The Model Health Show

You’ve probably been hearing the news about WMDs from the media for many years. In fact, the media itself is often a WMD (Weapon of Mass Distraction). Today we are living in the time of the greatest distraction known to man. We’ve gained some prominence over acquiring food and water, most folks have a roof over their head, and meeting potential mates can be as easy as swiping right on your phone. But all of this newfound free time has opened up a blackhole of time to kill, and now we have an infinite amount of information to pour into it.

Sure dating today is a lot more like Wheel of Fortune than real life (I was always intrigued by those people who guessed just $1 for the price of a washing machine… why not $2? Why not 2???). The problem isn’t the apps and services, or the guessing that we do when we get on our devices. The problem is the sheer amount of data we all have to process each and every day of our lives now.

Because of this, most of us have simply outsourced a lot of our thinking to our smartphones. Basic calculations in our head? Nope, I’ve got a calculator for that. Remember my best friend’s new phone number? Nope, we might text or talk all the time, but my phone will remember your number for me - and if I lose my phone, well, I guess I lose you too… it’s been a great ride!.

Remembering appointments, managing money, etc. Our phones can do it all. And, in a strange way, our smartphones have now made us dumber. We may not have devolved to the point of our primitive ancestors, but have you seen how entertaining a fidget spinner is now? What reason can you give for it? Seriously!

Well, if you’re reading this, fidget spinner fan or not, I know that you’re someone who’s interested in living an amazing life. You would love to be healthy, fit, and happy, and have awesome relationships too. These things require study. And with so much information to go through, how in the world can we ever make the strides we want before we make the transition to the big world wide web in the sky?

The solution is simple, yet profound. In today’s world, where information is flying at you a thousand miles an minute, we must retrain our brains to learn in a new and powerful way. We all have an almost unlimited capability to learn, but we must learn how to unlock it. And for that, there’s only one expert I know who fits the bill. The man who companies like Virgin, Nike, Zappos, Fox Movie Studios, and Harvard University bring in to up-level their performance. The man who superstars in entertainment and industry like Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Jim Carrey, and Will Smith call on to help them learn faster and improve their memory. The one and only, Jim Kwik.

In this episode you'll discover:

  • The surprising effect that coffee has on your metabolism.
  • Why the all-time favorite method of study called cramming will cause you to fall short.
  • How digital distraction is zapping our brainpower.
  • How our smart devices can actually make us dumber.
  • How much of our memory is determined by genetics.
  • How multitasking compares to being high and sleep deprived.
  • Practical tips to help you avoid wasting too much time on social media when you need to get work done (this can help all of us!).
  • The difference between recognition and recollection.
  • What primacy and recency have to do with learning.
  • How music can influence memory and learning.
  • What spaced repetition is and how to use it to boost your brainpower.
  • Why your emotional state has an impact on memory.
  • How your memory is deeply connected to your sense of smell.
  • How important relevance is to memory and learning.
  • The most effective way to take notes (and things you should stop doing immediately!).

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Why not start your body off each day in a fat-burning state? It’s as easy as drinking a glass of water… and here’s why.

A recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that drinking just 17 ounces of water can increase your metabolic rate by up to 30%. Wait, what?! So, this whole drinking water to lose fat thing actually works? In short, yes. But the real gold is in the details.

The researchers in the study found that the total thermogenic response of drinking the water was a burn off of about 24 Calories. Just to be clear, this does not mean that chug-a-lugging gallons of water each day will have you burning massive amounts of calories. There’s an upper limit to this that easily gets bypassed by overdoing it on the aqua. Just like everything else in life, too much of even a good thing can quickly turn into a bad thing (unless it’s watching Game of Thrones… according to my wife, there’s no such thing as too much). Yet, the upper limit is definitely not the issue for the majority of people.

The average person today does not give their body the real hydration it needs. Chronic dehydration goes hand-in-hand with chronic disease, and still it’s disappointedly overlooked in the medical profession. Most people are not giving their body the water-induced thermogenic benefits possible for them because they are missing out on small keys that open big doors of health and wellness.

