The Model Health Show

Everything in the universe moves. Even the most laidback tree is made of atoms that are vibrating and spinning faster than your eyes can see. They move within and without the earth. They help to shape their environment, and, amazingly, their environment helps to shape them.

It might surprise you to know just how much like a tree you really are. You are, indeed, a mover and shaker within your environment, but your environment helps to move you too. As biomechanist Katy Bowman has shared with us in past conversations, your environment actually shapes your body. That body that you have (take a look down at all of that glory for a second) has been shaped by your actions and environmental stimuli. Your body is best equipped to handle the consistent loads that are placed on it. Whether it from the subtle forces of your office chair or the more obvious forces of a barbell on your shoulders. Your body is your receipt from the loads you’ve experienced. For better or for worse, this is how the system works.

Today we’re going to take things a step further (pun totally intended) as Katy reveals to you the other hidden, yet profound ways that your environment moves you. As you’ll discover today, science moves, nature moves, and food moves in a way that shapes our reality as we know it. Movement matters today more than ever, so take these insights and walk into a more empowered way of life. Enjoy!

In this episode you'll discover:

  • What it means to be a willing student.
  • What drove Katy to live the science she was learning (when so few scientist do).
  • Why science moves and how rigid science beliefs can cause “overuse injuries”.
  • How fixed views can encourage dismissive (and even violent) responses.
  • What your movement fingerprint is.
  • How humans have psychologically displaced themselves from nature.
  • Why a Twinkie isn’t as unnatural as we thought.
  • Why nutrition facts are interesting, but don’t have much functionality in the natural world.
  • How humans are very much like trees (physically and metaphysically).
  • Why human movement is bound to food.
  • The #1 way to move more, eat better, and support the planet all at the same time.
  • Specific tips to move more for your meals (and make your meals radically healthier!).

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Direct download: 189-Why_All_Movement_Matters_-_With_Katy_Bowman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:58am PST

I love the quote from Leonardo da Vinci that says, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” The key to having a healthy, radiant appearance is connected to something so simple, and so innate to our human experience, that it is often overlooked.

New York Times bestselling author Dr. Kellyann Petrucci has taken action to put these innate components into a diet strategy that’s changing the lives of thousands of people all across the world. I also feel the da Vinci quote is fitting for her because she is the epitome of sophistication in my eyes. She walks her talk, she is graceful, kind, and loving, and she is real.

Dr. Kellyann has put sound science together with simple tactics that humans have been using since the beginning of our existence. Today you’re going to learn about the phenomenal benefits of bone broth, plus you’re going to learn how to best utilize bone broth for supreme anti-aging benefits, improved brain health, and faster weight loss. Enjoy!

In this episode you'll discover:

  • How endometriosis challenged Dr. Petrucci’s life, and the great gift that came from it.
  • What role food played in Dr. Petrucci’s transformation.
  • How bone broth helped Dr. Petrucci overcome her body’s resistance to weight loss.
  • The rich history of bone broth in cultures all over the world.
  • Why marrow is so valuable to our health.
  • What the benefits of collagen are.
  • How bone broth is able to effectively heal your gut.
  • Why being “acidic” is often misunderstood in the health and wellness field.
  • The surprising benefits of glucosamine and chondroitin.
  • How strategic mini-fasting helps support weight loss and anti-aging benefits.
  • Why glucagon, BDNF, and insulin influence inflammation and fat loss.
  • How to make the best bone broth ever.
  • Where to find the best ingredients for bone broth and how to store bone broth.
  • The 3 things you MUST do to be as healthy and fit as possible.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week!

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Let’s talk about sex. There are really few things that influence our lives more than our sex lives. Sex is taboo in our society, but nearly everyone is doing it (or hoping to do it - shoutout to movie The 40-Year Old Virgin!).

Now, what if you found out that the quality of your sleep is influencing your sexual health more than any other factor? Plus, what if you found out the quality of your sleep even impacts your sexual attractiveness in the first place? Would sleep suddenly become more of an interesting topic? Well, if you’re a healthy, fun-loving person, then hopefully your ears have perked up. Great sleep is actually the secret, underutilized key to having the sexual prowess of a mythical beast. And I’ve got the data to back it up (minus the mythical beast part).

Today you’re going to find out the latest research on how your sleep life impacts your sex life. You’re going to learn how to boost your vital sex hormones, how to immediately improve your sleep quality, and even amazing data showing how better sex can lead to better sleep. That, and so much more. Just click play and enjoy the benefits of being more sleepually active!

In this episode you'll discover:

  • Which sexual organ is often overlooked for its impact on our health.
  • How sleep deprivation impacts testosterone levels.
  • How poor sleep can suddenly make you biologically older.
  • Why obstructive sleep apnea has a huge impact on sexual health.
  • What happens to your mind and body during sleep with obstructive sleep apnea.
  • How much of your growth hormone gets released during sleep.
  • Why testosterone is more sleep-dependent than other hormones.
  • The surprising way that testosterone impacts sleep.
  • How female testosterone levels impact sexual health and health overall.
  • The relationship between sleep quality, male libido, and erectile dysfunction.
  • How sleep duration impacts women’s sexual desire.
  • The little known secret about cuddling and testosterone.
  • The essential strategies for creating a place for “practicing safe sleep”.
  • How different forms of light impact your body at night.
  • Which orgasm-related hormones can instantly improve your sleep quality.
  • The surprising science behind sleep quality and your level of attractiveness.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week!

