life.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:52pm PST |
Sun, 5 February 2023
Relationships are at the very foundation of human health. Our relationships have a profound impact on our happiness and overall well-being. But no relationship is without challenges, and today you’re going to hear about how to cultivate stronger and more intentional relationships with ourselves and the people around us. Jay Shetty is a New York Times bestselling author, an award-winning podcast host, and the chief purpose officer for the #1 sleep and meditation app, Calm. Jay is passionate about helping folks uncover their purpose and tap into self-awareness to improve their lives. In his new book, 8 Rules of Love, Jay outlines why relationships are a skill set and how we can take actionable steps to build healthier relationships. In this interview, you’re going to hear some of the powerful lessons from 8 Rules of Love. Jay is sharing how our relationships habits form and how we can be more purposeful about creating skills that best serve our relationships. You’ll learn how to better understand yourself, your past and current relationships, and so much more. I hope you enjoy this episode with the incredible Jay Shetty! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 658_-_The_Truth_About_Healthy_Relationships__The_Rules_Of_Love_-_With_Jay_Shetty.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:24pm PST |
Tue, 31 January 2023
In Western culture, drinking alcohol has become a societal norm. Drinking is often used during times of celebration, for relaxation purposes, and to socialize with others. Not only is alcohol one of the most utilized drugs, it also the most accessible. On today’s show, we’re going to uncover the health risks and benefits of drinking alcohol. You’re going to hear the peer-reviewed data on exactly how drinking alcohol impacts human metabolic health and longevity. We’ll talk about how the body processes alcohol, and how alcohol consumption can impact biological functions like fat-burning, hormone balance, and the microbiome. You’ll learn about the links between drinking and risks for developing diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. We’ll discuss how drinking can impact sleep quality, cognitive health, and so much more. You’ll also learn some practical tips and tools you can use to mitigate some of alcohol’s harmful effects. I hope this episode arms you with the information to make more empowered decisions about alcohol consumption. In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 657_-_How_Alcohol_Influences_Metabolism_and_Longevity.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:45pm PST |
Sun, 29 January 2023
TMHS 656: How Processed Food Companies Have Taken Control Of University Research & Government Recommendations - With Calley Means
Each year the US healthcare system spends billions of dollars on pharmaceuticals and innovations, yet our citizens continue to get sicker and sicker. And while many providers truly want to help folks, their education primarily teaches them to write prescriptions for symptoms—not address the root causes of ailments. Meanwhile, our government works hand in hand with food companies to market and promote the very foods that exacerbate inflammatory and chronic illnesses. While the idea of corrupt, powerful entities and a broken healthcare system might seem overpowering, we have a lot of power as citizens to begin changing the paradigm of what health means. Today’s guest, Calley Means, is here to talk about exactly what we can do to begin healing our broken systems. As a former consultant for food and pharmaceutical companies, Calley has a unique and well-informed viewpoint on this matter. He is the co-founder of TrueMed, a company that is revolutionizing the way patients use pre-tax funds for health expenses. In this interview, you’re going to hear enlightening conversations on the US food system and pharmaceutical industry. Calley is sharing the behind-the-scenes playbook of the tactics processed food companies use to gain public trust. We’re going to talk about how government programs promote disease and disproportionately affect children and minority groups. We’re also going to discuss how we can create a revolution and lead the charge toward true health for future generations. Enjoy! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 656_-_How_Processed_Food_Companies_Have_Taken_Control_Of_University_Research__Government_Recommendations_-_With_Calley_Means.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:40pm PST |
Tue, 24 January 2023
TMHS 655: Supercharge Your Brain Health, Immune System, & Microbiome Through The Power Of Bees - With Carly Stein Kremer