One, it’s water… not juice, not “vitamin water”, not gatorade, snakeade, or turtleade, not soda, not coffee… just WATER. Two, the actual quality of water matters. It matters in how it relates to your tissues. Specifically, the aquaporin channels that get the water from your belly into your cells. For more on that, make sure to check out the Hydration and Water Masterclass episode right after this one. Third, it’s how and when they drink the water. Follow up studies found that drinking 1 - 2 ounces of water had no significant thermogenic effect. Sippy sippin on the water bottle throughout the day just isn’t going to cut it. You need to get in a nice oil change a couple of times a day. Target 16 - 24 ounces to make the magic happen. And, as you’ll discover today, getting that first drink in to start your day has even more advantage, and might be a game-changing cornerstone of a morning routine that transforms your life.

Today you’ll learn how a consistent morning routine literally changes your brain and helps to set you up for success. You’ll also learn about morning routines of some of the most successful people on the planet, and real, tangible proof that their success (and having an effective morning routine) is not an accident. Just click play, take good notes, and enjoy!

In this episode you'll discover:

  • How our daily actions determine our ultimate success.
  • Why a morning routine provides you with a valuable sense of certainty.
  • The science of momentum and how it inherently influences our lives.
  • How a consistent morning routine affects our brains.
  • The missing piece when people try to create new positive habits for themselves.
  • Why many of us start our days with high stress.
  • Why it's important to get hydrated as soon as your day begins.
  • The daily ritual that Warren Buffett uses to ensure his continued success.
  • How to train your mind to be more focused and resilient each day.
  • How to give your body a metabolic advantage each day.
  • Why the first food or beverage you have to start your day has a bigger impact on your performance.
  • The best way to ensure you accomplish your biggest goal for the day.
  • Additional morning routine components you can mix and match and experiment with.
  • Morning routines of some of the most successful and healthy people on the planet.
  • How to adjust your morning routine in a pinch, plus other valuable ways to personalize your best morning routine.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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You’ve probably heard the statement before that “health is wealth”. But what does that mean exactly?

I believe that it’s a statement summarizing the fact that when you have your health, you have possibility. With good health you have the clarity, the vitality, and the energy to submit your will in life, and do the things that make your life worth living.

Without good health, everything in life can seem exponentially harder. And I know this from firsthand experience. It’s so much harder to have clarity and direction, there’s a feeling that something is holding you back, and mustering up the energy to do even small things is an enormous task. Health is wealth because it moves you more gracefully out of limited thinking. As our health improves, so does our energy and optimism. You start to feel richer (or, at least, more capable of becoming richer!).

Now, what if we flipped the statement around? Wealth is health? Would it still hold up as a fact? Well, our guest today will not only show exactly how our financial health impacts our mental and physical health, but also shares some ESSENTIAL strategies to build up your monetary muscles and ensure that you are fiscally fit.

Dr. Michael Roizen is the author of eight NY Times bestselling books, he's the Chief Wellness Officer at the world-renowned Cleveland Clinic, and he's just an all-around incredible human being. I was so excited that he wrote his latest book tying in the deep connection between our health and our finances. With The Model Health Show we want to provide a model for being healthy and happy in every area of our lives. From fitness to finances, from food to family, all of it matters, and all of it makes us who we are. I’m honored to share Dr. Roizen’s wisdom with you here today. Just click play, take good notes, and put these things into action!

In this episode you'll discover:

  • Why having a longer lifespan can be a stressor financially.
  • How long the average American born today should expect to live.
  • What being born to splurge means.
  • Some of the surprisingly similar ways that we approach our health and wealth.
  • How healthcare spending by age-range has changed.
  • Important physical metrics to track as you age.
  • How to give yourself a fiscal physical.
  • What 5 financial habits you need to be fiscally fit.
  • How to create a protective financial shield around your family in the case of an emergency (this is a must!).
  • Why your primal programming will eventually beat out your willpower.
  • Which hormones cause you to feel hungry or feel satisfied.
  • Why simply trying to stop a bad habit is a bad idea.
  • How many of life's greatest stressors are financial.
  • Why conventional stress management practices don't work well for financial stress.
  • What stress actually does to your body.
  • Why all stress isn't bad for you.
  • The fascinating science of work and how to make work healthier!