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Direct download: 187-How_Your_Sleep_Life_Impacts_Your_Sex_Life.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:34am PST

Where your brain goes, you go. Your brain governs the things that you say, do, and feel each and every moment of your life. Your brain is definitely the command center for the whole show. This we know for sure. But, there’s more to the story...

Just because your brain is the command center, doesn’t mean that it’s calling all the shots. Your brain and body work together in tandem, influencing each other and determining your ultimate destiny in life.

You see, your physical movement can enhance your brain function like few things can. Yet, many of us are led to believe that we make our brain’s better, and get “smarter”, by study alone. But no matter how fancy your pocket protector may be, without getting out and moving your body you’ll only tap into a fraction of what your brain is capable of. That’s what Dr. Wendy Suzuki discovered firsthand.

Dr. Suzuki is a leading neuroscientist who has uncovered some fascinating revelations about the brain. Her hit book, Healthy Brain, Happy Life, is a wonderful compilation of her life’s work that details how we can learn faster, feel better, and keep our brains healthy and youthful for many years to come.

One of her expertises is in the field of memory. Today you’re going to learn what parts of the brain influence your memory, how memories are made, and how to make them stick. Plus, you’re going to learn some powerful insights about brain plasticity, the best form of exercise for your brain, and so much more!

In this episode you'll discover:

  • Why most conventional science classes don’t connect with people.
  • What brain plasticity really means.
  • The surprising difference that an “enriched environment” and an “impoverished environment” can have on your brain.
  • How “critical periods” impact your brain development.
  • What episodic memories are and how they are formed in the brain.
  • Four clinically proven ways that you can enhance your memory.
  • How learning actually happens.
  • How aerobic exercise powerfully impacts your brain health.
  • The shocking way that mental disorders were treated with conventional medicine just a few decades ago.
  • How Dr. Suzuki brought exercise into the classroom.
  • What Intensati is (and how it can change your body and mind).
  • How students improved on memory tests with one day of aerobic activity each week.
  • The 3 crucial keys to creating a healthy brain and a happy life.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week!

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Things are going to happen. Good stuff, not-so-good-stuff… life can be a dance between the two. But, as the research shows, it’s not so much what happens to us, but how we respond to what happens to us that determines the quality of our lives.

When it comes to our health and fitness, millions of people each year raise the white flag and give up on their goals to have something greater because of something they may have never even heard about before. They give up because of their lack of emotional agility.

When you are taking action to change your body and your health, challenges will arise. As much as I don’t want to say this, it’s just part of the process! You are becoming someone you have never met before, so that process will come with a learning curve and relationship adjustments that only emotional agility can enable you to traverse.

Today we have one of the world’s foremost experts on emotional agility here for you to learn from. Dr. Susan David literally wrote the book on Emotional Agility, and what she’s sharing with you today will undoubtedly change your life from this day forward if you take action on it.

In this episode you'll discover:

  • How thinking positive can be at odds with what truly helps people thrive.
  • How our thoughts, actions, and stories can cause us to act incongruent with our values.
  • What it means to go from rigidity to agility.
  • What it means to be “hooked” and how this controls our thoughts and actions.
  • How the same thought patterns that keep us safe can also keep us from success.
  • What premature cognitive commitment is (you probably do this a lot!).
  • What the difference is between thinking fast and thinking slow.
  • What the 4 most common emotional hooks are (this is powerful!).
  • How thought-blaming can disempower you.
  • Why it’s helpful to move to the edge of what we’re comfortable with.
  • How our need to be right can lead us to outcomes that don’t serve us.
  • Why negative emotions are so valuable versus a hyper-focus on happiness.
  • What the 4 essential movements are for gaining more emotional agility.
  • What it means to “show up” when it comes to emotional agility.
  • How to rise above our emotions and not be controlled by them.
  • The critical difference between a “have to goal” and “want to goal”.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week!

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Billie Jean King said, “A champion is afraid of losing. Everyone else is afraid of winning.”

It’s not that we are incapable of winning. It’s not that the life of our dreams is out of our reach. It’s the fact that many of us forfeit our shot to go for our win because of unwarranted fear and a few other nasty ingredients.

Well, what if you got your hands on the ingredients for a much tastier recipe where YOU get to live the life that you were destined to? That’s exactly what you’re going to get access to today. On this episode we have the founder and CEO of the mega-successful human optimization company Onnit, the great Aubrey Marcus.

Aubrey is the walking, talking example of what living a great looks like. He’ll definitely argue that it wasn’t always like that. At one point he was down to his last dollar working to make his dream come true. Now he runs a multi-million dollar company that’s ushered in a new wave of integrity and care into the supplement and sports performance industry. He went for his win and there was no looking back. Many years and life lessons later, Aubrey is on a mission to share what he’s learned along the way. I’m excited to share this with you and I hope this is a catalyst for you to go for your win too!

In this episode you'll discover:

  • Why the nucleus is not really the “brain” of your cells.
  • What it means to Go For Your Win.
  • What it means to have a purpose deficiency.
  • What the two parts of your mission are (this is important!).
  • How to uncover what your passion is.
  • How to create connections with others that can help you to live a rich life.
  • Why your beliefs are a strong indicator of whether you’ll be successful or not.
  • Why choice is really a superpower.
  • What it means to practice toughness.
  • What the primary force of resistance is in your life.
  • How to gracefully deal with attachment.
  • How to handle and traverse through apathy to be your best self.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week!

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Direct download: 184-Go_For_Your_Win_-_With_Aubrey_Marcus.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:05pm PST