Our healthcare system is heavily based on pharmaceuticals, which certainly have their role. But there’s a wisdom in utilizing natural remedies that have a long history of reducing symptoms and promoting health. For most of human history, bee products like honey, propolis, and bee pollen have been used for a variety of reasons including reducing allergy symptoms, inhibiting the growth of bacteria, wound treatments, and so much more. Today you’re going to learn about a variety of bee products and their health benefits. Our guest, Carly Stein Kremer, is the founder of Beekeeper’s Naturals, a wellness company that is dedicated to bringing effective, natural, and sustainable remedies to the general public. On today’s show, she’s sharing the amazing healing properties of bee products, and how you can incorporate them into your routine for better health. You’re going to hear about the variety of bee products that exist and their specific health benefits. We’re talking about the science behind propolis, honey, royal jelly, and more. You’ll learn how you can use these products to promote brain health, immune function, and gut health. What I love about Beekeeper’s Naturals is that they have high standards for quality, sustainability, and efficacy. I hope you enjoy this interview with Carly Stein Kremer! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 655-_Supercharge_Your_Brain_Health_Immune_System__Microbiome_Through_The_Power_Of_Bees_-_With_Carly_Stein_Kremer.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:19pm PST |
Sun, 22 January 2023
Cancer is one of the most serious diagnoses one could face, and in our society, it’s becoming more and more common. While some forms of cancer are influenced by genetics, the good news is that we have a lot of power to influence our propensity toward disease. Our habits and inputs such as diet, weight, and exposure to toxins can play a huge role in cancer risk. Today’s guest, Dr. Christian Gonzalez, is an expert on preventing and treating cancer. Dr. Christian Gonzalez is a naturopathic oncologist and the host of the Heal Thy Self Podcast. He is passionate about education and giving folks the tools needed to promote health, prevent cancer and other chronic diseases, and heal from within. Today, he’s back on the show to demystify cancer and share what is really contributing to our skyrocketing rates of cancer. We’re going to dive into some of the leading risk causes of cancer, and realistic tips you can implement to reduce your risk and optimize your health. We’ll talk about the impact alcohol has on the development of cancer, how to reduce your overall toxic burden and the role that emotions and mental health play in our physical health. As always, Dr. G is delivering tons of value, and I hope you’ll find this information empowering. In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 654_-_The_Truth_About_Rising_Cancer_Rates_-_With_Dr._Christian_Gonzalez.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:27pm PST |
Tue, 17 January 2023
Coffee is the most commonly consumed beverage in the world. A hot cup of coffee is the first thing many folks think about when they start each day. And for years, health experts have had differing opinions on whether or not coffee is beneficial for human health. In most cases, when consumed in moderation, coffee can be a protective and valuable part of a well-rounded diet. On today’s show, we’re diving into seven scientifically proven benefits of consuming coffee. You’re going to learn how drinking coffee can impact multiple processes in the body, including metabolism and fat loss, cognitive performance, energy levels, and so much more. You’ll also hear about the origins of coffee, and how it became so engrained in our culture. We’re going to cover specific studies on how coffee consumption impacts human health and performance, as well as habits you can implement to optimize your caffeine habit. We’re going to dive into the ideal amounts of coffee you should consume to receive the maximum benefits, tips for timing your caffeine consumption, what to add to your coffee, and how to source your daily cup of joe. I hope you enjoy this episode on the mind-blowing benefits of coffee! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 653_-_7_Mind-Blowing_Benefits_of_Coffee__Fat_Loss_Focus_Performance__More.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:33pm PST |
Sun, 15 January 2023
This time of year, a lot of folks are looking to create habit shifts in their lives. But what most people fail to recognize is that transformation starts from within; it begins with our mindset and the way we see ourselves. If you want to cultivate change, you have to focus on the way you think, not just what you do. On this compilation episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to hear incredible life lessons from self-development expert and bestselling author, Ed Mylett. Ed is sharing practical tools for transforming your life through changing your identity, real tips for improving your confidence, and how to upgrade your financial fitness. There’s a reason why Ed is a globally recognized speaker, and today you’re going to hear powerful insights that can help you create the life you want to live. No matter what your goals are, this episode contains valuable tips to help you reach them. Please enjoy this episode with Ed Mylett! In this episode you’ll discover:
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Direct download: 652_-_Strengthen_Your_Psychology_Transform_Your_Confidence__Become_THE_ONE__with_Ed_Mylett.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:22pm PST |