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week!

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You’ve seen the headlines… Ads telling you to just “Eat these 5 fat burning foods” and you’ll be able to achieve miraculous things. You’ll drop 10 pounds in two weeks, lose several inches off your waist, and even get your own reality show on VH1. Ok, I added the last one in, but you get the picture.

If eating certain fat-burning foods could cure our body fat problems, then why are we not seeing an epidemic of fit people flooding the streets? If there were fat-burning foods that really did as advertised, they would be in such high demand that people would stand in lines around the block just like they do when the new iPhones come out (but this time it’ll be called “The iPhat”).

The reality is, fat-burning foods are a bit of a misnomer. Food (the good, the bad, and the ugly) doesn’t make you burn or store less fat based on the food alone. There are many complex things going on behind the scenes that only a few people can can give us the real skinny on. One of those people is Dr. Jade Teta. And he’s here today to share how certain foods might be mistaken for fat-burning foods, how stress can add to your waistline no matter how good your diet is, plus a whole lot more. Just click play, listen in, and enjoy!

In this episode you'll discover:

  • Important tools to help injury proof your body.
  • Why it's easy to overly focus on exercise and not so much on nutrition.
  • Why there's no such thing as fat-burning foods.
  • How certain foods can appear to have more metabolic benefits than others.
  • What causes us to overeat specific foods.
  • Which factors cause foods to impact people differently.
  • The 4 types of foods that will ensure you're satisfied and nourished.
  • How the properties of water can teach you to create the best nutrition plan for yourself.
  • Why our metabolism is a stress barometer.
  • The #1 stressor that affects our metabolism (this is huge!).
  • Where the command center of our metabolism actually is.
  • How stress perception plays a major role in our health.
  • Why going from couch potato to fitness enthusiast can backfire.
  • Practical things you can implement to lower stress and heal your metabolism.
  • The 4 major keys to effective fat-burning exercise (don’t miss this one!).

Items mentioned in this episode include:

Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week!

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People, places, things, and ideas…

This doesn’t just describe what a noun is… this also describes what your destiny will be.

These are the things that make up your environment at any given time. And these are the things that inherently influence your thoughts, feelings, and actions. If you want to adjust the thoughts you carry, the feelings you experience, or the actions you take, you must meticulously look to your environment.

I love the quote that says, “You are a product of your environment, surround yourself with the best!” This statement affirms the fact that we are deeply influenced by our environment, but it also attests that we can change it.

If you’ve decided that you want to have, be, and do the very best things possible for you, then creating an environment that supports your greatness is of the utmost importance right now. In this powerful episode, you’re going to learn the actual science behind why you are a product of your environment. Plus, you’ll be equipped with several life-changing tools and insights to help you build the life that you truly deserve, and put more health, happiness, and success on automatic in your life. Let’s do this!

In this episode you'll discover:

  • Why it's so important to invest in yourself.
  • What the observer effect is and how our thoughts and consciousness literally create our world.
  • What the phantom DNA experiment can teach us.
  • How big our electromagnetic reach is.
  • Why we have a tendency to replicate what we see in our environment.
  • What happens in your brain when you’re in a conversation with people.
  • Why letting go is a critical part of growth.
  • The role that teachers and mentors play in shaping our reality.
  • Why changing environments doesn’t automatically change you.
  • The real reason people ask others for advice (this is a truth bomb!).
  • Why we need to relinquish our inner know-it-all.
  • Subconscious reasons why we don’t execute on insights and tips we receive.
  • The most effective way to help the people you care about change.
  • How the our behavior is influenced when we know others are watching us.
  • Why it’s important to know yourself (and plan accordingly!).

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Direct download: 228-How_To_Create_An_Environment_That_Supports_Your_Greatness.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:34pm PST